

bruce at the dining room table drinking coffee out of his “world’s okayest father” mug sitting next to dick drinking coffee out of his “world’s best big brother” mug. both were purchased by the rest of the bat siblings as christmas presents that year. dick is not smug. not at all.

[red robin ✌️


you know something?



[B starts eating a sandwich.]

red robin✌️

for an open bisexual and a man whose public persona is ‘business slut’, you’re very repressed.



red robin✌️

[tim continues eating his sandwich.] ]

Alfred is the straight supportive grandpa, he is a great ally and everyone loves him, he makes the best rainbow cookies

Bruce is a disaster bisexual dad with a preference for women

Dick is a disaster pansexual icon, this man does not give two fucks about gender, he just loves to love everyone

Barbara is either bisexual or the best straight ally(second place to Alfred, of course)

Jason is pansexual and Polyamorous, his datemates are great and he loves them with all his heart

Tim is a chaotic gay with a coffee addiction and bad sleep habits, Kon always has to make sure that he takes care of himself

Steph is a raging chaotic bisexual, she’s like a Golden Retriver, must protect her at all costs

Cass is the best, I love Cass, she’s my smol bean and nobody’s allowed to touch her… she is either a lesbian icon or an asexual icon… or both… in any case Cassandra Cain is an icon

Damian is asexual and I also see him as demiromantic (also, I’m pretty sure him and Jon have something, it’s so pure and wholesome I just love it)

Duke Thomas, my baby is pansexual, another smol bean that must be protected at all costs… also, I think he is Non-Binary, but he uses he/him or he/they pronouns

Selina is the bisexual mom

And of course, as everyone should know this by now, Kate Kane, our lesbian wine aunt/gay cousin, honestly she’s the best, she will kick butt if someone tries to insult/disrespect you

So we’ve known since Urban Legends that Bruce keeps lollipops in the utility belt for kids. But here’s the candy I think he would have for his own robins:

Dick’s snack of choice was always Eugenia biscuits. They reminded him of home, and his circus tours around Europe. Bruce grumbled about it at first because of all the crumbs they left, but he secretly loved the content smile on his son’s face when he pulled the treat out of the wrapper after a long night of patrol. Even now, Bruce will bring along a biscuit or two to drop off if he’s close to Dick’s apartment

Jason was a classic Butterfingers man. He once admitted to Bruce that he used to snag them from gas stations when he wanted a treat. At first the chocolate would melt, but after adding coolant into the lining of the pouch, Bruce was able to give his #2 a perfect chocolate bar on command. After Jason’s death, Alfred took out the last butterfinger from the pouch. Bruce barely spoke for weeks.

Tim was a little pickier. He didn’t have much of a sweet tooth (aside from donuts), but he loved to snack. It took him a little longer to request his place in the snack pouch, but he eventually requested potato chips of all things. At first Bruce was hesitant, but after Alfred found personal cartons of Pringles chips at the store, the compromise was made. Even today Bruce still finds Pringles crumbs in his pouch

Damian started his Robin career by loudly insisting that the snack pouch was childish and that he would not be using it. However, after a few long nights, Bruce started to sneak in snacks. Damian refused at first, as he insisted that candy would ruin his performance. They eventually settled on teddy grahams, which were sweet enough to satisfy Damian’s sweet tooth but simple enough to allow him his dignity (at least until Tim told him they were shaped like bears. In the night, Damian had never noticed, something Bruce had done on purpose).

Bruce: *rubbing his temples* Don’t tell me that you took the batmobile out on a joyride, went to Wendy’s, ordered four Frosty’s and then paid off the cashier’s student loan debt

Dick: ……

Jason: ……

Tim: …….



Jason: You told us not to tell you…so we won’t

Tim: But if we did,weactuallyordered five frosty’s

Nightwing #89 Preview

What we got from it:

Stretchy bat cowl

Pouty bat dad

Lollipops in the utility belt

Lollipops in the utility belt

Lollipops in the utility belt

Dick: Yeah, I lost my brother a few years ago. It gets a little easier with time, but that hole never goes away

Jason: *in the distance* I’m not dead, asshole!

Dick: *sadly* Sometimes I can still hear his voice

Nightwing in Orange

I wanted to do a quick color study, so have an orange Nightwing :)

I definitely rushed this and didn’t put in half the detail/work I should have

yes i drew the dork diaries book entirely myself

feel free to repost w/ credit

time sensitive: would jason todd read warrior cats, junie b jones, or dork diaries more

Synopsis : Your son, Jason, the fearsome Red Hood, got cursed somehow and…turned into a toddler. Shenanigans ensue.

Please. I’m very proud of the pun in the title. For once, I found the title instantly haha. Anyway, here’s a “bonus” story, sudden burst of inspiration, had to write it. I hope you’ll like it :) :

My masterlists :@ella-ravenwood-archives


Jason Todd(ler) 

It was a calm afternoon, which was rare enough, in your household, for you to notice it.

When was the last time you and Bruce had time to relax like that ? Time to do nothing, and spend a lazy afternoon just the two of you ?

Too long ago to remember.

You’re running your hand through your husband’s hair, as his head is in your lap, and he’s in a half-sleep state, just content being near you, taking a well deserved rest. You were reading, quite enjoying your book, and soothed by Bruce’s warmth.

This was such a nice moment. Relaxing. Silent. A rare moment of stillness, which you appreciated all the better.

And then-



Dick just barged in, clearly panicked. And you understood instantly why, as you spot, settled in his arm…A small child ?! Wrapped in a, is that a hoodie ? You feel like you’ve seen that hoodie somewhere, but you don’t have time to look at it further as your eyes are attracted towards the kid. 

A toddler. A little boy. No more than two. With big blue eyes, and the cutest tiny face you’ve ever seen. With a white streak in his hair you’d recognize anywhere.


“How did this happen ?!”

There were no doubt in yours, nor Bruce’s mind, that this was your Jason.

Same eyes, same hair, and he turned to you whenever you and Bruce said : “Jason”. So, either this was your son, or it was your son’s secret son, but you somehow doubted it. Sure, kids could look exactly like their parents, but to this extent ? He even had that little beauty mark under his ear…

This was Jason. You were sure of it.

You’d recognize your boy anywhere. Now, the question remained : what the hell happened ?

“I don’t know ! I went to his place to check on him, and I found him like this. It’s Jason. It’s definitely Jason. I found him asleep on the floor, in a pool of his clothes. Definitely too big now. But it’s him.” 

“Yes, it seems like him. But, again, how ?”

“Honestly, I wouldn’t put past him actually pissing of some kind of magician or something. Last time I spoke to him, he said he had a lead on a possible metahuman who was doing some shady business, could be it.” 

Could be, indeed. This was so odd. What were you going to do now ? There was no way you could-

Ah. He was waking up. He yawned (most adorable things you’ve seen in a long time), rubbed his eyes and theN. 

Then he pointed at you, and said, smiling : “Mama”. 

“He knows who you are, my love.”

Bruce said, matter of factly, his initial shock vanished as he was now studying the situation. 

Jason turns to him then, and says : “Dada ?” 

Evidently, there were some remnant of Jason in there, as he recognized both of them. But as soon as he turned to look at Dick, he started screaming and kicking, wanting to get away, and only calming down once he got into your arms. 

What was this ? A reaction like little ducklings ? Recognizing the first people you saw as your parents ? Or some distant memories ? 

The situation was getting more and more intriguing. But you were sure you’d all figure it all somehow. 

None of you could know that Jason would be stuck in this state for a few months…

We need supplies 

How to go buy a bunch of baby supplies without looking suspicious ? 

Damn, it was annoying sometimes (often), to be so well known in your city. For sure someone would notice Bruce Wayne, no matter how he would disguise himself (ironic, isn’t it ? Everyone always recognized him in the streets, no matter what, yet nobody ever realized he was the Batman). And the same went for each member of the family. 

Especially if you’d go buy baby supplies. Imagine the gossip the next day, in the paper ? You couldn’t have Jason’s condition known ! 

You were trying to figure something out, because you did need the supplies. You had to be discreet. Because-

“What about Uncle Clark ?” 

Tim’s idea. Of course. And…OF COURSE. 

Clark DID have a baby. 


Maybe he still had some of his stuffs ? 

Also, nobody would bat an eye if they saw Clark Kent (who ?) buy diapers and whatnot. And then he could fly right to the Manor, he knew how to be discreet. 

It was perfect ! 


You know how you recognize good friends ? They’re here in less than an hour when you need them. With everything you need, too. 

Well. It did help that said friend was a metahuman with super-speed. But still.

Clark was there quickly, with clothes, diapers, a baby bed, formula. The perfect “a baby appeared in our life starter kit”. 

“Someone gonna tell me what’s going on ?”

Yes, a true friend indeed. The kind of person who comes with “baby supplies” when you ask him to, because it’s an “emergency”, and he doesn’t even ask why up until he did it. 

You quickly explained the situation, and after he laughs a little too much, he settles down and asks : 

“So, what are you going to do ?” 

“Still figuring that out. Have a few lead.” 

Clark knows Bruce enough to know that the man isn’t going to tell him more about his plans, so he doesn’t push it. Instead, he turns to Jason, and smiles at him. 

“Hey there buddy, how are you doing ?” 

He reaches to ruffle his hair, but Jason slaps his hand away, and goes to hide behind his father, reaching up, asking to be picked up. 

“He doesn’t like you.” 

Bruce says, smirking, way too pleased about what just happened. You can’t help but roll your eyes at his childishness (which always seemed to get out when around Clark), as Superman says : 

“But Jason loves me !” 

“Adult Jason maybe, but baby Jason knows better.”

“What do you mean ? Hey, hey ! What do you mean ?!” 

Bruce doesn’t answer, and just snicker, amused by his friend’s reaction. And you find the situation too funny to tell Clark that : Jason is simply a very shy child. He runs away from any person he doesn’t know, you noticed very quickly. 

You could’ve told Clark that, and it would’ve settled thing. But it was too funny to witness THE Superman trying to get a one year old kid to like him by bribing him with a wide array of toys, yet failing each times. All while THE Batman kept mocking him and telling Jason that Clark was a “bad man”…

Oh. Oh this would be a memory to preciously keep in mind. What a sight. 


