


Cheap Tarot Readings and Pendulum Divination.

I offer cheap, in depth Tarot Readings via Etsy, each reading will receive a high quality photograph of your cards, and an in depth conversation about the results of your reading.

Set your mind at ease about the future, or maybe ease some nagging doubts you have about the relationships in your life.

For more simple yes or no questions I offer Pendulum readings, for 50p

Tarot Readings start at £3.50

I really hate to ask, but I’m currently saving to cover some dentistry work I desperately need done, if you could share this or consider paying for a reading I would appreciate it so so much!

Thank you, Leaf

Would anyone like a free tarot reading? I’m bored and I think it would be nice to do some readings. If you want one message me.

Maaaaybe not the best blog to show this on, but I wore an edgy sailor moon to a con a couple of weeks ago

On the 11th of August it was my bday❤️ I celebrated it with my closest friends and even got the most amazing present(s) from one of my best friends

Model: me

Photo: Sani visual arts

As it is Leo season now, I might as well share a picture I’m very proud of❤️

Webethriving this month

Have fun fellow leo’s, it’s our season♌️

Guys if you have an instagram, follow me! If you have witch/wicca/occult related content I will follow back

I’m going to be a lot more active on there with showing my daily witchy activities and sabbats/esbat-stuff

Thank you so much, and blessed be✨

My take on VOX ARCANA PROJECT by NUNAME, a closed indie group that I partecipated back in 2018, wher

My take on VOX ARCANA PROJECT by NUNAME, a closed indie group that I partecipated back in 2018, where different artists redesigned each a card from the tarot deck.
You can buy the deck on major seller sites (amazon, book depository, or from our official italian realeaser Scarabeo > https://shop.loscarabeo.com/)

My assigned card was the 10 of Pentacles, where I choosed to use some of my Original Characters (like Drakator, the old man, and the silhouette of Lillian, my Object Head oc) that would fit perfectly with the meaning of the card, and for the background I’ve been inspired by Volterra, a city of Tuscany that I’ve visited when I was younger.

Feel free to reblog or like it if you enjoy it!

ArtStation|Instagram|Twitter|Ko-Fi|Ask Me


⚠️pls do not repost without credits and/or link to the artist⚠️

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thetarotroot:If you’re offering free or paid readings, please reblog this post so I can follow you


If you’re offering free or paid readings, please reblog this post so I can follow you!

I’m trying to build up an active community of readers. I’ll be sharing your posts and giving shout-outs to active readers on Tumblr, so please reblog this post if you’re interested in sharing

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hello my fellow witches I have an announcement to make:
I recently started posting daily tarot readings so I would love if you follow me to show support and be posted for daily readings ^.^
You can find me on the link below

Blessed be my fellow witches! 


Today I wish to share with you my experience with unique playing cards \ tarot draw - basically I found it laid down on the road. This morning while walking sleepy and chill street in the heart of Hanoi, I almost stepped on Queen of Hearts, I posed and looked at her as if she was my very long forgotten friend, from somewhere unbelievably  far who suddenly appeared this morning at my door carrying star dust on her coat and asked for a mug of coffee. It was crushing feeling as if knowing anew something I always knew. When I saw that there are two more cards on the road creating triangle with Queen of Hearts - Ten of Hearts and Ace of Spades.

It was obviously a spread laid here, waiting for me, in another time and place I might read that message in ravens flight, river stones, position of planets or newspaper headlines, but today it was three playing cards. 

We’re deeply rooted in symbolic language of the universe, it can be expressed in any form - graffiti, colors which people at your work place choose to wear today, street vendors offering to you something, strange mistakes in how someone spells your name. Universe doesn’t stop speaking with us. To start receiving its messages, quiet your mind and trust — and you’ll be led, in the flow.

Queen of Cups (Queen of Hearts) - Ten of Cups (Ten of Hearts) - Ace of Swords (Ace of Spades)

Your home is not a place or a person, even that’s how sometimes we tend to project it, your home is in your authentic path, you find it the moment you connect with your authentic self - between two breaths, that space of your true presence, immense peace and beauty. Trussst it and start experiencing while going with the flow. 

