


Lots and lots of offended American terfs who can’t bear that I compared my objectophilia to their precious “same sex attraction”.

Here in Russia homophobes react the same way when someone says queerness is not worse than heterosexuality.

As a Russian queer, I really don’t see a difference.

Okay, homophobe. Notice how you defaulted to the word “queerness”, which can mean damn near anything new wave queerios such as yourself want it to, rather than homosexuality/same sex attraction. 

You call people homophobes for being against “queerness” but are derisive about the very existence of same sex attraction.

Then again Russia is pretty homophobic so it’d explain a lot about you.













Maybe terfs are so pissed off about kinks and fetishes because these are forms of attraction that are very much not genital-centered. Sometimes even not body-centered at all.

actually fetishes and kinks can be racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and extremely harmful.

also, please tell me you understand that kinks and fetishes aren’t really “forms of attraction,” they’re ways you express preexisting attraction to the sex(es) you are interested in

Please, tell me what sex my shoes are.

you know damn well what I mean. don’t intentionally misinterpret me

I fuck shoes. Just shoes, without a person in them. This is not “preexisting attraction to sex”, shoes are not sexually dimorphic. Kinks and fetishes are independent attractions.

oh yes thanks for bringing up something I forgot to mention! some kinks and fetishes are genuinely things you should discuss with a therapist

Why should I bring to a therapist something that doesn’t make my life worse? I’m not interested in having my sexuality made into something “normal”, thanks.

@opabiniawillreturn, m'am, you may like existing in one-dimensional space, but don’t make it everyone else’s problem. “Everything I don’t understand should be cured” is a very meh way to live.

masturbating with shoes is something your therapist should know about.

So what? So we can be converted into good heterosexual productive members of society?

you really took “masturbating in shoes is not mentally normal” to mean “i hate gay people”

Not that we needed even more proof that people with kinks think they are on a par with homosexuals because they see homosexuality as a perversion and “not normal”…














Maybe terfs are so pissed off about kinks and fetishes because these are forms of attraction that are very much not genital-centered. Sometimes even not body-centered at all.

actually fetishes and kinks can be racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and extremely harmful.

also, please tell me you understand that kinks and fetishes aren’t really “forms of attraction,” they’re ways you express preexisting attraction to the sex(es) you are interested in

Please, tell me what sex my shoes are.

you know damn well what I mean. don’t intentionally misinterpret me

I fuck shoes. Just shoes, without a person in them. This is not “preexisting attraction to sex”, shoes are not sexually dimorphic. Kinks and fetishes are independent attractions.

Imagine admitting this publicly on the internet and believing you’ve come out looking better than your opponents.


Bet dollars to donuts that @couropath​ only likes shoes designed for women. I have never in my life heard about anyone fetishizing men’s loafers or something.

First of all, shoes have no gender. Second, my current fave looks like this

Third, the sexiest ever shoes (that I unfortunately do not own) look like this

Third, if you have literally never met people with some attraction, perhaps you’re not the expert on this attraction?

I’m not sure what you think you’re accomplishing other than giving my followers more material to gawk at but okay. 

If sure you’re very happy and well adjusted being a boot fucker, but that doesn’t really say anything about normal sexual orientation. Or about the kinks/fetishes so-called “terfs” actually are concerned with that tend to involve hurting women, torturing women, degrading women or having women roleplay as children.

“Normal sexual orientation” is overrated. I did enough of larping as a hetero in my life.

Also, I’ve never been in a non kink relationship ever, and my sex life started involving a girl only recently. If you only have a problem with women having non normative sex, your problem isn’t with kinks or fetishes, your problem is with women. Which is a weird hill to die on, but whatever. No kink or fetish inherently must include women.

The fact you read “normal sexual orientation” and think that only means heterosexuality is prettytelling.

I know you probably think you’re so subversive and shocking right now but I’ve definitely encountered far weirder things than you on the internet. This is just getting sad. 

“your problem isn’t with kinks or fetishes, your problem is with women.“

You started out saying “terfs hate kink because it doesn’t involve genitals”. I’m telling you why you’re completely off base.

The only normal (seen as wanted and desirable and worthy of representation in society) sexual orientation is heterosexual attraction to adults on the younger end. The rest of us are deviants and freaks. I choose to be proud of it. If someone chooses to beg to be accepted as normal… I’m sorry.

