

to me being a fairy. :DD woop! I’m magical now~

Master and I have been together for 3 years now (and if you haven’t followed us for long, we’ve only been exploring a d/s dynamic for about 3 months) AND I STILL FANGIRL OVER HIM. SERIOUSLY HE’S SO ATTRACTIVE LOL.

Sometimes no matter what you say i’ll be mad at you. But if you choose to tell me the worst possible answer then at least i’ll appreciate your honesty - stephanie reddy


For a long time I thought being strong was doing things on my own, and continuing on through pain. This made me a fragile, and unhappy person. I’m not the person my peers painted me to be, and I accepted myself as in my first years as an adult. I’m not a bitch, I’m not negative, I’m not mean. I was hurt, and waiting for someone to care about me, and what I was going through. Instead I was around people who mocked, and criticized me for being what I can now recognize as being depressed. I’m working really hard to sort through all of that, and realize who I am. I’m caring, dependable, and loving. A big part of why I never received help is because I never asked for it. I ignored, and shut out people that hurt me because it happened too often for me to deal with. There’s nothing wrong about needing people in your life, or needing support from them.

I’m getting better. I feel so much better. It’s hard, and sometimes even feelings of joy can be overwhelming because the promise of happiness leaving again terrifies me. I have friends that really love me, and love everything about my personality. I’m just reassuring myself that I deserve to be treated well, and to be happy.

Tell someone if you love them, and tell them what you value about them. Just tell them everything.

Why do we hold on to memories of unhealthy relationships and the ones who hurt us? When we have so much good, why do we miss the bad? Why are we blindsided by the past and drawn back into its fire? I wish people and messages and memories just disappeared but they don’t and sometimes that really stings and remembering them or stumbling onto something that they touched makes you feel like maybe you’re missing out on a more exciting present, and it’s confusing and it distracts you from the good stuff. The fire does that. It takes away and burns up all the good stuff you have.

Hi it’s Harriet! Emma’s buried in spreadsheets, so I wrote today’s blog about crushes vs

Hi it’s Harriet! Emma’s buried in spreadsheets, so I wrote today’s blog about crushes vs true love. Hope you like it! 

“Harriet Guest Blog: How Do You Know When It’s Love or a Crush” - http://pbly.co/EAblog87

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My smile is hiding the hurt you caused me. And I promise you, you won’t see the hurt again.
