#duke thomas



Kids say the darndest things sometimes


[Image: panel showing Bruce Wayne and Duke Thomas from DC Comics. Duke is standing on the train rails, gesturing at Bruce, who’s cautiously approaching him. Bruce says “I don’t know you mean, but the train, it’s com-” Duke cuts in, “No! Look at your life! Look at the holes! Look at the shadows!”. In the distance, a train is coming.]

Duke, yelling at Bruce while standing in front of a literal moving train: Look at your life! Look at your choices!

Bruce, internally: MY choices???? 



(we are robin #1)


(we are robin #12)


(batman and the outsiders #4)


(future state outsiders #2, in future state the next batman #3)

beyond we are robin, it probably wasn’t intentional but i fucking adore the progression of duke and heights. at first, he’s afraid, but he doesn’t want to admit it. but as he develops, he grows more comfortable with his fear. he admits it. (even though he’s jumping off the balcony with the rest of them). flash forward to a while later into his vigilante career, and he’s confident in heights. not quite unafraid, but he’s found ways to cope (“stand on something solid and don’t look down”). he calls them easy. and then in future state, five years later, duke is soaring and flipping through the air without a second thought. i just think in a way it reflects his progression as a vigilante and superhero and how slowly he grows into it and really embodies it. idk idk it’s almost 1am and i am going to cry about how duke is meant for such great things even as such a relatively young character but. anyways good night <3


a fake comic cover titled "THE SIGNAL" with a digital painting of duke thomas looking upwards, a coat on over his costume that billows as he movesALT

welcome 2 the day shift!!!!!!! finished this instead of doing my [redacted] lecture because my brain has been deep fried since work this morning :)


Damian: *tells Duke 5 billion facts about cats*


Jason and Family

Jason: I kinda hate you guys right now, not gonna lie.

Jason: Except you, Alfred, of course.

Alfred: Of course, sir.

Jason: And you, Duke. You’re cool.

Duke: Thanks man.

Jason: And Steph, platonic love of my life, you’re great.

Steph: Aww, thanks.

Jason: Cass? You are a perfect angel who occasionally incites unbelievable amounts of chaos and I love you.

Cass: Love you too.

Jason: Babs? Thanks for that thing you did.

Babs: No problem.

*a few concerned looks*

Jason: Damian, you’re fine.

Damian: You are acceptable as well.

Steph, stage whispering: It’s how they show love.

Jason: Bruce, go to hell.

Bruce, sighing: You can’t patrol in a zombie Easter bunny costume.

Jason: It would be hilarious and you know it.

Jason: Anyway, Tim? You are a menace to society but most importantly to Lex Luthor and I appreciate your contribution to his continued suffering.


Jason: And as for YOU!

Dick: *nervous giggle*


Dick: Heh-eh, yeah, that’s me. I’m me, I mean, I-

Jason: Just what do you have to say for yourself, young man?

Dick: Young man? I’m older than you!

Jason: Fine. Old man. Whatever.

Dick: I’m not old!

Tim, under his breath: Oh my word.


Dick: Uh-Huh, so, funny story, but-

Steph: *loud crunching sounds from popcorn*

Everyone: *looks at Steph*


Bruce: Where did you get popcorn?

Steph: It’s my superpower. Continue.

Jason: Gladly. YOU!

Dick: I feel like we did this part already.


Duke: Can we skip to the part where we find out what he did?

Jason: What he did! Do you know what he did?

Damian: No, and at this rate we never will.

Jason, ignoring that: He got me banned from 14 countries and 8 different airlines.

Cass: Well at least that’s not going to stop you.

Dick: And I said I was sorry.

Steph: Wait, back up. How did HE get YOU banned?

Jason: *gesturing for Dick to explain*

Dick: I, uh, panicked and pretended to be Jason?


Tim: Okay I feel like that needs some explaining.

Bruce: *loud, drawn out sigh*

Alfred: Knowledge is a burden, Master Bruce.

Bruce: Ignorance is bliss? *goes to stand up*

Alfred: Nice try.

Bruce: *sits back down*

Synopsis : 50 years being married..Surely, this calls for a party ? Except of course, said party is planned by your children, who never ask for your permission. And they drag poor young Terry McGinnis (aka “New addition to the family”) along with them… 

This was requested by @legendarylearner18, been a while since I wrote a request haha. Also, first time I write something with Terry in it ! :o I really wasn’t planning on writing this, as I didn’t have time but..Sudden burst of inspiration right before bed. Anyway I hope you’ll like this, comments and/or reblogs are of course, as usual, very appreciated : 

my masterlists :@ella-ravenwood-archives




It’s early in the morning, and a warm hand caressing your cheek is slowly taking you away from your deep slumber. 

Too bad. You were having such a pleasant dream. 

Well, more of a souvenir, really. Of a day long ago. A beautiful, beautiful day. 

Full of love, laughter, and maybe a little sibling rivalry…How nice of your subconscious, to recall such time to your mind, and to turn it into dreams. 

That beautiful beautiful day, was it the last one you spend all together ? Yeah. Yeah, you slowly realized, nostalgic and a little sad. 

You were dreaming of a day spent with all of your children, and your Bruce, and Alfred…oh Alfred…

Yes. Yes this was the last day you all spend together, before Alfred’s passing, and before your children were all grown up and so, oh so busy. 

Of course, you still saw them. But it wasn’t like before. It could never be, like before. First because Alfred wasn’t around anymore. And second, because you never quite managed to gather them ALL together again. It was always too difficult, their schedules were so different…

Your pleasant dream was, as you were waking up, fading into a nostalgic feeling. Damn. You missed your kids so much. Getting old sucked. And-

“Morning, my love.” 

Ah. But everything didn’t suck. No. No some things were constant. Like love. Love for your children, of course. But also love for that man…Ah that man. 

Bruce Wayne. 

Your Broosh, the love of your life. Still here, after all this years. 

After all this years ? Those words made you feel like you had to remember som- OH ! 

Of course. This was why he woke you up. Today was special. And he’s never been a patient man. You had to admit that lately, you did sleep in a little too much. Being old sucked…

But him ? Even at 80, he had a hard time getting rid of his old habit of not sleeping lots, and would always be up early, even while it has been a very long time since he last wore the Batman suit. 

Today. Special. Was it really already 50 years ? 

