#lgbt poet


Hate me. 
Do you, do you
Hate me?
Or is that just the thoughts speaking nonsense again?

They’re pretty loud. 
Kinda difficult to think of anything else
When they give a bloodcurdling scream!

Ignore them?
Tell me,
If someone was wringing at your neck
Consuming your lungs
Driving out all the air from your body
Draining out all of the life from your soul…
Could you truly ignore that?

They don’t hate you.
They don’t hate you.
They don’t hate you.

I think.

Probably have stuck around all these years
Out of obligation.
As if they signed a legally binding contract
When they entered the friendship
Breaking it is punishable by death!

Love me more!
Or just…love me at all

Begging is nothing new for me
But this time, it feels different
Begging for a new, unfamiliar love

It’s okay if it’s unrequited
But damn, wouldn’t I love it if she loved me back…

Why do I always like the ones that don’t like me back?
Maybe I’m just in love with the unattainability
So in love with a concept
I can’t let that be ruined by the real…

She grounded my chaos
Saw the storm and said 
“I am not afraid!”

Told her that it might suck her in
She said “I won’t let it.”

Was worried she’d try to tame it
Instead, she grabbed my hand
She held it as we watched the storm go by 

“You are not alone in this.”

Whenever something good happens, 
I wanna tell you!
Whenever I feel blue, I wanna tell you!
Spill my guts
Meanwhile, I don’t let anyone else know I have organs 

How do I plan for the future when the world is in disarray?
Filled with phobia
Of death
And simply taking a step
Out of my home.

I hope to freeze to death in hell’s flames
Before COVID or air pollution chokes the life out of me!

Told me I was miserable when I was getting better
Because I wouldn’t let the gaslighting comments just

You didn’t understand why they were no longer keeping me warm
When they never kept me warm. At all.

I’d rather be comforted by hell’s embrace!
At least hell is honest with its intentions. 

Excerpt from “Two Mornings and Two Evenings: Paris, 7am” by Elizabeth Bishop

Excerpt from “Two Mornings and Two Evenings: Paris, 7am” by Elizabeth Bishop

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