#mbti things


im bored (can u tell?)

send me like stuff about yourself through ask and i’ll guess your mbti type :))

ESTP - ‘’I tried so hard to be a nice lady, you taught me its okay to be crazy’’ - Lana Del Rey

ESFP - ‘’Eventually, you’re going to die. Everyone you know will die and you will be forgotten. So why get mad? Why waste time? You should live, because as far as you know, this is your only life’’ - anonymus

ISTP - ‘’Have some fire. Be unstoppable. Be a force of nature.’’ - Grey’s Anatomy

ISFP - ‘’Been trying hard not to get into trouble but I’ve got a war in my mind’’ and ‘’I’m not mad, I’m hurt. There’s a difference’’ - Lana Del Rey

ESTJ - ‘’Efforts and courage isn’t enough without action and direction’’ - JFK

ESFJ - ‘’Promise me you’ll always remember: you’re braver than you believe, you’re stronger than you seem, you’re smarter than you think’’ - Winnie The Pooh

ISTJ - ‘’Time flies. Time waits for no man. Time heals all wounds. All any of us want is more time. Time to stand up, time to grow up. Time to let go. Time’’ - Grey’s Anatomy

ISFJ - ‘’No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again’’ - Buddha

ENTJ - ‘’Kill them with success and bury them with a smile’’ - anonymus

INTJ - ‘’So do it decide, is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More compassionate? Decide.’’ - Grey’s Anatomy

ENTP - ‘’Accident is the name of all of the greatest inventions’’ - Mark Twain

INTP - ‘’Perhaps one does not want to be loved so much as to be understood’’ - George Orwell

ENFJ - ‘’Despite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart’’ -Anne Frank

INFJ - ‘’The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you, you just have to find the the ones worth suffering for’’ - Bob Marley

INFP - ‘’The true sign of intelligence isn’t knowledge, it’s imagination’’- Albert Einstein

ENFP- ‘’So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned, just think of happy things and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in never, never land.’’  - Peter Pan

disclaimer: i love every type don’t murder me. every type has wonderful people and complete fucking bitches. that’s a fact. k bye love.

INTJ: cold bitch that just loves destroying everyones’ self-esteem. Therefore ends up being left out of every get-together/party because no one is up for having an emotional crisis at a party (looking right at you infp)

ENTJ, ENFJ: oh wow another cold bitch who enjoys fucking everyone over (as if we needed another one of these). try to, i don’t know, have a fucking heart from once in a while and when you do try and not use it to manipulate others, you might think it’s cool or whatever but it’s not, it’s just dumb and painful

INTP, ENTP: Asshole who sits behind me in science and is never minding his own fucking business and is always trying to ‘’correct’’ everyone else in the fucking room. we don’t need your toxic fucking help you bitch so please leave

INFJ: Oh my god wow look what a mysterious, enigmatic beautiful person I wonder what she’s up to….. no you fucking whore stop being so like ‘’ooo look at me i’m mysterious and you will never know me hahaha’’ you narcissistic whore try and be real for a while

ENFP: bitch who I got in a drama project and didn’t do shit except being an annoying fuck who started talking about shit I obviously couldn’t give less of a shit about. you’re cool and whatever but try and be useful k?

INFP: ok so i’m glad you’re seeing a therapist cuz last time I saw you u were crying at a party but could you please stop talking to me 24/7 get other friends please and stop low-key trying to bring everyone down with you.

ESFP, ISFP: oh who do we have here? is it that backstabbing little bitch who wants to be special so fucking badly and loves secrets and thinks she’s interesting when actually i can see right through her? yes, its her. stop trying too fucking hard. you’re genuinely cool so just be your fucking self instead of trying to be ‘’interesting’’

ESFJ: oh fuck ok here we are in fucking humanities class could you not hit the back of my chair like a million fucking times after i have told you to stoooppppp

ISTP, ESTP: ok i get it like you’re a strong fucking person ok cool fine but stop pretending like you literally have no feelings cuz I see that and it’s fucking pathetic ok? p.s: stop hitting infp in the head with the volleyball ball k thanks.


