

havin a break ⭐

Fucking kill me already I’m so tired I don’t want to be here

Being sad feels like an endless cycle

The headaches after crying are another type of pain

Sometimes I think that my life doesn’t really matter life will just keep on going and I’ll mean nothing to life

I’m so tired I don’t ever wanna wake up.please just let me rest

I hate that I like the feeling at the end of the day when I realized I didn’t eat and I feel skinny

I honestly thought I would be dead by know and I have no idea where I’m going

I want to whither away and die in peace

No matter how many time people tell me I can reach out for help I willnever feel safe talking to someone without feeling like I’m trauma dumping

Me hoping I’m on my period anytime I feel a little too suicidal

I know I got better but I can’t help to feel worse

I will never feel clean no mater how much I shower

I feel like I wasn’t meant to be here. Like I’m just something useless walking around

The desperate need to weigh myself every morning 

The food I used to find so appeasing and would make my mouth water now is the same food that makes me gag and make me hate myself

You ever just feel like you might explode at any moment? Bad/stressful things keep happening. People keep letting you down and after awhile you start to feel like you might have a mental breakdown? I have been feeling that way for months now. It’s building up. I have people who rely on me who I need to be strong for but I’m growing weaker and weaker by the day. I don’t know how much more I can take.

I have times when I feel very lonely and depressed. I’m only human and sometimes my emotions take control over my life. When I start to feel that way I usually move away from God. And then I feel even more depressed and lonely. Satan wants us to feel that way. He wants to separate us from God’s peace but God is bigger. When you struggle with doubt don’t move away from God but come closer to him. Tell him about it. God is bigger than our doubt and our bad thoughts about ourselves. He knows our pain and our dreams. He is the supernatural God, he knows everything that’s in your heart. Don’t let emotions control your life. Open your Bible, speak to him and worship. He cares about you. He loves you.