Okay, homophobe.

I mean yeah you’re a deviant freak because you’re a shoe fucker. But what, you want us regular old gays to be deviant freaks too? To make you feel better about yourself? Don’t drag us into it.

Meanwhile us feminists will be over here continuing to discuss how it’s a problem of epidemic proportions that men train themselves from their formative years to find the degradation, pain and misery of women sexually gratifying.


Fandom TRAs can keep looking if they want for that magic loophole that will make trans headcanons acceptable, but when it comes to them imposing that shit on gay characters, it’s lose/lose regardless of what direction they’re transitioning the character in

Turning a gay man into a TIF or a lesbian into a TIM is homophobic in a very obvious material way to anyone who recognizes sex over gender (aka any gay person) — it completely screws over that character’s same-sex partner, if they have one, by turning a same-sex relationship into an opposite-sex one. TRAs of course won’t see it this way and will be adamant that this is a valid gay relationship, but any actual gay person knows better.

The alternative, making a gay man a TIM or a lesbian a TIF, while more grounded in reality at least, isn’t much better. Because now, regardless of how much the character’s relationship still technically counts as gay, it’s once again the TRAs putting themselves in charge of the terminology and rendering the relationship as heterosexual-adjacent as possible within the confines of still being same-sex. Objecting to this is not the same thing as conceding that the character is literally the opposite sex (“gender”) and thus literally in a heterosexual relationship, but what we’re picking up on is the TRAs’ desire for heteronormativity imposed on the characters, and that’s almost just as off-putting.


Man, the closest to a ‘golden age’ of being a homosexual must have been the late 2000′s, early 2010′s…I remember being a young teen going through the realization that I was gay and going online to spaces where it was actuallyokay in their eyes to be a homosexual.

So many YouTubers who were based around serious and light-hearted discussions about being lesbians really helped me, as well as seeing gay men express themselves since that helped me learn more about the LGB community. I felt like things were looking up for us and that even though being gay was different and could sometimes be scary, there would always be this community to back each other up. It was going to be okay to be a gender non-conforming lesbian, because the older women I saw on my laptop screen were trying to make it so.

And then in about 2015-2016, something shifted right before my eyes. It’s not like the trans community didn’t exist before - I knew them well enough, and was 100% supportive of them, but they had grown muchlouder. I think the most damning thing for me personally was watching all the lesbian idols I had come to know on places like YouTube started coming out as trans men or nonbinary. I couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed each time, even though I had been taught by now that this feeling of disappointment was “transphobia”. These were my role models, my only connection to gender non-conforming females since I lived in a small conservative town in the armpit of Florida.

I tried to be supportive all the same, even though it seemed like every day those channels I watched or blogs I read started to disappear or change themselves to being about exclusively trans topics. It was like these people thought that the legalization of gay marriage in America was the end-all to oppression or issues for homosexuals, and so they had to move on to the next thing. I felt frustrated, but also pressured to joining the bandwagon, accepting that trans people were the oppressed now, and “cis” gay people had power over them even if it didn’t make much sense to me.

I wish I could go back to those times. Most libfems and tras really think that because gays can marry now and sometimes commercials on TV will show a gay couple, they don’t need to care about us anymore. But I’m still here. There’s plenty of people still here. This is a very America-centered post as well, since I’m sure the experience of anyone outside of it may be different, but my personal experience really opened my eyes to the trans community and their ‘allies’. Greedy consuming erasers.



the uncomfortable silence from the entire rest of the theater every time freddie even looked at another dude was fucking palpable

;; some people walked out, like that’s how homophobic they were. then later I heard two women in the bathroom stalls complaining,

“Well I guess they have to show some of his… lifestyle.. But it should’ve been about the music and just that. They went too far.”

Like ladies… You can’t tone down a legend like Freddie FuckingMercury..



My name is Yousef and I’m a transgender male from the Middle East. I decided to make a post on here since there are a lot of active people from the LGBT community that are willing to help those in need.

In the Middle East we suffer a lot from society and even “coming out” could get you in jail. There is a law in my country
(Kuwait) where you can get thrown in jail for simply breaking gender norms (Dressing up like the other gender).

