#i miss you


“I caught your eyes across the room and I don’t want to ever let it go”

Nobody even knows how close we were.

I did’t understand when someone told me, “my heart is broken”, or “my heart hurts”. I didn’t know, I really didn’t understand untill to this day. My heart hurts!!!, it hurts so much that I can’t breathe! I can’t sleep! I can’t eat! My heart literally hurts. I miss you, I need you … I’m not perfect and I’ll never be, I love you! I love you so intense and crazy. My body, my mind and my heart miss you … please forgive me! Please accept me as I am With my failures! With my mistakes! With my follies! So I accept you! I go crazy for moments, I know! But understand me, as I understand you! I love you! And that’s the only thing that matters to me! I love you, don’t leave me! Hug me! kiss me! Challenge me when I’m wrong! But please don’t leave me! don’t let me fall! I will support you whenever you need it! But Hold me you too! I am not perfect and I will never be. But I love you like I never love anyone else in my entire life. forgive me please! Please!

I tasted forever on your tongue, a lie wrapped in lust. A promise never intended to be kept. It faded into a facade, hid behind the hurt I let sit in my throat. You tied pretty pledges on my wrists, wrote your vows on my skin. You let the hope sink in. Let the false future we made run through my thoughts. My heart began to beat for you, drowned in the noise was the breaking. You held me with careless hands, covered your deceit in gold. Our love was a myth to you. A chapter in a book of fiction. A run on sentence begging to end. To you, I was a face you’d forget, a name left in bed. To you, a story swallowed down. A moment meant for a memory. An ending with open arms. To you, I was borrowed time.

Isabel Cabrera

“You say I’m not your type and that you’re into her. But when put in a situation that I’m standing next to her, your eyes don’t seem to acknowledge her as much as she wish they would. Your eyes instead land of the presence of me. How oblivious of you to think that I could not see you stare at me from the corner of my eyes. It has been months and I don’t look at you like the way I used to and we don’t talk anymore, yet you still continue to stare at me whether you’re sitting behind me, diagonal from me, or right in front of me. So tell me, am I really not your type? And does she really have your heart?”

— the words I’m dying to tell you
