
clinicalherbalist: White clover (Trifolium repens). Native to Eurasia but introduced here (and lots


White clover (Trifolium repens). Native to Eurasia but introduced here (and lots of other places) as a pasture crop for livestock like cows and honeybees. The leaves are edible and taste like green beans. The flowers are sweeter. White clover doesn’t normally have the estrogenic effect that red clover and some other clovers have.
Medicinally, it is a safe and gentle antiparasitic that will aid the body in getting rid of tapeworms. They’re not much of an issue where i live now, but are in some places, and i’ve had occasion to use it for this purpose a few times.
In irish, clover is “seamair” and the diminutive “seamairóg” is where english gets the word “shamrock”
#wildedibles #herbalmedicine #nature #plants #shamrock #seamair #clover #herbalism #primitiveskills #naturalliving #cestoda #parasites

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this is a powerful ritual that focuses on everything that goes into self-love and self-acceptance; overcoming guilt, ridding yourself of harmful habits and thoughts, seeing your own beauty, having confidence and courage, and harnessing your inner magick. best done on a fullorwaxingmoon.

❀  three candles: one white, one pink, one red

❀ yarrow (rekindling love, confidence, psychic opening)

❀ cloves (courage and self confidence)

❀ lavender (inner peace, tranquility, self love)

❀  a pen

 abowlmade of glass, wood or clay

❀  a mirror on a stand, or one that can lean on furniture

before you begin your ritual, take some time for self-care that makes you feel good about yourself, your face and your body. put on some music you like, gently brush your hair, do your makeup (or gently wash your face and moisturize it, if you don’t wear makeup), wear comfortable clean clothes you feel cute and/or cozy in. if you want, anoint yourself with a fragrance or essential oil that makes you feel desirable, intoxicating, or alluring.

rest comfortably on the floor (with a pillow underneath you). ensure the mirror is in front of you and that you can see yourself in it. arrange the three candles so that the white and red candles are to either side of the mirror, and the pink candle is right in front, between you and your reflection. 

light the white candle, whispering, “may you cleanse my mind and heart of self-negativity and sorrow.” light the red candle, whispering, “may your flame spark newfound self-passion.” light the pink candle, whispering, “may you inspire tender self-admiration and respect.”

look at yourself in the mirror. take a moment to really inspect your face and pinpoint the things you like about it; its smoothness, its hues, its shapes. after a moment of this, cup your hands together and hold them above the flames of the candles in the order you lit them, letting your hands grow warm. gently run your warmed hands over your forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, and slowly gliding them down your neck.

re-warm your hands with each candle, and gently press them on the places on your body you tend to dislike. show yourself care and love with hands warmed by magick. 

place the bowl in front of you, close to the pink candle. take the yarrow in your hands, whispering “may you grant me the power to love myself,” and place it in the bowl. take the cloves, whispering “may you bring me confidence and courage to overcome my harmful thoughts”, setting them in the bowl. 

finally, take the bay leaf and pen and write out a wish that addresses something specific regarding self-love that you want to manifest; for example, “body acceptance”, “seeing inner beauty on the outside”, “emotional healing”, or some such thing. place it in the bowl.

let a little wax from each candle drip onto the herbs in your bowl, and leave the mirror and bowl where they are for three days and three nights. each morning and evening during this time, look into the mirror for a moment and think a kind thought about yourself. on the third night, dispose of the herbs and put the mirror away.

witch’s banishing salt bowl

salt bowls, with some herb magick thrown in, are a potent method of ridding bad energy, harmful spirits or emotional hauntings from the home. 

☾ the bowl

salt can damage porous materials like wood, so using a bowl made of glass, ceramic or metal is best. glass helps clarify and amplify magickal intention. ceramic embodies earth energy— robust, strong, and unwavering. metal of any type helps project magick to fill a space.

☾ the salt

regular table salt is a classic cleanser and protecter. other specialty salts can have additional magickal impact: sea salt, associated with the water element, relieves residual negative emotions, like sadness and anger. himalayan pink salt is associated with astral travel and can help dispel curses and hauntings. if you need some serious no-nonsense banishing, add powdered charcoal to any salt.