We are a group of trans activits that are trying to spread the word on twitter since it is very popular in the Middle East and it proved to change things in other issues. We’ve managed to get the attention of the “Daily Dot” when we translated very violent tweets on an arab trans hashtag to show how much we are in danger in this part of the world


Most people here threat to kill us with swords and even one said they would burn us like hitler burned jews.

What we are asking is your support on the twitter hashtags:


If you tweet enough and help us trend it and gain enough attention, it would make Arabs become aware of our existence and therefore demand respect and our right to exist. Many of us want the right to simply transition and we can’t because most Arabs think they have the right to tell us what we can and cant do to our bodies.

If you don’t have a twitter or have no desire to partcipate, reblogging this would be more than enough. We need as much help as we can get.

Thank you

The LGBT community in much of the Muslim world does not just suffer from discrimination, but they fear for their lives. While people here in the West would like to assume that those on the right side of the political spectrum are anti-LGBT, and sure in some cases that is very much true, it is in no way comparable to what the LGBT community suffers from in the Muslim world. In fact, most conservatives in Canada are actually very strongly in support of LGBT rights. Even in the United States there is a huge trend and shift in attitudes amongst Republicans. The hateful rhetoric that still remains and discriminates against the LGBT community in North America is shameful and sad dying cry of pathetic ignorance, and it is very minuscule in comparison to what they suffer from in the Muslims world. It is now time, more than ever, for all the LGBT rights activists to start focusing some of their attention to where the community suffers the most!

Normally I stay in my lane on tumblr but FYI if you see the url dark-light-knight he is a literal nazi and has sent me a number of insane messages from several of his blogs over the years including some very homophobic shit. This url must be his most recent and tumblr recced it to me because he posts dark art. Do yourself a favor and block him. Unless you like nazis, I guess, in which case you should probably unfollow me.

I can’t remember if I posted about this before, but our new office manager is the store managers sister

Andboy is she outdated.

1. Keeps using slurs as if they were regular adjectives

2. Makes passive aggressive comments about “professionalism” in regards to dress and the way I talk to other receptionists

3. And most recently she wanted to know “since when did June 1st become the beginning of LGBTQ Pride month ”

and when I said it’s been least a decade she wanted wanted to know more, so I looked it up (Bill Clinton declared it in 1999) and she pulled out the classic “when is straight pride month ”

Me: “oh, that’s the other 11 months of the year”

So uh, yeah


[“Many gay people will say that their families are “fine.” But when you ask for details, this means, basically, that the gay person has not been completely excluded from family events. Or that their partner, if they have one, is allowed in the house. Very few experience their personhood, lives, and feelings to be actively understood as equal to the heterosexual family members. Often parents or siblings keep the person’s homosexuality secret from others, or euphemize it. They vote for politicians who hurt gay people; they contribute to religious organizations that humiliate gay people; they patronize cultural products that depict gay people as pathological. They speak and act in ways that reinforce the idea of gay people as “special interest.” In many ways the message is clear that the gay person is not fully human. But because many gay people know others who have been more severely punished by their family’s prejudices, they look on their own continued compromised inclusion to be miraculously positive and a product of their own correct behavior.”]

sarah schulman, ties that bind: familial homophobia and its consequences






The mainstream LGBTQIA movement is becoming increasingly puritanical. In my eyes, this is a subconsciousness effort by queer people to fight for our rights by appeasing the cis-het overlords. Basically we are trying to get them to give us rights by acting just like them.

In reality however, we aren’t like them and we really shouldn’t be. The sexual status quo is fundamentally harmful and objectively flawed. Furthermore, appeasing one’s oppressors never works, it just makes the oppressors more powerful.

No amount of sexual stuff a child or teenager could see at pride would, even if we assume it’s not ideal, come close to what it does to you to grow up seeing airbrushed models selling everything with sex and having all the humanity edited out of sexual things and the sexuality edited out of all things human, including mainstream porn. I would rather a 14y/o spend their free time in a kink dungeon than in front of a billboard, because when you see and learn sexuality through actual people you see that it’s not different from other forms of human connection and interaction. And being around kink in a context where you can walk up the the people and talk to them will teach you actual boundaries and consent. Something that our culture sorely lacks.

This is such a bad-faith argument that I don’t even know where to start, @disabledstemstudent. But… let’s treat it like it’s in good faith and you’ve just got some shit to unpack.

