#know your worth

She got her boob job while she was in the closet. Her now Mistress, her then friend from work, encou

She got her boob job while she was in the closet. Her now Mistress, her then friend from work, encouraged her to do it. She had no idea 18 months later she’d be showing them off for a very happy FEMALE owner.

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 “The one thing that keeps us out of connection is our fear that we’re not worthy of connectio

“The one thing that keeps us out of connection is our fear that we’re not worthy of connection.”

Quote from Brené Brown in her TED Talk The power of vulnerability”.


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“Calling a Black woman ‘difficult’ in Hollywood is the kiss of death, and its hard enough being a dark-skinned Black woman in this business.” - Janet Hubert

After several decades of being blacklisted for demanding higher pay and speaking up about poor treatment in the workplace, Janet Hubert gets acknowledgment and closure in a one-on-one discussion for TV.

It isn’t enough, not just for Janet but all the Moniques, Serena Williamses, and Meghan Markles in the world. We don’t have to compromise on our value.  

Black women and femmes aren’t “difficult” for setting boundaries, knowing our worth, and refusing to comply with abuse. Choosing self-love by rejecting biases that expect us to settle for poor treatment is courageous, vulnerable, powerful, and disempowering to the social norms that deny us. This act is perceived or portrayed as “difficult” to people who perpetuate those norms when they can no longer take advantage of them… and us.

If you genuinely care about the lives of Black women and femmes, you must do more than lip-service. You have to support our human autonomy–then get out of our way.

There are probably deep evolutionary reasons for this but women tend to never go backwards. I rememb

There are probably deep evolutionary reasons for this but women tend to never go backwards. I remember in high school dating the first boy who could drive. After that convenience, I only dated boys who drove. Then only boys who had their own car. Later I dated a boy who had his own apartment. That was it for me. I never dated boys who still lived at home again. And, so it went. I was not alone. Other women have told me similar stories. Now, here you are making yourself useful. After you started keeping your home spotless, she isn’t going back. Keep pushing forward until you are indispensable. Push forward until it is natural for her to dump things on you and expect you to obey. This is a one way street. You’ll learn this if you can get a woman to go far enough down it with you. You will keep becoming more and more the slave you know you are deep in your soul.

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How Social Media Impacts My Self Worth

How Social Media Impacts My Self Worth

Social media has had a massive impact on my self worth lately and it feels like my confidence has hit an all time low. Social media can give a snapshot as to what is going on in someone’s life, but it can make you feel like your life is less than compared to someone else’s. In reality though that is completely not the case.
I feel like I look at social media sometimes and I don’t feel comfortable…

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thegingerpowers: Make it the best read ever. Dear Diary, ….


Make it the best read ever.

Dear Diary, ….

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“Don’t abuse a kind heart. You may never be offered one again.”

— Pokello Nare (via onlinecounsellingcollege)


This describes so perfectly what my ex narcissist did to me, using all the intimate details if my life I had shared with them against me as ammunition for the smear campaign right from the very beginning when I was still completely unaware of what was happening. Assassinating my character behind my back while somehow taking ownership of all my good qualities, adding them to his fake facade. And how people I thought were life long friends turned their backs on me.

I needed to see this again to remind myself of what really happened. My memory gets fuzzy and sometimes confused about the reality of the situation because it was so traumatizing I think. But I need to always remember.

This describes so perfectly what my ex narcissist did to me, using all the intimate details if my life I had shared with them against me as ammunition for the smear campaign right from the very beginning when I was still completely unaware of what was happening. Assassinating my character behind my back while somehow taking ownership of all my good qualities, adding them to his fake facade. And how people I thought were life long friends turned their backs on me.
