

wanting to die 24/7 is tiring you cant even focus on anything else without forcing yourself 

You ever just feel like you might explode at any moment? Bad/stressful things keep happening. People keep letting you down and after awhile you start to feel like you might have a mental breakdown? I have been feeling that way for months now. It’s building up. I have people who rely on me who I need to be strong for but I’m growing weaker and weaker by the day. I don’t know how much more I can take.

Seit wann fällt bei dir täglich dieser Regen? Draußen bestes Wetter, aber in dir diese Sonnenfinsternis. Es donnert und es blitzt.

- Nina Chuba // Nicht allein

Hey, so I’m sorry I haven’t been posting. I am not doing good mentally at all. My depression has taken over my life and I’m really sorry. My neighbor and my grandfather also passed away one right after the other so yah. Again I’m really sorry, my anxiety has been out of whack and so has my OCD. I have been watching a lot more anime though so…yaya?

He never loved me, and looking in the mirror staring at myself I understand why…

Some of us killed our happiness at a young age by deciding to love and please others more than ourselves.

I’m sorry mum

I’m sorry I’m such a disappointed to you

I’m sorry I’m not like my siblings

I’m sorry you are embarrassed by me

I’m sorry I’m fucked up

Sorry I take up you’re time

Sorry I have problems too

Sorry I’m lazy

Sorry I’m unmotivated

Sorry I’m such a waste of space

I’m trying!!

I feel so lonely but I always want to be alone.

I’ve always seemed to hate my body, and yet it was the only thing that held onto me at night.


How was I not enough? I was just a kid!