Let’s start out with this: no one is fucking in public at Pride. Pride isn’t the Folsom Street Fair, which I often see it compared to, and all of the “look at this man getting fisted in public” or whatever comes from Folsom and is presented as taking place at Pride. It’s technically true that Folsom is a Pride event, because it’s a Leather Pride event, but you aren’t going to stumble across someone fucking in public at Folsom. You have to deliberately enter the closed-off area where Folsom takes place, so if you’re seeing fucking in public at Pride, you’re either at Folsom and that’s on you, or someone is doing something they shouldn’t be. We’ll come back to that second idea in a minute, but for now, let’s reiterate:

No one is fucking in public at Pride.

So what are we really talking about, here? What’s the real bugaboo that people are discussing?

Two things: public nudity and “leather/fetish/kink clothing”.

(I put quotes around the latter because what we normally refer to as “fetish clothing” is only a very narrow segment of what people wear for kink purposes, but I’ll get back to that, too.)

What is it that people are really objecting to, here? “I don’t want to see almost naked people in public. I don’t want to see clothing which I consider to be sexual signaling. Someone wearing a pup mask in public is engaging in a public scene and I don’t consent to being part of that.”

All of this hinges on the concepts of 1) consent and 2) how queer sexuality is viewed as opposed to cishetallo sexuality. So let’s start peeling all of that apart.

So let’s first talk about Folsom vs Pride. Folsom Street Fair in SF is literally what the ‘this should be in an 18+ space’ crowd is advocating for! This IS that space!

But people are (deliberately in many cases, ignorantly in others) conflating Leather Pride, in September, with the Pride which sprung from the 1970 Christopher Street Liberation Day March organized by Brenda Howard, among others. That March, a continuation of the East Coast Homophile Organization’s 4th of July Marches started in Philly in 1965, gave birth to Pride Month.

Folsom, by contrast, began as a protest in San Francisco against gentrification of a historically gay neighborhood, and was specifically a queer/Leather pushback against people trying to re-closet the queer community during the AIDS crisis. San Francisco was specifically using the AIDS crisis as an excuse to close bathhouses and regulate bars, which started in 1984, so it’s not a surprise that the first Folsom Street Fair took place that year.

Both were protests against the ways in which white cishetalloperikyriarchy has tried to crush our community over the decades, but they are independent events with independent origins. They should not be conflated; if nothing else, it’s a disservice to our history.

However. Pride is not, and never has been, a family-friendly event; this protestation that it should be is rooted in protoTERF & white cis-gay sanitation attempts & ignores the history of the event itself. Pride was begun by kinksters, including Brenda Howard, famously quoted as saying, “Bi, Poly, Switch - I’m not greedy, I know what I want.” She was a Jewish disabled leather-community sex worker, & that identity is emblematic of the people who founded Pride in the first place.

This 'santization/cishet-friendliness’ of Pride completely plows over & astroterfs (not a typo) its roots:

  • All of the central figures in Stonewall were not cis, or gender-conforming, and Stonewall itself? Owned by the Mafia, since only they would bankroll gay bars at the time. (In fact, the rename of it was an attempt to keep the Mafia from having 'ownership’ since they owned Stonewall - there were concerns that the Mafia would say 'this is our event, you’re using the name of our bar.’ A far cry from Wells Fargo & Merck sponsorships, that.)
  • A scant few years later, in 1973, people were booing one of the activists from Stonewall, Sylvia Rivera, because the TERF-and-cis-LG pushback had already begun. The cis white LG’s were beginning their calls for respectability. This is the famous 'Y'all Better Quiet Down’ speech. People who were NOT at Stonewall were already trying to sanitize Pride, & there’s video from a radfem screaming at Sylvia and misgendering her. I will not name said radfem, may her name be obliterated.
  • Pride has ALWAYS included Leather and has ALWAYS included Kinksters because it was founded by them and this sanitization started as soon as the Comfortable felt like they could take Pride from the Most Afflicted and those who had been there. Like, the group Sylvia and Marsha founded was called Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries, run by trans sex workers for trans sex workers. This was NEVER the neat-and-tidy acceptable-to-straights corporate-friendly bullshit that people seem to think it is/should be now.