Wow. Fifty years married to that man. 

Your strong, shared love was one of the only thing, you knew it, that got you to go this far. There really were difficult times, along those years. But you two stuck together. Never giving up on one another. 

“Hello, my Heart.” 

A kiss. Soft. Right on your lips. 

“You know what today is ?” 

“Um, Friday ?” 

He chuckles, knowing full well you’re teasing him. And as he looks at you, you’re, for the millionth time, struck by the adoration and love you’re seeing in those eyes. Were those really just for you ? 

Yes. Over fifty years ago, if someone would’ve told you you were going to still be as in love with him as you were then, you weren’t sure you’d believe them. After all, at the time, you sort of lost hope for “true love”, and although your feelings for him were already strong, nobody could’ve guessed you’d go this far together. 

Well, by nobody it really meant you two. Because anyone who ever saw you together knew instantly you were meant for each other. Clark told you that many times. “At first I was shocked he had a wife, and a damn family. But once I saw you together ? It all made sense” he said. And you understood him, for sure the Batman he knew at the beginning was certainly not portraying himself as a family man. 

But Clark, and many others, learned to see past his shell. Although you were the first to do so. And he was the first to teach you what real love was, too. You knew that he could decipher the same love and adoration in your eyes, too. 

It’s emotions you were never able to hide, when it was just you and him. 

And as your eyes lock, you’re once more reminded of how wonderful those past fifty years by his side were (although sometimes rocky), as nostalgia rushes over you when you think about how long ago it was, that you adopted Dick. And how all your children were grown, now. They didn’t need you as much…


Tim took care of Wayne Enterprises, and was overbooked all the time. He did come by to see you two though, and would fall asleep at the dinner table…Some things never change ? You did tell him to slow down though. Him too, wasn’t getting any younger, and though he could endure the lack of sleep as a teen, but now ? Mmmm. That boy will always worry you.  

Dick retired from being Nightwing after too many wounds, including one leaving him paralyzed for a while (how fortunate, that Barbara always stuck around him, right ? And oh, how history unfortunately repeats itself sometimes). He was still living in Blüdhaven, and had his own little family now. He was always so busy with so many things, although he did come by too. 

Jason was probably the one who came to see you the most often. He stayed in Gotham, and made quite a nice career out of writing books (like you, which surprised NO ONE given his love for literature). Although it was often a source of tremendous pain for him, your boy (now a man…Well, he’s been a man for decades actually) has never been able to leave it behind. He would visit at least once a week, if not more, and was probably the one making sure to see everyone in the family the most. Not surprising really, family has always been important to your Jaybird. That’s why it was so hard for him to accept, and forgive, the fact Bruce never went after the Joker and killed him. He knew now, though. That was one thing you were glad was in the past. 

Damian left a year ago, on a grand mission. He wanted to reform the League of Assassin. He took up the Batman mantel for a while, but then found a grander calling. If he could achieve his plan, then the League could truly turn into something that could save the World in so many ways. You missed him. Lots. Especially since you knew that it would be a while before he would come back. He warned you about it. You didn’t try to stop him. This was something he needed to do. He wanted to finally put the final touch to his redemption. Unbeknownst to you, your son was going as fast as he could, so he could come back to Gotham. His greatest fear was that you or his father die while he’s not there…You were getting old. 

Cassandra didn’t retire from her vigilante days. She was probably the only one actively still working. Gotham didn’t really need “Bat-people” anymore… Although lately, things took a turn for the worst again. She opened her own ballet school. Your only daughter came by whenever she could, which unfortunately wasn’t as often as you wished. 

Duke was extremely involved in Gotham’s social work life. After what happened to his parents, and finishing his teen years growing up with you, he took a great liking to helping people. In every way he could. He was the one, nowadays, bringing forth charities he thought Wayne Enterprises should support. He also didn’t gave up The Signal mantel, and was often seen around town too. 

Yes. All of them still came to see you and Bruce. But it just wasn’t the same, you know ? Getting old…It really did suck. You just ended up being more and more alone, as your children grew up and went on to have their own lives. 

Oh. Oh you wished you could turn back time if only for a moment. You think you’d go talk to Alfred first. And ask him to help you put together a feast for your entire family…

“A penny for your thoughts ?” 


Bruce’s voice brings you back to reality. You shake your head and smile at him. Living in the past was never good, that’s something you definitely learned from growing old with Bruce. 

Ah. Growing old with someone…yeah, it wasn’t all bad. 

Sure, you couldn’t gather up all your babies at once. But he was still there. He was always there. Bruce never left your side, and you his. And yes, growing old with him was honestly not too bad. You never felt lonely, that’s for sure. 

How many people on this earth could say : “I found the one, that person that always knows how to cheer me up, that listens and cares. I found the one, that person who understands me like nobody ever did. I found the one, with whom I can just sit in total silence, and still feel utterly comfortable. I found the one.” ? You knew : not many. 

Finding the one, one real love, love of your life, life entirely spend together. How precious. To never feel alone, because you did find your genuine other half. 

Plus, the existence of people like Diana, or John Constantine and his mystic powers, sort of proved to you there must be something after Death. Everything pointed to it. And you were sure that you’d find everyone there once this was over, and that he would still be here, too. Somehow, you don’t think you’d have to wait for him too long. 

This was maybe a little morbid of you, but you always thought that if Bruce died first, you would follow after quickly. And vice versa. It didn’t feel possible, that one of you could go on living without the other much longer. Especially not now, at your age. 

“A penny for your thoughts ?” 

You didn’t want to tell him you wished all your kids were here, and that Alfred wasn’t gone. You didn’t want to tell him you were feeling suddenly too nostalgic, borderline sad. You knew it would hurt him, too. So you just said : 

“Just that fifty years is a long time, yet I’m still not tired of you waking me up with a kiss.” 

To be fair, you were together for more than fifty years. But you sort of didn’t pay attention at the beginning (and there was that infamous long months you “broke up” and Dick and Clark managed to patch things up with you two), and your wedding day became when you two started to actually count the years. 

He kissed you once more, one of those soft kisses you liked so much, and caressed your sides, slowly lowering his head to your chest and resting it there, right above the beating of your heart. 