Slowly, life went back to “normal”. Just, with a toddler Jason instead of an adult one. Which you weren’t sure was more calming, in the end. 

Your other children quickly heard the news, and slowly but surely, a sort of routine started in Wayne Manor, in which all of you took care of the boy. 

You knew he’d do the same for you. 

With Damian

“Gah ?”

“Yes, indeed. Very good choice.”

Damian didn’t notice you, as you snuck up in the room him and Jason were in, and you just looked at the both of them. Your youngest son was such a good older brother, who would’ve thought ?

He was currently drawing with Jason. There was paint everywhere, and Alfred would probably not be very happy (although he actually didn’t mind cleaning this kind of mess). The questioning “gah” Jason gave Damian was apparently about whether he should use blue or not. Of course, Damian said he should. It’d go nicely with Jason’s adorable mess of a painting.

Who knew Damian was that good at baby talk ?

They were calmly drawing together, both laying on the floor. You noticed Damian was actually painting his “little” brother, while Jason…It was abstract, but his “older” brother influence was clearly there as the colors mixed nicely together.

Jason finished his masterpiece, as he held it up with his little hands and exclaimed : “Babaaaa” (his version of “tadaa”, surely).

“Very nicely done, Little Bird, very nicely done indeed.”

“Little bird”…oh, your heart was going to melt. This was Dick’s nickname for Jason (and all his little siblings really, although Jason was the first he called like that, and it was definitely happening more with him, simply because it annoyed him so much, and Dick LOVED to get on his siblings’ nerves). 

You never thought Damian would use it one day, after all, you and Bruce never really talked about having more children. You had already quite a handful of them…And no, definitely not, having little Jason around DID NOT make your baby fever go wild.

“You’re very talented you know”, Damian says, patting his brother on the head. Jason seemed so pleased, so proud of himself. And then, then he let out the biggest yawn you’ve ever seen coming out of such a little mouth.

“Ah, it is nap time I see. Come on little bird, I’ll-“

As if it was the most natural thing in the world, Jason just snaked his way in Damian’s arms, and got comfortable. In just a few seconds, his eyes were closed, and he was fast asleep. Aaah, to be a toddler, capable of falling asleep anywhere in a matter of seconds. What a dream.

You thought Damian would stand up, and go to Jason’s room (where you installed a little baby bed,Jaso’ns actual bed being way too big…Bruce had it custom made for his son, which like, is not surprising to anyone). But instead, Damian sat up a little, rearranged Jason in his arms so the little boy would be more comfortable, and stayed still.

He wasn’t moving at all, his “baby” brother cradled in his arms. And here you were, as if hypnotized by the cuteness of the scene.

Your son still hadn’t notice you, and was looking intently at Jason. He brushed a few fingers on his chubby little baby cheek, and after a long silence during which you felt you were literally melting because this was so sweet, you heard Damian’s voice :

“You know, you used to do this for me. I don’t- I don’t really remember exactly, but I just feel it. You used to hold me just like that, when I was a toddler, and I just know you were one of the only person who were able to instantly soothe me. It’s a gut feeling. I know you were there.”

It doesn’t take long before you understand, and you find yourself chocking up.

Damian is talking about his own childhood, foggy memories of a lonely upbringing full of training, fear and harshness. Ras’ was not a tender man, and his grasp on his daughter was, at the time, too strong.

Damian did not grow up like most kid. Like any kid. And yet, amongst all the tough moments, there was one memory he seemed to be holding on…

Jason taking care of him.

You knew your son had been assigned to Damian’s protection. When he didn’t really have any memories of what happened to him, or of who he was. When Ras, out of the compassion he still had hidden deep in his heart, resurrected your boy after the Joker killed him, feeling guilty.

But Jason came back altered, the trauma of his death was too much. He couldn’t quite remember, and with reasons, Ras thought it was better to keep him with the Assassins instead of sending him back to you and Bruce. Of course, Ras being Ras, he took advantage of the fact your son was a well trained boy who could probably do his bidding…

And that’s how Jason became Damian’s protector (and an assassin for a while, but that was another story).

“You’re one of the first memory I have, Jason.”

Damian continues, as you look at them, feeling your heart filling and breaking at the same time.

“You took care of me, protected me from people who wanted to end the “Demon”’s legacy. You don’t really remember, I know. And I don’t either, I was too young. But I have glimpse of moments, furtive memories of it.”

You know Damian would never talk about this to Jason if he hadn’t been turned into a toddler. Both Damian and Jason had trouble expressing their feelings (can you say : “like father, like son” ??).

But it felt like Damian had waited a long time to finally get this off of his chest. To finally speak his mind about it. 

He remembers Jason. He remembers how he took care of him, how he was there when nobody else was. He remembers. 

“I’ll protect you, Jason. I will. Just like you did for me. I’ll protect you.” 

The flood gate was now opened, tears running freely on your cheeks. You discreetly left as Damian was slowly swaying his brother from side to side, and the little boy drifted off to sleep, a sleep full of pleasant dreams as he knew…He knew, he was safe in Damian’s arms. 

He was safe. 

Not him !! 

Zatanna was busy, but she promised to come by as soon as she could, which could take months, given her schedule. 

“Bruce, I’m afraid we don’t have a choice.”

“No no, we do. There’s always a choice. And other options.” 

“Do you really know that many people with magical powers ?” 

“You’d be surprised.” 

“Ok, fine. But he’s the one we’re sure is going to be available.”

“I’d rather call Black Adam than him.” 


Silence. He doesn’t look at you, turning away, clearly pretending to type something on the Batcomputer. 


Yup, he’s definitely ignoring you now. 

“Are you sulking, my Broosh ?” 

He turns around quickly, and says, a little too intensely : 

“I am NOT sulking ! Why would I sulk ? There’s absolutely no reason whatsoever I would. I don’t sulkanyway.”

“You do. Sometimes. You definitely always sulk when we talk about him.” 

He glares at you (or at least, he tries, to you, he just looks like an adorable grumpy bear), and you hold his eyes. After a while, seeing you’re not about to back down, he sighs and says : “Fine. Call him.” 

Constantine’s Help

“When I received your call, I knew it meant you got yourself into some shingles. But I didn’t expect that.” 

John Constantine was standing in front of you and Bruce, and stared at Jason, who was in his father’s arms. 

Jason. Jason Todd. The Red Hood. Batman’s son. That tall jacked “boy” who always seemed like he could snap anyone like a twig if he wanted to (and honestly, John wouldn’t put “snapping people like twigs” passed that “kid”). 

Jason grew up to be such an imposing man, that it was quite a surprise to see him…Like that. 

John thought he couldn’t be more than two years old. Probably one and a half (John had a knack at guessing people’s age, it was…useful for his craft). 

He quickly gave his diagnostic of the situation : 

“Well, he’s been turned into a toddler.”



Silence. And then, Bruce, will all the sarcasm he could muster, says : 

“…Thanks. We didn’t notice.” 

John smiles, always happy to get on Batman’s nerves. He adds : 

“Cooking up such a spell requires quite a bit of power. It probably left a trace where it happened. If you show me the place, I think I can figure out a way to retrace it, recreate it, and therefor, hopefully, reverse it. It might take some times, of course.” 

“Of course. Thanks anyway for coming.” 

“Oh no worries beautiful, for you, I’d always co-”

“Ok thank you, bye now.” 

You and John exchanged an amused smile, it was always fun to make Bruce jealous (although he was adamant he never felt jealousy. What a load of cr-). He was now quite literally pushing Constantine out of the house, because he knew the warlock was about to flirt with you.

On purpose. Just to piss him off. 

But also, Bruce knew you and John Constantine had a quick fling in the past, and he knew John himself. No way he was about to let him flirt with you. The man had quite a reputation…Nuhu. 

Making sure to have a promise from him to work on your son’s case, Bruce then chased him out of the house. Later, he turned to you and said : 

“Black Adam would’ve seriously been better.” 

With Bruce

“No, Jason. Noo. Oh my god please boy, stop touching all the button. No, JA-”

The boy almost pressed quite a dangerous button, “autodestruction” and all that. And Bruce had enough. He put him on the floor and-


Big sad cries. Jason was just balling his eyes out now, and Bruce knew he wouldn’t stop up until he would pick him up again. 

You knew he wasn’t going to resist. You gave him 10 seconds max. And ah, you overestimated him. 4 seconds later, Jason was back in his arms, trying to reach every single buttons possible, getting frustrated because Bruce kept stoping him from doing so.

Your husband turned to you, sighing deeply, and you couldn’t help but laugh. 


He ended up building a “sensory box” for him. Jason always wanted to be held, for some reasons, and disliked being anywhere else but in someone’s arms. The problem was, when he was in Bruce’s, he kept wanting to touch everything on the bat computer. 

Of course, for a child, it was quite an attractive thing to touch. 

And so, after a few researches, Bruce found out that kids Jason’s age had a lot of “sensory experiences”, and couldn’t help but just touch everything (the same way babies always put stuffs in their mouth).

It didn’t take him long to build a little box, with a bunch of buttons on it, some making noise, some just nice to the touch. It occupied the boy nicely. 

Jason would giggle away, playing with his box, and it made Bruce’s heart full, to hear that little laugh. 

One night, as he thought you fell asleep in your desk chair (it happened often, although this time, you were just resting a bit), Bruce turned to his son and asked : 

“Not tired yet champ ? Should be time for a nap, no ?” 

The boy just looked up at him, smiling widely, clearly not tired. He always smiled when looking at Bruce. Of that smile that- 


That Bruce hadn’t seen in years. 

Not since-


He felt a tear on his cheek. 

“I’m sorry Jason, I’m so sorry..;”

It was like he felt something break in him. Something he held on for so long. Looking at that little boy, who bore the smile of the son he lost all those years ago. 

Jason still hadn’t smile like that again yet. You knew it would happen some day. That he would finally heal. But it didn’t happen yet. 

And the fact that as a child, innocent and trauma free, that smile came to him so easily…It awoke all of Bruce’s guilt. All of his heartbreak. 