So now we’ve established that this event sprung from the “unrespectable queers” because the respectable ones had been doing the organizing before then and had resisted joining with the unrespectable queers, the kinksters and the leather daddies, because they didn’t want to be seen as “like that,” but when Pride became successful and actually got somewhere, they sure were happy to swoop on in and literally tell Sylvia and Marsha “you can’t march with us because you’re not respectable and you would drag us down.” (They showed up and walked in front of the parade.)

Well, so what? Why does it matter if they wanted to exclude trans sex workers who weren’t respectable in appearance, amirite? If the Respectable Gays wanted to swoop on in and take from the Unrespectable Queers what the latter built?

Well, aside from the fact that what they did and tried to do was shitty? Because the whole thing started because of sumptuary laws. Pride literally springs from cishetallos deciding what clothing is “acceptable” for queers to wear in public based not on how much of their body is covered but upon the perceived queerness of their clothing.

Stonewall began because cops were enforcing vice laws targeting trans and gnc people. At the time, it was illegal to wear more than 2 items of clothing associated w/'the wrong gender,’ so a trans woman wearing bra, panties, and a skirt was illegally dressed. So they were literally raiding bars, getting people’s IDs, and comparing their junk to their clothes and deciding who was illegally and immorally dressed.

Let that one sink in for a minute, in context. I wonder why Pride had so much emphasis on kinky queers & trans queers & GNC queers being out loud & Proud in whatever the fuck they wanted to wear on this ONE DAY when they were all together & physically more people than the police could stop. (Not that Pride wasn’t a permitted march from the first - it was - and it was a protest, not a party.)

And now that we’ve established that Pride, the protest March, not the street fair for corporations, is and always has been by and for the leather daddies and the Dykes on Bikes, the revolutionary contingent who got into fights with cops over the right to wear the clothes they wanted to wear – and had been doing so for years, by the way, Stonewall was just the first well documented violent conflict between cops acting on repressive vice laws which targeted femme queens in specific and the people they were oppressing with the weight of the law…

… let’s actually talk about consent.

Those vice laws were based on consent. The idea that the general public didn’t consenttoseeing trans women in public. The idea that the general public got to have a say on whether or not they consented to seeing trans people in public was the whole basis of those laws. I don’t consent to seeing you queers and recognizing you as queer.

But it’s different! The anti-kink-at-Pride crowd cries. This is explicitly sexual clothing!

First of all, no. It’s not. Kink is not inherently sexual.

Second of all, even if kink is inherently sexual, even if what you object to is clothing which signals sexually to other people, why is this particular clothing which signals sexually to other people what you object to? Why is it this?

Why aren’t you objecting to cishet women in plunging necklines or wearing tiny bikinis to the beach? Why aren’t you protesting billboards where m/f couples in almost nothing, or sometimes totally nothing, literally have their tongues down each other’s throats?

Is it because this clothing is indicative of what you think of as deviant sexuality?

I’m willing to bet it is, and if that’s the case, then there’s an awful lot to unpack there about who and what has a deviant sexuality and why we hypersexualize and condemn queer displays of sexuality, especially QTPOC sexuality.

(There is a lot of very racialized bias in this conversation but that is not mine to unpack – I just need to stop and say YES THIS EXISTS, because boy it sure does.)

Why exactly do we think queer sexuality displays require MORE consent than the hypersaturated cishet sexuality surrounding us like a dank BUYTHISNOW miasma every time we turn on a TV/walk out the door?

The answer is internalized homophobia & transphobia. That’s yours to unpack, and it is not the job of a random stranger to change their behavior because you see queer sexuality as inherently more sexual or aggressive, nor is it their job to regulate their clothing according to the possible sexual trauma or sexual orientation of others.

The idea of consent in sexuality and discussed in BDSM/Leather communities centers around the idea that someone should not do something to you without your consent. It’s a good concept! I like it! It’s correct that it is a cornerstone of BDSM and it SHOULD BE.

But, and this is really important, so I need you to read this several times and really sit with it:

The idea that someone simply wearing a pup mask in public is doing something to you while a woman in a thong bikini is not requires you to be examining the world through the homophobic lenses which society smacks on all of our eyes.

Read it again. Think about it. Be okay with the fact that this fact makes you uncomfortable and resistant to recognizing it. Be okay with your discomfort so you can actually unpack that.