As the years went by, both your libido went down. It was all rather biological, really. Most humans lost it, and to be fair right now, at 80 ? Definitely couldn’t do what you used to do…You almost blushed, at your old age, thinking about oh, oh all the things he did to you over the years. 

But the cravings for physical contact ? Hugs ? Kisses ? Just holding hands ? You don’t think this would ever disappear. If Bruce was in the same room than you, it felt weird not to touch him in some way. Whether it was your legs across his. Your head in his lap, his in yours. Or simply sitting shoulders to shoulders… Across those 50 years, the need to be close never died down. 

And so you reveled in him putting his head on you, arms around you, lying down right next to you (there used to be a time, he would lay on top of you, as you always loved how safe it made you feel…but he was a little too heavy for your old bones, now). 

You were running your hand through his hair, a motion that always had a soothing effect on him, as he said : 

“Happy anniversary, my Love. Fifty years by your side went by too quickly.” 

“Happy anniversary to you too, my Heart. Should w-”

BANG, the door to your bedroom opened suddenly. 

“IS THERE ANYONE IN THIS HOUSE ?! HELLOOOOOOO !! Been calling for you guys for ages, guess old age makes you DEAF. Oh no look I knocked but I opened the door at the same time, how does it feel ugh ? Y’all better not…oh god, you really better not, you’re way too damn old for doing the nasty !” 

What ?



Bruce said simply, as indeed your son was the one who barged in your bedroom. He was wearing one of his infamous shit eating grin, clearly very pleased with himself about his little surprise. 

“Damn you’re old. Once upon a time, you would’ve heard me coming and thrown something at m-HEY !” 

A pillow to the face is what he got. Bruce still had good aim. Jason threw back said pillow to you and Bruce and…


What else could happen ? 

This scene was very reminiscent of a lot of moments Jason just barged in (eyes close, always, just in case…it was always quite funny, to see him come into your room, no knocking of course, with his eyes close to avoid any further trauma). A definite scene of déjà-vu. This has happened before. 

From the day he came into your life, to now. 

Aaah, this was a nice feeling to have. A sense that yes, some things would never change. Like your son’s laughter, his voice was much deeper yes, but it still had the same tone than when he was younger. 

Imagine that. Forty-five years old, and yet he still acted like such a child sometimes. 

“Always a pleasure to see you son, but what are you doing here ?” 

“Wha-What am I doing here ? What ? You didn’t think we were going to miss the show, did you ?” 


You are…so touched. 

So much so, that you’re crying. In fact, you really can’t stop crying, as you hold onto your husband’s shirt and hide your face in it. 

They’re all here. They’re all here ! Well, except for Damian. He was too far of course. He called you just a few days ago, saying he still had so much work. But the rest of your children were here. All of them. 

And in the middle ? Terry. Evidently, he had been dragged out of his home by Dick, and brought here. His hair were still disheveled, and you could see on his face he had no idea what was going on. 

It was almost comical. You were sure that you would laugh about it later, thinking back on the scene. But right now, you were a crying mess as they were (almost) all reunited, for the first time since a very, very long time. 

You were starting to feel better when-

“Mom, where do I put this ?”

A voice you didn’t expect to hear resounded in the living room. You turned around and…There he was, with a cake in his hands. 


You exclaimed, and you ran to him, forgetting your bad knees and joints, and your cane, as you jumped in his arms. 

“My baby ! My baby, you’re here !” 

Terry wasn’t sure to understand what was going on. He never saw you have such a strong reaction (of course, he rarely saw you interacting with your children…life got in the way of you seeing them way too much). Evidently, you were happy to see that man. 

That man he recognized as one of your sons, Damian. He never met him, but he saw pictures of him all around the house. Damian was the only one of your children he hadn’t met yet, because he left right as Terry started to interact with Bruce. 

“You little rascal, I can’t believe you lied to me !” You screamed, squishing your son in your arms. And it was actually really funny, how he was tall and big like his father yet you almost manhandled him, at your age. 

“Grayson made me !” Damian answered, pointing a finger at his oldest brother. 

“What-Hey ! How dare you put that on me ! -short pause- It was Jason’s idea !”

“…EXCUSE ME ?!” 

It was odd to Terry, to witness all those people, people he admired for year and looked up to…fight like children. 

The mighty Nightwing. The fearsome Red Hood. The kind (Y/N) Wayne. 

He never expected to see them act that way. As if they were kids again. And in a way, when you were around, they were. 

So what if they all were well in their forties now ? They would forever be your babies, as your reaction upon seeing Damian proved it. And this…Was very soothing for Terry. 

It was proof that you were all humans, after all. When he first met Bruce, and talked to him, the man appeared so bitter, cold and harsh. 

But then…Then Terry started to come over the house (well, to the Batcave specifically). And he met you for the first time, as you brought tea and biscuits to him (you weren’t about to give up a habit given to you by Alfred). 

And slowly but surely, over that past year, Terry really got to know you and Bruce. And your children. But just a bit. He would see them pass by quickly, or leave just as he arrived. It was clear you were a tight knit family, but he never realized how tight up until now. 

And how weird it was, to see Jason, right now, grab his brother (Dick) in a chokehold and say : 

“Snitches get stitches !” 

“Why are you attacking me, Damian is the one who-AAARGH MY BACK !”

Jason, knowing of his brother’s old injury, immediately let go…only to be viciously tackled by Dick who said : 

“Can’t believe you always fall for it, you big softie.”


“Not even two minutes together, and you guys can’t even act properly.” Tim sighed, looking at Cass and Duke and…All three of them rolled their eyes, as if they were used to this kind of antics. 

Terry felt strange. A warmth was spreading from his heart to…Every where. The sort of warmth he rarely felt during his short 16 years on this Earth. 

It was carefree, pleasant, and-

He couldn’t help it. He bursted out in a huge fit of laughter, and all of you turned to look at him, curiosity in your eyes. 

“I’m sorry but-HAHAHAHAHA-I-I-HAHAHAHAHA-I always saw you all as such a stoic and serious family this is just-hahahHAhahHAHAHaHAhahah.”

He couldn’t even breathe, because of how much he was laughing and- 

None of you needed more to follow in his laughter. 


Damian did lie to you on the phone. He always had the intention of coming back for your anniversary. How could he miss the celebration of fifty years of love ? 