You should become a true explorer of your emotions and feelings, you can’t allow yourself any more to have boxes hidden in the corners of psyche \ body where you stored pain and fears, now you let it all out and explore as an observer and the child of cosmos who is here to find new expressions for wisdom, to remember the soul and bring it into this dense world. 

Your path is leading along the inner landscapes and to the stars where you truly belong. Your intuition, rooted deeply into your heart, is a compass, it speaks to  you and lead you. Your psychic abilities might be opening nowadays, which means that you start to see, feel, know deeper, you begin to own that very moment, neither more nor less, this is where magic resides and true fulfillment is possible. 

You’re ready now, the deep transformation is coming from inside of you as waves carrying you beyond the past, in slow and unique moments of acceptance and letting go. The more you let go, the more open you become -  for new, previously not explored aspects of your self, for new vision and projects, for sharing your energy with others.

Road is open. 

Why Are You So Loveable?

Pile 1 - Butterfly

You are calm and wise, the energy inside of you rarely is out of balance. There is no need for you to become aggressive, your soft energy soothes almost everyone. You are powerful but in such a delicate way that people sometimes forgot how strong you truly are, this only adds to the admiration they feel towards you. Even in the darkest hours, you manage it to bring something positive in the life of those who suffer currently. You are like the rainbow after a heavy rain, mixing with the gorgeous sunlight.

Pile 2 - Meowing

You are enduring and you never give up. No matter how often you hit the ground, you keep raising again. Nothing can ever stop you and even if you need to rest for a long time, in the end, you return stronger than ever before. There is nothing you do not see and almost nothing you cannot find out. You are eager to learn and are excellent at reading people and situations. You are a wise leader who seems to have an endless source of energy within them. And no, you are not too rough or too harsh, some people just don´t want to see the truth.

Pile 3 - White Cat

You are so caring, so attentive, and thoughtful. Your friends and family are very thankful they have you, as you are the best caretaker and friends anyone can ask for. You´ve went through a lot, it could have hardened your heart but it did not. You still care and worry for everyone else. Just like you never lost your love for others, you never lost your beautiful child-like abilities. Even after all you went through, you are still ready to learn new things. Still you can be mature and responsible, especially considering money.

Pile 4 - Looking Upward

You might have a spiritual gift, your intuition may be very high and you always know what to say and when to say it. People cannot hide anything from you and you are very knowledgeable and mature. You do not give up, no matter what. There is an energy inside of you with which you can overcome any obstacle. You know your strengths and also your weaknesses, your intense connection with yourself allows you to create the world just as you need it. Many people look up to you for your ability to be so in harmony with yourself.

Message From Your Ancestors

Pile 1 - Lion

,,You need to fight for what you want. Justice won´t come for those who just sit around and complain instead of changing what needs to be changed. Start with yourself. You need to see the truth. We always have been fighters, even if you do not want to hear this.

We are powerful, we always have been. Raise off your throne made out of ashes and grab your sword to cut the demons out of your life. Grab the wand and create your own world. We are proud of you already but we want to be even more proud of you. You cannot disappoint us unless you refuse to change, so do not disappoint us.“

Pile 3 - Wolf

,,You need those connections. Stop isolating yourself from others, you suffered and grieved enough. We cannot support you if you cut us out if you cut spirituality out. You are the one who keeps claiming some people do not move unless you kick them in the ass but you treat yourself like you are made out of glass, enough of that.

Stop playing with the plastic crown and create one made out of silver and gold. No jewels are needed, you will be the only thing people will look at it. You are a born leader, stop fighting your fate, we do not wish you any harm.”

Pile 4 - Owl

,,You are wise, you grew from your mistakes and you need to know we are with you, always. We protect and love you, we will guide you if you want us to. There are unspoken rules and unseen ties you will still need to experience. You are still young, we can support you.

The masculine energy wants to break free. Please fight for the causes you deem important, do not let others influence you. Make your mistakes, you will learn out of them, stop being afraid of failure, we only became so enlightened by falling several times.“

Pile 5 - Crow

,,You are what we wanted to be. Calm, full of serenity and feminine energy. There is a balance inside of you we sought for generations. You are our best "creation” , our bloodline ends with you and starts a new way, a better way.

Your deep emotions are valid and you shall feel them the way you feel better. Please forgive our other children, they still do not see that your path is the right one. Please keep guiding the rest of our family tree, you are our lucky star.“