The idea that you need to consent to seeing a leather daddy in a harness, but skinny cishet white girls at clubs aren’tdoing something to you by wearing bondage pants & harnesses (which they do, all the time, & no one blinks) comes from internalized homophobia and transphobia.

The way that we view queer sexual signaling no more overt than what cishet people do constantly and base entire economic systems around as doing something to us in a way that requires us to consent to even seeing it is based in homophobia and transphobia.

It is exactly the same mentality that meant my school administrators in the 90s fired a gay teacher because kids might see her at school events with her partner.

It is exactly the same mentality that meant that the administrators first barred the only lesbian couple at my school from holding hands & kissing each other goodbye in the halls and then barred the straight couples from doing so too when rightful claims of discrimination flared.

And? All of this argument requires us to think of Pride as a singular event with no variations, striations, separate areas, etc. This is clearly not the case. If you look at the slate of events for any major city’s Pride events, there are very clearly multiple different events across multiple days for most of them. If you want to create a PG-13 event, or attend one, most places have those!

Expecting the entirety of Pride to be kid-safe is ahistorical, treats adults like children, and requires you to smack them homophobic glasses right back on your eyeballs and insist that the Bad Queers go back into the closet.

And, of course, this all ties into the “pedophile” and “groomer” bullshit which has sprung back up like fucking mushrooms. Oh, those bad nasty queers who are … wearing leather pants in public and going bare-chested and wearing a face mask and a leash! Oh no! They’re making things unsafe for our children by wearing clothing less revealing than the average beach!

But it’s bad clothing because it’s queer clothing and queer sexuality is, in this mindset, inherently threatening and doing something to you. So engaging with this argument supports that shit, and honestly… it’s fucking obscene.

Using this argument against queer adults who are literally just there enjoying the company of other queer adults is fucking violence. This argument and its root implications are the accusations which got (and still get) queers evicted, fired, and beaten to death.


How dare you come to an event founded by kinksters and swarm around them like the other animals clamoring at the Little Red Hen for the bread she baked?

How dare you look at the leather daddies who survived AIDS and say “we climbed on your back to where we are now, where big corporations see the dollar signs in the queer community rather than condemning us to literally die in the streets, now go away, because you’re unsightly and we don’t wanna see you anymore?”

How dare you engage this in an environment where they’re literally trying to make social transition for minors illegal. What is social transition? Clothing. So now we’re back to “wearing the 'wrong gender’s’ clothing” is the crime they’re trying to make a Thing again in Florida.

How dare you and everyone making this shit-ass argument year after year look at Dykes on Bikes who nursed and buried their dying friends when no one else would and say “mmm, you’re a pedophile actually because you want to go topless in the sun and show off the tattoos that you got in defiance of a world that didn’t want you to live, and ride through the street with your lover’s arms around you for one day, pretending this world still doesn’t want you dead?”

How dare you wield the very important language of consent like a fucking scythe against your fellow queers?

That is a tool, not a fucking weapon.

Do not use it to attack our history, this event that your elders made for you.

Strangers on the street are not responsible for your sexual trauma, and if your trauma is so bad that you can’t walk around in public and see people wearing sexually-signaling clothing, then I commend you to mental health care and wish you the best of luck, because that’s almost all the clothing that people wear, in one form or another.

Itstill isn’t the responsibility of adults wearing clothing they are otherwise permitted to wear to change that clothing because you don’t like the messaging it sends about who they fuck and how they fuck. A leather harness and a slinky black dress both convey that information, so why is only one of those things objectionable?

But Spider! What if I’m walking down the street at New York Pride and a dude has his dick out and is getting a blowjob right there in the street!

Well, buddy, then that’s bad regardless of whether the dude in question is wearing leather pants or a polo shirt and khakis, but…

… why did you only picture one of those two images when you read that sentence? Why did you immediately conjure up a specific image in your mind, and why wasn’t it a dude in jeans and a t-shirt? Trust me, the gays in polo shirts and khakis fuck just as much as the ones in mesh shirts and latex dick slings.

