
Choose recovery today. Stop waiting to lose 5 more pounds, stop waiting to be “sicker”, stop waiting

Choose recovery today. Stop waiting to lose 5 more pounds, stop waiting to be “sicker”, stop waiting until it’s too late. You are worth recovery. You are worth taking that first step. Don’t wait. 

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I love Instagram as much as the next girl (follow me!@realliferecoverydiary).

There’s no question some of the girls I have met through my recovery account have changed my life. They’ve been a constant source of support and motivation and are always there to cheer me up on the worst days.

I didn’t start my recovery account until I was over 6 months into my journey, at a healthy weight and much stronger than I had been prior to the hospital.

I felt like I could use Instagram as a way to both inspire girls just starting out in recovery as well as receive support for my own personal recovery. I felt like it was a positive step. I felt like it was a win-win.

For the most part it is. I’d say 90% of the time, my Instagram is awesome and uplifting.

However, I think sometimes recovery Instagrams can do more harm than good.

I think sometimes they are more triggering than inspiring.

Unfortunately, a lot of recovery accounts post pictures of inadequate intakes or bony “before” selfies. The girls behind these accounts are still struggling with their eating disorders and it can be tough for us to see while we are dealing with our own issues.

As someone who’s suffered with anorexia, I have a horrible tendency to compare myself to others (I’m sure you know what that’s like!).

So if someone posts a seemingly innocent picture of their dinner and it happens to be smaller than mine, I’ll feel guilty.

I shouldn’t have eaten so much. Why did I have that extra serving? Look how healthy they are compared to me.

Blah blah blah. The thoughts go on and on, spiraling out of control.

And if it’s a picture of exercising or scales or someone who’s “weight-restored” but still half my size? Forget it.

You might as well just hand me a box marked RELAPSE because that’s exactly where I’d be headed.

Luckily, I’m in a place now where those pictures don’t send me off into a dark place. Sure, sometimes I catch myself comparing or feeling guilty but I’m strong enough and far enough along in my recovery I can stop it before it’s a full blown relapse.

If you’re just starting out though, it can be a lot more difficult to protect yourself.

That’s when I think you should take a step back from Instagram. Or at the very least clean up your feed so you are only following truly “safe” accounts.

It’s okay to recognize Instagram as a trigger. It doesn’t make you weak or pathetic or cowardly.

Being able to know what is harmful to your recovery and then having the strength to remove it from your life is powerful. It’s brave. It’s actually pretty darn amazing.

It means you’re taking back your life. You aren’t enabling your eating disorder.

UseInstagram as a tool for inspiration but be aware of its risks and dangers. Don’t let it hurt you. Don’t let it stop you from recovering.

PS. Check out my new website Real Life Recovery Diary!

 Feeling SOOO much better this morning then yesterday (bloat is gone!) Bought these new #bikini bott

Feeling SOOO much better this morning then yesterday (bloat is gone!) Bought these new #bikini bottoms from @victoriassecret last night….my first EVER #highwaistedbikini bottom and I’m in ❤️ with how it fits! #futurebikinicompetitor #physiqueupdate #progress #progresspic #progressnotperfection #workinprogress #bikiniprep #victoriasecret #victoriasecretswim #fitfam #fitspo #fitstagram #fitlife #fitlifestyle #diet #iifiym #macros #selfiesunday # # #training #projectbikini #bodybuildingcom #bodyimage #workingonthatbikinibody #strongoverskinny

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I don’t do too many #transformationtuesday pics BUT why the heck not! Left - 2014 ➡️ Right 201

I don’t do too many #transformationtuesday pics BUT why the heck not! Left - 2014 ➡️ Right 2017 (past weekend #progresspic ) Sure, lots of time has passed between photos and my body composition certainly changed, but more than that is the #personalgrowth between the pictures. ⭐️ To say the last few years have been hard for me would be an understatement. I’m not complaining, for without that struggle, I wouldn’t be where I am today. ⭐️ We ALL have our own story, our own journey, and it’s about how YOU deal with it that can be life-changing. YOU and you alone are in charge of your life! It’s amazing what can happen when you wake up & start “living life” again! #projectbikini #fitspo #fitstagram #fitlife #fitnesslifestyle #fitfam #transformationtuesday #diet #workout #train #progressnotperfection #workinprogress #struggleisreal #bikiniprep #futurebikinicompetitor #beforeandafter #bestself #bodybuildingcom #bodybuilding #bodyimage #strongoverskinny #igotthefeels

