


Порядок – ключ к успеху. Ты слышала эту мудрость миллион раз, но игнорировала из-за лени? Пора положить этому конец! Ведь до экзаменов и итоговых контрольных осталось совсем чуть-чуть! Сейчас тебе как никогда необходимо сконцентрироваться на учебе, чтобы сдать все на «отлично».

Заклеивать монитор компьютера цветными стикерами с напоминаниями – не лучшая идея. А если их много, то можно упустить что-то действительно важное. Для повседневных дел, записок и коротких указаний лучше завести ежедневник, а яркие стикеры оставить для чего-то суперважного.

Если ты любительница сделать «чайную паузу» во время работы, тебе просто необходимо приобрести симпатичный коврик для кружки. Благодаря этой маленькой покупке, тебе больше не придется переживать из-за водяных колец на поверхности стола. Мило и удобно!

Ты, правда, пользуешься всеми этими ручками, фломастерами и кисточками каждый день? тоже думаю, что нет. Оставь на столе только те канцелярские принадлежности, которыми пользуешься ежедневно. А остальное сложи в пенал или в красивую коробку и убери в стол до первой надобности.

Семейные фотографии, сувениры из Турции, и маленький плюшевый мишка, который подарил тебе любимый на 8 марта, конечно, поднимают настроение в течение рабочей недели. Но именно эти безделушки отвлекают тебя от дел, вызывая волну приятных воспоминаний. Чтобы совместить приятное с полезным, оставь на столе три памятные вещи, а остальные убери в шкаф.

Никак не можешь заставить себя взяться за дело? Размести рядом с рабочим пространством воодушевляющие изображения и афоризмы, чтобы мотивировать себя на продуктивную деятельность!

Даже если все твои работы и документы давно хранятся в памяти компьютера или смартфона, не поленись и распечатай самые важные. Пусть всегда будут под рукой, мало ли что!

Не забывай о своем здоровье и всегда контролируй уровень освещенности помещения. Недостаток света может привести к усталости глаз и снижению продуктивности. Если в комнате темно, используй настольную лампу. Следи за правильностью настроек монитора компьютера. Отрегулируй на нем яркость, а заодно высоту и наклон. Эта мелочь поможет тебе снизить нагрузку на зрение и облегчить работу.

Надоели бумажные пирамиды Хеопса на рабочем месте? Поставь рядом со столом небольшой контейнер для мусора. Это поможет тебе вовремя избавляться от всего ненужного.

Возможно, твоему рабочему пространству необходимы глобальные перемены. Не стоит покупать громоздкий шкаф или комод – подбери для себя удобный функциональный стеллаж. Он идеально впишется в небольшую комнату или в рабочий кабинет и будет отлично сочетаться с любым интерьером.

Не забывай поддерживать чистоту там, где ты учишься или работаешь – протирать пыль, дезинфицировать компьютерную мышь, трубку телефона. Особое внимание удели клавиатуре.

Question 30: What’s Next For Visceral Concepts?

A lot, actually. We have some big things planned to add more value for our clients.

This isn’t actually a question we get asked often. However, it’s akin to a question we do: How long do you plan on doing this? When we hear clients ask this, what we’re really hearing is that they need reassured that we’ll be around to help them for longer than their project; that we’re not just a fly-by-night…

View On WordPress

Today’s #FoodForThought: Screw Potential, How Much #Drive Do You Have? #happyhumpday http://wp

Today’s #FoodForThought: Screw Potential, How Much #Drive Do You Have? #happyhumpday http://wp.me/p3N9az-I5

I’ve about had it with potential being treated as some mythical superpower that only a select few people have.

Post link





dam……..that website “you feel like shit” (it’s like a questionnaire / troubleshooting guide for when you feel like shit) really works………………….. im not even all the way thru it and i even half-assed a lot of the suggestions and i already feel loads better

for some reason, with this website, i was able to complete small tasks ive been fruitlessly bugging myself to do for weeks??

anyway, i feel almost good now :^)

im glad this got some notes!!!! i hope it helps y’all find some measure of peace or comfort <3

Reblogging for my own reference later, and in case it benefits anyone else reading this.