Bruce’s sadness distressed the boy. 

“ ’Ou ok ? Ok dada, ok ?”

“You ok ?” he was asking. Which made Bruce’s emotions surge even more. Jason as always been such a nice kid. He didn’t deserve what happened to him. 

He didn’t deserve it. If only he never met him..

Jason was standing in Bruce’s lap now, on tippy toes, barely reaching his father’s face and…slowly comforting him.

That was your Jason.

Even as a small child, always so compassionate, sweet, and caring.

“No cwy, no cwy, all ok.” He said, patting his father’s cheek, and smiling, hoping he would console his father. 

Yes. Jason has always been such a good person. 

Bruce knew he wasn’t going to be able to stop his emotions, and so as to not further distress his son, he just hugged him tight. Close to his heart. And his warmth and little giggles were such a nice comfort…


When John was here, he said that it was possible that he had some remnant of memories of who he was. Which was probably why he called you and Bruce “mama” and “dada” right away. 

But it was also probably why at night, when he was all alone in his bedroom, he would have horrendous nightmares and scream his lungs out. 

You learned to recognize his cries, over the months. Sometimes, he was hungry, sometimes, he demanded attention, sometimes, he wanted this or that…His cries during the night were haunting. 

There was no doubt in your mind, neither in Bruce’s, that he had recurring nightmares. And you didn’t have to think much about it to know what those were. 

You didn’t want to think about it. You didn’t need to. As long as you were there, when he woke up, panicked…



Exactly the word that would describe the first time it happened, on the first night Jason came to the Manor, turned into a young child. 

Screams. Of a deep seated fear. 

It was horrible, to hear such a sound knowing it was your “baby” who was currently very afraid. 

Both you and Bruce rushed to him. He was just coming back from patrol when Jason started to wail. 

You barge in his bedroom, and he’s crying. Big salty tears running down his face, crying so much it’s hard to breath. 

Bruce is faster than you, and he reaches for his son. Jason’s naturally put his arms up, definitely wanting to be picked up. 

It took a good ten minutes before the boy calmed down, exhausted from crying, slowly falling back asleep in his father’s arms. 

Bruce didn’t leave Jason’s bedroom that night, and you didn’t either. You all cuddle up in his actual bed. The double bed he usually use when he crash at the Manor. 

Jason falls asleep in the middle of you and Bruce, his tiny little hands clutching your fingers. Yours, and your husband’s, each arm on each side of him. 

You don’t dare to move, afraid he’ll wake up. And in the night, when Bruce moves a little too much in his sleep and Jason’s hand sleep away from his finger, the boy wakes up, and starts to panic as he thinks he’s alone, before being soothed back to sleep by his father, who always had a light sleep, and woke up the instant he heard the smallest of whimper. 


Each night. Each night he wakes up at least once, screaming, crying, afraid. Afraid of what ? You can only guess. 

John did warn you about this. During his sleep, he’s most likely to remember his past life. 

You can only assume than when he’s all alone in his bed, he has horrible nightmares. But when you sleep with him, or when he’s asleep with Bruce or his siblings, the way he clutches at you, the way he peacefully sleeps…it feels like he remembers the good time. 

He seemed terrified of the dark. Understandably so, when you knew his history. 

Poor baby, always so afraid to be all alone. 

With Tim

“Um, was spaghetti really the best idea, Tim ?”

You came in the room just as Bernard was asking this question to your son, and. Oh. Oh the carnage. (A/N : For those who don’t/didn’t follow more recent comics and such, Bernard is a childhood school friend of Tim with whom he sort of lost contact after he got adopted by Bruce, and they recently reconnected and are now dating J)

“It’s his favorite food ! I mean, adult him. I swear once, I saw him only spaghetti for two weeks straight, with different sauces every time. But his favorite is bolognese. I guess…It wasn’t the best idea here.” 

Jason is COVERED with pasta. His entire face is red, tiny pieces of meat stuck to his cheeks. The little fork Tim gave him is discarded on the floor, and the boy is eating with his hands. 

Handful of pasta, out of which very few actually reach his mouth, and even less enter it. Most of it is just splayed all over his face. 

“I see babysitting is going well.” you say, amused. 

Bernard stands up quickly, as if you’re his boss or something. You smile at him, and say : “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you boys. Having fun ?” 

Tim sighs, knowing you’re mocking him a bit. But Bernard is still a little tense. After all, he’s been introduced into the family not very long ago. Tim finally felt confident enough to introduce him to you guys, and of course he was met with a warm welcomed. But it didn’t mean he wasn’t still a little nervous in your presence. 

Especially since you were THE (Y/N) Wayne. And oh god, he could never relax around Bruce (which honestly was your husband’s fault, he was always suspicious of his children’s boyfriends/girlfriends at first, and still considered Tim, one of his youngest, like his baby bird). 

“Mama !” Jason said excitedly, and then he took another handful of pasta, and threw it on Tim. You could see he didn’t do it on purpose. That he was just SO excited his body didn’t quite respond with the proper coordination. 

Tim turned to you, blasé. 

You and Bernard burst out into laughter, this was quite the scene. 

Jason giggled, and Tim couldn’t help but smile. Who would’ve thought that his brother could be so adorable ? Adult Jason was quite different. 

Still adored his brother though. Jason often bragged about how smart Tim was, as if him himself wasn’t (which wasn’t true, Jason was extremely intelligent, he just had a massive imposter syndrome). And Tim was Jason’s first little brother, he doted over him all the time. 

Of course, Jason was close from Damian too, but with Tim, it was something different. 

Because Tim “replaced” Jason. In a way. He was the one which brought some light back in Bruce’s heart. The one that helped you start to heal from the wound Jason’s death gave you. 

Jason thought he had to hate Tim, at first. Because he was “replacing” him. But he quickly realized he couldn’t do that. 

Because Tim was Tim. 

And he was himself. 

Jason had never been a hateful person. So sure, he was angry at his father, angry at the world for how unfair he was treated. But he couldn’t be angry to someone who had nothing to do with it. 

Plus, when Tim came in, he was so adorable, and SUCH a fanboy. How could Jason not instantly adopt him as his brother ?

“Adorable”. That’s what Tim was thinking about baby Jason now. 

Funny, how life could go full circle like that, sometimes, right ? 

“Pabgeti !” Jason yelled, happy, showing his food (that once again was more all over his face than anywhere else). And then he pointed at Tim, and repeated : “Pabgeti !” 

You smiled, and said : “Tim made you some spaghetti ? He’s nice isn’t he ?” 

Jason nod his little head, and smiled widely at Tim and-

Any trace of annoyance, or anything else, vanished. Ah. Funny. Even as a baby, Jason was always there to make sure Tim felt home. 


Sat down in the sofa in his room (with the door open, Bruce’s rules…he was so old school), Tim and Bernard were holding hands as they looked at Jason who was playing on the floor in front of them. 

The little boy turned around, saw the linked hands, and creased his eyebrows. He crawled on all four towards the sofa, managed to get on his feet and he separated both hands. 

“What, not you too Jason.” 

But the little boy would have none of it. He refused to let Bernard get back closer to his brother, and kept glaring at him, as if afraid he was going to still Tim away. 

It was very cute, to be honest. And although Tim could’ve been annoyed, he actually felt quite happy and warm. 

First steps

Jason had simply refused to walk so far.

So, nothing prepared you nor Bruce to witness what was about to happen. 

It had been a month since Jason turned into a toddler. John did say he never heard of such a spell, and would have to do some thorough research (although Bruce suspected him to take his time, just because he thought the situation was funny, and because he loved to spite him). 

He crawled everywhere, for sure. It was a nightmare, actually. He truly only listened to you and Alfred, and would way too many time try to escape his siblings’ surveillance. 

He hid in a basket once, fell asleep in it, as they all looked for him, panicked. 

Yes, he crawled, and got into tiny spaces where it was hard to get to him…But he never walked. 

Until now. 

You were laying leisurely on the couch, legs across your husbands lap, looking at your son playing on the floor, thinking about how weird your life was sometimes. 

One of your boy turning back into a toddler. How odd really.

Jason was sitting on the floor, playing with some toys. And then, he got on all four, and your heart beamed as you noticed Bruce’s body tense. He was ready to get his son if need be (for real, that kid really managed to get himself stuck in the strangest places). 

But Jason didn’t move. Instead, he pushed with his little arms and…

He was on his feet. 

Standing. Standing ! Albeit his legs were shaky and it felt he would fall back on his butt any seconds, he was standing ! 

He took one step, and was falling forward wh-

You felt your legs being pushed aside. Not violently or anything, Bruce knew how to be delicate. 

You felt it, and then somehow, your husband was near your son, catching him before he hit the ground. Damn. You forgot sometimes that he had insane reflexes. 

Jason was giggling now, evidently very pleased with himself that he managed to stand up. He looked at Bruce, smiling widely, and started to blabber in baby talk. Non-stop. 

Bruce chuckled. An affectionate and sweet chuckle. And he said : 

“Yes yes, very impressive. You’re so strong. You’re so strong, little one. Can you do it again ?” 

Bruce sad the boy back on the floor. Jason smiled, looked at him again, said : 

“Dada ! Babubya !” (whatever it meant) 

And he stood up once again. Took one step, two, once again his father’s arms caught him before he could fall. 

“Aaaah baba baba !” Jason exclaimed, very proud of himself. 

“You did so good !” 

Bruce was as excited as his son, and it was the cutest thing to witness. Leading the life you lead, you never got to have a baby in the house before then…So this was how it felt, to saw them take their first steps. 

This time, Jason made four steps before crashing in his dad’s arms (which you suspected he did on purpose, because he thought it was fun). 

By the end of the day, he could walk on his own and on quite a distance. When Damian came home from school, he was greeted by an extremely proud little Jason, who walked towards him, exclaiming :

“DamDam wak !” (which you translated to something along the lines of : “Damian I can walk”). 

Oh. The feels. 