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Another week on a #bikiniprep down and 23 more to go! ✔️ I wasn’t going to post this #progress

Another week on a #bikiniprep down and 23 more to go! ✔️ I wasn’t going to post this #progresspic because I’m not so happy with what I see (not feeling lean at all), but figured why the heck not. (First time I took pics in posing heels too……I def have the bug to compete now! ) I try and take pics every Sat morning just to stay accountable since the scale isn’t always the best indicator of results. I’m actually up in weight. It’s so frustrating when you do SO much…..track #macros day in & day out, follow your training protocol and even do more #cardio than scheduled, and yet still see such slow progress. I know slow progress is better than NO progress, but it’s so easy to get caught up in your head Trying to stay #positive and going to keep on keeping on this #bikiniprep #diet #iifiym #fitfam #fitlife #fitlifestyle #fitgirl #futurebikinicompetitor #positivevibes #progressnotperfection #train #workout #healthy #abs #gluteprogress # #bikiniprep #eatclean #bodyimage #selflove #bestself #bodybuildingcom #fitspo #fitstagram #strongoverskinny

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#transformationtuesday #progresspic from this weekend vs Aug 2016. Almost at my one year mark of com

#transformationtuesday #progresspic from this weekend vs Aug 2016. Almost at my one year mark of committing to this #fitlifestyle and I couldn’t be happier! Sure….I’m a bit obsessive with it but it’s become who I am and it’s such a part of me now that I couldn’t imagine living life any other way!! Funny thing is, it’s not a tremendous amount of #fatloss that I’ve experienced. It’s my #bodycomposition that has most changed. Ladies…..#liftheavy #projectbikini #bodybuildingcom #bestself #fitlife #fitgirl #fitjourney #diet #train #bodypositive #progressnotperfection #workinprogress #bikiniprep #futurebikinicompetitor #fitspo #fitstagram #mymotivationisme #strongoverskinny #comingintight #workout #bodyimage #iifiym #macros

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 After receiving many awesome DMs (thank you everyone for your kind words ), I thought it was import

After receiving many awesome DMs (thank you everyone for your kind words ), I thought it was important to share this 2-second #transformation I saw other #bikinicompetitors post the quote about NOT comparing yourself to the girl in the photo because that girl doesn’t even look like “the girl in the photo”. Well, it’s the #truth My bedroom has great lighting….my kitchen, not so much. You certainly see more #abs in my bedroom pic. And that picture was taken literally two seconds later. I have struggled (still do) with #bodyimage and #selfesteem issues my whole life and I am always comparing myself to others (guilty!) but I have to remind myself that lighting, angles, & poses certainly can change a #physique in an instant! Just some #foodforthought #projectbikini #bikiniprep #futurebikinicompetitor #diet #fitlifestyle #fitlife #bikini #truthbomb #beforeandafter #strongoverskinny #progressnotperfection #thestruggleisreal #fitstagram #bodyimage #bodylove #selflove #workinprogress #keepingitreal

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#transformationtuesday August 2016 vs April 2017 Sure….different poses & a self tan <

#transformationtuesday August 2016 vs April 2017 Sure….different poses & a self tan < BUT that’s 8 months of #consistency Am I happy with the right? NOT AT ALL but I am so happy I am not where I used to be! In the process, I’ve learned to love ❤️ the blood, sweat & tears of getting #fit I actually needed to see this today because this is really motivating for me! Some days I feel like there is no #progress and I constantly have a battle in my head about why I put so much #effort into something I don’t see in the mirror (so frustrating! ) but I just have to keep #grinding and #workhard on achieving my #goals and trust it will happen! #trusttheprocess #progressnotperfection #workinprogress #progress #beforeafter #fitjourney #fitfam #fitlife #fitlifestyle #diet #train #workout #bikiniprep #futurebikinicompetitor #bikini #thestruggleisreal #fitsagram #bodybuilding #bodybuildingcom #bodyimage #selflove

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