Jason and Dick were the masterminds of it all. They carefully planned everyone’s scheduled months and months in advance, making Tim do an excell spreadsheet so nobody would have an excuse to not come ! 

But of course, they’d all find the time for their family. And it had been so long, since the last time they were all reunited. 

In fact, ever since Alfred was gone, they were pretty sure that-

Ah. But of course. Alfred had always been a good planner. He always managed to get everyone together, and it’s a talent none of you quite inherited…Nobody could be like Alfred. Nobody could fill his shoes. And you weren’t sure anybody wanted the spot anyway. Alfred was one of a kind, and he had to remain so in all of your hearts. 

When he passed away, things really got harder. He was such a pillar in your family. But in the end, and that counted also when you and Bruce would be gone..You’d always make time for one another. 

As your children showed today. And as they showed you by coming by whenever they could. 

You were happy Terry was here too, he became a full time member of your family in your mind, and he reminded you so much of your sons. It was nice, to have a kid around once more… 


You’re happy. So happy. 

This was the kind of memory that would last. A core memory.

As you were sitting around the dining table you always used, you took a little time to look up. A metaphorical gesture, because you knew he wasn’t actually in the sky but…You took the time to send some thoughts to Alfred. To thank him, as he was one of the reason you were here today. 

Somehow, you knew that wherever he was, he was always keeping an eye on you all. And you knew he would be so proud. 

Bruce caught your gesture, and took your hand in his, giving it a squeeze that you knew meant : “I love you.” 

You squeezed his hand back, as a response, and turned to your family. 

“Thank you all for being here. Really. This means…So much.” 


It was a grand day. 

Full of dramatic retelling of all your best memories.

Silly memories, like that time Bruce lost Dick in a mall and kept yelling “HAVE YOU SEEN MY DICK ?!” to everyone (a classic). That time you and Damian stole an elephant from a circus, because he was mistreated. That time Bruce thought it was a good idea to let Jason, 9 years old, choose what he wanted to eat for dinner and he decided that two full bucket of vanilla ice cream would do…and how he got sick for three days straight (and the subsequent hour long sermon Alfred and you gave Bruce). That time Tim had a science show and his project was so brilliant they thought Bruce and you made it for him, and your outrage when they refused to give him the first place prize ! 

And more serious memories, like that time Duke discovered his powers, freaked out, and thanks to you all managed to calm down. The moments you discovered Jason and Damian were alive (you hit Bruce and Tim on the head saying : “and the moments you guys faked your death I swear I could’ve actually killed you”). The moment Cassandra was so afraid to hurt you guys that she ran away, and you tried to find her, in a downright panic, thinking maybe her father took her back…

Precious memories. Your life, really. And its meaning. 

Terry learned so much, that night. About the “Batfam” (he didn’t even realized yet that he was part of said family now), but also about himself, and about what he wanted in the future. 


This is what he wanted. A loving family getting along (most of the time at least). That were able to put aside their differences because that’s how much they love each other. 


A family who would always be there for each other, no matter what. This is what he wanted. 


The evening went by so fast. Too fast. Terry got introduced to Bruce’s family (and in a way, his family too). All of them now. He knew all of them. 

And he understood why, sometimes, he would catch you looking at pictures with a fond smile on your lips. It was obvious, even if distance and time kept you away from each other, that this family was all about love. 

The young man felt so welcomed in your family. Even by Damian, of whom he heard (mainly by Tim) that he wasn’t always an easy child (which honestly implied that the rest of them were, and you could say a few words about how : nu-hu, they were all trouble at some point. And you wouldn’t have it any other way). 

“Drake ! What did you tell him about me ?!” 

“The truth Damian. The truth…” 

Tim kept his flare for the dramatic, and the way he said those words just made you laugh. He was always so great, at teasing his little brother. And said little brother always fell for it. Ah but one had to look deeper, to actually understand that this constant teasing between the two of them were only their own love language, and that they’d be lost if their brother would disappear…

Painful memories of when Damian died came to mind, Tim’s reaction was so strong. And when Tim faked his death ? The maddest one was Damian, who never gave up on him and wouldn’t admit his brother was gone without seeing a body. 

This, Terry would learn a little later. Right now, he only saw two adult men bickering over nothing, and he found it very amusing. But one day, one day, he would realize what brotherly love truly is. In big part thanks to Tim and Damian, who were a little closer in age with him (at least, compared to Jason and Dick). 


It was already late at night, and time to leave. 

Dick was going to drive Terry back home when-

“What are they doing ?” He asked innocently, looking through the window at you and Bruce standing outside, only lighted by the moonlight. 

“Oh, right. We never did tell you what we came to celebrate. Sorry about that buddy.” Dick said, and continued : “It was their fiftieth wedding anniversary. And they’re about to do one of their little tradition, on such a night…” 

Curious, Terry turned back to look at you and your husband. You were- turning on music ? From an old-what was that ? A “gramophone” right ? Terry never saw one in real life before. And he was sure this type of technology was old even for you two. So why-

The music turned on. They could hear it faintly from the Manor. 

And then…

Then Bruce caught you in his arm, letting go of his cane. And you did the same. You were each other’s support, after all. And slowly, you started to waltz. 

Not as fast as you use to, not as vigorously. But it was beautiful. Terry felt captivated by the spectacle you were giving. Slowly, your children gathered up around him, looking at you two fondly. 


Seeing you and Bruce dancing slowly in the moonlight, brought many memories to your children’s mind. Memories that were a little bittersweet, of times that none of you will ever live again, but that none of you regretted. 


Dick found himself in his eight years’ old body, feeling sad and hopeless, not long after his parents’ death. He just had an argument with Bruce, and became so angry he broke a vase that used to be Bruce’s mother’s…Neither you, nor Bruce or Alfred yelled at him. But Dick couldn’t help feeling guilty as he saw the hurt in Bruce’s eyes, and in yours too. He knew you wanted to help him. He knew. But he was always so angry…So here he was, sat on the floor in his bedroom, knees to his chest, head down. But then…

A song resonated through the manor. It was faint, from his bedroom. And it lighted his curiosity. He followed the sound, and- That’s when he saw you two. You were dancing in the living room. 

It was raining outside, so you didn’t go out that year. But you still had to dance. It was an important tradition. And Dick found himself looking at you two swirling around, smiling at each other. 

