

its funny when tucutes think transmeds haven’t been there and had experience so we know that they’re talking about. we’ve gone through this and experienced it and know you don’t take it seriously.

when i was 11/12 years old i literally called myself manglegender (only because i liked fnaf at the time) and 2 years ago i called myself a tucute with pride. yes i LITERALLY had called myself a tucute and decorated my profiles on sites with cute “sakura trans” flags. i didn’t even know what it meant to be really trans and decided one day i wanted to be a trans boy out of nowhere essentially until someone had to tell me that i needed dysphoria and being trans was something that people injured themselves and killed themselves over their crippling dysphoria.

being a tucute also made me believe i was aro/ace without once again understanding what that meant. i called myself frayromantic just because i saw the term and liked it and thought it related to me without thinking or having much experience in life.

being a tucute made me take gender and being trans/nonbinary as a joke (and my sexuality) and not seriously as well as stopped me from understanding what my dysphoria was or how it affected me. being a tucute is absolutely harmful to the trans community and the people who call themselves one are hurt by it as well. the mogai is terrible and will only stop you from figuring yourself out

there’s a cis girl i use to know (she literally still uses her birth pronouns, for fucks sake) and she uses catself now i think it’s the funniest shit ever but also makes me want to cry

oh also she fetishises gay men + “femboys” as a bonus point and calls herself one + she’s like 13

 tucutes shut the fuck up challenge i can’t explain how much i hate the fucking mogai

you need dysphoria to be trans!

transmeds are valid!

i hope all transmeds have a good day today

transfeminine transmeds are incredible

transmasculine transmeds are amazing

neurodivergent transmeds deserve the world

bi and gay transmeds are valid as fuck

this is a transmed safe space !!!!

anyone who uses neopronouns/xenogenders are always american

your stupid made up pronouns don’t fucking translate to other languages, but keep your head stuck up your ass dear

its a beautiful day to be a truscum and hate catself pronouns + chairgender people :)

why did ppl normalize neopronouns and xenogenders please its 2021 unnormalize sun/sunself and bun/bunself and sparkleself i am tired of you people

Pretending to be cis online

Does anyone else do this and what’s your opinion of it whether or not you do? Personally I don’t like being openly trans, I just wanna be a man and live my life. Most of my socials I’ll say that I’m a cis dude just because it’s more comfortable for me, i don’t pass irl(which is what’s ideal for me, but if you don’t want to you’re so fucking valid!!) Mainly because my chest is very large and I’m not allowed to bind(✨just Minor things✨) so I don’t say I’m trans online because from the shoulders up I 100% pass if I want to post a pic of myself(I mainly made this blog to get out my Trans Thoughts™ without outing myself everywhere else)

But sometimes I feel guilty about it? Like if I were to ever pursue a relationship with someone online I’d 100% be like “oh yeah I’m trans btw” before anything happened, and really partners are the only people who the knowledge of your genitals rlly matter to but I still feel guilty not telling my online friends. Idk

dear cishet allies,

youre doing great!

youre not transphobic for being cis

i thank you for supporting us

just a reminder to say that youre loved!  please take your meds, drink some water, and dont forget to eat something!  people over 13 need over 2000 calories a day!

making a positivity post for everyone and accepting there are people who disagree with you: ✔️

making a positivity post but blocking all transmeds who reblog it: ❌

hi i love u

pls take your meds

eat something!!

drink water to stay hydrated

take a shower and stay clean

get at least 8hrs of sleep!!

thank u for reading this


hate will get u blocked!! ^^

i love cis transmeds

youre very valid

you are nottransphobic

keep it up!

take ur meds

eat something

drink water.

have a good day!!


hate will get u blocked! ^^

i dont give a fuck about your views

i dont care if youre a transmed or a tucute, or even neither

but i hope you have a great day

i hope you took your medication

i hope you have a good day

and i love u


hate will get u blocked ^^

(R-pe mention, aphobia)

Seeing all the aphobia and exclusionists whining on @space-trender page reminds me of all the things exclusionists have done.

30+ year old queer people talking about the history of the community and how ace and aro people have always played a role, just under different labels? Not even really “arguing”, just saying they’re wrong? They begin to complain about how “adults can’t talk to minors like this!”, accuse the adult queer people of being groomers, mass report them to get them kicked off of the site.

Studies showing the oppression asexual people face and how they also face corrective r-pe are brought up? Exclusionists scream “racism” because “corrective r-pe is a lesbian only term made by south african lesbians!”

Actual south african lesbians begin saying that it ISN’T a lesbian only term and that many in the lgbtq+ community face it? They ignore them because they never actually cared about racism.

Black trans people, the group that made the term “Cishet” to describe our COLLECTIVE oppressors, tell them to stop using the term “cishet” incorrectly because it doesn’t apply to ace or aro people? They tell us to shut up because, again, they don’t care about racism or defending people of color (in this case, black people).

It’s pointed out that they are literally just reusing anti-gay talking points, like accusing us of “going around telling people about our sex lives”, or“shoving our sex lives in people’s faces because we told them our orientation”.)?“Actually,you’re homophobic because this isn’t the same! How dare you compare US, the ~real~ LGBT/Queers, to those (slurs)/cishets!”

Also the whole doxxing people, outing people to their caregivers, sending graphic porn to ace minors, talking and laughing about their lies within their circles, etc. Etc.

They’re the major reason I still doubt people’s intellectual honesty and their intellectual laziness going into these “debates”. We had a massive masterpost absolutely loaded with documents proving the history and oppression, plus many of us were willing to post the breakdowns of the sources, but they decided that they weren’t going to even try and to this day they insist that their side is the one science and history agrees with.

Identical to truscum and “transmedicalists” (“medicalists” is a misnomer considering every major physical health, trans advocacy, and mental health organization and more explicitly disagree with them, hence why the quotations).


If you don’t know them, they play on Pose as Angel.

Edit: I can already see the “Being GNC isn’t inherently trans!” comments and messages so please, please remember: You’re VERY likely thinking of the wrong definition/use of the term “GNC”. Whereas it seems the younger, newer, western community members use it to solely refer to style, older (as in generally above 20) members seem to mean a literal “gender does not conform”. “You’re saying women wearing men’s clothes are trans” No.

Isn’t it lovely that trumeds are so hellbent on demonizing every single person that supports us that they 1: Make Indya’s accomplishments seem insignificant. 2: Treat Indya’s age and time spent in the community as insignificant. And 3: repeatedly, intentionally misunderstand and lie about the intent of this post?

I keep getting notifications for this post, so I’m gonna reblog it again with a link to sources