With Dick 

Dick found Jason first. He hadn’t heard a word of his brother the entire day, and got worried. Which yes, for many it’s ridiculous but…

Dick cannot help it. He HAS to have at least a text from his family members every 24 hours, or he freaks out. And, could you blame him, with the life you lead ? 

The only exceptions were if you warned him first. “Hey, I won’t be there for the next four days, don’t worry before the fifth one haha !” then he wouldn’t insist. And all of you knew by then, that you “needed” to give him a head’s up whenever you wouldn’t be reachable. 

And to be honest, if it could reassure your son, you’d definitely go the extra mile. Every member of your family would. 

So when Jason didn’t warn him about not being available, and didn’t answer his texts and calls, Dick panicked. 

He knew he shouldn’t, that his brother was probably all right. But he couldn’t help it, he had to quickly check. 

He went to where Jason’s phone pinpointed (of course he put trackers in everyone’s phones. After all, Bruce was his teacher, right ?), one of his hideout, on the outskirt of Gotham. 

He came in through a window, as usual, and…

That where he found a baby. A baby fast asleep, in a pool of what he knew were Jason’s clothes. 

A baby that, evidently…was Jason ?? 


“Do you think he remembers us ? Or who he is ?” Dick asks you, looking at his little brother who’s happy to be held in your arms. 

“I’m not sure. He did call me mama, and is calling Bruce dada. I don’t know if it’s just natural, or if he has some remnants of memories. Because clearly, he’s “just” a baby, and not Jason stuck in a baby’s body. I mean. Itis Jason. But an actual baby version of him. Know what I mean ?” 

“Yes, I do.”

There’s a small silence, before Dick has an idea : 

“Ok well, let’s see if he does sort of remember but can’t quite voice it. Hey little man, I’m-”

“NO !” Little Jason says, slapping Dick right in the face and pushing him away.

“Ok, it’s definitely Jason…Except, like him when he first came here. He used to downright hate me haha.”

“He didn’t hate you…”

“He kind of did.” 

“No, he didn’t. He just- He just wanted to show everyone he could be just like you, if not better. He wanted recognition.” 

“Which I…did not give him.” 

Regret was obvious in Dick’s voice, and it broke your heart. For once, you weren’t sure what to say. Because it was kind of true, that at first, Dick wasn’t the nicest towards Jason. Things didn’t go as smoothly as you wished. 

But neither you nor Jason or Bruce ever blamed Dick for it. It was a time in which he was lost, and always so angry. He left the manor because of it. 

Long story short, Dick hadn’t always been the best brother. Jason’s death profoundly changed him…

Now, he couldn’t imagine his life without his siblings. And he could definitely not imagine not being the oldest one. 

It actually hurt a bit, Jason’s rejection. The boy was now hiding his face in the crook of your neck, clearly not wanting to be held by Dick. 

Ah, but your son had an idea. 

“Coming back in a sec.” 

He disappears for a bit, and comes back indeed just a few minutes later with a- Ah. Yes. Of course. 

He has a cookie in hand. Jason’s weakness. He’s never been able to resist a cookie, especially not those baked by Alfred, like he one Dick was holding. The boy looks curiously at him, and then at the cookie, obviously interested. 

Dick breaks it in smaller pieces, and hand it to him, Jason immediately proceeded to suckle on it and-

That was it really. Dick managed to get him in his arms, and from then and on, Jason never rejected him again. 

“Bribing him with cookies always worked.”

“Um, excuse me, bribing ? Why did you need to bribe him before ?” 

“Oops haha.”

And then he was gone, escaping your question by quickly leaving the room. You shake your head, aaah, those boys. 


Jason started to seek Dick, now. Whether it was because he wanted more cookies, or to see his brother, nobody could quite say…


Baby Jason adored Bruce. 

Adult Jason too, though he would never admit it. Not anymore. Not after what happened to him…

But he did. Adore his father. That’s probably why he found it so hard to forgive him for not killing the Joker after what he did to him. Ah, but this was another story. For now, Jason as a one year old was an absolute Bruce fanboy. 

He loved you too, it was obvious. He came to you whenever he wanted comfort, or cuddles, or anything of the like. You were his mama, and at that age, he would choose you over anybody else. 

But, Bruce ? 

“DADA !!” 

Jason would exclaim whenever he saw him in the evening, when your husband would come home from work. And then he’d do his little toddler run towards him, and Bruce would catch him in his arms. 

So heartwarming. 

You took time off of work, you were pretty independent anyway so nobody really minded. You took time off of work, so you could help Alfred with Jason. You saw that little boy all day. 

But Bruce ? 

Ah Bruce. He still had to work. The responsibilities of owning such large enterprises made it impossible to take more than a day or two off. So he would see your son only in the morning, and evening before bed time. 

It was enough, though. 

“DADA !!” 

Jason would yell excitedly, running to him. 

Bruce found himself waiting for this moment with great anticipation. Your son would melt anyone’s heart, with his cute little face, big blue eyes, dark hair and that infamous streak of white…He was such a cute toddler. 

But Bruce ? 

Ah, Bruce’s heart had always been soft for his family, unbeknownst to many. How could he resist that child ? 

“DADA !!” 

Running little feet on the floor. Giggles as he was lifted off of it. And then he’d put his hands on his father’s cheeks, and just…smile. 

Of that recognizable and pure “Jason smile” he used to always have before-

What if Jason couldn’t be turned back into an adult ? Was that such a bad thing ? 

He had another chance right now. 

Bruce had another chance. Another shot at not screwing up. At keeping him far from this “Batman” business. 

Another chance…

But was this really your, or Bruce’s decision to make ? 

No. No it wasn’t. 

“DADA !!” 

Run. Catch. Hug. 

A shame, that you both knew this was but a chimera which had to end one day. 

With Alfred 

You almost missed it. But as often in your life, fate made it so you managed to make it just in time. 

A few minutes before or after, and you wouldn’t have seen it. Because for sure, if he had seen you, he wouldn’t have done it. And if you came just a little later, you simply would’ve never had any idea it happened. 

Here they were. 

Baby Jason laying in Alfred’s arms, as the butler sat in a comfortable arm chair, in the library. 

 “Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea, 
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee
Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff
And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff
Oh, Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail” 


Alfred was singing to him. 

And Jason was utterly enthralled by the song, his big blue eyes staring at his “grandfather”. He was holding one of the butler’s hand with both of his, tightly. And you were sure your son didn’t even notice how much he clutched at the old man’s hand. 

Neither of them noticed you, standing there, looking through the crack of the half-opened door.  

 “Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff’s gigantic tail
Noble kings and princes would bow whene'er they came
Pirate ships would lower their flags when Puff roared out his name” 

Captivated, Jason let Alfred caress his little head with his free hand, not realizing what he was doing. 

Putting him to sleep, surely. 

 “Oh, Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee
Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea
A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant’s rings make way for other toys
One gray night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more” 

Oh my God. This song was actually incredibly sad. But Alfred’s soft voice interpreted it so perfectly, that it was beyond soothing at the same time. 

Baby Jason didn’t really understand the lyrics anyway, he just seemed to find the song beautiful. It was made obvious by how his eyes got a little misty. 

The boy was moved, and it was truly magical. Such a young mind, touched by all the love poured into this song by his grandfather. 

 “And Puff, that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar
His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane
Without his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave” 

The song reminded you of Jason and Bruce too much. You felt like crying, and you didn’t hold the tears back when they started to fell. 

It was a bittersweet feeling. Sadness because of all the hardship they both went through, but happiness because they managed to overcome them. 


Because their strong bond, their father/son love, was so important to both of them, that it became the source of so many conflicts and pain. 

 “So Puff, that mighty dragon, sadly slipped into his cave
Oh, Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee” 

“Sadly slipped into his cave”, was this song specifically written for your Bruce or what ? Yes. Yes it fitted Bruce and Jason’s story so well. 

It made you choke with emotions. 

“He used to sing that to me when I was a child.”

You didn’t hear him come in, in fact, you felt his arms wrap around your waist before he even made a sound. 

Your Broosh. And his warmth is so comforting. 

In the library, Alfred starts singing the song again, after Jason was babbling in baby talk, clearly asking for more. Ah, and the old butler was never able to resist any of those kids. 

“What is it ? The song.” 

Puff the Magic Dragon, by Peter Paul and Mary. It used to be my favorite song. I think it still is…”      (A/N : I highly recommend listening to it once, just to get the feel…I love that song)

You both listen to Alfred sing to Jason. The boy is clearly in love with that song, too. Bruce whispers : 

“It used to soothe me, no matter what. As a baby, at least according to my parents. And I’d only want Alfred to sing it, nobody else. Not even my mother or father. When they died he-”

“Oh, Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee”

“He used to sing it every single night. And it always helped me to fall asleep, even when I thought I wasn’t going to be able to. I love that song.” 

“Yes, yes I think- I think I do too.” 

You and Bruce stayed there for a while. Holding onto each other for comfort. Listening to that lovely song, while Jason was slowly falling asleep, a smile on his lips. 

Trouble and Jealousy

Jason wasn’t even two, in that state, yet he was already quite a smart boy. 

Everyone always thought Tim was the brain of this little cluster of siblings, and although often they weren’t wrong, all of your children were intelligent, and great strategist. 

And evidently, it showed in young Jason right now. 

He quickly found he had a knack to get out of trouble. He just had to look at people with cute eyes, and boom. It was done. 

Something his siblings weren’t too fan of, because it worked way too well on their mom ! And ever since Jason was turned into a toddler, said mom, you, got her attention a little too focused on him ! 

The kids were rarely jealous of each other, especially because you and Bruce always found time for each and everyone of them. There were NO favorites, in the Wayne household. 

But a toddler demanded much more attention than a, say, 8 years old child. And definitely more than an adult. 

Oddly enough, Damian didn’t mind too much. He took his big brother role very seriously, and had a very : “Jason (as a baby at least) can do no wrong” kind of mindset. Even if it was obvious the boy did something he wasn’t supposed to, Damian would defend him, and fight anyone who wouldn’t leave it alone. Which Jason noticed quickly. 

Running to his mom or to Damian became a habit, when he caused…Utter chaos. Honestly, there was no other words. 

