#send help

jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? jung-koook:Concept Photo (Proof ver.)You expect me to still be productive at work after this???


Concept Photo (Proof ver.)

You expect me to still be productive at work after this??? HOW???

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Ah! That glorious moment when you have been working on something for a week and when you read it back you’re just like NOPE and hit the delete button.

Guess I’ll try again.


has anyone else noticed that jensen ackles tends to favor one particular pose

i like to call it the ‘lean n’ spread’


this here is jensen ackles 

Keep reading

Hello hi how are y’all I’m finally out of preventive quarantine for I tested negative, and yet I’m losing my mind working on this Valorant x Mucha thing soooo just wanted to make a quick W.I.P. update.

I don’t know if I’m more pleased of how it is turning out, or more frustrated about the amount of time and effort I’m putting on this while I should focus on exams.

Either way, still a LONG WAY TO GO. Will post the finished result at some time, of course still hypothesizing I’ll actually finish this one.

Which I’m not sure given the amount of details I have planned.

ANYWAYS. I really appreciate when a Sage resurrected me, even if I suck at the game.


How comes I just wanted to change the RAM sticks to my computer and found myself in a 4 hours odissey, disassembling and reassembling half of the machine to recover something that fell under the motherboard?!

Never went further than regular fans dusting before, I have officially unlocked a new level of anxiety.


Does anyone watch the arrangement on E!? I have binged watched it in the last day and a half and it has given me all the feels. I need a good fanfic to hold me over till the season finale! Please send help!

Well guys, gals, and non-binary pals… remember coffee shop girl? The saga? My bi-disastrous attempt to give this beautiful woman my number that I’ve been crushing on? Rev’s attempt to live a coffee shop au in real life?

Well I went in today, per my Friday usual, and guess who hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it all and has decided they’re curious… and wants to go out for dinner?

YA GIRL HAS A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone sedate me. I’m not okay


Deep inside she knew who she was, and that person was smart, and kind, and often funny. But somehow her personality always got lost somewhere between her heart and her mouth, and she found herself saying the wrong thing or, more often, nothing at all.


my problem is that I download new cc - and instead of incorporating the new items into my current game -I just create a new family… smh.



You can use this as an ask meme and have people inbox you the numbers, or just fill it out on your own if you’re really bored. Whatever you feel like doing!

1. How do they react to pouring themselves a bowl of their favorite cereal and discovering there’s no milk?
2. How do they respond to telemarketers?
3. How many burgers can they eat in one meal?
4. If they found fifty dollars, what would they do with it?
5. What’s their immediate thought upon hearing a baby crying on a bus/plane/ect?
6. Opinions on bubble wrap?
7. What would they do if a sleazy person tried hitting on them in the street?
8. Would they take online personality quizzes?
9. How much belief do they invest in horoscopes?
10. If sent back in time to save the future, how badly would they fuck up?
11. How much time would they spend customizing a video game character?
12. What do they do if they’re at home and the electricity goes out?
13. Someone pushes the character into a pool while fully dressed. Do they seek revenge?
14. If the OC made an original character, what would they be like?
15. How would they conduct themselves if taken to a concert?
16. Would they buy merchandise of a TV show/movie/ect they like?
17. How do they act on social media sites?
18. What would they suggest to help someone rid themselves of the hiccups?
19. How long would they be able to listen to a 24 hour loop of their favorite song?
20. How would they react to discovering someone has stolen their lunch while they were in class/working/ect?

Send me asks! Instead of using OCs, choose a number and an X-men character - I need drawing inspiration!

ao3 is down and I was just getting my morning fix…

I want to show you what my drawing process looks like and at the same time the answer to the questioI want to show you what my drawing process looks like and at the same time the answer to the questio

I want to show you what my drawing process looks like and at the same time the answer to the question: why I draw so little and slowly. The visual image of perfectionism, my curse and my suffering.

“The artist is trying to draw the hands properly.”
oil on canvas

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Take a break, the moon is in sleepy and dreamy Pisces ^^

Question: how do you handle a cold? I’ve been coughing for two days straight (tested negative for Covid) but I can’t seem to shake this…. any tips? <3


Why is living so expensive? I’m not even having a good time.

how many posts do I have to make before I finally show up again in the tags asfsdg

I was looking for a quiet space in the library and ended up in the Backrooms how are you guys doing

my dad’s an alcoholic

Feeling really shitty and I have no one to talk to but I need to say something. For the last about 5 years or so, my father has been drinking. Drinking to the point of blackout, missing work, fighting, driving drunk. It used to be everytime he drank we fought physically. bruises I could hide from friends because “oh it was volleyball” or “ oh I’m clumsy lol” and it worked because it wasn’t too often. But now it’s every night.

He stumbles in, probably nearing his arrest or death everytime he drives home. The physical is less because of the several 911 calls from it. But now it’s deeper. Now I’m afraid he’ll hurt my 1 year old nephew. Now I’m scared he’ll use his voice to penetrate through the walls in the dead of night keeping us awake and scared he’ll come to our room next.

