

My mom bought cookies

I don’t know how to stop thinking about eating them.

I know that when I taste a single cookie, I’ll end up eating all of them.

I don’t want to binge.

What should I do?

⭐ Web sites that helps me ⭐

Treadmill calculator

This page calculates the calories burned when you use the treadmill based on your weight, distance and speed.

It also gives you an equivalence of the calories you burned in food or in activities that burn the same amount.

You also have other exercise options, but I use the treadmill because that’s what I do.


I think that many of you already know it, but basically it makes a projection of the weight that you will lose according to your level of physical activity and the calories that you want to consume. Something extra is that it tells you your bmi and its limits

I’m thinking about making a part 2, let me know in the comments if you need a specific recommendation


What should I do?

I’ve been having this “meh” feeling about food.

It’s weird because usually thanks to my BED, I always think about food. It’s not that I’m not hungry, but I just don’t care to eat anymore. I eat my 3 principal meals every day and that’s enough, I don’t want snacks or anything.

The problem is that everyone is watching me to make sure I eat and I don’t know what to do.

How can I pretend that I’ve eaten so they don’t ask me to eat?


Hey guys little update

I’ve lost 4 kg (8.8 lb) in the last weeks, however, I have some reflux problems (yes, ana worsened the situation in my esophagus), so I’m taking medication and trying to eat a healthier diet.

It’s nothing serious, I just take anti-reflux medication.

I have been denying recovery and cheating for some time to continue losing weight despite my recovery treatment, but I’ve made it a point to take it seriously as a goal for this year.

The advice comes here:

Journeys have ups and downs, if it is necessary to break some rules to be better with your health, do it. You deserve to eat. I know that recovery is not easy and remember that no one should force you to do it because it won’t work until you do it out of conviction.


Hey, new diet!

Lately I’ve been having trouble following diets like the ABC (because the more I restrict, the more I binge) or the healthy girl (because over 1000 cals is too much for me), so I created ✨the album diet✨.

Basically I don´t like taking the typical body check photos, it causes me very bad dysmorphia but at the same time it’s motivating to do something that tracks my progress on those diets.

I made it based on the past times I´ve restricted and been able to lose and maintain my weight.

I have lost up to 2 kg (4.4 lbs) per week without negative physical symptoms such as headaches, dizziness or fainting.

Ed’s voicevs. What comes out of my mouth

“Don’t eat, you look like a cow”: I’m not hungry, thank you.

“You look disgusting when you eat”: I’m done, I just ate before I came.

“All that plate for you alone? You will never be skinny”: can you serve me a little less?

“You ate too much, tomorrow you will gain at least 1 kg”: I vomited because my stomach hurts, just that.

“You don’t look fat, you look deformed”: I don’t want to go shopping, I just don’t need new clothes.

“You’re fat because you don’t know how to control yourself, you disgust me”: I don’t want a cookie, I just don’t like them.

And sometimes the only way to shut up Ed’s voice is doing what they want.


Why laxatives don’t work

(Science based)

What is a laxative?

  • They’re drugs that are used to PREVENT constipation or PREPARE the intestine for radiological or endoscopic procedures.
  • This means, they’re NOT DESIGNED FOR LOSING WEIGHT.

How does a laxative work?

  • They accelerate the movement of stool through the gastrointestinal tract by various mechanisms as:
  • Increase the volume of stool with fiber (natural fiber, amaranth, wheat) or with water that is extracted from the intestinal wall into the stool (saline, the most used).
  • Byirritating the intestine to stimulate evacuation (oils such as castor or glycerine).

So, Why don’t laxatives make me lose weight?

  • Because they basically make you poopnotburnfat. You will only lose water and irritate your intestine wall (which can be painful). You’ll continue to be hungry and feeling shit when you rehydrate and regain that weight of water that you lost.

What can happen to me if I abuse its consumption?