The song ended, and Bruce wrapped his arms around you. You rested your head against his shoulder, and you stayed just like that, close to each other. For some reason, Dick felt all warm inside, looking at you two. 

You never knew he was there, that night. And you never knew how much this event meant to your son. That night, a little slither of hope came back in his heart. Because the love he witnessed ? His little eight years old self didn’t quite understood it yet, but he knew it meant something. It meant that everything wasn’t all dark. It meant that, yes, he lost his parents who were his heroes…but he was one of those “lucky ones” that managed to find a new family in which there was just as much love as he used to have. 


Jason had a flashback of the first time he came with you to a charity ball. 

He was so awkward and uncomfortable, wearing a suit he really hated. He kept pulling on his bow tie, trying to readjust it and to not make too much of a mess of his clothes because…He was wearing the exact same suit Bruce was. And the man he came to see as his father seemed so comfortable and at ease in that damn suit, that he was trying really hard to imitate him. 

But it was tough. He wasn’t used to that. And he wasn’t used to all eyes constantly being on him, Bruce Wayne’s new son. 

He knew those people saw him as a charity case, although he also knew he wasn’t. No. Bruce and you showed him what true parental love was. So he knew. He knew you didn’t adopt him just because you had pity on him. He didn’t care what they thought. All that mattered what what YOU thought. But yes : This evening, Jason wished he could be somewhere else up until- A song. A song started to play. 

A song he never heard before, but that from that moment up until the end of his life, he will always associate with his parents. And with love. 

It was as if he was in a movie. Maybe his memory of the moment was a little warped, it was, after all, almost 40 years ago. But the way he remembers it, this is how it happened : The song started. You and Bruce immediately went to each others, without concerting. As if you knew, even though you were both talking to different people at different places of the room (charity events were lots of work). It was as if people moved to make a path and lead you to each other. Nobody else was dancing. Just the two of you. You captivated the room. And then the song ended, and it was as if everyone came out of a dream. Was this really what happened, or did Jason romanticized the moment in his mind ? It didn’t matter. Because that’s when he knew. 

And that’s when Jason knew. That’s when he knew he could endure anything, as long as he had both of you there. 


Tim remembered an evening very much like this one. 

The moon was shining, and he couldn’t sleep. Sleep (at least at night) had never been something easy to come to him. He thought too much. 

Ever since he was a child, nights were just not when he could properly sleep. And so here he was, on the roof that he could access from his room’s balcony, looking at the moon. That’s when he noticed something unusual. 

Bruce was in the garden, probably just home from patrolling. And, you were too ? What were the two of you doing ? Tim had always been a curious boy, so he followed you two discreetly, thinking you didn’t know he was there (but of course Bruce knew all along). 

And then, the strangest thing happened. You turned on an old gramophone (which had sentimental value to both you and Bruce), and a song started. A song which had this peculiar grain to it, due to being played on a gramophone. 

You walked towards Bruce, who was smiling at you. And ah, this was the first time Tim saw him smile like that ! He felt flabbergasted. What was going on ? 

The song went by, and Tim felt things he never felt at ease for what felt like the first time in his life. He had always been a stressed individual. Always felt like he had to be productive, or else ! 

He was always on the move, always had to keep his mind or else his thoughts would consume him. Yet here, hidden in those bushes, basically spying on you dancing…he felt relaxed. 


There was a vibe coming off of you and Bruce, that just made him feel like everything was going to be alright. He almost felt like your swirls and such were hypnotizing him but…No. 

It was the serenity radiating from you and your husband that touched him. Tim and Bruce bonded quickly, because they were both always so anxious. You were pretty sure (except for you), nobody understood better your son than Bruce, and vice versa. 

They had the same OCD moments, the same worries, the same need to work constantly. The same disregard for their own safety, and health. They were more alike than anyone seemed to think. 

So maybe this was why your boy felt like that right now ? As if Bruce’s own comfort spread to him ? If even Bruce, who had so many issues, could sometimes let it all go just to dance with his wife in his garden….then surely, he could do, right ? 

Yes. This simple dance gave hope to Tim. And was a good reminder that he could, and would get better. It’s funny, how impactful something in appearance so small can be, right ? 

Tim only talked about the impact it had on him seeing you that night to one person, nobody else. , . Not even to Kon, or Stephanie, nor you. No. Tim only talked about it to Bruce, a few days after the event. 

Your son felt so relaxed, that he fell asleep in the bushes. Of course, Bruce found him, and took him back to bed (and he was so adorable and tiny at the time ! Well, not that he grew too much, out of all your children, Tim definitely never quite hit that growth spurt they all went through). 

Tim guessed that Bruce brought him back when, the next day, he woke up in his bed. And he told him. He told him what he saw, and how he felt. Although he didn’t understand those feelings quite yet. And Bruce ? Bruce help him understand. Because the were more alike than anybody seemed to think.  


Damian’s memory  was short, but one of his favorite memory ever. 

He came down one evening, unable to sleep and trying to sneakily get some ice cream from the freezer (Alfred was utterly exasperated whenever he found the locks he kept putting on this damn freezer crack or simply cut…worst thing is, he could never know who was stealing the ice cream, because you all did it). 

And that’s when he saw you and hid father, dancing slowly in the kitchen. He wasn’t even disgusted by the display of affection, more, intrigued. 

“Hey my little buddy, can’t sleep ?” 

You asked casually, your head on your husband’s neck and his face buried in yours. 

“Um, yes. Yes I couldn’t sleep.” 

“Neither could we.” 

And there, came the important memory. The day he realized he loved you and his father so damn much. As if your minds were connected, both you and Bruce took a step away from each other, and you said : 

“Do you want to dance with us ?”

Damian didn’t really know how to react, but he approached and-


You grabbed him by the shoulder, and squeezed him between you and Bruce. It made the Dark Knight chuckled, and Damian made a mental note that his dad wasn’t always the same person when around you (or his kids). 

Your son didn’t even remember he should protest, and resist this force hug ! Because he felt so warm, safe and loved all of a sudden. So much so, that the slow swaying you were doing, dancing with him, put him to sleep. 

Bruce carried him to his bed. And that’s it. That’s when Damian realized how strong love could be. 


Cassandra was lost in the memory of one of her favorite day ever. 

