#fake friend quotes


June 20th 2020

After one year of collage I’ve seen what most people are today. I truly know this world is not worth living in, for me. They have finally succeeded in making me so closed off and so numb to everything. I’ll still be a good person but I’ll never be the same.

So thank you, to all those people for making me another broken and numb person in this world.

The only difference is I will fix all those broken parts and make myself whole again unlike them.

I feel lonely all the time even when I’m around people. Honestly I don’t even feel like I’m physically there and it wouldn’t matter if I wasn’t

I’m always thinking and thinking and over thinking about everything I say and do because I’m trying to figure out why it’s so easy for people to leave me like I wasn’t worth anything in the first place even though I try so hard to be perfect but as usual I’m not good enough

I’m too intense, too weird too this too that I’m so done with everything, so tired of this life and the people in it tried of being someone’s second choice, tired of if I make a mistake I can’t get a second chance tired of everything and everyone if I die it wouldn’t matter that much anyways


I’ve come to realize there is something deeply wrong with me and as much as I try not to be, I am a toxic person maybe not to others most likely just to myself but it’s probably the truth. I try my best to be a good person, a good friend but the feeling of being a outcast and the persistent thoughts that I’m not good enough and that I’m stupid control my mind. I hate the way I think, I hate that I don’t get it on the first go, I hate that I always feel like I’m the reason why everything comes apart. The feeling of consent numbness also makes not want to do anything but laying in bed.


No regrets. Not missed.


i haven’t friends.

i’m not pretty as the other girls are.

i have mental issues.

i’m always worrying.

i’m addicted to the internet.

and… that means you can easily use me and drop when you want?