☾ banishing / cleansing herbs

basil, black peppercorns, cloves, cumin, fern, garlic, lemongrass, mullein, pine, st. john’s wort, thyme, yarrow

set your salt bowl in the center of your home for a day or two, until you feel that there is a discernible improvement of the home’s energy. repeat as needed.


a stovetop potpourri is a wonderful way to fill your house with whatever energy you choose. water naturally has cleansing properties, and its vapor can carry the scent (and magick!) and fill a space entirely. this is a recipe for a potpourri with warm spices and herbs to cleanse your space and cultivate positive energy within it. best done during a new or waning moon. you will need:

☾ a medium-sized metal pot

☾ three cups of water

☾ three cups of apple cider (good spirits, home magick, blessings)

☾ bay leaf (purification, blessing the home)

☾ elderflower (house blessing and clearing negativity)

☾ orange peel (blessing and sunlight energy)

☾ pine needles (new beginnings, purification)

☾ anise (instilling calm, happy energy in a space)

☾ ginger (good health, protection, optimism)

fill your pot with the water and apple cider. put all your ingredients in; other than the one bay leaf, add each item in proportion to how much you like the smell + how much of its particular magick you want in your potpourri. 

set it on the stove on medium heat, and let it simmer for as long as you like, or until the water gets too low to simmer any longer. strain out the ingredients and bury them in the front or back yard, letting their magick rest on the foundation of your home. if you don’t have a yard, bury them in the soil of a houseplant.

hello wonderful witches,

i’ve made one post before about the financial complications i’m facing as a result of a large, grapefruit sized ovarian cyst that needs to be removed. my surgery is scheduled for april 16th, after which i will need to take 2 weeks off of work for recovery. neither one of my jobs offers paid sick time due to a legal loophole, so i am left with no supplemental income during my recovery.

i recently updated my shop with new items i’ve been working on, including grimoires, herbal booklets, and herbal ritual blends for as little as $3. every single item in my shop is under $10. if you are able to help in any way, i would appreciate it so much.

here is the link to my etsy shop!

support a chronically ill witch who sells her art to compensate for time off needed to recover from surgery!!

in an effort to make green witchcraft and herbal magick more accessible, i have created small illustrated booklets explaining the basics of the folklore, magick, and rituals associated with a few essential witchcraft herbs: mugwort, yarrow, and st. john’s wort!

each book lists a summary of the historical use of the herb, as well as its legends and folktales. a recipe, spell and charm how-to are all included in the book, as well as a packet of the herb itself.

these book + herb sets are $5 each in my etsy shop. click here to order!


All Readings will be Shared to your email in the form of a PDF.

Types of Readings I Offer

Questions Asked (10$)

Consult with me on 3 questions you would like answered. I’ll work with you to formulate a question to ask to get relevant and helpful answers from Spirit.

Messages from Your Spirit Guides (10$)

Receive messages from your spirit guides! I’ll channel your guides through Tarot and translate what they’ve been trying to reach you about.

Boo! Spirits. Deities. (10$)

Find out if there’s any spirits trying to contact you and what they wish to say! Same goes for any deities that may be trying to contact you. In regards to deities, I can also pull cards for suggestions on deities that may be compatible with your energy.

Patterns. It’s time to make some changes. (25$)

This reading takes a good hard look at the the patterns you keep going through in Life. Reflect on what you keep repeating and how you can break these cycles to grow into your highest self. These readings take a lot more energy for me which is why it’s a little more.

Soulmate Reading (20$)

What traits do your soulmate hold? What do you need to work on before you meet them or to improve your current relationship? What changes will your soulmate Invoke? When are you most likely to meet them? These are some of the common questions covered in a soulmate reading.

Past Life Reading (10$)

Find out who you were, what you did and what your life was like in this past life reading.

1 card 1 Question Reading (3$)

With this reading you get 1 question and 1 card pulled for it. I’ll explain in depth what that card symbolizes.

