#love poetry


lying to me to protect my feelings really is the worst thing you could do to me

if someone posts a love quote on tumblr it’s only for one person to see

i wanna sit down at our favorite place and talk about everything that happened between us

i miss the way we used to laugh like there was no tomorrow

imagine what it takes that i go from loving someone so deeply to never wanting to talk to that person again

“How did you know you when you loved him?”

“I have this thing where I ask myself how long it would take me to get over a person if they left me in that moment. And usually it’s a month, maybe two. But with him it was like, if he disappeared right now? Years. I wouldn’t be the same, ever. I already feel like a piece of my life is missing just thinking about it.”

S.A // Conversations About Love #9

I feel as if my whole life has set me up for disaster. That every day has been a push towards the edge. Every breath is buried with burden. The mornings are filled with guilt, I swallow my words for breakfast, drink my sorrows whole. The nights are meant for battles, sinking into sheets, dread mixed with dreams. Hope slips through my heart, gets lost in the broken cracks. I am clinging to loose threads, dangling over the darkness. Each passing minute is a moment spent with misery. All the years of wasted youth, the ghosts of who I’ll never be, all trail behind me. The hauntings of never really living, the reality that this world has only offered me wreckage; it’s a truth I’ve carried in my throat for far too long. So I’m stuck coughing up the chaos, growing in the gloom.

Isabel Cabrera

The distance between you and I was heavy. It was a weight of a world between us, a wreck waiting to happen. It was more than just a long car ride, a trip on a plane. It was silent pauses on the phone, it was text messages full of nothing but words replaced as action. A smiley face in place of a kiss, a heart in place of a hug. So many nights I’d stare at the phone wishing to see your eyes. Pillows took the form of you, blankets became arms, and your voice was the only lullaby I could fall asleep to. There was always empty space around me, a seat never taken, a spot never filled. A hand never held. One thing was constant, and that was your absence. But love overtook the longing. And the thought of you, the truth that we were under the same sun, the same sky, was enough. Your body, over there. Your heart, here. Always here.

Isabel Cabrera

I am a woman trapped with a little girl’s trauma. Her hands cling to mine, a tiny mirror of all that’s broken and bruised. She hides in every cracked corner, makes friends with the shadows and secrets that haunt me. She’s made of sorrow and small reminders. She lives in me. She’s forced a home out of my heart and collects every shattered piece, clings to every sharp edge. She’s stayed with me through my teens, never to leave throughout my twenties. She’s white noise gone dark, background music to every lost part. I try to rid her out of my bloodstream, cut and scrape her away. But she lingers like a silent scar of the past, always meant to be apart of me. These days I can’t even face her because when I look into her eyes, all I see are mine.

Isabel Cabrera

The world keeps spinning like it doesn’t even know it’s in pieces. And I am tired of tripping on the broken, getting caught up on the shattered promises. There are wishes under my feet, hopes crushed at the seams. Why is the sky still blue when it’s so dark inside my head? Why does the sun rise just to never touch me with warmth? I feel life laughing at me, I feel the weight of wreckage it dumps on my shoulders. I can’t continue to carry this chaos. The sorrow has settled in, there’s pain tucked into my skin. My universe is at a standstill, but no one else seems to notice. Life seems like a blur these days, all smudged lights, silhouettes meant for passing by. I suppose I have no choice but to face the ruin, masked with a faux smile; painted pretty, ready for pretending.

Isabel Cabrera

If I could tell her all the things she needs to hear, I’d start with how the stars sleep in her eyes. I’d tell her there’s a warmth in her belly that spills out when she laughs. I’d tell her she grows blossoms from bruises, that she mends herself when she breaks. I would tell her ink stained fingers mean so much more than bloody wrists, that crumpled pages carry more truth than a crumbled soul. I’d tell her to carry her bones with strength, they’re the only home she’ll ever keep. I’d whisper the winter out of her heart, clear the way for spring to start. I’d sing the sorrow out of her, drain the pain from her skin. I would remind her that the war in her head is only in one hue, she’s so much more than just blue. If I could tell her all she needs to know, I’d have her face the mirror, show her all she needs is here.

Isabel Cabrera / self love

I hide my feelings, dig so deep into the soil, try to place them down below. But then I remember, whatever is planted will always grow. They sprout with fierce reminders, splintered souls made for breaking skin. I should’ve known that one day, I’d have to face my past again.

Isabel Cabrera

I’ve lost my words these days. They’re somewhere stuck in my soul, sleeping away. I hope I’ll be able to bleed them out soon, and let the red ink fill the pages. Let the truth be spilled, and be turned into poetry, into purpose. Until then I will stare at blank space, let my emotions take me to wherever they hide. We’ll find them soon and come alive.

Isabel Cabrera // at a loss for words

My face has faded from your eyes, my name no longer sits at the back of your throat. Our stories have become memories left to be forgotten. I can’t live with it. Your touch still haunts this skin like a home, still sends shivers down my spine like a ghost. Your words sleep in my ears, your echo of a voice lulls me to tears. I feel you living in me, walking from heart to head. You’ve left your mark on me, planted your seeds and now they’re blooming into bruises. Darling, loving you was heaven. Leaving you was hell. We were once lovers with hope in our hands, now we are strangers with nothing to tell.

Isabel Cabrera

I use to have a home in your heart, now the only place I have is in your past.

Isabel Cabrera