Yeah. That shit is yours to unpack and deal with, not other people’s to cater to.




really is telling how one of the most basic things that gay people ask for—happiness, safety, and legal status in a relationship with the one you love—is something that is met with derision or mockery in the ‘lgbt community.’ it’s because it’s something that people who are just playing gay cannot connect with, and something that they don’t put a lot of stock in. that’s why you’ll see things like gay marriage put down as gay assimilation, and that’s why you’ll see the promotion of happy, healthy gay couples called homonormativity. it’s such a basic desire, and you can really just tell when someone who’s never dreamt of asking for it in their lives (i.e., straight people, asexual people). because they don’t need to and they don’t think that you should ask for it either

it’s just hurtful. people who never had to contend with the idea that they could be denied services, jailed, beaten, killed, excommunicated from a church, or otherwise socially marginalized for a relationship are being allowed to define what is “useful” activism regarding relationships. people who never felt dirty and wrong and unnatural and against god for their childhood crushes get to say whatever they want under the umbrella ‘queer.’ which they claim not because it’s politically useful, but because it erases the line between who is same-sex attracted and who is not.

and yet they still have the audacity to say the dumbest lines. not gay as in happy, but queer as in fuck you. out of the mouth of a man who has only ever desired women. i hate it.

In 2015 in the US our rights movement actually accomplished real normality for us and that just made a bunch of heterosexuals lose their minds. They invited themselves in, claimed to be one of us for asinine reasons (”oh I’m a sapiosexual panromantic greyace agender person!”) and insisted that things needed to be “queered” up again. We had to be out there. We had to be freaks. We had to be counter-culture and shocking. We had to be their wild entertainment that they never thought would actually gain equality even while they praised themselves for paying us lipservice. 

So now they trot out all the same old homophobia. They try to excommunicate us from our own organizations or our communities our own venues our own events and finally our own movement. They try to change the meanings of our words to include themselves and exclude us. They try to call us old hat, claim that we’retherealoppressors and they’re the ones truly suffering from our lack of cooperation.

And they outnumber us. And the rest of straight society either consciously or unconsciously approves. Because, hey, it’s just gay stuff. It’s just queer stuff. It’s just homo stuff. So who cares?

Another reason why kink should never be grouped in with LGB. Just encourages the idea that we are sexual deviants and should be “proud” of it, when all we’ve ever fought for, for centuries, eons, has been normal lives and acceptance from society. To love who we love and have nobody bat an eye. To bring home our girlfriend and have our parents laugh and throw cards at her when she beats them at Uno. And to get married, to have children.

The most boring gay couple with two kids and a white picket fence will always be more meaningful to me than a juvenile contest of who can be the queerest.

discoursebeavis: discoursebeavis: yeah so homohooker is a terf and a supposedly “non offending” pedodiscoursebeavis: discoursebeavis: yeah so homohooker is a terf and a supposedly “non offending” pedodiscoursebeavis: discoursebeavis: yeah so homohooker is a terf and a supposedly “non offending” pedodiscoursebeavis: discoursebeavis: yeah so homohooker is a terf and a supposedly “non offending” pedo



yeah so homohooker is a terf and a supposedly “non offending” pedophile who compares pedophilia to being gay and hits on kids

she’s back as fishnet-lesbiann

she’s removed her bio but before deleting it it had identical info to this one and she’s harassing the same user.

Pls block and report!!!!!!

Post link



Chills. I can’t imagine my own high school showing up like this less than a decade ago to protest disgusting legislation like Florida’s Don’t Say Gay bill. The support Gen Z shows for the LGBTQ community is breathtaking.

The fight goes on. Keep it up.

I think you all need to know the consequences of this brave action.

The kid who started the walkout at the original school was indefinitely suspended, even though he had permission for the demonstration (their excuse is that he got permission for the walkout, but not for the little Pride flags he handed out). Other participating kids at other schools have similarly been punished.

Teachers who supported students walking out are also being punished, fired, blacklisted from working at other schools.

Homophobic kids are ratting out their fellow students and teachers for supporting the walkout to get them in trouble with school administrations.

The consequences are continuing.

So yes, applaud this - this is great, and it’s brave, and it’s inspiring. But be aware of what the reaction has been.

