#ed struggles


I think I have a hernia causs there’s a squishy ball in my stomach that shows up after exercise that hurts and causes chest pain; so yeah I might die, and?

Havent weighed today, probably still weigh the same anyway.

Imma wear this for my senior pictures when the new dates come up since I missed dit the first time rip.

Unpopular opinion

But those shoes yall keep swooning over look whack n dirty as hell, stop it

nothing like crying with an empty stomach

am i the only one that just feels like if i eat before like 6pm i don’t actually have an ed and i’m faking it?

me: okay so i ate nothing yesterday so i can eat a little more today.

*eats a little more*

my ed: fuck now you can’t eat for two days

me: aw man

can school stop being so annoying? i’m trying to focus on my eating disorder ☺️
