

Trzymaj swoje ręce z dala od wszystkich pieprzonych kalorii i gówna. To nie jest takie cholernie trudne. Kiedy siedzisz wesoło i żresz kanapki, hamburgery, frytki, bułki lub pizzę, czy jakiekolwiek inne paskudne gówno, potem wypłakujesz swoje oczy i nienawidzisz siebie z powodu wszystkich gównianych śmieci, które zjadłaś. Poważnie… nie rób czegoś, czego żałujesz później. Oprzyj się lub żałuj.

my body isn’t even

my left upper arm is 1 inch larger than my right

my right thigh is 1 inch larger than my left

I don’t know why this is, and it’s hard to come to terms with. especially when clothes don’t fit right. also??? why is it not that one side of my body is bigger than the other?? what’s up with this weird criss cross ?? hello??

gotta just remember that it’s a thing that happens sometimes. I just hope I even out at least a little bit in the end (cause im tired of my SLEEVES ONLY FITTING ONE ARM AHHH)

so hey if you’re in the same (or similar) boat as me and struggling, I hope that knowing there’s others out there helps.

…..I’m also sending good vibes your way and they can’t be stopped

>:) <3 :0

me —-> you

If I see ONE MORE OF YOU posting pictures of fresh sh c*ts without a TW or CW I’m going to LOSE MY SHIT.

Especially if you’re posting it under ED tags, like, dude, what the actual fuck?




Seriously, I’m so tired of seeing stuff like this. You can’t choose to just not see a picture if it’s something you’re scrolling past. I love you guys but fuck you if you do this.

Have y'all ever had a London Fog?

As in the drink, not the literal fog of london. It’s super good, here’s the low cal version I like to make:

ingredients for about 2 cups:

  • 1-2 bags of earl grey tea (black tea works well too) - 0cal
  • ½ cup of your preferred milk (I use unsweetened almond - 15cal)
  • sugar free vanilla syrup to taste - 0cal
  • driedlavender - 0cal


  1. Place your tea bag(s) and lavender into a cup. I don’t usually measure how much lavender I use, but it’s probably a little under 1 tablespoon.
  2. Pour in your boiling water and brew your tea. I like to use 2 bags of earl grey tea, and i like to brew about 1.5 cups. I usually brew my tea for about 3-5 minutes, but you can leave your tea bags in for longer or shorter to change how strong the tea is.
  3. Remove your tea bag(s) and lavender. If the lavender was lose in your cup you may want to strain it out.
  4. Add your milk, and sweeten to taste with the vanilla syrup.
  5. Enjoy!

if you don’t have a vanilla syrup, you can just use sugar (or any sweetener) and vanilla extract. Just be careful when adding the vanilla because the extract is very strong!

You can skip the lavender without ruining the drink, I know it’s not an herb that everybody has.

Would y’all be interested in me posting some of the stuff I learn from therapy? I know a lot of us don’t have access to this kinda stuff and I’m a big advocate for talk therapy in certain situations. It’s helped me learn about myself and it’s made life easier to get through.

I just started up therapy again and my therapist is really damn good. I had my second session today and had THREE “Aw shit that’s why my brain does the thing” moments. It’s been v nice.

If you think that’s be something you’d want to show up on your dash like, once a week then interact or drop a like on this post❤️

Yesterday was a horrible binge day, but today I feel fine?

I’m confident and ready to stay on track with my diet. I was sent a bunch of food from my family (including my favorite chocolates) but I decided to keep them and use it to practice portion control???

I’m looking at myself like damn who are they??? Where did this control come from???

Let me put you all on pigly.com, it’s a weight loss calculator AND it tells you how many cals your gonna need to eat a day to maintain your current weight and goal weight!

It’s helped me a lot because my biggest fear is not knowing how much I need to eat to maintain my goal weights, but now I know!

you just plug in some current stats, your goal weight, and when you want to reach it. The website will tell you what you’d need to eat to get there! no warnings or blocks if you would need to eat less than 1,000 cals.

here’s a link: pigly.com

(while you can use ft/in or cm for your height, your weight is measured in lbs and I didn’t find a way to change that. just a heads up)

Not to flex on you guys but I genuinely don’t taste the difference between regular coke and diet coke. Also off brand cola slaps and helps me to not spend all my savings on pop

I swear to god if I keep binging

Let’s Learn About Our Metabolism!

Recently I haven’t been able to stop worrying about the dreaded “starvation mode”, and that I wasn’t doing enough to speed my metabolism up… So I looked into it, and I learned a lot of very interesting things! Mainly that a lot of the things I thought I knew about my metabolism was completely backwards, so let’s talk about it! :)

NOTE: I AM NOT AN EXPERT! I just did some basic research and want to share what I found.

As always, all sources used are at the bottom of the post.

So,, what even IS my metabolism?

The word metabolism refers to the chemical processes that go on continuously inside the body in order to to keep you alive and maintain homeostasis. This takes energy to do, which is measured in kilojoules (kJ)

These chemical processes can broadly be divided into 2 groups: catabolism (breaking down food), and anabolism (building repairing our body).

So again: “metabolism” is not a SPECIFIC chemical process, but rather the term we use when talking about ALL of the chemical processes your body uses to keep you alive.

Wait but now I’m confused… I thought my metabolism is what controlled how fast I burn what I eat??

It is! It’s just a bit more complicated. Your body turns food into energy, and uses that energy to function. Any extra energy the body takes in is stored (mostly as fat). Your body’s metabolic rate (or total energy expenditure) is divided into 3 parts:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

This is the energy you use to keep all the body’s systems functioning correctly (including breathing, keeping your heart beating, adjusting hormone levels, and growing/repairing cells)

Your BMR accounts for 50-80% of your body’s daily energy usage, and seems to be what people are usually referring to when they talk about “speeding up” or “slowing down your metabolism”

Thermogenesis (Thermic effect of food)

This is the energy your body uses to digest food and drink, and to absorb, transport, and store nutrients.