ISFJ: i haven’t met a bitch with your type so yeah. umm. fuck you i guess.

im gonna get so much hate lmao :/ don’t roast me too hard please :/

Squishmallow enneagram !

1w9 - Brenda the Butterfly

1w2 - Anastasia the Axolotl

2w1 - Xiomara the Black Panther

2w3 - Harrison the Dog

3w2 - Alyssa the Swan

3w4 - Chole the Poodle

4w3 - Wendy the Frog

4w5 - Charlie the Dog

5w4 - Sydnee the Squirrel

5w6 - Shay the Squid

6w5 - Scarlett the Strawberry

6w7 - Stacy the Squid

7w6 - Zaylee the Bigfoot

7w8 - babs the Blue Jays

8w7 - Carlos the Crab

8w9 - Buffy the Bat

9w8 - Archie the Axolotl

9w1 - Heather the Dragonfly

Collab with ig @squishmallows.sophie, Aka the best Squishmallow hunter in the east coast :) go check her out ! She sells on Mercari, Ebay and Depop !


MBTI: Even the…

INFJ: Even the kind, have limits.

ENFJ: Even the leader can lose hope.

ISFJ: Even the empathetic can stop caring.

ESFJ: Even the great can fall.

ISTJ: Even dedicated can become tired.

ESTJ: Even the doer can lose their way.

INTJ: Even the logic has a heart.

ENTJ: Even the General can be vulnerable.

INFP: Even the faithful can lose faith.

ENFP: Even the happiest can be sad.

INTP: Even the analytical has emotions.

ISTP: Even the brave have fears.

ESTP: Even the confident can have doubt.

ISFP: Even the abstract can lose sight.

ESFP: Even the cheerful can become somber.

ENTP: Even the fighter can drop the sword.

Please do not copy without giving credit! This took a lot of research and time. Thank you!

-Sophia Culler

Thank you all so much for the likes, reblogs, and comments!!! I cannot believe I have over 1,000 notes on this!! Thank you!! ❤️


MBTI at the Easter egg hunt

INTJ:In the three seconds before the hunt starts, they have already concocted the best strategy for grabbing every egg in sight.

ENTJ:Somehow got more eggs than anyone else, without running

ISTP:steals eggs from other kids’ baskets

ESTP:steals other kids’ baskets

ISTJ:complained about the rules being changed

ESTJ:Tried to force ESTP to give the baskets back

INTP:doesn’t participate because there are too many kids

ENTP:tells everyone that the Easter Bunny isn’t real

INFP:Cried, because the Easter bunny isn’t real

ENFP:grabbed five eggs and sat down to eat their candy

ISFJ:spent half of the hunt reassuring INFP that the Easter bunny is real

ESFJ:told on everyone

INFJ:tried to make sure everyone got at least two eggs

ENFJ:bossed everyone around and redistributed eggs forcefully

ISFP:never showed up (they got ice cream instead)

ESFP:talked too much to gather eggs


What I love about each type (From an INFJ’s point of view)

ENTP: you guys are amazing, you are both very smart and charming as hell. Your sense of humor is priceless, sarcasm is your language and I live for it. I have the best conversations with you because we get to the same conclusions in a different way and it’s amazing to see how your brains work.

INTP: your interest for some topics is inspiring, you know so much about things but you rarely share your interests with other people. Anyway I’d like to see the world inside your heads and all the reasoning you do, because it’s hell intriguing.

ENFP: never met one of you, but I’d really love to. You seem so enthusiastic about life and experiences, and from what I heard, you seem to be very fun to be around. Can’t wait to meet you in real life.

INFP: I love you guys! You are a ray of sunshine in this world. Don’t you ever dare change because of others, your purity is disarming, you are innocent but smart as hell and your enthusiasm for small but meaningful things gives me life. Keep being you!

ENTJ: I love your confidence, it’s amazing. You can achieve anything by setting your mind to it and no one can stop. You guys are problem solvers, and natural leaders. It’s damn inspiring working with you.

INTJ: You are SO Smart but at the same time you are really beautiful people, unfortunately not everyone knows this about you. You are incredibly talented but don’t see it, because you always think you can do even better. I wish you could see yourselves as I see you, because you are amazing. You are also honest, and when you compliment someone it’s because they deserve it.