Message me if you would like a reading and what reading you would like.

Payments can be made through CashApp and PayPal, and Readings will be done within 1-3 days.

  • If a PDFreading isn’t what your looking for; I can refer you to someone who does wonderful video chat readings.


Common Herbs and Spices in Magick

As always, this is not a complete list and probably never will be (the amount of herbs and spices is crazy!) but here’s what i found most important/easy to get and wrote down in my grimoire.

  • Allspice - Prosperity and energy
  • Angelica - Protection, divination, and connecting to the angelic realm
  • Anise - Creativity, and good for anything magickal
  • Basil⚔️ - Protection, wards against negativity, and provides courage
  • Bay✨ - Adds power, grants wishes, and good for divination
  • Briar‍♀️ - Brings good dreams and keeps bad ones at bay, attracts Faeries
  • Catnip - Attracts a familiar
  • Chamomile - Aids in rest and sleeping, calms
  • Cinnamon - Brings success and energy to do it, can bring good health
  • Clove - Good for wards and cleansing a space
  • Clover☘️ - Money, luck, and aids in divination
  • Cumin - Protection of belongings, and wards against thieves
  • Dill - Brings money and love
  • Fern - Attracts wisdom, good for studying
  • Garlic - Provides protection
  • Hazel‍♀️ - Brings Faeries, luck, and used when needing to find a wand
  • Heather - Beauty
  • Ivy - Brings friendships and protects bonds
  • Kelp - Protection
  • Lavender☮️ - Attracts elves, inspires peace and calm
  • Mint - Usually used as an offering to spirits or deities
  • Mustard - Fosters luck and aids in fertility
  • Nutmeg - Comfort
  • Oats - Keeps a home secure, and can be used in offerings
  • Orange Peel - Can bring love and good fortune, and amplifies energy in the morning
  • Parsley - Purifies and protects
  • Pepper⚪️ - Just as good as salt actually, good for wards and protection magick.
  • Rosemary - Good for blessing your home, can replace sage in spells, and promotes good health
  • Sage- Good for blessings and protection, can bring great wisdom
  • Star Anise - Enhances psychic/meta-physical abilities and aids meditation
  • Thyme‍♂️- Sets up wards, and promotes courage and swift action
  • Wheat - Protects the home, and can bring wealth.


Fantasy Guide to Medicine: Cold and Flu

Nature is our pharmacy. Here are some herbs to clear colds and flus.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Research must be done on these before use.

  • Garlic – This is an antiseptic and can be used as an antibiotic.
  • Onion – Onions can be used treat coughing. Chemicals in onion can treat respiratory issues.
  • Thyme – Thyme can be used to cure respiratory infections and coughing. It also relieves stomach issues.
  • Sage – Another antiseptic. This can be used for to treat the sinuses. (Cannot be used by pregnant/breastfeeding women)
  • Cayenne powder – Cayenne is used preventative measure for a cold or flu. It can lessen the duration of these illnesses.
  • Peppermint – Used for lowering fevers and treating upset digestion.
  • Chamomile – It calms the nerves, improves sleeping patterns, curing pink eye and reduces fever.
  • Lemon – Can be used to fight flus and colds as well as reducing phlegm.
  • Nettle Leaf – contains vitamins and minerals to hydrate the body and destroy certain toxins. It can be used as an immune booster and to prevent illnesses.
  • Elderberry – Elderberry supports the body’s immune system even during illness.
  • Yarrow- Used for colds and flus. It can shorten illness if used correctly. It can combat fevers by sweating the patient. This is suitable for sick children.
Everybody n dem modda have a cold now and the weather is not so sweet but as usual, I find comfort i

Everybody n dem modda have a cold now and the weather is not so sweet but as usual, I find comfort in herbs. I’m sipping on my 9 Goddess Womb Tea as it includes herbs like butterfly pea and dandelion with immune boosting properties and herbs like red clover and yarrow that support the lungs.