He was a very energetic boy, and although he was very sweet, obedient and nice, it seemed he always came up with the worst of ideas ! 

Which is what Tim discovered, as he came in the kitchen and found his little brother devouring cookies, sat in the middle of SO MUCH FLOUR ! 

“Jason, what did you do ??”

Jason looked at him, and giggled. He giggled, the little devil ! Tim went to him, picked him up, and was about to scold him a little (as he should) when you entered the kitchen. 

“Oh. My. God. What happened ?!”

Tim was of course about to say Jason somehow got on the counters and such, but the little boy in his arms, after looking at him, a mischievous look in his eyes…started crying. 

Big cries that Tim knew were fake. Oh, the crocodile tears ! 

But it worked on you. It worked really well indeed. 

You went to him, took him into your arms, patting his back to comfort him, holding him close. 

“Shush shush, it’s ok baby, it’s ok. Tim, please can you clean the mess ?” 

And then you left, consoling little Jason…Little Jason who wasn’t sad at all ! He was still making crying sound, but Tim swore he saw a smile on his face as he looked at him and their eyes crossed when their mother left the room !


Dick was easily jealous, if you gave more attention to another of your kid. After all, he had been a lonely child for quite some years before Jason came in. He was used, for so long, to be the sole receiver of your attention (fighting for it with Bruce, though). 

Even as an adult, when he came to see you, you’d make sure to have time for him. You saw less of each other since he moved to Bludhäven, so when he came by, you dropped everything to spend time with him. 

Dick LOVED it. Maybe he had always been a bit of an attention seeker, but you couldn’t blame him. He had been an only child for years, even before he met you and Bruce. Old habits die hard. 

So recently, when, whenever he came by, you would take care of Jason, he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. 

He hated to feel jealous of his siblings. He thought he grew out of that. Most of his conflicts with Jason, years ago, when the  boy first came in, were born from Dick being jealous and thinking Bruce replaced him without a second thought (very wrong). 

Also, Jason was currently a toddler. Of course he’d have more attention. 

Didn’t mean Dick didn’t feel jealous though. Sigh. Damn. 

But then-

Then whenever Jason saw his oldest brother, he would jump on his feet and run to him, and Dick felt like he was the most important person on the planet because of how the boy looked at him. 

He would never admit it now, but Jason had always greatly admired Dick. He was his model. His hero. 

Seemed like things never changed, eh. 

Ah. Well, Jason always got away with almost everything, with Dick. Some things will never change indeed, no matter the age. 

And just like that, any jealous feeling vanished. 

With Cassandra 

Jason was mesmerized by Cass. 

Whenever he would start to cry, or feel cranky, she’d dance for him. 


He loved it. 

He would instantly stop crying, and just stare, utterly captivated, entranced. And then when she’d be done, he’d smile, widely, and raise his arms to make her understand he wants her to pick him up. 

And she would, of course. 

Cass and Jason never spoke a word, never made a sound. They seemed perfectly content in just being with each other. 

Often, Jason would look for his “big” sister, and just sit with her, looking at whatever she’s doing. Even if, say, she read a book with no picture. He’d just look at the words, and at his sister, perfectly content. 

Tim quickly renamed Cass “The Baby soother”. 

Jason could be a little destructive, as a toddler. He broke way too many vase, and the more people (that weren’t his mom or Damian) told him “no”, the more he wanted to do it. 

Yet Cass would come in, and it’s like she knew the button to turn him off. Even if in the middle of a tantrum, she’d just dance, and Jason would calm down. 

It was magic, really. 

Jason and Cass had both very strong childhood trauma. It seemed to please her that her brother’s bad experience had now been erased. 

“Can’t we keep him like that ?” 

She once asked. You answered : “I wish. But it’s not our decision…” 

You couldn’t possibly decide for your son like that. You couldn’t, for selfish reasons, decide to keep him as a baby, letting him grow up differently. You couldn’t. 

“I know..” 

She said sadly. Seeing her sad made Jason sad, and the boy was about to cry when-

His favorite thing. She started dancing for him. This time picking him up to dance with him. 

Because she was going to take every chance she got to make her brother’s “new” childhood the most memorable, calming, and warm possible. 

Jason Todd 

Finally, after three whole months, Constantine came back. 

With good news. 

“I found a way to reverse it, but it might be a little long.” 

And long it was indeed. With the help of Bruce, it took him the entire day to perform the ritual that would give Jason his adult body back (and mind, hopefully…John wasn’t sure, but he wasn’t about to tell that to any of you. Oops). 

It worked. 

It worked. 

Jason was there, actually Jason. And according to John, there would be no permanent damage. He managed to bring both body and spirit back. 

He warned them he would sleep for a while, the shock of the transformation being exhausting. 

Jason slept the entire day, when he woke up, he was groggy and still tired, his first words being : 


Of course, because he saw you first. 


Bruce felt a pang in his chest. Jason’s first instinct was to call for himtoo. 

“…The FUCK happened ?!” 

And your Jason was back to his normal self, for better and for worst. You wouldn’t have it any other way. As you told him the story of the past few months, you realized that you would never forget the memory of Jason as a baby, and how sweet that kid has (and will) always be(en). 

And when he says : “The last thing I remember is being with that girl, oh I forgot her name now. Anyway I was with her, because I suspected she was a metahuman and wanted to make sure, but she didn’t say anything. Then she was all like : “well if you’re going to act like a child, then you might as well be one” and…And that’s it, that’s all I remember.”, you all bursted out into laughter. 

“You might as well be one” indeed. Of course, Jason would piss of a magician capable of transforming people. 

Years later, you’d learn said girl was a disciple of Klarion, and everything finally made sense. 

I want to be an older brother 

Damian started to understand, those months. The feeling you get, as an older brother. The intense need to protect your younger sibling, to teach them things, to be there for him. 

And looking back on his life since he joined you and Bruce at Wayne Manor ? All his older brothers and sister did exactly that for him. 

Jason, always did that for him. Ever since he was a baby. And Damian ? He wanted to be that for someone too. 

“Being an older brother is pretty fun…”

Damian told you, not long after Jason turned back into his adult form. 

And you could see he wished he wasn’t the youngest one, for once. Damian definitely enjoyed his junior status, he knew he could get away with a lot of things with his siblings and parents (funny enough, Jason was the softest one who would let him get away with stuffs that honestly weren’t too good), but having a toddler around seemed to make him want to be an older brother…How funny, how destiny works.

You weren’t going to lie. It was nice, to have such a small kid home. You and Bruce never got to raise a child from birth, for obvious reasons. Not that you regretted anything, or the life you lead until then. It was just…Nice, to have a little kiddo around. 

Funny, how things work. 

Was it fate, that made it so you had a certain news not long after that adventure with Jason being turned into a toddler by a wizard he offended ? 

Fate, that made Damian’s wish a possibility. Fate, that made it so you discovered that you were actually…


To be continue ?


If you thought this was another excuse for me to write more toddler with Bruce and Batmom…then you were right haha. I’ve been in a mood my friends, and I love writing babies. Jason as a “lil lad” who has (almost) a chance at a good childhood makes my heart warm, but it can’t happen so next best thing ? Wizardry. Haha. I almost want to write a “turned toddler” story for each batsiblings hehe.

Hope you enjoyed ! As per usual comments and reblogs are very welcomed :) 

PS : I tweaked a little Jason’s story with the Al’Ghuls after he got resurrected, just because…I wanted to haha. So, Damian’s part is heavily inspired by actual canon stories, but maybe, JUST MAYBE, I made it so Jason and Damian’s relationship was stronger that it is portrayed to be, just because, again, I can. And I love that headcanon.

Synopsis :In which Batmom (you), is HYPING Bruce up A LOT. Because like, have you seen the man ?? He IS handsome and smart and beautiful and brave and *insert more ramble here about how much of a simp we all are for Bruce Wayne*. 

I realized something yesterday : I wrote HUNDREDS of stories of Bruce (or the kids) hyping Batmom up, but I don’t think I ever wrote a story where she’s the one hyping him up ?? I shall correct that fatal mistake in this story. Hope you’ll like it, as usual comments/reblogs are welcomed :) : 

My masterlists : @ella-ravenwood-archives




Bruce hated himself. 

He hated himself for not being able to save his parents. 

He hated himself for the way he treated Alfred after they died, and for the way he abandoned him to go train far away. 

He hated himself for not being able to save everyone. 

He hated himself because he knew he had issues, he knew he wasn’t well…yet he continued on the dark and lonely path of being “The Batman”. Vengeance itself. 

He hated himself for not being able to save Dick’s parents. 

He hated himself for not being able to convey his feelings properly, and to show how much he cared for that little boy. To show his love, the fatherly love he quickly felt towards him. 

He hated himself because he wanted so much for Dick not to be like him, but could he ever achieve that ? Yes, the boy was happier and brighter, but if he stayed with him…Could Dick really have a good future ? 

He hated himself because he knew he was violent and his ways weren’t always good. But at least…At least Dick was a good kid. It was good, that he went off by himself with the Titans, to cool down. And Bruce hated himself for missing him so much. Wasn’t this what he wanted ? To make sure Dick could move on, unlike him, who couldn’t forget his past ? 

His hatred for himself went through the roof with Jason. He hated himself for not being able to protect him. He wanted to die, when he realized his son was still alive, hating him maybe even more than he hated himself (which was a feat). He wanted to die, and not feel anything ever again, when he lost his son, and when he realized what Jason became…He couldn’t save him…he couldn’t save him…

He couldn’t save Damian either. Nor could he be there when Tim needed him the most. And Cassandra ? Did he ever do anything good for her ? Ah, he couldn’t save Duke’s parents, if only he had killed the Joker… 

Yes. Bruce hated himself so much, sometimes, it was unbearable. And so he hid his feelings, he pretended to be cold, to not care, even. 

It was easier, to push everyone away. To keep them at bay, and act as if he didn’t feel anything. But the truth was…

The truth was that he felt everything

He had always been an overly sensitive child, “hypersensitive”, they even said. And he had to beat this side of him down, to pretend he lost all feelings…It was vital, in a way. 