She loved ballet as a child, and kept the hobby up until it became too hard physically to dance…Although you were pretty sure that even know, past forty, she could still do amazing dance moves. 

She liked ballet. She didn’t have to speak and could let her body express her feelings, without hurting anyone. Bruce built her an entire dancing room in the Manor, so she could practice. 

And that was it. Today was one of her biggest recital yet. She was so nervous. But what stressed her the most, was whether you would be there or not. 

You and Bruce were busy. So busy. And honestly, finding free time just to come see her silly dancing ? Meh. Of course, that’s was what she thought. Cass, although many people didn’t realize it, had the bad habit to self-deprecate. This was unfortunately how she was raised, feeling like she was never enough. 

Up until last minute, she didn’t know if you were there or not. She was too afraid to look at the room, and see the empty seats she reserved for you. 

And then, finally, the curtain rose, and she jumped on stage and…

You were there. And Bruce too. Sitting in the front row. Ah ! And her brothers were here too !! They were clapping so much for her, it reminded her of that scene in The Addams Family movie…And it made her radiate. 

She was so happy. And she gave it her all, to make all of you proud. Proud, was a euphemism. Her brothers swarmed her and if you didn’t stop them you were pretty sure they would’ve thrown her into the air like a cheerleader. 

Bruce, of course, was the proudest of them all. And you ? Well, of course. You too. Most of all, you were so happy she found a hobby. Something she loved doing, and that always seemed to take her mind off of her troubles. You told her : 

“I like to dance too. Waltz though, I think I’d be bad at ballet.” 

“Waltz ?” 

“Yes.” You smile at her, and a little shyly, she asks : 

“Show me ?” 

Ah, you were never able to resist that cute little face. And so you nodded, and without even having to ask, Bruce stood up too and..You waltzed. 

Cassandra was mesmerized. Your movements were in perfect synch (which she knew wasn’t that easy to achieve), and you were twirling around so gracefully. Oh, and the looks you exchanged…probably the only time she wasn’t grossed out by your love. 

Waltz, was something she taught her students at the ballet school. Because she realized it helped with coordination, and synchronization. And because…it reminded her of you, and that mere thought always put her in a good mood. 


Duke couldn’t help but be thrown back to decades ago, when he first came to the manor and came in to see…You and Damian dancing ??

You were waltzing with your son all around the room, and laughing together. He was clearly imitating Bruce, and his impersonation was spot on and made you laugh so much. 

When you noticed Duke, you asked if he wanted to dance, too. Not particularly a waltz, just…Dance. You had a date night with Bruce, and while he was getting ready, you and Damian were making fun of him (as you should, why was he always so long to pamper himself ??). 

Duke joined in, he too, had some wicked Bruce impersonation. “Hey, look at me, I eat my burgers with a knife and fork because I’m so fancy !” and you and Damian were bend forward, laughing too hard. Duke pushed the caricature even further, further and further up until- 

“This is NOT how I sound.” 

Oh oh. That was Bruce. Coming down the stairs adjusting his bow tie, and not looking amused at all. Damn. Duke was afraid he upset him, it’s true that it was quite the impersonation, and he didn’t think The Batman was too kin on humor. 

“This, is how I sounds.” And then, Bruce cleared his throat and said, in a perfect gentleman way, and that smirk you loved so much on his face : 

“May I have this dance, my Love ?” 

And as you took his hand, and Bruce took the lead, Duke remembers thinking, right at that moment : “that’s what true love looks like.” 

It was a flash, an evidence. This was it. True love. Wow. He hoped he could find it one day. 

“Oh ew, here they go again…Come on Duke, let’s go play “Cheese Viking” before they start -gagging sounds- kissing !” 

Not only did Duke discover what it was like, to find your one true love. But this moment also became a bonding moment for him and Damian. The first time he called him “Duke”, and not “Thomas”. And the first time he started to view him as his brother…


The song ended, but you didn’t leave your husband’s arms. This was your moment. The one where you would just hold each other, for as long as you wanted. As long as you needed. 

Inside the manor, your children were all smiling. 

This was it. This was what those 50 years represented. 

Love, in its purest form. 

How not to feel touched ? 

Their hearts were filled with the same emotions. They knew it. Because they all lived this before. And they hoped they would live this a lot more times…because a world without their parents ? 

They already lost Alfred. Their parents HAD to live longer. 

Ah, maybe this was why they felt so at ease right now ? 

Whenever they saw them dance, and remembered all those times they saw them dance, it felt like you and Bruce were young again. Like they were children once more. 

And those memories ? They’d make you live forever, if only in their heart. 

The end.


Ok here ! Just a short story (compare to usually haha) that I did NOT plan to write (didn’t have time, but I wrote this in an hour right before bed so like, bonus story hehe), but was fun to. Hope you liked it. Don’t hesitate to leave a little comment or(/and) to reblog ! :)

Important to anyone who is surprised about what I wrote about Damian + certain things if you read the comics (especially most recents ones) :

I don’t care about what they did with Damian in some recent Batman Beyond comics. It’s like, literally a renewal of when he first came at Wayne Manor and I hate it. Please. Stop constantly annihilating Damian’s hard earned redemption and making him a villain, to then give him a redemption arc again, and doing this again and again and again it’s getting old…So in my version, he chose to leave the Batman’s mantle behind not to continue Ras’ “legacy”, but to go to the League and deeply reform it so it would become an organization good for the World…right away. He didn’t first try to see if Terry was “worthy” (please, he did basically the same fucking thing when he was ten with all the Robins…………….STOP WRITING STORIES WHERE HE REGRESSES) and never had any intention of following The League of Assassin’s goals. Like, none of that : “oh I changed my mind I’m not a bad guy again now” bullshit. He’s directly not a bad guy, and just has higher/other inspirations.

+ I also changed Dick’s future, because…I didn’t like most of it…mmm…

+ Same for Tim. Sue me.

+ Jason appears almost never and whenever he did I was like : “no” so…Hahahahahahaha.

+ Same for Cass.

+ Duke doesn’t appear at all, but in my world, he does. Because Bruce would never just ignore any of them if he could. ALSO most of those characters don’t exist in that world anyway but you get my point.

+ Ok not gonna lie, the only future I like is Barbara, only because it makes sense that she becomes commissioner. Other than that…MEH.

