

The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter.

Paulo Coelho,Veronika Decides to Die

I want to sink into your arms and feel the festival and the firelight.

Virginia Woolf,Letter to Vita Sackville-West, c. March 1931

Prejudice, a dirty word, and faith, a clean one, have something in common: they both begin where reason ends.

Harper Lee,Go Set a Watchman

A sick thought can devour the body’s flesh more than fever or consumption.

Guy de Maupassant,Le Horla et autres contes fantastiques

Closed in a room, my imagination becomes the universe, and the rest of the world is missing out.

Criss JamiDiotima, Battery, Electric Personality

There r men who specifically only support women who hate other women and they use their liking these women as them not being misogynistic and also when women who r put in position of power just hate other women and basically fucks other women’s lives but get to be a feminist icon just for being a woman

H E A R T L E S SSometimes, people don’t care about other’s feelings, these people are just heartles


Sometimes, people don’t care about other’s feelings, these people are just heartless.
My series MEMENTO MORI is still going, I have few more sketches, but I need to find the time to finish them, I’m a bit rusty as you may see on this one.

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death2america:forgetting #3 “I never suffered so the people claiming they’re suffering are exaggerat


forgetting #3 “I never suffered so the people claiming they’re suffering are exaggerating”

#4 “I’ve suffered but it’s much worse than your’s, therefore it’s invalid”

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suffering is funny sometimes

when you slaughter me

is that a religion for you?

when you draw blood

does that feel righteous?

when you scrape words

from my vocal chords?

does this cause you pain

or does it make you feel


because i would give


to be that close to you again

#facts #realtalk #retail #mall #malllife #retailproblems #retailtherapy #work #workflow #suffering #

#facts #realtalk #retail #mall #malllife #retailproblems #retailtherapy #work #workflow #suffering #coworker #truestory

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June 20th 2020

After one year of collage I’ve seen what most people are today. I truly know this world is not worth living in, for me. They have finally succeeded in making me so closed off and so numb to everything. I’ll still be a good person but I’ll never be the same.

So thank you, to all those people for making me another broken and numb person in this world.

The only difference is I will fix all those broken parts and make myself whole again unlike them.

How is everyone doing during this time? I for one I’m so stress and feeling very alone right now

I feel lonely all the time even when I’m around people. Honestly I don’t even feel like I’m physically there and it wouldn’t matter if I wasn’t

I’m always thinking and thinking and over thinking about everything I say and do because I’m trying to figure out why it’s so easy for people to leave me like I wasn’t worth anything in the first place even though I try so hard to be perfect but as usual I’m not good enough

I’m too intense, too weird too this too that I’m so done with everything, so tired of this life and the people in it tried of being someone’s second choice, tired of if I make a mistake I can’t get a second chance tired of everything and everyone if I die it wouldn’t matter that much anyways