He couldn’t survive otherwise, he couldn’t keep going if he always let his emotions out. He would not have survived his parents’ death. He would not have survived his son(s) death. He-

It was just easier. To hide the fact he hated himself so much. To hide all feelings. To pretend. His facade was so well polished, and perfected over the years ! 

But then-

Then you came along. 

Yes. Bruce hated himself. Past tense. 

There were still moments Bruce had a hard time to live with himself, and went back to old habits. But…

But ever since you entered his life, things changed. 

Because you loved him. Wholly and unconditionally. And if someone loved him so much, someone he loved to death too, someone he found to be the most amazing person he ever met. If that someone loved him so damn much, then maybe…Maybe, he wasn’t so bad ? 

Even when he was a jerk to you. Even in his darkest time.

You found him. Took none of his crap. Told him off, and brought him back on a way full of life. 

No matter how hard things got, and oh, they sometimes became so hard you felt like you were not going to be able to keep going, you stayed. 

And you told him. You told him how much you loved him, how important he was, how-

You made him believe it. 

There were still moments he hated himself, and felt like he would fall back into old habits of punishing himself by pushing everyone away, and becoming “Vengeance” once again. But now…

Now he had you. And you never shied away from telling him how great he was.

Bruce hated himself, but you love him.

It’s funny, how someone can think another person is their savior.

Before you met Bruce, you were destined to have a certain life you knew you would’ve hated. And then you met him. 

Your light. 

You knew Bruce thought that you were the one who saved him, that you were the one who kept him together. Your husband always had a tendency to put you on a pedestal, and think you were the greatest human who ever lived. 

The truth was, you desperately needed him. You were a highly flawed individual, and you were very aware of your flaws…except when he was with you. 

He always knew what to say, how to make you feel safe and loved, how to make you feel like you were the most important person on the planet. 

And it killed you to know how he could be so hard on himself sometimes. 

You had made it your mission, long ago, to erase all those feelings inside him. You knew it was going to be a long journey. You knew there were times he wouldn’t believe you. Because you were the same.

You were the same. 

Sometimes, you didn’t believe him when he told you you were the most beautiful woman he ever met, the one he loved the most, the only one he had eyed for (oh but if anyone could’ve told you : when you were in the room, he really did have only eyes for you, not noticing any other women nor men because you occupied all his thoughts). 

You knew he didn’t always believe you…But you were never going to stop telling him how great he was. 

You were NEVER going to stop hyping the love of your life up. 

Before you even met him

“Have you heard of that guy, um, the rich one who just came back? Because (Y/N), he’s hot.”

“What ?”

It was too early in the morning for your best friend’s shenanigans. What, it wasn’t even 7 am, you were about to go buy coffee before going to school (it was exam week at your high school, you needed the caffeine), and here he was, talking to you about some random rich man who “came back”. Came back from where anyway ? Ugh, this SO didn’t interest you.

You were about to take an important maths test, you really didn’t care about some random handsome billionaire who was going to flaunt his wealth all around Gotham, pretending to care about the city while not doing anything to help it. 

“Bruce Wayne, it’s Bruce Wayne ! You know, from THE Wayne family !” 

“Ugh, yeah, I kind of got that from the fact his last name is “Wayne”…”

Your friend ignored your snarky comment, staring at the cover of the magazine you still didn’t even look at, where, you assume, was probably a picture of that “Bruce Wayne”. 

You had faint memories of him. Years ago, he suddenly disappear from Gotham and like um, his butler ? His adoptive father ? You couldn’t even remember the guy’s name, but he told the press his “Master Wayne” (cringe) went to school abroad or something. 

Again. You didn’t care. You had your head full of equations. You would’ve done anything for your best friend to STOP talking about that dude. 

“Just look at him (Y/N), he’s so your type ! Come oooon !” 

“Ugh, I don’t have a type, and you-”

He shoved the cover in front of your face, definitely forcing you to look at it and…Wow. 


Oh no. 


No. Fuck. No. Wait. Noooo, but your maaaaaths ! Damn your brain for going : “hot man + handsome face = you’re not going to remember Pythagoras’ theorem”. 

“Shit.” You say, and your friend just looks at you with an expression that clearly means : “RIGHT ?! Told ya.”. You take the magazine, automatically reading the title of it. 

“The prodigal son returns : after years away, Bruce Wayne is finally back in town. And he has a plan !” 

You weren’t going to lie, you didn’t even care about the plan, kinda obnubilated by how hot he looked. Nooo, you thought you passed the age of having instant crush on random men ! 

“He looks like a douche.” 

You say, trying to hide the fact that, annoyingly, your friend was right when he said that man was your type. Ugh, couldn’t he not look so ridiculously good smiling at the paparazzis like that ?!

“Well, he’s already hot as fuck, he can’t get all the qualities right ? That’d be unfair. He looks like such a himbo.” 

You nod, and add : “a doumbo”. Your friend look at you curiously, and you say : 

“Ya know, the combination of a himbo and a douche. Like, himbos aren’t always douche bags, but look at him, and his dumb sexy smirk. He must be a douche.” 

“A doumbo. A himche ?”

“Some would say, a Douchbo.” 

“A Himbouche, even.” 

“Haha, himbouche. Sounds French and fancy.”

And that was all you needed to burst out into laughter. A well needed fit of laugh, before arriving in front of your maths test and realizing that…You can’t remember anything of your lessons, as the face of that “Himbouche” kept coming back into your head. Physical appearance didn’t even mean that much ! Personality was your jam ! Ah but with handsome men like that, how could you even pretend not to be interested ? 

Ugh. It’s not like you’d ever had a chance to even meet him ! 

But you met him. 

You could mock that cover all you wanted, the fact remained that you kept that magazine for a long time, too long to divulge it because it’s really embarrassing when you think about it. 

Thanks the gods you managed to hid it from Bruce. He never even knew you owned that magazine, and like, good. He would’ve never let you hear the end of it. 

You first met him at a gala, in which you felt very uncomfortable. 

A charity, to open more libraries in Gotham. Your charity. You send him an invitation on the off chance he would come and…Here he was. 

You noticed him instantly, but he was busy and you were definitely not going to introduce yourself first. 

Somehow, you ended up speaking to a bunch of women you didn’t know the name of, but you often saw them in pictures participating in galas and such. They were probably rich. You had most likely Bruce Wayne to thank for them coming, because your charity ? Clearly not their crowd. 

“So tell me, um…?”


“Ah yes, (Y/N), what an adorable name.”

Could someone sound even faker ? Probably not. You could feel your eye twitch a little, but you promised yourself not to snap back at any possible donator. It was hard. 

“So, tell me (Y/N), how did you manage to get Bruce Wayne to come here ? He usually only comes to um, important events. Not that your little thing isn’t, it’s just- you know.” 

You did know. But you weren’t going to let this people intimidate you so you said : 

“Actually, I don’t. Would you care to explain what you really mean ?” 

That put them in an awkward position of course, because as much as these people were good at insinuating things and being snarky, they never seemed to outright speak their mind. Which often worked to your advantage. 

The woman cleared her throat, and you said (regretting it immediately) : 

“Bruce Wayne actually comes to a lot of the smaller events, and always donate gracefully to good cause. He’s clearly not the snobby man you think he is, just last week he was at a small neighborhood place which was trying to get money to open a basketball court in the Narrows. He’s amazing.” 

All those years ago, when you called him a “himbouche” with your friend, you couldn’t be more wrong. His action spoke for themselves, he really turned the city around. Plus, he financed the Batman, which is something you couldn’t ignore. How great was that ?! 

You might’ve spoken a little too vehemently, because the woman facing you smirked. One of those almost evil smirk which meant she was about to try to humiliate you. And indeed, she said, loud enough for everyone to hear :

“What, you have a crush on Bruce Wayne or something ? That’s cute.”

Deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Murder was not on your list tonight. You smiled, of that same fake smile she harbored, and said : 

“Please, who doesn’t ?”

You decided that it was easier to not even lie, to not pretend you don’t have a crush on the man. Because, well, you knew you were definitely not the only one. And there wasn’t any shame in having a little crush on someone. 

Plus, the way that person said “that’s cute” really irked you. You were not about to let someone mock you like that. Even if you knew there were no chance that he’d be interested in you, the way they said it, “oh that’s cute” as if it was a given he’d never notice you, really made you mad. 

“A crush on me, you say ?” 

What ? No. Fuck. Ah. He was right behind you right ? Bruce Wayne ? Yeah. You were never going to turn around ever again. Ignoring him seemed like the rational thing to do. 

Your flawless plan of not turning around was, however…Flawed. He literally just had to move in front of you. Which he did. 

“Bruuuucie, how nice it is to see you !”

The woman instantly latched on him, but he downright ignored her, turning to you and saying : 

“I’m Bruce Wayne, very nice to meet you (Y/N). Love your books..”

The rest was history. From that night, it seems, you two never quite managed to truly say “good bye” to each other.  


“Did you mean it ?” 

He asked, later that night. You two escaped on an isolated balcony, where no one could find you. It’s strange, how it seemed like you both had the same idea at the same time. 

“What ?” 

“What you said about me.” 

“The…Crush ?” 

“That too, but not only. The other thing, about me making Gotham a better place.”

“Ah, of course I meant it. It’s plain to see you really do. Surely, you’ve heard that before ?”

He lets out a little self-deprecating chuckle, and turns his face towards the sky.

“Well, I guess a lot of people do say that. But I don’t think many of them truly mean it. So, thank you.” 

He turns to you, and he smiles. A pure, almost child like smile. A real smile. Not the one you saw on his face countless times in magazines, or on TV. 


Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. 

Your heart beat so loud, you were sure he could hear it. 

What a smile. The most beautiful you’ve ever seen. Without exaggeration, you were sure that smile could brighten an entire room easily. 

“I don’t think many of them truly mean it”, those words sounded so lonely. Like you caught a glimpse of his true self, right before he hid behind his mask again. How come a man like this didn’t think people really meant it, when they said he was amazing ? 

That blew your mind. 

You promised yourself that night, that if you ever were to meet him again, you’d make sure to always give him the compliments he deserved. 