Just now, he asked me if I wanted food. I declined with a simple no. It started a barrage of questions. I looked away and answered in short consise words. He then said “look at me.” I couldnt. I didn’t. “So now you can’t look at me, huh?” Followed by cold laughter.

I closed the door quietly, counting his steps leaving my room and holding my breath crying, praying my knees wouldn’t give out.

I couldn’t look at him because last time I looked in his eyes they were bloodshot, combined with a mouth screaming at my mother while my nose was bleeding.

Just the smell of alcohol nearly brings me to tears and a documentary during psych class last year about alcoholism gave me such an intense panic attack, my friend almost called 911. I get chills just hearing his voice in his drunken state, instant regret fills my stomach when I hear the door jingle at 2 am.

It took 2 years for me to realize how bad the situation is.

I just needed somewhere to talk while he screams for no reason. Thanks for listening.

Please reblog this, or msg me if your going through something similar. The worst part of this is how alone it makes you feel.

dilfosaur:dis-ass-ociates:radicalreliablerandomness:dis-ass-ociates:eyess:dilfosaur:folks wanted me







folks wanted me to post this so fine

this is a free trial of death

Okay before things get bad I’m gonna say that people should respect other people as human beings, no matter what they may ship.

Both Tony Tiger x Grinch and Onceler x Grinch are entirely valid.

And that being said, I would now like to present a new ship:

The Grinch has TWO hands.

Oh no

also I’d like to add that the grinch, at 6′2, is actually the shortest of the three of them.

I had to look at this, now so do you

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Joseph X french/french learning!reader

Because I speak it fluently and it’s fun (send help)

  • To those learning French. French is essentially oral Scrabble. To those speaking French. ON EST D'ACCORD NON?? Joseph seems offended by this comparison, but deep down… He agrees.
  • You often speak French, on a daily basis. Like, common conversations like where is my chaussette
  • (The last sentence is on purpose and I am wheezing it means “where’s my sock”)
  • You decided it’s fun to mix languages for new cussing. Though he usually keeps a straight face, he snorted at “what the merde” and now uses it on a daily basis.
  • No one notices he actually picked it up from you and didn’t come up w it himself.
  • Not even Mary.
  • *despairful Joseph noises* “whaT THE MERdE”
  • If you’re only learning French, he’ll encourage you speaking with him in French
  • You’ll often exchange secrets in french when around other hunters…….
  • …… That is until Mary arrives and he has to remind you she’s french.
  • She’s amused, but decided to join in into your conversation like nothing happened
  • Joseph doesn’t seem to approve cuz he feels like it was your little something, like a small special connection,,, but he can’t do anything about it, can he?
  • It’s only when you start learning it you realise it’s not hot unless you’re a masochist, because the amount of rules, the amount of exceptions for each rule, the amount of unnecessary stylistics and letters you never pronounce…. - sincerely, a french person.
  • If you’re learning it, he might start reading you La Fontaine, saying that “A language is learnt best when it’s learnt the way a kid learns it.” (la fontaine basically wrote small stories for kids from the POV of animals, I think there’s a word for these in English)
  • He’ll try and get you to move to more difficult litterature later on))
  • Mary keeps talking to you in short sentences, casually chatting with you every now and then

Soooooooo on my last day of vacation, my wallet with my last $500 was stolen out of my bag. AND to put the cherry on top the transmission went out on our truck on the way home. We made it home safe, but I have $3 and no food.

If each of my followers sent me $1 I’d be just fine, anything would help. I could really use the help.


Here, have something incredibly stupid that is currently in my Red WIP, but may be cut, because, dumb. It was from prompt writing with @mamamichine, the prompt was art of an octopus in the sink, he may have been doing dishes, I forget lol. I am at 13381/50000 for nanowrimo but I fear it’s kinda trash atm 


Cerys walked into the kitchen for a snack and stopped dead before the island when she spotted movement from the sink.


The demon appeared momentarily at her side, brow furrowed.

“What is it? Did you hurt yourself? —”

“What—is—that?!” She demanded, not turning her eyes from the sink.

“What? Oh, Nick?”


“He’s a bit odd, but he’s alright. Completely harmless. Unless you’re a xylem, or a carn. Or…whatever it is Octopi eat in your dimension. Otherwise you’re fine. Oh! Or a spider. He hates those.”

“Are you having a stroke?! What are you even saying? Were those words?”

“Yes? And, no? I don’t think so. How do you tell? About strokes, that it.”

She looked back and forth between Andras and what appeared to be an octopus hanging out in the deep stainless steel sink.

“You know what? Nevermind. I don’t want to know, and I’m no longer hungry.”

“You’re going to hurt his feelings! He doesn’t always look like this. But he’s charming like this, in a way, no? Isn’t that a thing, anyways? On the internet? Tentacle porn?”

“I am not listening to you! And never go on the internet again!” she shouted over her shoulder.