ENFJ: you are ICONIC! I love the way you can make friends so easily and be yourselves unapologetically! You care about people and could move mountains to help them. Your ideas are awesome and you inspire others to make their dreams come true. Keep doing what you love.

ESTP: you are unstoppable volcanoes! You always try to look at the positive side of each day. You are life lovers and I admire you for that, with you something is always happening. You aren’t afraid of confrontation and I appreciate that you try your best to help the people you love.

ISTP: I love the way your minds think. You are so practical and logical. But you care about others and you show it by noticing the little details, so when someone is convinced you don’t care about them, you just prove them wrong. You are so cool and unconventional, I wish everybody could see your emotional side because that’s what makes you even better people, than you already are.

ESFP: you guys are so extra, and I LOVE IT! you aren’t afraid to do anything , even if it might be embarrassing, you can also be so reflective and smart. You have strong opinions and when you care about something you aren’t afraid to speak your mind. No one can party like you do, No one.

ISFP: you guys are so damn beautiful. You live because you love life, your view of the world gives me hope. You are always true to your beliefs, and you don’t judge anyone. Besides, you are always there for people you care about. You never talk about someone behind their back, even if they have hurt you in the past. You treat everyone with respect and you always look for the good in every situation.

ESTJ: you guys put all your essence in everything you do, always. It’s amazing to work with you, because you are practical, reliable and unstoppable until a project is over. You are really funny too, your laughs are everything and you can be very sociable. Not everyone sees this side of you, but you can be vulnerable when you open up to people, don’t be afraid to do it, deeper relationships are the best.

ISTJ: you are the definition of organization, I swear you always have your shit together. You are badass and honest, but when you care about someone you are angels and you never miss the opportunity to make them feel appreciated. You are never tired of working, I love you so much.

ESFJ: you are so easy to talk to, you absorb people’s emotions, you care so much about others and it’s so damn wonderful how much you are genuinely involved in their lives. You’d do anything for the people you love, and you deserve so much happiness. Don’t change that side of you, because the world needs compassionate people like you.

ISFJ: you guys are so sweet, innocent and pure. If a friend or relative is in trouble, you are there with tissues and emotional support. You truly care about people and I find cute your love for little traditions and rituals. Besides, you are really good people,you never refuse to help someone and you always believe that no one is truly bad. Keep being true to your principles.

I really like this post!! Kudos!


Part 2









Hope you enjoyed!! If you missed part one, follow the link !!

Part One:


Thank you!!

MBTI as | MCU Gifs

Part 1









Thanks for reading! To see the rest of the types, follow the link to Part Two!



Newsies Myers Briggs because I have literally nothing else better to do:

Jack: ENFP 

Crutchie: ENFJ

Davey: INFJ

Katherine: INFP

Medda: ESFP

Pulitzer: ESTJ

Spot: ISTJ

Racetrack: ENTP

Albert: ISTP

Romeo: ESFJ

Elmer: ESFP

Specs: INTP

Morris: INTJ

Oscar: ENTJ


Sorry if these are not accurate, I tried my best.

Good one!!!

A Message For Each MBTI Type:


While you’re the leader and being the responsible one, don’t forget to have fun. Don’t forget to take care of yourself.


People appreciate you more than you think, and if they don’t, they’re missing out!! Also, plans go off the rails. Sometimes you’ve got to throw the plan away. (But plans are a good thing, sometimes.)


Chill. Maybe try yoga or something, but you don’t need to be so uptight. Live life, you only get one.


Come out of your lair. I know people sometimes make you want to hit your head on the wall, but give people a chance. Oh, and allow yourself to feel. You don’t have to tell anyone you have emotions, but don’t miss out on them. They’re not all bad.


Take care of yourself. While you’re helping everyone else, I think you sometimes forget to take care of yourself too! Also, you’ve got this! Don’t doubt yourself so much!


Don’t change. Keep helping people, keep being kind. But don’t forget your strength. Just because most people don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there!


Don’t let people destroy you. People won’t always live up to you expectations, and that’s okay! People are flawed, don’t let that hurt you. Maybe it’s a good thing you don’t understand why they did what they did?


