#gentle reminder


just a friendly reminder that waking up late doesn’t mean the rest of your day is ruined

snailshopping: Please!! Please credit artists, musicians, people who make aesthetics and typography snailshopping: Please!! Please credit artists, musicians, people who make aesthetics and typography


Please!! Please credit artists, musicians, people who make aesthetics and typography and edits online, photographers, writers, everyone who makes things - if you can find credit, give credit!

HERE is the HTML for making a link on mobile, its very simple and you can make anything a link (emojis, letters, images) and HEREandHERE are links to help you find the original source! And pixabay.com is a site with completely free pictures!

Post link

you were meant to see this post. this post showed up on your screen for a reason. you are loved. whatever issue you may be going through right now, whether it be school or family or love, it will pass. it will pass, and you will be okay in the end. you will survive this.

In case no one has told you:

• you are amazing

• you are loved

• you are cared about

• you are strong

• I’m so proud of you!!

self love is not selfish. self love is not egotistic. self love is nothing to be ashamed of. you’re incredible!

small progress is still progress!! and I’m so proud of you! have a great day!

you are not a bad person for saying no. you are not obligated to help someone at the expense of your own happiness.

aromantics get to celebrate pride month. aromantics get to celebrate pride month. aromantics get to celebrate pride month. aromantics get to celebrate pride month. aromantics get to celebrate pride month.

in this day and age, it’s easy to feel pressured by the constant glorification of sex and sex appeal. you may feel like something is wrong with you if you don’t want it, or that you’re missing out. not wanting sex is okay. being a virgin is okay. not liking sex is okay. sex isn’t a requirement to be truly happy.

sometimes, you need a break. it does not make you weak. it does not make you lazy. it’s normal and healthy. rest.
