


Life is a series of storms. Watching the storms without being swept away with them is the trick.

Proverbs 27:9 (NIV) - Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,    and the pleasantness of a frien

Proverbs 27:9 (NIV) -
Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,
   and the pleasantness of a friend
   springs from their heartfelt advice.

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So I am going to get my first tattoo this Saturday!  I’m super excited!! But I’m also really nervous.  I don’t have a very high pain tolerance!  But this is something I have wanted for a really long time and it means a lot to me!  Really, I’m just wondering what are your opinions on tattoos?  Do you have any?  Do you judge people that do? How much do they hurt?  I appreciate any advice you have for me! And I promise I’ll put up a picture as soon as it’s done!

You’re too young, you don’t know what you want, you spent four years of your life in college for the job you have right now, no one will approve. 

These are a few reasons you shouldn’t take the risk to build the life you want.

But you can’t live your life by shouldn’t. Don’t make decisions based on what you can’t do. Fuck can’t.

There will always be reasons why you shouldn’t do what you love. 

No matter how big or “true” the reason you have to decide whether you’ll give in to it or break free.

You don’t have to quit your job to start taking action toward your goal. You don’t have to leave college either.

You might not even be one-hundred percent sure this vision really is your dream.

But you have to try anyway.

From, How to Follow Your Dreams Even When You “Shouldn’t”


A common saying in Brazil is, Capoeira is for everybody, but not everybody is for Capoeira

On the first Friday in November, World Arts East Red Hook (127 King Street) hosted a special action packed Capoeira workshop that was taught by Instructor Malandro, who is the founder and leader of Capoeira Terreiro da Lua.

Malandro shared the history, basic movement and commonly played music of Capoeira. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines dance, music and acrobatics.

It is an Afro-Brazililan dance that had to be disguised since it was started in the plantations by African slaves. Their owners did not want them to learn how to fight, which is why they practiced in disguise and the movements are dance like.

This dance/martial art was developed by enslaved Africans in Brazil at the beginning of the 16th century. It is now practiced all around the world.

“Capoeira is for everybody,” Malandro said. “There is no age limit, size limit, or flexibility limit.”

“Capoeira was made for the weak to rise up against the oppressors,” Malandro said. “We are against oppression and are here for liberty and freedom.”

Continue reading.


I feel this phrase, ‘Capoeira is for everybody but not everybody is for Capoeira’ can be applied to any martial art, as well as many things outside of martial arts. 

Everything is available for you to try, but you don’t have to be FOR everything you try. It’s ok if something doesn’t work out for you for whatever reason, including just not liking it. 

-FemaleWarrior, She/They 


Remember, above all exercise should be fun and something you look forward to doing! 

-FemaleWarrior, She/They 


It may take you five, ten, or a thousand steps forward. There may be many curves and bumps upon the road. However, your heart burns brighter than all else. Your passion shines through all barriers that stand in your way.

Nicole Addison@thepowerwithin

When building your own fitness lifestyle, these are things that you must always remember, so as to not get discouraged. Things won’t change overnight; you will fall off the horse, you might experience plateaus, you have to find what works for you and a rhythm. 

For every bump or setback or unexpected turn, meditate on what happened and why it happened. Avoiding exercise because there are too many steps to set up for your exercise routine? Figure out how to eliminate them (if it’s changing outfits-pajamas make great exercise clothes, and exercise clothes make great pajamas; if it’s using equipment, try bodyweight exercise instead; if it’s building the exercise routine, consider joining a class, following a Darebee workout). 

-FemaleWarrior, She/They 







Dudes will work out to become extremely vascular out of a distaste for body fat which is a fool’s move, all you’ve done is provided exceptionally easy access to your blood, you think a vampire has any chance reaching an artery in Eddie Hall or Brian Shaw’s necks? You absolute simpleton, you played into it, some dude’s gonna scrape you with his fingernails and you’ll lose consciousness as half your red stuff drains out. Be smarter and dial back the toning, they are fucking out there to get you man.