+ Ok maybe I really like Terry’s character, and his relationship with Bruce, but honestly what they always do to other characters I love in this universe are very meh.

Long story short : in the world of fanfiction, you can just change whatever you hate and pretend it never happened.

I’m a sensitive bitch, I made myself cry when I talked about Alfred because I couldn’t stop thinking about Batman Beyond’s Bruce having to live without him at his sides…Haha. Also. No spoiler but if you ever decide to delve into Neo-Gotham territory, be ready for quite a lot of heartbreak. Not too much in the TV show Batman Beyond, but certain comics ? Oof (SPOILER : I’m still not over Bruce saying goodbye to Terry, my dudes…And especially how it happened and aaaah)

PS : If anyone knows the “Metal Gear Solid” game saga, y’all know why I love Terry McGinnis haha. The MGS are some of my favorite video games EVER, and a major plot point is shared by both those stories hehe…No spoilers for anyone who never watched/read anything with Terry. Highly recommend (both MGS and the animated series + some comics). 


a fake comic cover titled "THE SIGNAL" with a digital painting of duke thomas looking upwards, a coat on over his costume that billows as he movesALT

welcome 2 the day shift!!!!!!! finished this instead of doing my [redacted] lecture because my brain has been deep fried since work this morning :)

codenamed-queenie: Bats IRLI’ve seen a few ArtBreeder edits floating around, and thought to myself ‘codenamed-queenie: Bats IRLI’ve seen a few ArtBreeder edits floating around, and thought to myself ‘codenamed-queenie: Bats IRLI’ve seen a few ArtBreeder edits floating around, and thought to myself ‘codenamed-queenie: Bats IRLI’ve seen a few ArtBreeder edits floating around, and thought to myself ‘codenamed-queenie: Bats IRLI’ve seen a few ArtBreeder edits floating around, and thought to myself ‘codenamed-queenie: Bats IRLI’ve seen a few ArtBreeder edits floating around, and thought to myself ‘codenamed-queenie: Bats IRLI’ve seen a few ArtBreeder edits floating around, and thought to myself ‘codenamed-queenie: Bats IRLI’ve seen a few ArtBreeder edits floating around, and thought to myself ‘


Bats IRL

I’ve seen a few ArtBreeder edits floating around, and thought to myself ‘well, heck, self, why don’t we take a stab at it?’

Post link



A three-panel comic by lantaniel. A random guy is tied to a chair while a jolly, caricaturized Red Hood with a gun in each hand says, "I'm going to commit crimes on you :)" Batman appears and scerams "REDDINGTON JAMES HOOD JUNIOR what do you think you are doing???" Jason gets startled and drops his guns. The random guy thinks "oh shit full name" Batman says, "you can only do the cool, bat-approved crimes" and Jason complains "you never let me do ANYTHING fun!"ALT

had this vision of Batman full-naming his kids, but he has to preserve the secret identities

a comic sketched in pencil. Jason pushes a piece of paper into Batman's face. Batman picks it up to read. The paper says: "approval request: murder. justification: want to" it's signed Jas Todd. Batman says "denied."ALT

this is how you get bat-approval btw

by popular demand, here’s the others

i started drawing this right after posting, but people in the notes have been brainstorming some amazing name ideas too lmao

Part One Here

As Promised my loves, part 2.

This one was so much fun because I like writing pissy Bruce. Also apologies that Damian is a little OOC


You and Bruce came to an agreement, sort of. Neither of you really liked it, but Damian refused to return to his father if you weren’t with him. So Bruce set you up with a room in the Manor, and a car so that you could get to and from work.

Damian moved in a week before you did, he called and texted you everyday, and most importantly he sent you pictures of his pets. You smiled at each message from your boy while you packed up your belongings into small boxes.

The day you were to move in, you were surprised that Bruce, Damian, and Bruce’s oldest son, Dick, came to help you move your stuff into a large SUV. Dick had a kind smile and he thanked you for taking care of Damian when they couldn’t. You liked him more than Bruce, who was still cold to you.

The moment that you three arrived to the Wayne Manor, Damian grabbed your hand and dragged you inside, giving you a tour of the most important rooms (in his view). The tour consisted of Damian pulling you through the kitchen, dining room, library, his room, and finally your room. Once that was done Damian introduced you to his pets.

“He was the only reason I wanted to go back.” Damian admitted, scratching behind Titus’ ear.

“How long have you known who you were?” You had asked Damian many times, and he would always stiffen and not talk. You didn’t know why, but you tried not to push it too hard.

“I want you to meet Goliath.” Damian said, effectively changing the subject from your question, “But father doesn’t want you going down to the Batcave.”

And of course Bruce didn’t want you down there.

“Well you will just have to show me tons of pictures.” You smiled, and Damian smiled back.

That night you eat dinner with Damian, Bruce, and Dick. It was mostly silent, with Damian insisting on sitting next to you, Bruce at the head of the table, and Dick sitting across from you. It was awkward and silent, with people just pushing around their food.

It was Dick that couldn’t take it, he stood up looking pointing at Bruce, “I’m going to go patrol. Dami want to go with me?”

And you answered without thinking about it, “It’s a school night. He needs to go to sleep.”

No one was expecting you to say that, because Dick stared at you, opening and closing his mouth, and Bruce had a hard set to his jaw. You didn’t look up from the food on your plate.

Finally Bruce gave Dick a tight nod, and Dick slipped from the room, leaving his dirty plate.

Once you finished your meal, you took all the plates to the kitchen, despite Alfred’s protests, and told Damian to get ready for bed. You were so in the habit of acting like his guardian that you forgot that it wasn’t your job anymore. Not really.

“Y/N.” Bruce said from behind you as you were washing the dishes, you turned around almost shattering the plate. Bruce looked angry and you were suddenly a little scared, because this man could probably kill you five hundred ways. “I know that you’ve been taking care of Damian for a year now, but I am his father, and I make the calls.”

“Is this because I told him he can’t patrol?” You asked, because you had a very good reason for that.

“No.” Bruce said flatly, and you could hear the lie, “This is because you are now living with us and you think you are still responsible for Damian’s well being.”

“Well someone has to be!” You shouted before you could stop yourself.

You knew it was a dumb thing to say, but the look that Bruce gave you, radiating rage and questioning your authority, made you even more positive that you were being an idiot.

