
Model @jocelynbinder All dressed up with nowhere to go ‍♀️ @xposed.design @honeybirdette #stayhome #

Model @jocelynbinder All dressed up with nowhere to go ‍♀️ @xposed.design @honeybirdette #stayhome #staysafe #stayhealthy #staystrong #socialdistancing #quarantine #quarantinelife #lingeriemodel #model #corona #coronapocalypse #losangeles #california

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The creaking silence of age and cries, echoes through the streets and brittle winds of winter. The harbinger of death creeps and infiltrates during the hour, minutes and split seconds of the untamed crow. Candles lit in silent prayer, the vulnerable tears and blood flower from the minds of many and the hunting prey morphed into untamed hybrids devouring on the vulnerable and the weak.

They say the storm is about to come, fear is fueled and instilled in our vulnerable souls. Like a shadow realm with the whispers of the dead that still cry for their loved ones the living we scrumble while unknowingly heading for a new wasteland that will soon be our new utopia. Our consolidated consciousness that travels in the darkness foreboded by the hybrids whom have feasted upon us like a feast for crows for the past twenty six years. Where was this utopia going?

The burial of the dead looms, wastelands arise and tears are drank and consumed on a daily basis.



Many want to resign to death in this period. The pain of being trapped in a maze while waiting for the sheep or the leopard to direct you in the right way of life as they embrace their own fangs with the most sadistic expression. Where is this utopia going?

Summer winds used to keep us serene –

The sun blazing its tenderness on our skin giving us meaning and purpose in life.

The smell of flowers and the first breath of fresh air in the hours of the morning – a sincere sense of clarity and sanity.

The smell of coffee while walking past a shop was a normality – the sanity of it all, to know that you are still breathing. The roots of our society and clutch of our minds were soon to be foreboded into a dysphoria where the flicker of hope and light was a mere metaphor. We’re merely trapped in a maze and passed on a spilling wheel knowing there is Shinigami waiting, sometimes yearning while drenching in heavy saliva dripping from its mouth in sheer crave to write our names in the book of Death as many have travelled to Death’s other Kingdom.

A million graves dug for a million vessels waiting to be buried. No temporary hospitals can be built. Just a million graves. Bodies – reduced to lifeless vessels ready for termites in the graves dug by the living ordered by the harbingers of death. The moon rises, the airborne of death has begun. Our minds are beginning to shift to the post-apocalyptic. Our great depression is here.

Unathi Ndlelantle Ngada  ©

Disclaimer: Please give credit to writer of this story if you wish to share it on other platforms :)

The kind of exposure no one wants or needs.



me n my husband got diff vaxes so now we have to bully each other in public like some kind of bad lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers fic


anti-vaccine? no man i’m so fucking pro-vaccine i’ll do pretty much anything to inject that covid protection juice into my fucking veins

Come on, Easter…

The only thing more frustrating than the pandemic itself is how it’s caused so much nonsense to tumble from the mouths of the willfully ignorant and the proudly obtuse.

“If masks work, why can’t everything else go back to normal?”

Because masks HELP. They don’t eliminate virus transmission. They REDUCE it. Ditto with social distancing, extra hand washing, etc. Wearing a mask is better than not wearing a mask, but literally no one except people complaining about masks think they’re intended to be the end-all be-all of prevention.

“The CDC is now saying getting COVID from surfaces isn’t a huge risk. Why didn’t they tell us the truth from the start?”

What part of “novel” virus do you people not understand? COVID-19 is NEW. Scientists are still figuring it out. That doesn’t happen overnight, and if they say “wait, hold on, we have better information,” that doesn’t mean they lied to you the first time or that they were just guessing. It means they told you what they could based on the information they had at the time, and they have better information now. Science adapts to new information. Stop confusing it with religion.

“Why can’t I go to the dentist, but someone can get an abortion? How are abortions considered essential?”

Because while it’s not ideal, your routine dental cleaning can wait. Abortions have a very, very strict window of time during which they can be performed. Most of you complaining about them being considered essential are the same people who push for ever more stringent time limits. You understand exactly why abortions are still happening during the pandemic. At least have the decency to admit it.

“COVID numbers are inflated because hospitals get more money for COVID patients!”

Educate thyself on medical coding and billing. Hospitals get a certain amount of money for COVID, and that is based on how much it costs to admit a respiratory patient. In fact the number is on the low end because it’s based on admitting a pneumonia patient for a few days, whereas COVID admissions can be several weeks. Also, if hospitals admit patients who don’t have COVID, and they label them as COVID in order to get more money, they’re not going to be able to hide that during an audit. Getting busted for that kind of fraud isn’t worth the short term perks of some extra cash. No hospital is going to risk that just to fraudulently list your broken leg as COVID.

“All deaths are being labeled as COVID no matter what! They don’t even have to confirm it via testing!”

No, they’re not. The COVID code is so the CDC can track deaths, and if there is no confirmed test, they follow up and adjust accordingly. And there is a massive shortage of tests, so record-keeping HAS to adapt. How else can they keep track of COVID deaths or even cases when we can’t test enough people?