In Private

It’s early in the morning. 

A moment you both loved and dreaded. 

Loved, because the first thing you saw as you woke up was your beloved husband. Dreaded, because it usually meant you wouldn’t see each other the entire day, as you both were very busy. And then, there was that all Batman gig…

But for now, for now, you’re both waking up, and you’re in each other’s arms. 

He rolls on top of you, hands on each side of your shoulders, and smile. 

Ah, that pure smile you love so much. 

“What a handsome man…” you say, as you put your hands on his cheeks.

He lays his face in the crook of your neck, and you know it’s because he’s trying to hide his reaction.

“You getting shy on me big man ?” the amusement is evident in your words, and he grumbles but you feel his lips quirk up on your skin. And that’s enough to make you feel content. And to make him feel butterflies in his stomach. Even after all this years, you still make him so happy with the simplest compliment. 


“I love it when you smile…”

It took a long time, before you got to see his real smile. Not the one he arbored at gala, not the “Brucie Wayne” one, no. His real smile.

The one he had when looking at you, eyes full of fondness. A smile of utter contentment, he had only when with you, or his children. 

Your comment makes him smile, and he’s about to say he loves yours too but you don’t even give him a chance : 

“I love being with so much, I wish time could stand still when we’re together.”

“I feel the same..” he whispers, as you two instantly fall into each other’s arms. 

“Bruce, I mean it.” 

“I know. I do too.” 

“No but, I truly mean it. I’m so happy I fell in love with you. When I hold you in my arms, I feel so lucky.”

Sometimes, he feels chocked up. It’s rare, and it always takes him by surprise. To be honest, most of the time, he’s the one to render you speechless with his beautiful words. He always had a knack with finding the perfect things to say to make you feel good about himself. 

You did too, of course. Just, he was always better at controlling his emotions. Didn’t mean he didn’t appreciate your compliments of course. 

But yes. Sometimes, sometimes it felt almost too good to be true. He was so sure, after his parents’ death, he would never know again what happiness was. And here he was. 

In those moments, he’d hide his face in the crook of your neck. You knew what it meant, when he did that. Your words meant too much to him. So much, that he lacked the words to truly express it, and the only thing he could do was embrace you. 

Oh. Oh you wished more people could see him like that. During moments he couldn’t hide his emotions, he couldn’t hide at all. During moments he showed his true self : a caring, loving, empathetic and emotional man. 

It made you made, sometimes, that people thought of him as only a “machine”. Someone who could endure anything and everything. Someone who, anyway, didn’t feel anything. 

As you often said : he feels everything. 


It’s not easy, to be the Batman. To endure. To keep it all inside. 

So many people were wrong about him. So many people didn’t truly knew him. 

Not the Vengeance. But the man who, even as he was utterly broken, kept fighting for what he believed in. Driven by love. Ah. 

But in a way, you liked the fact you were one of the only person privy to his real feelings. And so, when he hid his face in the crook of your neck, you could feel nothing else but happiness. 


“It’s so unfair.” 

You say, breaking the silence reigning in the batcave. He’s been focused on the screen of his computer for a while now, and you caught yourself just staring at him. He acknowledge you though, as always, and he says, turning his head towards you : 

“Mm ?” 

“You are so handsome. Like, all the time.” 

He smiles softly, but shakes his head. Of course, Bruce had always been aware he was a good looking man. He used that to his advantage many times. But when you said it, even after he heard you say it hundreds of times, he just felt all warm inside. Butterflies. Flustered. Like a damn teenage boy. 

He turns back to the computer, not even realizing the smile has not left his lips yet. 


Bruce kept it all in a special place in his heart. All your beautiful words, that made him feel like he wasn’t worthless. Like maybe, there was no reason to hate himself so much. He kept it all inside his heart, so that in tough moments, like fighting an intergalactic menace far from you and his family, he could plunge back in that part of himself and remember how loved he is. 

This part of him kept everything, everything you told him over the years : 

“You have my heart. I’m so glad you chose me.”

“The sound of your laugh is music to my ears.”

"I’m in awe of what a wonderful person you are.”

“You inspire me to be a better woman”.

“When I’m with you, I feel like I found what I was looking for.”

"I feel so safe with your arms around me.”

“Your presence brings the best out of me. I can’t wait to make more memories with you.”

“You make me so happy just by being yourself.”, you were probably one of the only person who loved him for who he truly was. For him. 

"Being with you feels so right. Thank you for loving me.” 

"I never get tired of looking at you. Of talking to you. Of being with you.” 

“Hearing your voice brings me so much joy.”

“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

You always acknowledge the thing he did for you, too : 

"Thank you for supporting me.”

"Thank you for looking after me.”

“Thank you for always being there for me.”

"Thank you for listening.”

You just always had a knack to hype him up ! : 

"There is no one else like you. You are the best.”

"You always have the best ideas.”

"Adventures with you are my favorite. You always manage to make things interesting, even the dullest ones.” 

"You make the world so much more beautiful. You know you’re the best, right ?”

“I’ll fight anyone who say anything bad about you.” 

And if he ever said something along the line of : “You don’t have to.” You’d respond with : “Oh no but, I do.” 

Alfred had always been supportive of him. And along his life, Bruce met countless people who praised him for whatever reason. 

But nobody, nobody ever quite had your talent to hype him up. To make him feel like he was genuinely great. 

Clark would say that your praise of him sometimes did him a disservice. Because, yes, your husband knew he was intelligent. And he could therefor be so damn arrogant. But his arrogance often hid, as most arrogant feelings do, a great sense of insecurity. As if him being smart was his only use in the world…

You made him feel like it wasn’t. You made him feel like being Batman wasn’t the only thing he had going on. So what if sometimes he was insufferable, he thought he was always right etc…You never once saw Bruce act as if he was superior to anyone. 

You never understood this weird image following him. Sure as Brucie Wayne he played on being insolent and arrogant and all. But as Batman ? When did he ever truly make someone feel less than ? Never. That’s when.

On the contrary. Bruce often hyped others up, even if they didn’t notice (were there really a biggest Superman fan than him ? He just was subtil in his compliments). 

Nobody ever said your husband was flawless. But his qualities vastly outweighed his flaws. You could bear with his “dark moments”, and him sometimes being a jerk, because you knew how great he truly was. 

Hoping people can be perfect at all time is so unrealistic. And quite toxic, really. 

Everybody makes mistakes. 

Not everybody can try to better themselves though, like Bruce does. It drove you crazy that some people seemed to never notice how much progress he did. Ah, but you knew. 

Bruce wasn’t selfish as some people said, he was selfless. 

You knew. 

You never wanted him to be perfect anyway, you loved him just as he was. 

In Public

From the day he became your boyfriend, to when he turned into your fiancé, and now as your husband, you never shied away of being very vocal about how much you admired him. How amazing you thought he was. 


“He’s amazing, isn’t he ?” you’re often caught gushing at the journalists, and oh you have so many reasons to be proud of your husband. Whether he just started an amazing charity, or just because he exists really. 

Many people tried to fluster you, or anger you (drama always sold more) by making inappropriate comments about your husband, like how hot he was and such. How many people were after him. Without missing a bit, you always answered things like : 

“He’s gorgeous in his new suit, right ?” 

“Honestly can’t blame anyone who have the hots for him. I mean, have you seen him ?!” 

“I know, his butt looks GREAT in those pants !” 

“I had to go buy a new dress shirt for him, he flexed his arms and pecs earlier and tore it apart. Can you believe it ? He’s so strong. And fff, what a snack. A buffet, even.”

Sometimes, some people tried the other tactic, trying to denigrate Bruce in any way : 

 “What did you just say ?! My husband is the kindest, smartest, most incredible person on this planet. I will tolerate no slander.” 

And you were ready to fight. You would NEVER stand for any bad talk about your husband. People could say whatever they wanted, but anyone pretending he was a bad person were just liars. You’d never, NEVER let them defame him !


Whenever you spotted a paparazzi, you reveled in showing your husband off. Pointing out his chiseled jaw line, or his biceps. Forming the word “thicc” on camera as you pointed your finger to his thighs. 

It became a running joke in Gotham, and a source of endless memes. Nobody could deny that Bruce Wayne was an attractive man anyway… 

If anyone asked you a passing question about him, while you were going somewhere or they caught you buying coffee, you would often ramble about how great Bruce was. 

“He’s so smart. And humble. And kind. And brave. And bold. And compassionate. And so pretty. And interesting. And (insert an infinite influx of compliment).” 

To be fair, people learned not to ask you much about your husband, because you could never shut up, and hype him up in front of everyone. And vice versa, “that’s my wife” Bruce would say, proud of you at any small occasions. 

“Bruce Wayne and (Y/N) Wayne are our modern Gomèz and Morticia Addams” was an official instagram account. A very popular one. You always wondered who was the creator of it (I’ll let you guess). 


“Bruce, Bruce listen.” 

“Mm ?” 

“I crave you more than pizza.”

He chuckles at that, and you-

“Ew. Please. Mom. Can’t you wait for us not to be around to say things like that ?” 

“Right ?! I agree with Tim, please. This is our family night, you and father, stop being gross.” 

You turn to your children, snickering. Oh how you loved to gross them out by openly complimenting you husband. And you knew he loved it too, and that he was most likely about to make a comment that would annoy your kids, while making you feel all warm and nice. 

“I’ll never look at pizza the same way…”

Jason says dejectedly, looking at his piece of pizza. And you can’t help but burst out into laughter. Drama queens, all of them. 

Aaah, it’s not because your children were there that you were going to not tell Bruce how much you loved him. How much he meant to you. How amazing he truly was. 

At the League’s headquarters

“Your intelligence always astounds me, my heart.” You say without thinking, forgetting that well…You’re surrounded by all your superheroes friends. And they’re all looking at you and Bruce.

Superman, your great friend Clark, has a faint smile on his lips (what ? The man was a sucker for good romance ! Following yours and Bruce’s love story was quite the ride, and he was always there in the tough moments…he secretly was the person, along with Alfred, who rooted for you two the most). 

Wonder Woman smirked (she thought it was funny when you managed to fluster Bruce).