  • Dehydration (dizziness, fainting, nausea, headache)
  • Sodium or potassium electrolyteproblems (can cause heart or muscle problems or cause irritability).
  • Abdominal swelling (to the point of looking pregnant), intestinal pain, straining or tenesmus.
  • Diarrhea, appendicitis or intestinal obstruction.



Anyone have a “To the Bone” workout game??
Please send it to me if you have one.

Nothing like some hot low cal coffee to warm up your cold, dead heart.


Being sad feels like an endless cycle

My teacher: for our quarter final you will write a 8-10 minute speech of an interest or hobby

My interest and hobby: Depression music and scrolling through ED Tumblr


My mental illnesses: give up

So my mom is doing like a two week fast with a break in between for Christmas dinner. Which means my dad is going to be in charge of dinner, which means getting food delivered to eat and not eating together at the kitchen table. This is my chance to skip dinner as much as I please, and secretly fast with my mom.

I’m so happy. So this morning when I woke up my collarbones were more prominent than usual, and I had less back fat. Stepped on the scale just now, 135.00. I’ve hit my GW2 and my pre-quarantine weight. I’ve officially lost the 22 pounds I gained!

Tried on my favorite pair of jeans that I’ve had since 8th grade(Size 4, AE mom jeans). They’re still way to tight, but at least I can zip them up now, I couldn’t before, so it’s at least progress . 15 pounds to go before they fit right, but I’ll weigh less than that when I hit my UGW. Can’t wait until they’re perfectly loose.

Never knew how much I missed touching my collarbones until I could feel them again, and I never want to go back to being so disgusting that I couldn’t.

Why can’t I just take all the Halloween candy in my house and burn it? Can I just throw everything else in my pantry and fridge in the fire while I’m at it? It wouldn’t be a threat anymore.

You know what I just want to say to people sometimes?

It doesn’t matter if people say I’m gaining weight or losing weight, eating too much or too little, either way it triggers me really bad. So please mind your own fucking business and don’t comment on my weight or what I’m eating. Thanks. Have a nice day.

Also, parents please don’t say negative comments about your children’s weight or how they look, I’m sure you don’t want to be a reason for your child’s eating disorder because whether you believe it or not, it can affect them.

Day 16-30 lmao

I just decided to finish this.

16- Well my whole life, but seriously this last time was early September when I went back to in person school.

17- The rational part of my brain knows I do, but I sometimes feel like I’m faking it and don’t deserve to be validated.

18- Icecream and cheeseburgers

19- The last time I ate fast food is probably last week

20- fasting

21- US women’s 8-10/medium

22- My lowest weight is 126. Back in February I started ED tendencies and lost 10 pounds in a short period of time. Then when quarantine started I was really depressed and gave up. I ended up gaining over 30 pounds.

23- Yes

24- I am against pro eating disorders because it can be very harmful. I am not pro and my blog is for my own mental sanity. I only use those tags because their popular.

25- No, I haven’t, but I’ve tried, and was unsuccessful.

26- Proving the world wrong.

27- I just tell myself I’m in control. Food doesn’t control me. I control it. I try to remove myself from the situation.

28- of course I want a thigh gap. I don’t want to feel my fat thighs smushing together.

29- Beauty is in the eye of the behold. And I believe everyone’s body is beautiful.

30- 10 facts:

• I hate bananas

• I love Harry Potter(I’m a slytherin)

• I am an INFJ

• My favorite color is lilac

• My favorite numbers are 7 & 11

• I hate my name

• My favorite candy is Twizzlers

• I love to sing and write

• Minecraft, Avatat the Last Airbender, and Doctor Who was my childhood.

• I want to be Intetnal Medicine doctor.

So my ex-boyfriend texted me out of the blue a little while back, we hadn’t talked in months. Anyways we chill now and friends. But he wants to hang out. I don’t want to bc Im so embarrassed about my weight since I gained since I last saw him. I would never get back together with him for various reasons so it has nothing to do with that. It just gives my so much anxiety but I want to hang out.