 ☁️  18            ☁️yesterday i finished my hero academiaa :((((((((( on a happier note: i STAR

☁️  18             ☁️

yesterday i finished my hero academiaa :((((((((( on a happier note: i STARTED HAIKYUUUUU!!!!! <3333 aaand today i has a super productive morning, i went through chapter 4 in my german book in which i learned about the daily routines + free time activities, it was a lot of funn!!! 

love, edith

ig.: @fivestarstudy_

Post link
a moody theme for today’s post - we had a rainy morning here and i was listening to some oldies thata moody theme for today’s post - we had a rainy morning here and i was listening to some oldies that

a moody theme for today’s post - we had a rainy morning here and i was listening to some oldies that i poured my soul into in high school (AM, CATB, Alex Turner, The Kooks, John Mayer) anyways, hope yall are doing well!! <3

love, edith 
(haven’t written my signature in a long time hehe)


Post link
another productive afternoon!! managed to revise the body parts and foods in germanig.: @fivestarstuanother productive afternoon!! managed to revise the body parts and foods in germanig.: @fivestarstu

another productive afternoon!! managed to revise the body parts and foods in german

ig.: @fivestarstudy_

Post link

Day 14/30

30.05.2022 // Got in to uni early today to study. The barista put ice cream in my overpriced coffee :( Daily prompt: the two realisations that changed me as a person are probably not so profound but they changed me nonetheless. The first: I just realised that I don’t have to take everything so seriously. The second: there is beauty in every moment I experience, from my lowest lows to be highest highs, even if I don’t see it at the time, it’s there.

: Daydreaming - Harry Styles


Hi friends!

So I’ve been doing this 30 day productivity (30dop) challenge and I didn’t intend on making it a proper challenge when I started but some people have been showing interest so I thought I’d just lay out some basics and also give you some prompts! By no means am I suggesting that I created this challenge, I know a lot of people do things like this, I just wanna help some people out.

The basics of what you need to know:

  • This challenge is open to ANYONE, studying, working, preparing for something, people who are just bored
  • You can start this challenge at any time during the year
  • ‘Productivity’ is a purely subjective term. You may classify simply reading a book as making a day productive (it really does)
  • Tag your challenge posts with #30dop so others can follow along; I’ll track this tag but may not reblog
  • If you dowant me to interact and reblog your posts, tag the posts #heydilli(this is my tracking tag so you can use this for other posts too)

If this sounds good to you, keep scrolling for some daily prompts!

Keep reading

Day 13/30

29.05.2022 // Today felt like a real lazy day… I spent most of my time on tumblr -_- But I’m still trying to get used to Google Calendar and slowly working through final revision. You may have seen my 30dop challenge post, so imma try out my own prompt: do I prefer country or city? Definitely country, ever since I can remember I’ve loved the countryside, even if it can be inconvenient sometimes

: Dopamine Addict - Alec Benjamin

Hi friends!

So I’ve been doing this 30 day productivity (30dop) challenge and I didn’t intend on making it a proper challenge when I started but some people have been showing interest so I thought I’d just lay out some basics and also give you some prompts! By no means am I suggesting that I created this challenge, I know a lot of people do things like this, I just wanna help some people out.

The basics of what you need to know:

  • This challenge is open to ANYONE, studying, working, preparing for something, people who are just bored
  • You can start this challenge at any time during the year
  • ‘Productivity’ is a purely subjective term. You may classify simply reading a book as making a day productive (it really does)
  • So basically, do at least one thing you consider productive, every day for 30 days!
  • Tag your challenge posts with #30dop so others can follow along; I’ll track this tag but may not reblog
  • If you dowant me to interact and reblog your posts, tag the posts #heydilli(this is my tracking tag so you can use this for other posts too)

If this sounds good to you, keep scrolling for some daily prompts!

excuse my terrible digital handwritingT-T

Some additional info in case you’re worried about any of this:

  • You don’t have to use the prompts I provide, they are optional (I probably won’t even use them for my own posts tbh)
  • Don’t stress if you post late/miss a few days, everyone knows I’m struggling too
  • You don’t have to post pictures if you don’t want to/can’t
  • Basically this is a very open-ended challenge you can mould it and change it however you want to suit your preferences/needs
  • If you need some help with formatting, you can either check out the tag #30dop or check my blog for my 30dop posts, but generally I recommend including these:

Day #/30; date; your summary of the day and answer to prompt; song rec or something you’re currently reading

And that is all I have for you guys, but if you wanna talk about any of the above or if you just wanna be mutuals, DM me or otherwise my inbox is always open <3

Good luck and thank you for reading!!

xx dilli


august 3rd, 2020

i feel like my notes are always either too minimal or too colourful . there’s no in between // click for hq


philosophy paper due friday but today’s been exceedingly unproductive… chalking it up to over-saturation, but tomorrow’s a new and fresh day !☀︎ (and also one day till my deadline)

here’s a pic of my brown sugar raisin bread and peanut crisp mochi bun !! big yums to fuel the brain that did nothing today ack

