
 “Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.” ― Harper Lee,

“Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.” 

Harper Lee,To Kill a Mockingbird

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“When you’re given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.”

“When you’re given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.”

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 “I would have come for you. And if I couldn’t walk, I’d crawl to you, and no matter how

“I would have come for you. And if I couldn’t walk, I’d crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together-knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that’s what we do. We never stop fighting.”

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 “You can be just friends with people, you know,“ Orla said. "I think it’s crazy ho

“You can be just friends with people, you know,“ Orla said. "I think it’s crazy how you’re in love with all those raven boys.”

Orla wasn’t wrong, of course. But what she didn’t realize about Blue and her boys was that they were all in love with one another. She was no less obsessed with them than they were with her, or one another, analyzing every conversation and gesture, drawing out every joke into a longer and longer running gag, spending each moment either with one another or thinking about when next they would be with one another. Blue was perfectly aware that it was possible to have a friendship that wasn’t all-encompassing, that wasn’t blinding, deafening, maddening, quickening. It was just that now that she’d had this kind, she didn’t want the other. 

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Chilling books for a dark rainy days

I live in the UK, and it’s been raining every day this week. If you’re anything like me, you’ll enjoy these atmospheric books to read while you’re curled up in your warm bed, it’s dark outside, and the rain and wind are tapping against your window. (ig: @allie.writes)

1. the Heroic Ideal

2. Polly Whittacker is the biggest bookworm and overall wonderful protagonist

3. Granny is THE most wonderful back-up parent for a kid with two shitty actual parents

4. multiple female friendships! close ones! 

  a. Polly grows out of and into her friendships. Nina was a great childhood friend, but Polly had more in common with Fiona as an older teen then college student, and both friendships were important to her life and growth!

5. Thomas Lynn

6. The way Tom:

  a. heroically drives his horse-car

  b. plays the cello

  c. understands Polly

  d. also understands Granny’s perspective

7. Polly’s emotional range! How her soft-heartedness leads her to be overly nice to undeserving people like David Bragge and Seb, and yet she can also stand up for herself to Seb and Mr. Leroy and Mr. Piper.

8. the entire Bristol scene, which went from a raw and emotional low point where Polly feels “bleached” to the lovely relief of meeting the Dumas quartet

9. who doesn’t love a good Tam Lin retelling? 

10. Diana Wynne Jones actually wrote an essay called “The Heroic Ideal” about why she wrote Fire and Hemlock

11. the logic Polly and Tom learn to follow to outsmart Laurel and the Leroys

12. Tan Coul and Hero, and their friends Tan Thare, Tan Hanivar, and Tan Audel

13. how Tom sent Polly books from all around the country

14. how those books nearly always included heavy-handed hints about his situation that she never quite connected

   a. how she was annoyed that he never said he was in trouble, but realized HE HAD MADE SURE SHE KNEW

15. the NOWHERE vases

16. their Tales From Nowhere

17. Mintchoc

18. “being a hero means ignoring how silly you feel”

19. the devastating effects of embarrassment 

20. letters 

21. overall how beautiful and clever Diana Wynne Jones’s words are

“The most devastating part of having depression is not the numbness, the crying or feeling no emotions. It’s the inability to do the things you love so dearly. You could love reading, it is something you can do every day but one day you’re sitting down and you forget how it feels to sink into a book. To lose yourself into another dimension. I think that is the most devastating part of depression, to be eradicated - even for a moment - from doing the things you love with everything in you. For me, that is the most devastating, gut-wrenching emotion that depression brings along with it. The inability to love the things that once made you delirious.”

- g.d. (loss)

a flatlay photo of all four volumes of Heartstopper sit in the centre of a white sheet

Happy Heartstopper day! I’m so excited to watch Heartstopper on Netflix tonight!


[ID: a flatlay photo of all four volumes of Heartstopper sit in the centre of a white sheet].


BOOK REVIEW: Eva Evergreen Semi-Magical Witch by Julie Abe

Eva Evergreen is determined to earn the rank of Novice Witch before she turns thirteen years old. If she doesn’t, she’ll lose her magic forever. For most young witches and wizards, it’s a simple enough test:

ONE: Help your town, do good all around.
TWO: Live there for one moon, don’t leave too soon.
THREE: Fly home by broomstick, the easiest of tricks

[ID: the book Eva Evergreen Semi-Magical Witch sits on a grey, yellow and pink cardigan with a pair of glasses next to it].

Title:Eva Evergreen Semi-Magical Witch

Author:Julie Abe

Published by: Hachette

Publication Date: 12/10/21

Australian RRP: $15.99

Genres:fantasy, middle-grade, 





A charming new middle-grade fantasy adventure, about a young witch whose pinch of magic just might be more than enough, perfect for fans of Kiki’s Delivery Service and Aru Shah and the End of Time.

Sometimes all you need is a pinch of magic…

Eva Evergreen is determined to earn the rank of Novice Witch before she turns thirteen years old. If she doesn’t, she’ll lose her magic forever. For most young witches and wizards, it’s a simple enough test:

ONE: Help your town, do good all around.
TWO: Live there for one moon, don’t leave too soon.
THREE: Fly home by broomstick, the easiest of tricks.

The only problem? Eva only has a pinch of magic. She summons heads of cabbage instead of flowers and gets a sunburn instead of calling down rain. And to add insult to injury, whenever she overuses her magic, she falls asleep.

When she lands on the tranquil coastal town of Auteri, the residents expect a powerful witch, not a semi-magical girl. So Eva comes up with a plan: set up a magical repair shop to aid Auteri and prove she’s worthy. She may have more blood than magic, but her “semi-magical fixes” repair the lives of the townspeople in ways they never could have imagined. Only, Eva’s bit of magic may not be enough when the biggest magical storm in history threatens the town she’s grown to love. Eva must conjure up all of the magic, bravery, and cleverness she can muster or Auteri and her dreams of becoming a witch will wash away with the storm.


I LOVED THIS BOOK! Eva Evergreen Semi-Magical Witch is a middle-grade fantasy story full of adventure, friendship and magic. The beautiful writing and interesting characters had me completely enthralled in the story. I’m so excited to continue reading the series.

Eva Evergreen wants to be a novice witch, but first, she needs to go on her witch’s quest. Eva only has a pinch of magic; she is excited to learn more on her quest. After Eva uses magic she is exhausted and goes faint. I experience a lot of fatigue with my chronic illnesses, everyday tasks can be completely exhausting so I could relate to Eva needing to rest after using her magic. I loved how much Eva became a part of the town and community. Friendship was such a big part of the story, it was great to see Eva’s friendship develop with Charlotte and Davy.

Overall, if you are looking for a fun and magical story full of heart and amazing characters, I highly recommend Eva Evergreen Semi-Magical Witch!

a book lays open on a white sheet, fake branches with brown leaves surround the book.

What books are you currently reading? I’m reading Eva Evergreen Semi Magical Witch, One Last Stop, The Atlas Six, and One for All. I hope you are having a great day!


[ID: a book lays open on a white sheet, fake branches with brown leaves surround the book].