It is okay to say “no.” I get it. You’re being nice, or they need your help. That is fine, help them. Just, please, don’t let people take advantage of you. Oh and, you’re not a “cupcake.” You’re a person! A very special and unique person.


Being safe doesn’t make you a wimp! Slow down sometimes. I know running is fun, but sometime try walking. You’ll miss out if everything is a blur.


Stop ignoring your emotions. Emotions can be fun if you embrace them! Other than that you have a clean bill of health!


You don’t have to fight everyone. (And emotions don’t make you weak. They make you human.)


While intelligence and knowledge are very important, don’t forget about the outside world. You’re on this planet for a reason. The world needs you!


Get attached. If you move on, if you get hurt, that is a part of life! If you have someone to talk to, even if it’s not forever, is better than being lonely. Dude, nothing is forever! But you need to enjoy it while it lasts.


Stop trying to be the person everyone wants you to be. Be the person you need you to be. Someone else’s opinion doesn’t change who you are. Your choices and your beliefs make you who you are.


You don’t have to be happy all the time. No matter what anyone tells you, no matter what you read, you can be sad, you can be angry and if you ignore that you’re going to explode. Don’t let negative emotions control you, but don’t bottle them up either!


If something made you sad, that makes it a big deal!! Everything that makes you sad doesn’t have to be major, but the second it becomes important to you, it IS important. Your feelings aren’t a joke. You’re not a joke. You’re not a ball of emotions!! You’re a human being that is a lot smarter than a LOT of people when it comes to emotions. When they stifle theirs, you’re feeling it and in the end your way is better. Don’t let people’s words get to you. You’re okay. But then, you already knew that, didn’t you?


Introverts when they hear the door bell ring:

*whos at my door?* *is it the pizza man?* *wait, no, I didn’t order pizza tonight…*

*did someone order pizza for me?* *why would they order pizza for me?*

*wait no, what if…?*

Introvert’s mom:

Little Things About ESTP’s

Life never has a dull moment around you. You are the type of person who wants to have fun, but you don’t want to hurt anyone. You don’t stop to smell the roses, you buy a bouquet and smell them as you run. The best word to describe you is freedom. You are a great ball of energy that never stops. You are nice, but you give people space. You want all the answers and once you get them you move on. You don’t pry, you understand. You can handle responsibility and power, but you seldom go looking for it. You are that friend we can call at midnight because you areprobably still awake! We love the way your eyes light up right before you do something that we would call stupid but you call fun. And amazingly you succeeded at doing a double back-flip off a brick wall, over concrete, in the middle of a crowd. (Wish I would have videoed that. But I’m not going to tell you, because you would probably try it again.)

Thank you ESTP’s! You keep life interesting!



Post link

Types of people - aesthetics

Inspired by the ✨hours✨ I’ve spent on tiktok

Cottage core - matching tea sets, Knick knacks from charity shops, sweater vests layered with shirts, fake freckles, messy home library’s, floral perfume, following 100s of animal accounts, cute giggles, chipped nail polish

Bimbo - destroying the patriarchy, duh, unreal makeup talent, glitter eyes, wardrobes that blind, treating the streets like a runway, manipulation, self care days, freshly shaved legs in clean sheets, pink everything, lip gloss

Dark academia - dark wood furniture, sleek ponytails and flawless skin, blank book covers, replica art, quiet conversations, leather bags full of papers, monochromatic outfits, artfully displayed houseplants, matching stationary

Alt - middle fingers and stiletto nails, dark lighting, impressively detailed graphic liner, half started projects littering the floors, eye rolls and distant smirks, the corners of thrift shops, a talent for transitions, how do they do them tho


Types of people - cliques

Prep - colour coordinated, twirling hair, bitchy, super popular, feared, kinda got their life together, at least on the outside, power trip, beautiful

Nerd - introverted, fangirl/boy, academically gifted, glasses, graphic tees, bullied, hates social situations, bad at confrontation, will be successful

Jock - wide smiles, potentially fake ones, amazing at sport, gorgeous, but of an arsehole sometimes, arrogant, vulnerable to bad decisions

Goth - doesn’t give a shit, all black everything, headphones blasting music, middle fingers, misunderstood, tumblr kid, not many friends, will sit alone

