#john mulaney



[ID:a twitter thread by user rylan @/testosteronejew on May 20-21, 2022

my favorite part of tonight was when dave chappelle ambushed us at the john mulaney show, told a bunch of transphobic jokes, a massive stadium of people laughed, and then john mulaney hugged him at the end

anyway i was such a big john mulaney fan and i think i still am, but they also had our phones in little locked wallets so we couldn’t film, so i just had to sit there joke after joke about trans people and hear 18k people laughing along

this was at the columbus show and he only came because he lives like an hour away. being trans is so exhausting i can’t even have a nice night out without being reminded that most of society wants trans people dead

it’s been an hour since i tweeted this and i already feel the need to clarify that saying i think i’m still a fan was me still processing it which i’m allowed to do, i don’t know how to feel. i’m just hurt and it literally just happened so… yeah. it’s complex and shitty and sad]

Me introducing my WIP:

Alright, I watched “ “Chip n’ Dale: Rescue Rangers”. Honestly, this movie was way better than I thought it’d be. It’s definitely what you’d expect from a Disney movie made by the Lonely Island, which just raises so many questions since why were they even in consideration for a Chip and Dale movie. But regardless, I feel like the movie was solid. 

My only real complaint is that the movie felt a bit directionless in the second act. Chip and Dale are trying to find their friend, but they end up getting lost in all these animation gags which are all pretty funny, but don’t really go anywhere. For example, I loved the “Uncanny Valley” being an actual place. However, it didn’t really factor into the story and ended up just being a one-off gag.

But still, I thought the movie was fun despite its flaws. For a grade, maybe 6 out of 10? Or a letter grade of C+ / B-. 

Some thoughts on how “Chip n’ Dale: Rescue Rangers” were able to use Sonic for the movie without breaking some copyright law:

1)Protected by fair use since it’s a parody. It’s still Sonic, but it’s a heavily exaggerated version of the character for comedic effect. That’s how we have movies like “Scary Movie” or how movies like “Wayne’s World’ can include characters from other movies (the T-1000 cameo scene). 

2)Akiva Schaffer mentioned that he was able to use non-Disney characters because Disney was able to get approval from the original companies. The caveat was that the movie won’t make fun of the non-Disney characters. Now, yes, the joke is that Ugly Sonic looks terrible. But based on his scenes, Ugly Sonic is more mocking the reaction to him rather than just him being ugly.

What I mean is that Ugly Sonic is aware that he doesn’t look great, but he’s generally upbeat about his life and actually ends up helping Chip and Dale save the day. As some people have put it, the movie “redeemed” Ugly Sonic by making him this chill, lovable guy who feels unfairly ostracized by society. So it’s not punching down on Ugly Sonic, but hitting back at the public that rejected the original design.

Based on that, I can see Paramount and SEGA approving the use of Ugly Sonic.

I wasn’t planning on watching “Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers”, but I’m starting to consider watching based on the reviews I’ve read. I honestly wasn’t expecting this movie to actually be meta-commentary of the animation industry. Just the fact that Chip is drawn in 2D animation and Dale is in 3D CGI animation because he had to get “CGI plastic surgery” to improve his looks is so goddamn clever that I’m surprised no one’s made this joke before.

Also…Ugly Sonic. 

I will say though that, even though they didn’t have to, it would’ve been funny if they included some jab at anime. Like Chip and Dale encounter a bunch of generic anime characters and Dale says, “Why do all of you have the same face?” And one of the anime characters says, “Look, the nineties were a LONG time ago.”


John Mulaney, your father was right, you have the moral backbone of a chocolate éclair

I was rewatching Kid Gorgeous and drawing John Mulaney for practice. Then @thepigeoning gave me the

I was rewatching Kid Gorgeous and drawing John Mulaney for practice. Then @thepigeoning gave me the best news through John Mulaney’s latest tweet and here we are. Bye Horse, you won’t be missed

Post link


In case you didn’t see

John Mulaney decided to surprise the crowd for his show last night by having Dave Chappelle open up

Chappelle made transphobic and homophobic jokes, which Mulaney clapped for and hugged Chappelle as he got off stage

No one knew Chappelle would show up

Trans and gay people in the crowd were attacked by the comedian on stage without warning

If you care about trans people

If you care about gay people

You will not support either of them anymore

Wenwu: You were there, and you let those men kill your mother.



I hate using the language of “canceled/canceling” because it feels delegitimizing but this thing with John Mulaney and Dave Chappelle is a situation where canceling can be something positive and meaningful. On the one hand, people have overblown canceling as this rabid force attacking everyone and everything. On the other, it’s become a glib “oh no, don’t let the libs cancel you” joke for ultimately pretty harmless shit. But this is someone immensely popular with a platform and a large audience inviting an infamously transphobic comedian to deliver a surprise transphobic, homophobic, and weirdly ableist opening on their tour and then calling that person their best friend.

The first tweet hits particularly hard because it’s a reminder that being the butt of a joke that 12,000 people laugh at isn’t very far from being the victim of a hate crime. It’s not just offensive, it’s fucking dangerous. It’s demonstrably unsafe.

Transphobia isn’t “brave” or “unsanitized comedy”, it’s a crucial tool for maintaining the status quo of interpersonal and legislative violence.

So yeah, cancel John Mulaney. Hold public figures accountable for targeting us, over and over again.


please watch this john mulaney bit from snl of him complaining about how computers ask us if we are robots it is hilarious 10/10 would recommend


Jay Pharaoh’s John Mulaney impression

I’ve been watching a lot of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee and I gotta say I’m always fascinated by the initial awkward call, since many guest seem kinda surprised when Jerry calls them, like they made plans a while ago and they weren’t sure it was actually happening. How does it work? Are they given a time frame during which Seinfeld might come pick them up and drive them around in vehicles that will probably put them in danger, forcing them to have a second breakfast? How long do they sit at home, decently dressed and presentable, waiting for the phone to ring? Do they live in fear for three days? A week? A month? A year? We just don’t know 

Who is John Mulaney’s new special aimed at?

A bit embarrassing but I’m self promoting my Redbubble because I’ve been trying harder and my sales have gone down


Saturday Night (2014) 


i dont even like snl that much (tho i love mulaney and forte and wiig) but its so beautiful that stuff like this is just on youtube for free like …. seeing first hand a shiningly beautiful hopeful environment, beautiful minds developing ideas, the adrenaline stress risk taking pushing yourself, being simultaneously ridiculously stupid and brilliant with a group of people. It feels like a sunshine of meaningfulness watching this kind of stuff 

like i wish historical events could have in-the-moment documentaries like this. Like if the cuban missle crisis was filmed this way, or the ww2 Yalta conferences in the white house 
Seeing how those great brains collide, analyze, react, strategize 

The popstars show from like 2001 was like this too which i LOVE. 
I guess I’m a bit of a process whore maybe? I love seeing stress and pushing and being in that area hanging in the air that could drop either into complete failure or epiphany

I feel like my whole childhood was like this with my mom. Maybe that’s why it’s so euphoric to me & ideal state of living 
i mean i literally have a whole page on my tumblr dedicated to this state 

#john mulaney    #seth meyers    #will forte    


Bellwether: I am very small and I have no money, so you can imagine the kind of stress I’m under.

Reminds me of when I made Weaselton quote that xD

