#this is depressing


Ich ließ nie wieder jemand nah genug - um meine Welt zu vernichten, in einem Atemzug.

Alle meine Gefühle habe ich unterdrückt.

Weil ich dachte, es wird leichter wenn da nichts mehr ist. Wenn jeder Stich ins Herz, ins Leere trifft.


as IP gradually moves into the public domain, we should expect to see a new breed of horror that’s based on those early 2010s copypastas that were like “the kids from ed edd n eddy are all in purgatory, which is why we never see their parents” in the 2080s

Día 109 de 365

Puedo sentir el peso de mi depresión en el cuerpo, duelen los huesos, me siento fatigada, adolorida, cansada, siento no poder más…

Me:[waiting for my order]

Worker:[yells my order number but forgets my cookie]

Me:“he’s probably going to get it soon”

Anxiety:“but what if he forgot? Or what if you didn’t order one? And your just standing there looking stupid waiting for nothing?

Anxiety:"your gunna be so humiliated if you ask where your cookie is and they say you didn’t order one!

Anxiety:"you’ve been awkwardly standing there for over a minute already, it’s been too long, just go.

Me:"I can just ask if they forgot my cookie”

Anxiety:“no I’m not going to let you embarrass yourself”

Worker:“are you waiting for another order?”


Me:“no, I was just leaving”

that’s how anxiety can ruin and make you overthink the most simplest things…I just wanted a fucking cookie :(