Thermogenesis accounts for 5-10% of your body’s daily energy expenditure.

Energy used during physical activity

This refers to energy used by physical activity. this includes planned exercise like biking, running, walking, swimming, etc; and all incidental activity like moving from room to room and even fidgeting!

This one really varies from person to person, but for a person who has about 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a day, physical activity accounts for about 20% of daily energy use.

So basically, a lot of people use the term “metabolism” when they are talking about how many calories their body burns just living when they should really be using the term “BMR”.

And when people say things like “the daily recommended calories for an average adult is 2,000” they are saying that the average person’s metabolic rate uses about 2,000 calories worth of energy a day! that’s kinda crazy, right?

Ok cool, so can the “speed” of my Metabolic Rate change?

Yes! Kinda.

You see, Thermogenesis is out of your control, and your BMR can kinda be affected by different things you can do, but as far as I know the changes are not significant. And you can increase your physical activity to burn up more calories to, but I get the feeling you guys know that ;)

Your BMR is the only one of these that is both in your control, and not. It’s calculated using your sex, age, hight, and weight; but is affected by things like starving (decrease in up to 15%), caffeine (small increase), and even the temp of your environment.

Unfortunately, there is no magic thing we can do to just make our bodies use significantly more calories for our BMR. We CAN try to maximise our BMR by doing strength training (muscle requires way more energy to maintain than fat), and by “high restricting” or planning some high calorie days to help prevent your BMR from slowing due to lack of food!

A quick note for my fellow nonbinary and trans peeps: There is plenty of research out there that shows that your “biological sex” matters less than your “hormonal sex” when calculating your BMR. this is because most BMR calculations look for lean body mass vs fat cause they require different amounts of energy to maintain, and women are more likely to have more body fat (there are many reasons for this, but I won’t be going into it today).

So you can do a couple of things:

1) If you have not taking hormones, then you can calculate using your AGAB (assigned gender at birth)

2) If you ARE taking hormones, or are “fully transitioned” then you could calculate using “male” if your taking T, and “female” if you are taking E. If your microdosing or your transition is incomplete then you could calculate twice (once with male, and once with female) and average the 2 numbers

3) You could look for calculators that DONT include the gender question! they exist! The Katch-McArdle Formula for calculating your BMR does not have the gender question.

That was a lot, can you summarize it?


TLDR: “metabolism” is an umbrella term for “everything your body does that requires energy.

Your metabolic rate (aka how much energy your body uses) is determined by 3 parts: thermogenesis, BMR, and physical activity.

Thermogenesis is out of your control

BMR is affected by your actions to an extent, but you can’t "speed it up” to use more calories. It can be slowed down if your body feels it needs to conserve energy because you aren’t eating enough, an it can slow down by 15%

Physical activity is totally in your control (for abled body people anyway, I know physical activity is different for everyone). The more you move, the more energy your body uses, and the more calories your burn

As always, I love you all, drink some water, and stay safe <3


Sources (I encourage you all to read as they go more in-depth and are easy reads)

Metabolism - Better Health

Metabolism and weight loss - Mayo Clinic

Can you boost your metabolism? - Medlineplus.org

Nutritional needs, transfolk and biological sex - old blog post

I’m back, i was at the hospital for some time (not ed related), and extremely happy cause i’ve lost 15 kg since last year

☆.。.:* Low calorie fruits and their properties .。.:*☆

Ps:  please don’t read if you’re easily triggered.

★ Strawberries (53 cals per cup) : great source of vitamin C. High water percentage and fibre, therefore they won’t cause a big spike on blood sugar levels.

★ Peaches (60 cals per cup) : great amount of antioxidants, therefore aiding your body against disease. They aid digestion because of its fiber content. Finally, peaches have been shown to reduce allergy symptoms,

★ Grapefruit (74 cals per cup) : Because of its high vitamin C & A content it boosts your inmune system. Aids weight management,

★ Raspberries (64 cals per cup) : This fruit, my favorite out of the list, has an amazing amount of nutrients (all of this are measured by cup) ; 8 grams of fiber, 54% of the daily vitamin C intake and 41% of your daily Magnesium intake.

All of my sources for further info:






I hope this helps, stay safe, ily.

☆.。.:* Things to do instead of eating .。.:*☆

Ps: this is to avoid binges, please don’t read if you’re easily triggered.

★ Reading.

★ Paint your nails.

★ Bake something for someone.

★ Go for a walk.

★ Go shopping.

★ Play a videogame.

★ Clean your room.

★ Cleo your closet.

★ Donate old stuff.

★ Watch mukbangs.

★ Dance.

★ Do your makeup, take some selfies.

★ Wash your dishes, clothes etc.

★ Take a nice bath.

★ Try a new hairstyle.

★ FaceTime a friend.

★ Take a nap if you’re tired.

★ Finish up some homework.

I hope this helps, stay safe, ily.

Today I did the most ED thing in my life, crunches in my room at midnight, watching mukbangs and chewing mint gum, with a diet coke at the side ofc.

Purged again, the guilt just follows me.

I feel like I’m never gonna be able to escape my body and mind, they all work against me somehow, and idk what to do. At times all I want to be is happy, but my mind is clouded by food, i can’t stop the revolving inner monologue about calories and I’m so sick of it. I just want to be carefree and normal.

Yk everything is going downhill when you’ve watched To the bone 5 times in a week.

12 year old me: imma do the military diet for the fun of it.

*develops a life consuming ED*
