

I don’t think I will ever be enough There is something broken inside of me, like I am just made of broken pieces someone couldn’t quite fit together in the way they were supposed to. Like I was shattered at some point and they gave up before they got it right. I don’t think this is how humans are supposed to feel and now I am just sad and alone and scared and I think this is how its always going to be..

I would do anything and give anything not to feel like this anymore. I just want to feel something else.

I hate that I’m always so alone, especially on nights like this where my depression gets the best of me and suddenly I realize how alone I am. I dont have anyone to turn to when this happens, I don’t have people who are actually there for me. No one ever knows what to do and I just feel like even more of a burden. I feel like a burden all the time and I dont know how to reach out to people when I feel like the world is coming down around me and it feels like the only thing that will make it stop is just to stop existing. I dont want to feel alone. I just want to be able to connect to other people without feeling like theres something wrong with me, like I’m broken.

My mental health has never been worse and I’m crying alone at 2am bc I don’t have people there for me and I don’t know how to change that.

Tonight is one of those nights where my chest feels heavy and I cant stop crying and I really just want someone to talk to.

I’m so tired of feeling so alone..

¿Ver, o no ver?

Todos te dicen que tengas esperanzas y sueños, pero todos estamos igual de perdidos y todos hemos perdido cualquier atisbo de esperanza.

Solo que algunos quieren creer y hacer creer que todavía hay algo por lo que luchar, mientras que otros simplemente asumen la carencia de significado de la existencia sumiéndose en una inmensa bañera, y mientras más se hunden más difícil es quitar el tapón, lenta y tortuosamente se van ahogando mientras esperan, que como por arte de magia, sus cuerpos se pierdan en el viento para seguir su camino como una débil y quebradiza hoja de otoño siendo arrastrada por la brisa.

Los primeros son ciegos pero felices, los segundos si pueden ver, conocen la fría realidad y temen de ella.

Entre nosotros, muchas veces quisiera ser ciega.

' , ' . ' , , .

As days passes by i gradually have lost weight and energy such as to do my work and the things i like to do, maybe is the quarantine or the lack of friends or of moments i don’t know.

