

Can I ask someone who’s been to residential a question?

I’m being admitted to residential tommorow morning and I want to know more about the admission process, what’s it like? Is there a strip search? How closely do they check your bags?


Me: *hears something weird*

Me: omg Did you hear that??

Person in room: Hear what?

Me: *remembers I hallucinate*


Me: Never mind


“it’s all in your head” yea that’s exactly where it is get it out of there

People with auditory hallucinations are not your new interest or so fun to write or a writing challenge or so interesting and scary - we’re people. If you’re going to write a character with auditory hallucinations do it with research and respect and check with yourself - is this ableist or fetishistic? hell, i as one schizoaffective person would be ok with answering questions about it if it meant less accidental ableist writing. and if you think people with auditory hallucinations are scary please do your research. we’re scared more than anything else

I really feel for psychotic people and people with ppd in online schooling where they’re not allowed to turn their cameras off. You’re not a bad person for having paranoia triggered. I hope you get listened to and accommodated soon

hey gamers I made a tumblr gc for psychotics, like or reblog this post to be invited

@doecries promo? spare promo, ma'am?

Ok I’m gonna explain this feeling I get the best I can and idk just lemme know if there’s a name for it.

It’s like I’m manic but I also can’t move I’ll be
disoriented and half out of it and my mind will be racing and I just need to do something but don’t know what and can’t even really do much.
Usually I end up having a “fit” I’ll kick and flail and punch things and myself as I’m curled up on the bed or something. Sometimes it’s more “quiet” and I’ll just curl up in a ball gripping my head while shaking. Sometimes I’ll have increased paranoia.
I’ll feel like I’m coming out of my own skin and nothing will feel right and everything is always uncomfortable . I can’t put a mood to it because it IS a mood but a mood I can’t describe.
It’s different than a mixed state too btw because I get that too sometimes.
It’s worse if I forget to take my mood stabilizers btw.
This was a daily event before I started taking them.

What is this??? Does anyone else get this??
I’m tagging everything I know I have, I probably forgot something but idk

should i be concerned that im hallucinating when im not manic???? i only ever experience psychosis during severe mania but im having a bad bad depressive episode atm and hallucinating and im not sure if i should be worried or not. im only seeing like shapes and figures out of the corner of my eyes and last night i saw something in my back garden moving which reaaally freaked me out until i convinced myself it wasn’t really there. there’s also been a few other things which im still unsure if they were real or not like weird noises and the shower turning on and off repeatedly while i was in the bath and it stopped when i got out. maybe my.house is haunted idk. im concerned.com

psychosis-spectrum:Hey! Do you experience psychosis and need a place to share your experiences and f


Hey! Do you experience psychosis and need a place to share your experiences and find community? Come join our Discord server! Fun for all ages!

here’s some cool stuff we got

  • a lovely and friendly community
  • music parties
  • cool bots
  • movie parties
  • a channel for the dankest memes
  • a channel for gaming
  • med reminders

some other cool things we have

  • we offer as much help and resources as we can
  • we try to foster good coping skills
  • we uplift and support marginalized identities
  • we’re active
  • we’ve got channels for people of color and LGBTQ+ people
  • channels for people with all sorts of mental health experiences

Here’s the discord link


Post link
psychosis-spectrum:Hey! Do you experience psychosis? Come join our rebooted Discord server! Fun fo


Hey!Do you experience psychosis? Come join our rebooted Discord server! Fun for all ages!

here’s some cool stuff we got

  • a lovely and friendly group
  • minecraft server
  • music parties
  • cool bots
  • movie parties
  • a channel for the dankest memes

some other cool things we have

  • we offer as much help and resources as we can
  • we try to foster good coping
  • we uplift and support marginalized identities
  • we’re active
  • we’ve got channels for people of color and LGBTQ+ people
  • channels for people with all sorts of mental health experiences

Here’s the discord link


Post link


“How can you honestly believe that? I mean it’s not physically possible-”


ideas for coping with psychosis

- follow a routine for medication and set alarms to remind yourself to take it

- follow an exercise routine, even if it’s just going for a walk every day

- if you struggle to focus on things like tv shows, see if you can find them uploaded in short parts on youtube, it can be easier to focus when it’s split up into sections

- before you go to sleep each night set yourself one activity to complete the next day, even if it’s something small like taking out the trash or picking up the rubbish from your floor

- listening to music in one ear or wearing one ear plug at night is said to be effective at reducing voices for some people

- hallucinations can get worse at night, and wearing a sleeping mask or covering your eyes with something else can reduce your urge to look at them, just don’t be tempted to take it off

- when experiencing tactile hallucinations, wrap up tightly in a blanket and hold onto something you can center yourself on like another blanket or stuffed animal to make yourself feel more secure

- if you struggle to come up with new ideas for creative activities, try using story prompt generators or colouring in pictures, it can help to inspire your own ideas

- if your disorganised thoughts impair your concentration in class, record your lessons or look up additional information online during the lesson so that you can better understand what’s being taught

iillness:i made a gold star for all of your dissociation needs


i made a gold star for all of your dissociation needs

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