“What did you just say?” Bruce asked, stepping closer to you, and you leaned back into the sink scared. “Are you insinuating that I can’t care for my own son?”

“I found him bleeding in a dirty alleyway in Gotham. And I took care of him, alone. So no, I don’t think you can.” You shouted back in anger.

You watched as Bruce sucked in a deep breath, you could see him count to ten, and you wondered if he would punch you. It would be fair, because you were being a jerk, but you really hoped he wouldn’t.

“If… If this is going to work we need to set up rules.” Bruce finally said through gritted teeth, “Rules we can both agree on.”

“Fine.” You shot back.


“Rule one, no patrols on school nights.” You stated. Bruce didn’t say anything for a long moment, and so you left, let him stew in his own anger. You would talk about rules in the morning.

You walked up to Damian’s room, he was sitting up on his bed, his cat was on one side, and Titus was curled up at the corner of his bed. Damian looked worried, but when he saw you the tension eased from his face.

“Umi, what took you so long?” Damian asked, and you smiled before placing a quick kiss on his forehead.

“Just got lost.” You replied, because Damian didn’t need to hear that his parents were fighting.

You stayed with Damian for a half hour before telling him to go to sleep, and then you returned to your room, where you sat up the entire night, wondering if this all was a mistake. Maybe you should have stayed at your apartment, and petitioned for custody every other weekend.

The next day you got back from work tired and just really wanting a long shower. You weren’t expecting to see Bruce sitting at the kitchen counter with a piece of paper in front of him, he looked almost as tired as you.

“Y/N, I thought we should write out our rules.” Bruce said.

You almost laughed, because you were really not expecting Bruce to actually make a contract, but he was a businessman so it made sense. And you wanted this to work, so you sat down across from Bruce and the two of you worked out a real and serious contract. One you were both okay with.

One thing that you hadn’t been expecting when you were living in the Wayne Manor was for it to always be loud. There were always a bunch of children running around, and usually breaking things. Damian usually forced you to stay away from the others, wanting you all to yourself, so you didn’t really know many of them.

You and Damian were baking cookies together in the kitchen, when a sleepy 17 year old stumbled into the kitchen, he stared at you, and then at Damian who was excitedly helping you mix the batter, and blinked a lot.

“Hello.” You said with a smile, and Damian whirled around to see his brother.

“Umi that is Drake, don’t pay any attention to him.”

“Thanks demon.” Tim muttered, grabbing some coffee.

“Kid, that’s not nice. Apologize.” You said not even looking at Damian.

Tim opened his mouth to say something, probably along the lines of ‘he will never apologize,’ but Damian looked at Tim and quietly said, “Sorry Drake.”

Tim stared at you with wide eyes.

“Who are you?” Tim asked in amazement, and you just laughed, continuing the cookies.

That night the entire Batfamily gathered in the living room, and you were there as well, watching as Damian verbally sparred with his brothers. Everyone was talking and having a good time, and you were standing against the wall, feeling a little left out, but not wanting to intrude more on Bruce’s life.

That’s when you noticed another kid hanging around the outskirts, he too looked slightly uncomfortable. You made your way over to him, “Hey. I don’t think I know you.”

The boy looked up at you with wide eyes that reminded you of Damian when you first met him.

“You’re Damian’s… you’re Damian’s.” The kid said, and you laughed.

“Good to know that’s my legacy, that I belong to a child.” You snorted and the boy looked a little embarrassed, “But that still doesn’t tell me who you are.”

The boy smiled his face darkening with a blush, “Right. I’m Duke. Duke Thomas.”

“Well Duke. Duke Thomas.” You smiled, and the boy rubbed the back of his neck. You felt bad for embarrassing the boy so badly, but it was really easy, “You look hungry. I made cookies earlier, you like chocolate chip?”

And you felt your heart break a little when you saw how excited this child was, he clearly wasn’t noticed enough. So you took him down to the kitchen where you you had left the cookies, you listened to him as he told you about his day, and you congratulated him when you found out he was president of the Spanish club.

When the two of you returned to the living room Damian came up to your side, and he glared at Duke, “You will leave my Umi alone.”

“Kid.” You said warningly.

“Sorry.” Damian muttered, he didn’t sound sorry. He took your arms and dragged you back to your room.

It was three AM on a Friday night– Well you guess Saturday morning– when the door to your room opened with a loud creak. You were still very much asleep and didn’t notice, even when your visitor tapped on your face, once, twice.

The third time you shot up to see Damian and Duke both standing in front of you, you were shocked to see them.

“Dami?” You croaked out, “Duke? What’s going on?”

Damian shifted from one foot to another, he looked embarrassed. Duke on the other hand didn’t have trouble asking, “We had a … bad patrol. Can we sleep with you tonight. Please?”

That woke you up really quick. You were alert, looking at the two boys, they were both in pyjamas and there was no visible injuries.

“Are either of you hurt?” You asked, pulling the two closer to you.

“No Umi, I just wanted to be with you. I’m not sure why Thomas is here.” Damian muttered, and you didn’t say anything about the comment. You were too busy pulling both the boys into your arms. That night you fell asleep between you two boys, a protective arm slung around them.

You would have serious words with Bruce in the morning.

bruce, to the bats: did none of you think this was a bad idea?!

duke: well actually, i di-

jason, smacking his hand over duke’s mouth: oh no, we all did. we just decided to do it anyways

damian: actually that’s not the tru-

steph, smacking her hand over damian’s mouth: WE ALL DID

damian: fist me

duke: what the fuck did you just say to me?

damian, holding out his fist: is this not how you do it?

duke, bumping damian back: jesus christ damian, no

*jason and tim uncontrollably laughing around the corner*

jason: i just feel like there’s something missing

duke: jason, we went over the shopping list three times

jason: i know, but i still feel like we forgot something at the store


jason: where’s damian?

nothing screams “rich people activities” more than thisnothing screams “rich people activities” more than this

nothing screams “rich people activities” more than this

Post link


Bruce eats peanut butter straight out the jar with a spoon as a snack and Alfred is horrified by this, but never tries to stop him because it’s one of the only things that stayed the same after his parents died. He regrets it though once more kids come into the house because now they all do it and each one has a brand prefernce and there are 8 different jars of peanut butter in the house at any time. There is a designated peanut butter cabinet in the kitchen.