Remember there are always consequence — doesn’t mean don’t to the thing but be aware of and plan (as best you can) for the consequences

incusexual:Since pride month is literally right around the corner, DO NOT be fooled by companies tha


Since pride month is literally right around the corner, DO NOT be fooled by companies that change their logos to rainbow when their money speaks for themselves. Image  ID below “keep reading” line. Source of said financial information is “florida campaign finance”

Keep reading

Post link


In case you didn’t see

John Mulaney decided to surprise the crowd for his show last night by having Dave Chappelle open up

Chappelle made transphobic and homophobic jokes, which Mulaney clapped for and hugged Chappelle as he got off stage

No one knew Chappelle would show up

Trans and gay people in the crowd were attacked by the comedian on stage without warning

If you care about trans people

If you care about gay people

You will not support either of them anymore

Typically, i don’t make posts like these on this account, but the topic felt appropriate.

The creators of the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” have absolutely no excuse for their graphic portrayal of the events that took place on the show. In this post I’m going to plainly break down some gruesome scenes from this show and another, so if you’re triggered by r*pe, sui*ide, ab*se, child ab*se, self h*rm, h*mophobia and intense bullying, please don’t go further. If you still want to see the point of the post, scroll down and find the divider I’m putting below this section of text (im on mobile and can’t put a cut)


That said, 13 Reasons Why is a show about the sui*ide of a high school student, and the boy who fell in love with her. Romantic, right? I have a lot of personal feelings about this production, but I’ll remain as unbiased and neutral as possible. I’m not here to bash anyone’s hard work or comfort content, I only want to make a point.

During the production of the first season of this show, producers were told by sui*ide and mental health professionals to not show the sui*ide on screen. That’s entirely fair, as a show about sui*ide would attract victims of sui*ide and seeing it could cause panic attacks, relapse, etc etc etc. They did it anyway, having the main character found in her bathtub with her wrists [redacted].

And then they went further in season 2. I don’t know the exact nature of the situation, as i only watched this one scene, but… A male student was in the bathroom at school, and some jocks came in. The lone kid was apologizing to them, saying he didn’t mean to do what he did and that he was getting help. The jocks weren’t listening, and they accused him of ruining whatever sports season they were hung up on. The ringleader slammed the lone boy’s head against a mirror and then the sink below it, if i remember correctly. Then, they dragged him to a toilet and drowned him in it. Worst of all, they pulled his pants down and penetrated him with the handle of a mop, all while calling him h*mophobic slurs. And all of this was shown on screen.

A show that deeply explores mental illnesses and societal flaws shouldn’t go so far, as victims and the mentally ill view these things and are affected by them. I had just taken my anxiety medication before watching the final scene i described and i was still shaking by the end of it, i felt like i was gonna puke. It was horrific.


Most people argue that the producers did it so we’d feel the full gravity of the situation. The point of this post is to counter that.

I recently have been watching another Netflix show that is rising in popularity, The Umbrella Academy.

I’ll try to keep this unbiased as well, but I haven’t seen such well presented in depth coverage of the mental illness of fictional characters in a long time. The characters are written beautifully, and their mental issues all make sense and their traumas are depicted in a way that heavily impacts the viewer without scaring them. The best example of this is with a character known as both Harold Jenkins and Leonard Peabody. There is a mild description of child ab*se below, so proceed with caution.

The guy’s mother died immediately following his birth. His dad turned to alcohol and you can assume what happened from there. He was physically and emotionally ab*sive to his son, Harold. But the ab*se was never explicitly shown. In two scenes, Harold was smacked in the face by his father. In the first, the frame froze as he drew his hand back. In the second, we merely hear the collision of the man’s hand coming into contact with his son’s face, and then we see the boy laying on the floor.

As a child abuse victim, it did startle me. I felt the full weight of what that boy went through. But i didn’t feel scared. I didn’t get anxious or panicked. I just felt sorry for the kid. And then felt less sorry later when he m*rdered his father with a hammer, which was also not explicitly depicted, but still hit me hard.

My point being, you can enjoy 13 Reasons Why. You can support it. But it does real harm to people that could have *very* easily been avoided, especially being a show that dives into such real, home hitting topics. And there isn’t any excuse for that whatsoever.


“there is no reason why homophobia should be a thing in your fictional universe” actually a) I grew up in a homophobic family in a homophobic country and can only explore my struggles and my identity through my writing b) I’m not about to be schooled by Tumblr activists as to what constitutes “good queer rep”, most of you all don’t seem to realise there are cultures outside those of Europe and USA and “good” is not a universal parameter.