“But if a cancer patient gets COVID, it’s labeled a COVID death!”

Uh, yeah? Because that’s how that works? If the COVID sped up the person’s death, then yes it IS a COVID death. You all totally understand that because you’ve been shouting from the start about how medically fragile and elderly people are at greater risk of dying from COVID. Just like they’re at greater risk of dying of the flu. If someone is elderly, obese, diabetic, and undergoing chemo, and they get the flu and die of it, that’s a flu death. Same goes for COVID. It’s not that complicated, and it’s not sinister.

“The vaccine is going to have a chip in it to track people!”

Vaccine tracking doesn’t mean literally tracking people via something injected into them. Take off your tinfoil hat.

“But why can I go to X store and not Y shop? Why is it safe to go to A and not B?”

First, no one determined that certain stores were safe and others were not. They were allowed to remain open based on whether they carried essentials. Because people can’t survive without essentials like groceries. That’s why they’re called essentials. It was understood that leaving some places open in order to provide essentials was a calculated risk, and that’s why social distancing was enforced and masks have been required. No one ever claimed one type of store was magically safer than another.

Were some closures and restrictions short-sighted? Sure. They could absolutely have been handled better. A lot of things about this could have been handled a lot better. But quick decisions had to be made that would minimize person-to-person contact while also not cutting people off from things they need to survive. By the time the second wave hits, lawmakers and leaders will have a better idea of how to handle things because they’ve had time to learn and adapt.

“Why are gun shops considered essential?”

Because the ammosexuals throw a heavily-armed tantrum any time someone makes any noise about getting between them and their guns, and leaving gun shops open is the lesser of two evils. The last thing anyone needs during a crisis is Covid Cletus and his pals rioting because they can’t buy ammo and that’s tyranny or whatever. Of course they still found a reason to dress up as Tactical Timmy and pretend to be soldiers, but no one was surprised by that. I’m not thrilled about letting the toddlers get their way, but I can certainly see why no one wanted to deal with their nonsense while they were trying to deal with everything else. (And I’m a gun owner myself, so don’t come at me about “trying to take your guns away.”)

“Why can’t I go to church?”

I don’t know, man. Maybe because large gatherings are great for spreading viruses? Maybe because, even if it isn’t ideal, things done at church can be done virtually at home? Maybe because, rather than jumping on an opportunity to oppress Christians and ban worship, people were trying to keep you from getting sick?

“But hydroxychloroquine!”

I don’t have time for your confirmation biases today.

Just stop and THINK about these things before you post them, folks. I’m pretty sure many of you understand them, but you don’t like them, so you give them just enough of a twist to make them sound unreasonable and get other people on your side.

Hey everyone!

I think I will be coming back sometime next week. A lot of stuff has been happening in my family that has been hard on me.

My aunt unfortunately passed from liver failure and we miss her everyday.

My grandma, grandpa, two of my cousins, one of my sisters, and many more people are slowly getting infected in my family from the Coronavirus. My uncle, great grandma and another cousin are starting to show symptoms. I am very scared and worried for all of them.

I am currently in quarantine with my other sister and my mom and we are still doing well and seem healthy so that is something to be thankful for :)

With everything happening I’d like to take this time to remind you please please PLEASE stay safe and take all safety precautions seriously. So many people are sick and dying and it feels like it is getting worse. Don’t go anywhere you don’t HAVE to use a mask, sanitizer and wash your hands regularly.

Also idk who thinks it is okay to take your mask off to sneeze but that spreads the virus so please stop, we wear mask to help with the spreading of the virus. I live in Wisconsin and in the city I live in all of our hospitals beds are currently being used so that is very concerning and I worry for everyone.

Please stay safe and be smart about this all, I am wishing you and your families are all safe and healthy. Don’t be afraid to remind the people you care about that you do care and love them because life goes by too quickly and most times you’ll wish you said it more

I care about every single one of you and wish you safety and good health

Random but specific question:

What do I say as my opening text to a girl I’ve matched with on tinder that I know from a sports club but I haven’t spoken to her because I’m 99% sure I snogged a year before I joined the club while very drunk?

My creativity. #handmadejewelry #handmade #handmadeearrings #cowrieshell #cowrieshelljewelry

$10 plus $4 s/h. Inbox if you want to Purchase. I’m going to try and post my stuff daily. I gotta a lot of stuff y'all. #ecso75

Mash it up!! Tried a little bit of creativity. Some not as perfect as I would like, but still very useful. Your #countrymask here!!

#rasta #reggae #mali #bolivia #congo #guinea #benin #ghana #senegal #ethopia #lithuania #togo #nigeria #haiti #jamaica #maskon #mask #afrocentric

Maybe I can do your flag, inbox and I’ll tell ya if I can . Inbox or comment to purchase.

#quarantine got me finishing my #staff. #handmade #woodworks #quarantinelife
