

You did not see this year turning out this way, and the plans that seemed steady have fallen out of place, but even here, even now, you have not fallen from grace; this glorious unmerited favor that shows up everyday, reminding you: you are Loved…even while you feel this way. And it is okay to say, “this is hard.” It is okay if things are not the same. It is okay if there are feelings that are strong, but they are confusing and too hard to name. For more than you were made to sort through all of this, you were made to trust and let go. You were made to go through every stage it takes to learn, to heal, to grow. — Morgan Harper Nichols

You did not see this year turning out this way, and the plans that seemed steady have fallen out of place, but even here, even now, you have not fallen from grace; this glorious unmerited favor that shows up everyday, reminding you: you are Loved…even while you feel this way. And it is okay to say, “this is hard.” It is okay if things are not the same. It is okay if there are feelings that are strong, but they are confusing and too hard to name. For more than you were made to sort through all of this, you were made to trust and let go. You were made to go through every stage it takes to learn, to heal, to grow. — Morgan Harper Nichols

I hope today is one of those days that you see The Light in everything. I hope that with every thing

I hope today is one of those days that you see The Light in everything. I hope that with every thing that turned out differently than you thought it would, you will see that flowers are still growing here, for the garden, for the good. And even if takes time for them to unfold into their bloom, everything that happens before is beautiful and meaningful too.

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Just because they’re succeeding before you that doesn’t mean they’re succeeding in replacement of yo

Just because they’re succeeding before you that doesn’t mean they’re succeeding in replacement of you. There is still a place for you. There will always be a place for you. Even if they came up after you and are doing the exact things you dreamed you would do, they have not replaced you. Even if you put years into things, they are not still not invalidated by those who are passionate about similar things. No two people’s stories are the same, and there is no way to know when, where, or how things will play out, but you can know this to be true: what they have done with their lives does not limit you. Who you have been called to be is who you have been called to be, and it does not matter what others do.

And while you are waiting, you are not just waiting. You are growing into who you were meant to be. And maybe…some of the things you thought you wanted were actually rooted in something deeper that went beyond what you could see. And maybe, you will start to see those deeper, richer things when you focus more on growing, and less on worrying, letting everything fall in place the way it’s supposed to…even if it ends up looking a little different than you were expecting.

Perhaps it has not felt like it lately, but there is still a place at the table for you. You know that gut feeling you have been having lately? The one you feel when you see someone else is doing the same things you want to do, or when it seems your dreams have been pulled out from beneath you? Perhaps that is more than a feeling of inadequacy, but a fire slowly igniting brave within your soul, reminding you there is more than what you currently see and what you are feeling is the process of becoming who you were meant to be.

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“Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else’s surviv

“Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else’s survival guide.” — Morgan Harper Nichols

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Going through things you never thought you’d go through will only take you places you never thought

Going through things you never thought you’d go through will only take you places you never thought you’d get to. - morgan harper nichols

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The journey is far from perfect, but by grace she’ll be strong, she’ll make it.

Morgan Harper Nichols

please don’t feel like a failure because of what you haven’t accomplished yet. no matter how fast ti

please don’t feel like a failure because of what you haven’t accomplished yet. no matter how fast time seems to pass you by, by grace, you are right where you need to be.

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