Flash was going to catch flies with his mouth open like that, in utter shock. 

Green Lantern seemed almost grossed out (his expression not unlike the one your children harbored when you two kissed in front of them). 

Green Arrow’s eyes immediately went to Black Canary’s, their relationship more alike to yours than any of you will ever know…Y

ou made a mental list of all your friends in your head, looking at you two. Ff, the League was getting big now, with new arrivals pretty regularly. Maybe you should try to control your “simp surge” (that’s how Tim called those moments during which you gushed over your husband).

But then, how could you, when he truly was intelligent ? The best detective out there. Once, you heard one of them (you could honestly not remember who) imply that Bruce wasn’t an important member of the league because he didn’t have any powers. And oh Gods. 

“Please.” you said, annoyed that anyone would think just because he doesn’t have any power he’s not the most important part of the team (no, you never exaggerated ! hehe)

“When A piece of rock is your nemesis, or when the color yellow is your weakness, you don’t really get to brag too much ok ? Plus, let’s think about how many times Bruce got you all out of bad situations, mm ? Who always has a plan B, all the way to Z here, mm ? Dare to say you wouldn’t panic if Bruce one day say : “I don’t know”, mmmmm ?”

To be fair, it was kind of true. Nobody could quite deny the fact that, if one day, the Batman himself ran out of ideas to “win”, it’d be quite frightening. Not that he was the only intelligent person around. Oh no, there was Barry too of course, and J’onn, and many others ! But over the years, everyone came to rely on his mastermind to find solutions to their biggest problems.

Ah yes. There wasn’t a moment in the League headquarters where you didn’t express your admiration for your husband (in relevant situations of course).

To friends 

You had the same friends he did, for the most part. Except for your childhood friend, and his. You shared the same friend group. 

To be fair, the League was in big part your friends. But it was different, when you were officially on League missions, and only just all together casually, outside of “work”. 

You hyped Bruce up, but not in the same way you hyped Batman up. 


Clark is the only one used to it. 

Everyone else always gets taken aback, when you gush over Bruce and he sometimes let a smile slip up. Usually, he keeps his face cold and unfeeling (he has a reputation to uphold). But sometimes…

Only when he doesn’t have the cowl on, does they sometimes catch him smiling at you. Unable to stop himself. And that’s when they all realized that “The Batman” was before all else, just a man. 

And an impressive one at that, as you constantly reminded them. 


One day, you were sitting on the Kent farm’s porch, a cup of coffee in hand, waiting for your husband and Clark to come out (they were currently doing the dishes, and helping Martha out with some things, Martha was adamant that the men must help, and you two had to chill  à préciser que les two c’est elle et Lois) when Lois joined you.

Lois had a true “journalist” reflex. As soon as she learned Batman’s real identity, she wanted to ask him so many questions. And when she met you ? Oh boy.

Like today. It was the first time you came over at Martha’s for a Sunday lunch. The first time of many. Clark and Lois didn’t have children yet, and Dick was with you since just a few months (he was currently helping to bake a pie…that boy LOVED to cook).

“Ok I have to ask. How is he, really ? With you ?”


“Well, I knew Bruce before, but I always felt he wasn’t showing his true self to me. Like there were always a barrier between us two. Probably why we didn’t last long. So I was wondering…”

You don’t have to think much about it : 

“He’s kind, nice, sweet, always pays attention to me and tries to make me confortable in every situation. He-” 

Fifteen minutes. For fifteen minutes, you hyped your man up. Fifteen minutes of you gushing over him, and Lois couldn’t help but smile. 

She was happy, that Bruce found the right one. And that you found him. You were clearly meant for each others. 

That day, she also realized the same things your other friends will see over the years : “The Batman” was human. He loved like everyone else, he hurt, too. He wasn’t that heartless machine they thought he was, or that stupid and arrogant playboy. No. He-

He was just a man, trying to do his best. 

Your constant admiration of him made them realize that. Gave him a humanity they thought wasn’t there. Made them realize, they never truly knew him before then.  

And it made them a little jealous, too. Because it was clear your love for each others knew no bound, and you’d always be each others biggest fan. 

With your kids

They don’t mind it, most of the time, when you compliment their dad. 

Sometimes, it can get a little gross, like why does it always lead to kisses ?! 

But sometimes, it’s really cute, and inspire them to find someone who loves them as much as you love Bruce (and vice versa). 

Maybe that’s why none of them would ever settle for anyone toxic ? Because they had their parents example, and certain “couple goals”. 


You and Damian constantly boast about Bruce (when he’s not there). Damian would never admit it openly like you did, but he thought his dad was amazing. And only with you, did he feel safe enough to truly speak his mind about the matter. “Did you know father could bench press 1000 pounds ??”, “I did ! And he always does that at the end of his training, the man is a machine, a beast.” Damian constantly bragged about his dad (and you, and his siblings) at school. And nobody could ever really tell him that THE Bruce Wayne wasn’t as cool as he sounded…because everyone knew he was (except maybe Bruce himself).

You and Dick LOVED to fluster Bruce. Exaggerating your admiration for him (which was already huge) was your jam. Dick was a great actor, he’d often take his most angelic face before saying how much he loved his dad. It was even worst when he became an adult, because he kept that angelic face and nobody could resist that expression. You and him could never get enough of seeing Bruce blush as you both complimented his every action. 

Jason, before his death, never shied away from backing you up when you said Bruce was a great father. “My dad is the best !” He’d exclaim proudly, making sure journalists caught that on tape. 

After his death, those words never really came out of his mouth ever again. Which made Bruce feel miserable. Until one day : someone dared speak ill of him. Jason lost his cool, and let’s say that this person will never dare again say something bad about Bruce Wayne. This was proof Jason still cared so much, still thought he was the best…And that only him, could criticize his father. 

You and Tim used to have a secret “Batfam Fandom” website, that Bruce found out about years after its creation. You and little Tim had forums, and fan pages dedicated to the Bat (and by extension, to Bruce, albeit you were the only ones knowing the truth). When Bruce finally discovered that page, he was too touched to even admit he found out about it. You still didn’t know he knew…But he definitely went to check that site from time to time, when he didn’t feel good and needed a “pick me up”, knowing he’d found your account (NumberOneBatmanSimp) and your son’s (BatmanStan) gushing over how great he was. 

Cass was THE daddy’s girl. Of course she’d always join in on you complimenting him. “You. Great.” she’d tell him whenever he felt badly about himself. She would never hesitate to scold him, too. “You taught me how to love myself. Love yourself, too. Or else…”, the threat in her words often meaning that if he didn’t, she would hug him up until he felt better. Just like you, she would never let anyone speak badly about her father, including himself. 

Duke was already a fan of Bruce before he met him. And when he finally did, reality went beyond his expectations. Bruce was everything he imagined, and more (the more being : newsflash, he was also the Batman !). How could he not find him amazing and cool and all ? 

Yes. Bruce often found himself stuck in a “hype sandwich”, where you and one of the kids (sometimes even more than one), would remind him of how great he truly was. And how much you loved him. 

Hyping the kids up

"Have you met my oldest son, Dick ? No ? You have to, he’ll honestly make your life better by just existing.” 

“Yes, Jason, my son, he’s fantastic isn’t he ? When he laughs, it brightens the entire room and he never did anything wrong, ever.” 

“Have you ever met someone more intelligent than my Tim ? The answer is no, because nobody is. Objectively speaking, he’s the greatest.” 

“Cassandra is beautiful, smart, amazing, flawless…I pity anyone who can’t see that.”

“Damian ? Another one of my son who never did anything wrong, ever. I’ll fight you on that. Damian is the sweetest little boy ever, he overcame so much, and constantly works on bettering himself. Not a lot of people will achieve even half of his will to become a better man. He will change the world, mark my world. And for the better.” 

“Duke didn’t let his power change him, do you know how strong you have to be for that to happen ? How much of a good person you have to be, to not turn pretentious because you’re powerful ? Such a powerful kid, in every sense of the term”. 

Being your child meant never feeling worthless. Never feeling less than. Of course, you weren’t always perfect and you lost your cool with them more than once…But we established nobody was perfect. 

Well. Except your children. 

They were perfect in your eyes. Their “flaws” only made them better, stronger. They always impressed you so much by how tough they truly were. They went through so much, yet always pulled through. How impressive was that ? 

You never missed an occasion to tell them how amazing they were.

And nobody could hype someone up quite like you.


Ok, hope you liked it ! I wrote it “fast” in a burst of inspiration, but I hope it’s suitable for y’all :) comments and reblogs = always loved, welcomed, and motivating ^^. 

Anyway. I wanted to write this because like, I think an aspect of Bruce that is often overlooked is : “why did he decide to become the Batman, and shut away his feelings a lot of times ?” ya know ? Anyway, here’s my way of seeing things. I always felt like Bruce hates himself so much, which is why his facade is so polished…We know that deep down, he actually feels everything to the max (he even says so himself TT.TT). Hypersensitive Bruce trying to protect himself…My jam <3.

Anyway.At least now it’s clear I’m a huge Bruce Wayne simphaha. 


Tim : Ok fine. Jeez you rea-

Damian : You look like a fucking *horrendous French accent*croiiiissant.

Tim : I get it, I’ll-

Damian : The moon when at the beginning and end of its cycle ? You.

Tim : Damian, please, I-

Damian : You’re like one of those old flip phones *imitate the position* please have some dignity, straighten up old boy.

Tim : Are you going to cut me of every time I-

Damian : A goddamn macaroni, that’s what you look like.

Tim :

Damian :

Long awkward silence.

Damian : A chili, like woop *takes that crescent shape again*. A ducking slice of orange. Sitting there at your desk like a dang prawn. You boomerang shaped fool, you’re going to have back problems at 20. You there pretending to be a cookie in which someone bit in already. A pirogue or a coat hanger or something.

Again, a long silence.

Tim : You done ?

Damian : Yeah I can’t think of anything else that is shaped like the goddamn half eaten donut that you are. Straighten your back *leaves without closing the door*.

PS : @thatonebirdsposts​ your reblog of my stories implemented with memes always make my day. Thank you. 