#9goddesswombtea #tropiki #wombtea #immunebooster #lungsupport #herbaltea #herbalism #healingherbs #wombcare #wombwellness #dandelion #butterflypea #yarrow #redclover (at Kingston, Jamaica)

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How I’m fighting this sinus attack today….plugging in to the sun for some vitamin D while I inhale s

How I’m fighting this sinus attack today….plugging in to the sun for some vitamin D while I inhale some Guinea Hen Weed root. I need some fatter roots tho. I’ll take your Guinea hen weed if it’s a bother in your garden ‍♀️ please n tanx!

#sunbath #baking #ra #vitaminD #sunhealing #guineahenweed #sinus #sinusitis #islandremedy #herbalmedicine #herbalhealing #herbalism #traditionalmedicine #bushdoctor #jamaica (at Jamaica)

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Use herbs in a pouch, or while cooking, and stir the mix or infusions to empower the spell to protect the home, any possessions, your workplace, and property. Use incense in sticks, cones, or as a powder incense and burn it on heated charcoal blocks and use a lighted incense stick like a smoke pen to write empowerments or symbols.

  1. Allspice- for money,passion,swift-moving,or urgent matters.
  2. Basil- for fidelity,prosperity,protection,and fear of flying.
  3. Chamomile(Roman) and Chamomile(German)- for healing,babies,children, animals,and reversing bad luck. It also helps to attract money and is helpful in family matters.
  4. Cedar/Cedar Wood- for healing,cleansing bad influences,negative thoughts,and harmony.
  5. Cinnamon- for passion,regaining money after loss, urgently needing money and psychic awareness.
  6. Dragon’s Blood- for fierce protection,anti-curse,any major enterprise, and male potency.
  7. Fennel- for travel,house sales,and moves. It helps to banish and  keep harm away from people,animals, and places.
  8. Frankincense- For wealth,courage,joy,career,success,and travel. Also used in formal rituals.
  9. Hyssop- For making a love commitment;healing;spirituality;all forms of protection, especially from psychic attack;and as an infusion to cleanse artifacts.
  10. Juniper- purifies homes; protects against accidents,thieves,and illness;and male potency.
  11. Lemongrass/Lemon- repels spite,malice,and gossip. It also helps with psychic awareness and travel.
  12. Lemon Verbena- For breaking a run of bad luck,protection against negativity, the Evil Eye, and ill-wishing.
  13. Mint and Peppermint drives negativity from objects and places,and brings money, health,love, and success.
  14. Myrtle- For a lasting marriage,mature love, domestic happiness,property, and security.
  15. Myrrh- For healing,peace,purification,overcoming grief, and protection against evil.Can be used in formal rituals and in moon magic.
  16. Pine- Drives away harm from the home and family, especially newborn infants, cleansing negativity and malice, guarding property, and premises.
  17. Rosemary- For learning,love,fidelity,prosperity,and banishing malevolence.
  18. Sage- For longevity,good health,examinations,interviews,tests,protection of home and family,slow-growing prosperity, and wisdom.
  19. Sandalwood- For spiritual awareness and healing,leadership,justice, compensation,and sexuality. Can be used in formal rituals.
  20. Tarragon- The dragon herb,courage,and anti-bullying,and the shedding of old burdens,guilt,fears,and destructive relationships.
  21. Thyme- Psychically cleanses the home,possessions,vehicles and land,health, memory of past worlds,and drives away nightmares and phantoms of the night.
  22. Vertivert- For love, breaks a run of bad luck, protects against theft and negativity.
mr-moonrose: Roman Chamomile  Often referred to as the “ground apple,” chamomile is the flower of pe


Roman Chamomile 

Often referred to as the “ground apple,” chamomile is the flower of peace; Used medicinally to ease the nerves and calm the mind. 

  • Planet: Sun 
  • Element: Water 
  • Energy: Masculine

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  • Green tea
  • Jasmine flower
  • Chamomile flower
  • Lemonbalm

This tea helps ease your mind when you’re suffering from heartbreak. Be sure to breathe in the soothing steam as you drink. It will penetrate the heavy feeling in your heart and help you feel calmer.
