
last semester i wrote a paper about the yerkes-dodson law, which basically states that performance o

last semester i wrote a paper about the yerkes-dodson law, which basically states that performance on difficult complex tasks improves at a higher arousal level while performance on easy tasks is best at a low arousal level. basically, this is why you need to de-stress before taking a major test! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/36Ou5tC

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the fairy lights make a reappearance! can y'all guess where i took this photo? (check my room tour v

the fairy lights make a reappearance! can y'all guess where i took this photo? (check my room tour video for hints) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/2tt2JKL

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Here are some pages from my book/ Korean practice journal.

The book is called ‘Seven days of you’ By Cecilia Vinesse

Ooooh this book is just too adorable man! If you love to read about first love, second chance romance and all things Japan then this book is for you! It’s about a teen girl who has one week left in Japan after she has lived there for 4 years with her mum and sister, before they have to depart back to America because of her Mum’s work visa. However throw into the mix an old flame, a quirky friend with a love of all things punk rock, and a crush who turns out to be a huge A**hole things get a little bit more complicated.

This was such a good read. Not life changing, but boy it’s entertaining! Plus the mention of Japanese konbini snacks had me craving foods that I don’t think I can get in England!

5/5 stars!

Have you read this book? If so what did you think of it?

20.10.21 | Hi guys, I have been away for a long period of time. With the pandemic, I decided to take a break from my social networks, but now I’m back with news! I dropped out of law school to do medical school! Medicine has always been my passion and I want to chase my dream! For now, I am still doing the selection processes to enter the universities, here in Brazil everyone who leaves high school must do these selection processes that we call “vestibular”. The exam to enter a medical university is usually very difficult and competitive, so I will show you my study routine here!

Note: I don’t use instagram anymore, which means I’ll be much more active on tumblr and sorry for bad english haha

15.09.2019 | Hi, guys! Sorry I didn’t post anything, but it’s all very racing around here! I’ve had an interview for a internship at the Ministry of human rights and I m very anxious to know whether I’m gonna get the internship or not! Besides, I had two tests, one of Civil law and another philosophy of law. I went right in Civil law, but I haven’t gotten the results of the right philosophy test. I’ll try to post more stuff around here, Haha!

If hiatto’s bothering you, you can follow me on my Instagram! It’s @estudeasy and there I put stuff in the stories every day!

18.08.2019 | Hello, guys! I took this photo from the study session yesterday. Today I’m studying philosophy and responding to a questionnaire for tomorrow. I hope to finish this afternoon so I can study civil law and uncutting a little bit. I’m pretty tired of just studying philosophy, so I m taking a few pauses with the Pomodoro method. I find this very tiring matter, but I need to finish the questionnaire.

258 of 366(?)

I don’t even know if this countdown ‘til end kf internship still applies, but keeping it there for the sake of it.

Hey guys, it’s been 4 days since we, medical interns, were pulled out from the hospital because of the corona virus outbreak. Everything happened so fast. I was catching babies that day for my neonatal rotation, then hours later, I was on a car ride home to my province.

Here I am on my 4th day of quarantine. My sister recently developed fever, cough, and difficulty of breathing. She’s currently admitted in a hospital back in Manila and fortunately, she’s stable. Meanwhile I’ve had cough, colds, and malaise ever since I arrived. This is why I’m taking this self-quarantine seriously. I haven’t touched or hugged any family member ever since I arrived because I can’t risk exposing my parents (who are both >60 years old) if ever I did catch the virus.

Anyway, I have 10 days left. I’ve been using this time to study Biochemistry through online videos and books even though I’m not sure if we’re gonna be able to take the licensure exam this year. The future is so unclear, and that thought kinda makes me feel demotivated. But I try to brush it off, just try to study like I usually do.

I hope everyone’s okay at this time of crisis. I pray for everyone who can’t stay home because they have to earn for their families. I pray for our frontliners, and my co-interns who volunteered to stay in the hospita despite the pullout. It’s times like these that we really need to help each other. I pray that this will pass soon. :)



I’m done with one month of OB and I’m starting my pediatrics rotation tomorrow!!! I’m honestly excited, scared, and anxious all at the same time. I loved pediatrics back in clerkship and I honestly hope I’ll feel the same way.

I have a lot of backlogs in my asks right now and I’ll be answering them one by one in a bit! Hehe


aug 16, 2021 - reviewing basic math concepts before school starts

it’s been a long time I’m studying and i have this idea of blogging all of my progress here on tumblr so i can look back and generate an idea on what topics or skills i need to improve on. for now, I’m trying to enhance my skills on mathematics and tried some problem sets too!!

it’s a great day to study so u should start too.


13.04.20 / Morning sun and a good latte. I surely belong to this moment of the day. 

08.03.20 / Spent the whole Sunday with studying for my English Exam
