

How many calories i had today

Breakfast:0 calories

Lunch:0 calories

Dinner: (I haven’t ate anything yet and I don’t want to, also I’m not eating past 6)

I’m so proud I haven’t binged

may thinspo: ✨

I wish I was this thin and fragile, i could wear and short skirt and let my pretty thin legs hang out, it seems so free no one would judge me I could wear anything


If you lose progress, don’t give up. Losing progress means you did it before and you can do it again!

one of my favorite posts. felt like it needed to be said again

nothing tastes as good as skinny feels

imagine getting dressed this summer and wanting to wear shorts instead of being afraid too

imagine putting on a short sleeved shirt and the sleeves feeling lose instead of tight

imagine going to the beach and not having to hide your body in a towel because you know everyone will see you haven’t lost weight

all it takes is some commitment now, and all of those things will happen soon

Does anyone else feel so guilty when you find yourself looking forward to a meal?

Am I the only one who finds it easy to fast for 24 hours but has no self control once they start eating?

Why is it so easy to gain weight but so hard to lose it. Like fr, who designed that

Do you ever sit and cry wondering why skinny is the beauty standard now? Why did I have to be the opposite of what is pretty in my time?

BMI Question✨

(will follow back if answered)

In your opinion, what is a skinny BMI? Trying to set a good goal for myself and need input

i have been eating 900-1000 cal a day and burning 250 working out. i am starting to feel dizzy but i feel like i should only feel dizzy when i’m only eating 500. does anyone else get dizzy when eating 900-1000?

do beautiful skinny celebrities realize that opening up about their eating disorders to “help people” actually makes it worse because then we can see how they got to be so beautiful and how we can do it too.

i just don’t want people to see my thighs when wearing jeans. i want straight legs and a thigh gap so all jeans are baggy

todays log (proud of myself today)


trader joe’s rice cereal:90

oat-ly milk: 59



açaí bowl: 460

total: 609 (-200 from exercise)

lmao i haven’t had any water or food today im living off of oone cup of black coffee 

ss vs ss who ? 