Try and find his carotid artery

lmao you don’t want to get bitten by vampires? ok

I want you to imagine the scenario of what would unfold if an Italian realized they could never eat garlic again

This is a great post but I do want to ask how to get that muscle type as a woman, I’m big / build muscle easy but I’m not nearly as beefy-chonky as I’d like, my fat levels are on point but the muscle could be bigger

@imfemalewarrior any advice?

In general, increasing protein and calorie intake while maintaining a balanced diet to ensure you are getting enough nutrition across the board. This is while you work on weightlifting exercises (not my area of expertise).

Could a powerlifter or weightlifter shed better advice?

-FemaleWarrior, she/they


I feel so stupid. Here I was going along thinking that phones and tablets handled application updates the same way computers do. Either overwriting the old data with new or uninstalling the old and installing the new, thus maintaining the size of the application or program. But no. Apparently phones and tablets just install the new data alongside the old thus bloating the size of the app to a ridiculous degree. I couldn’t understand why Instagram and FB Messenger were about 4gb each, when my sister, who recently bought a new phone, said her Instagram app was only 700mb. So I uninstalled both of them and then reinstalled them from the app store and lo and behold Instagram and FB Messenger are now both under 200mb. I don’t know if it works the same on iOS, but I would bet it does. Planned obsolescence is annoying AF.




y’all ever remember something extremely embarrassing and just feel horrible about it

Pro Tip: Try to think of something embarrassing some else has done. You probably can’t. Which means no one else remembers the cringe thing you did.

wait that actually helps so much

hi tumblr, been a while
i made a new video listing some techniques i use to manage anxiety! 
hope y’all find it helpful! :^)

#self care    #anxitey    #mental illness    #mental health    #wellness    #depression    #stress    #panic attack    #youtube    #youtuber    #vlogger    #self healing    #self help    #my videos    #advice    #anxious    #nervous    #aesthetic    #cottagecore    #naturecore    #adventurecore    #goblincore    #artists on tumblr    #photographers on tumblr    

More advice needed I’m afraid guys

I’m sorely tempted to apply for this copywriting role, where I would be producing content for a travel company who specialise in historical & heritage tours, both in the UK and abroad. 37 hours a week and a good starting salary. The problem? I’ve never done any proper copywriting in my life - the closest I’ve come to it is writing two different scripts for past exhibitions during my time at Blenheim. I’ve got the historical side under my belt via Blenheim and my undergraduate degree, and the written aspect in terms of my novel, but I just feel the rest of it will be one massive blag. They said experience is preferred but mentions nothing about it being essential, and the advert has been on this website for over 30 days, if their data is correct.

What say you? Reach for the stars and apply, or hold off for fear of being shot down?

I made a separate commentary video on top of that last piece about how to return to art after a long period of not creating anything and gave a few tips that might help ease the process of getting back into it


Fave lingerie?

I haven’t gotten any cute new things in a while and am due for a collection refresh. What are your favorites? I need ideas.

I like lacy things, but they can’t be scratchy.

I like cotton.

I like harnesses and more bdsm-y things.

Prefer feedback from the people who actually wear this stuff (gender irrelevant) over the people who simply like how it looks on others.

And, go!

Thanks to @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog, I am now eagerly anticipating the arrival of about $300 worth of Fenty lingerie. Good thing I caught a Black Friday sale!

Fave lingerie?

I haven’t gotten any cute new things in a while and am due for a collection refresh. What are your favorites? I need ideas.

I like lacy things, but they can’t be scratchy.

I like cotton.

I like harnesses and more bdsm-y things.

Prefer feedback from the people who actually wear this stuff (gender irrelevant) over the people who simply like how it looks on others.

And, go!

A true gentleman will see the world and try to improve it one day at a time.

A true gentleman will see the world and try to improve it one day at a time.

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Be a slut, do what you want
