

Goddamnit,, now I want to write a Recruitment AU fic but I’m already working on Angelica Protag AU and I promised myself I wouldn’t take on more projects












Doctor: $140,000 a year

Furry artist on Patreon: $160,000 a year

i think you’re lowballing the furry art amount tbh

I’m sorry for the inaccuracies, Doctor Yiff

no matter how I respond to this I don’t look good, well played. i walked right into that

Well, furry artists are typically more competent and courteous than your average doctor, so I can see that.

Did you just legitimately tell me that a person who draws wolf ass is more competent than a dude who spent 8+ years in a university to give you your lung transplant?

doctors are bullshit and furry artists perform an infinitely more valuable service to society compared to them

You will die in 7 days

It took doctor’s like 10 years to diagnose what was wrong with me, some insisting I was faking for attention while a furry artist I knew just went “that sounds like crohn’s” after hearing me complain once and ended up being right

Also I can’t go to a doctor and ask them to draw Rouge the Bat wider than she is tall with tits to match, now can I

You could if you weren’t a fucking coward

this post was like 50 consecutive punches to the face, what the fuck went on here 

And its back!!!




















Three months ago I pitched an idea for a party game. Today, ‘WHAT THE PLOT?!™’ is a real game and available for pre-order! I am so excited. Thank you everyone for your support!

Click on a picture for higher quality! Tumblr compresses pictures so they might look a bit blurry!


What The Plot?!™ is now available for pre-order on planet Earth until January 1st! Definitely check it out; it’s pretty-ducking-epicthanks to your feedback and input!


omg they actually did it!!

guys ive been waiting for this. If I get it will you guys play? @folklorefairyqueen@moonxchaos


this by itself already makes me wanna play this game

UPDATE: Friday 27, March, 2020

It’s a real game now! The manufacturer sent us 5 copies! The quality is amazing! Thank you all for making this game a reality! The games are currently being shipped from Poland to a fulfillment center in the US and the Czech Republic. If you preordered the game, you can expect to have it in your hands at the end of April (so far, the pandemic has not been impeding our schedule).

The print quality of the cards is superb. The photos don’t do it justice! The text is a bit blurry in the pictures, but it’s crystal clear!

If you want to get notified when the next pre-order round drops - click here!

This actually looks so good! I will definitely be getting this!

@whattheplot are you ever gunna bring this back?

What The Plot?!™ is now available in our online store!

Get it here

finally ordered mine!! can’t wait to get my hands on it :>

i want this so bad.

I have it - it’s fun! 10/10 would recommend.

I own it!  Super fun, 5 stars.  Buy it today!

@hufflepuffhuggles I WANT IT

I can see why! I mean…this sounds like the most entertaining chaos i can imagine!

I spontaneously just ordered this wtf

i NEED to have this

Have placed my order (darn international shipping how are you so worth it).


Person A: “I can’t believe you went through with that, I wasjoking!”

Person B: “You really should know better than to give me a challenge and not prepare for the consequences by now…. Mind handing me a towel?”

Person A: “Alright, what did they do this time?”

Person B: “They were saying horrible things about you! I couldn’t just do nothing!”

Person A: “Yeah, them and just about everyone else in this place, it’s nothing I’m not use to, they’ve been doing it since longbefore you came here…. Look, I know you mean well, but you really have to stop, or you’re going to get us both in trouble.”

eunnieboo: my current cycle of existence


my current cycle of existence

Post link


Nick Shenanigans #7

Nick is a qualified(?) nurse

The next translation is coming omg!!

Have you ever wondered what it’s like working at OC Headquarters? This. This is what it’s like

thepariahcontinuum: MARZ Rising - Chapter 64: Welcome DistractionsA nice, wholesome filler chapter f


MARZ Rising - Chapter 64: Welcome Distractions

A nice, wholesome filler chapter full of cute, sweet and funny moments to give everyone a breather before the mid-season finale starts.

FF Net


Post link

Context: So this was our first session of the campaign, and our Arakokra Druid was just killed for good. Our entire party had been getting awful rolls, and there hadn’t been a single nat 20. So the Teifling Warlock ( and my characters sister ) decided to make a deal.

Warlock OOC: Okay so we all know { Druid } is suffering…
Druid: [overly dramatic dying noises ]
Warlock OOC: Hey, { me } if I roll a 20, you have to buy us all drinks.
Me, making up a mourning speech: Alright, hit me.

Everyone went silent as our Warlock rolled, and to my dismay got the first nat 20 of the night. Needless to say, I bought everyone a drink.

So… I was playing a one-shot with my friends and we were trying to kill this gorgon with increased hit points. I’m playing a wood elf ranger, and we have a gnome bard and a half orc rogue. Everyone is getting *garbage* rolls including the DM. Nothing but 3’s and 7’s. At this point we’re trying anything, and my friend who’s playing the half-orc rogue made the terrible mistake of asking us what we thought she should do.

Rogue: Guys, what should I do?

A small moment of silence.

Me: Go for double penetration up its ass with your daggers.

Rogue (laughing): Ummm… ok?

Bard (losing his shit): If you get a nat 20…

Rogue gets a nat 20. She then proceeds to rip its asshole apart. She was using 2 daggers and was getting sneak damage, so she rolled 2d6+2d4. She rolled 2 sixes, a two and a four, and then doubled it because of the nat 20. She dealt 36 damage and brought it down to 4 hit points. We go through another round of everyone missing their attacks, but then the rogue rolled an 18, which was enough to hit.

DM: So, how do you want to kill this thing?

The rogue then made a big mistake.

Rogue: Any ideas?

Me: climb inside it and kill it from the inside.

She did exactly that.

Dm: I’m not describing that… it’s dead… everyone roll a constitution saving throw to see if you throw up.

We all failed.

And that was how we saved the village.

Context: So our party had just freed a few salves from a mine, and one of the slaves happened to be a witch. She decided to give us some gifts as a thank you. The gifts consisted of magical items, some of which were pretty cool. Then, it was our half-elf Druid’s turn to receive her gift…

Witch: And for this brave half-elf….*pulls out a tiny bird shaped bell* The bird keeper’s bell!
Half-Elf: Ummm…thanks? *awkwardly receives it*
Half-orc: Ha! But that’s so plain compared to the other gifts!
Witch: On the contrary! With this bell, she will be able to summon a bird friend to aid her in battle.
Party: Huh?
Witch: And not any bird either. Using this bell, Aethel now has control over a giant dodo.
Party: A DODO?!
Party and DM: ROTFL