Types of people - yungblud songs

Parents - kissing in crowded rooms, small acts of rebellion, smudged eyeliner, tangled chains, rolled eyes and middle fingers, chipped nails

Psychotic kids - whispered arguments, silent agreements, internal anger, assumptions, long nights, secret diaries and messy handwriting

Weird!- trying new things, coffee too late at night, headphones and closed eyes, long journeys, relationships that never last

California - protests, being ignored even when you’re right, cynical, swearing to get a reaction, future plans, blunt realities, scream shouting

Types of people - piercings #2



Nipples - absolute psycho, like are you ok, why did I think it wouldn’t hurt oml, bitten lips and flirty eyes, scrolling through tumblr at 2am, kinky little shit, decisions based on spite

Conch - Pinterest queen,wants to be unique, shouldn’t have gotten it done with a hoop and regrets it daily,this is a personal attack, says the weirdest things in the middle of conversation

Nostril - likes trying new things, is constantly afraid of being judged, has a better Instagram feed than you, matching jewellery, lip gloss and curled hair, owns too many pairs of shoes

Helix - a basic bitch, which is an absolute vibe don’t let misogyny fool ya, the Starbucks Stan, ugg boots and motivational quotes, really nice when you get to know them, dream catchers

Types of people - I-L



I - never indoors, worn out trainers, morning person, windswept hair and reddened cheeks, finds walks fun somehow, rope swings in the forest, 10000 hoodies in their room

J - messy buns and oversized t shirts, spends all their money on food, netflix for hours on end, does homework the night before every time, looks completely different when they dress up

K - sporty af, always injured, probably has crutches in a cupboard somewhere, athleisure, leggings as pants 24/7, no social life though because they’re always at matches

L - can’t catch to save their life, clumsy to the point of danger, like trips over air level of clumsy, tries their hardest at everything they can anyway, would love to play a sport


Types of people - heaven and hell

Heaven - lie ins, satisfied smiles, matching stationary, movie nights with popcorn and friends, fluffy socks, having breakfast in bed, naming houseplants, big comfy jumpers, the smell of freshly baked cookies, skincare routines, bullet journals, the studyblr tag, stretching when you wake up, cute group chat names, pastel colours, blowing nails dry, curling your hair, FaceTiming friends for hours on end

Hell - thick eyeliner, sarcastic smirks, getting drunk with friends, safety pins, making bad decisions because you’re prepared for the consequences, ‘it was worth it’, trying not to laugh in formal situations, exploring abandoned places, acting fearless, staying up late and watching horror films in the dark, 3am, tarot cards and ouija boards, layered necklaces, sage sticks and crystals, middle fingers

Types of people - gum

Requested by @pachowpachowbucket


Bubblegum - the most fun, works hard, naps for life, fluffy jumpers with ears on the hood, mittens, sudden bursts of energy, animal lover, pastel Instagram feed, homemade cookies

Peppermint - shy until you know them, hair tucked behind ears, gives the most thoughtful gifts, always neat, very soft spoken unless they’re defending a friend, plant mum

Grape - giggles in quiet rooms, room is fun of empty cans and crisp packets, weird taste in everything, can’t keep relationships, statement jewellery, indecisive, runs a Depop shop

Spearmint - reminds the teacher there’s homework due, constantly reading, drinks herbal teas and nothing else, minimalistic, perfect posture, habit of overthinking

Cinnamon - quirky af, Lana del ray on repeat, big curls, sunglasses perched on top of their head, caffeine addiction,wispy eyelashes, pretty handwriting, big laughs, thrives in autumn

reasons i hate school

when your english teacher says “now you have to interpret this poem, it can have so many meanings, which may be hard for all you logical minded people” and you want to blow your own brains out because that’s you but you don’t get the meaning because the poem is about a fucking red wheel barrow (i edited the name bc people were getting “triggered” at me, i was trying to meme goodness) (second small edit: this is an anecdote from my english teacher, not myself lol)

golden pair¿?

me texting my infj friend a bunch of golden pair posts and both of us agreeing that it is in fact us (the rest of our group consists of two infps, an enfp, an isfp, and an isfj)
