


redrew this page! hurts my heart

Happy World Mental Health Day

I know mental health isn’t inherently LGBTQ+, but I know a lot of people in this community struggle with it. So I decided to make a couple of lockscreens based on one of my favorite quotes!

Here is one with rainbows! And I made another version that anyone can use!

Whether you are part of the LGBT community, or just someone who struggles with mental health, I hope these lockscreens are something that you all can enjoy!

Sometimes it creeps in so quiet and slow you don’t even know it’s there.

Sometimes it puts up a fight, and you win.

Sometimes you just go numb.

When I was first diagnosed, I was ashamed. I wanted to rip that part of me out wholesale, shred it and toss it away. I wanted to control it. I wanted to snap out of it. I wanted to change. But any semblance of control I thought I had over it was illusory and elusive, damaging. You go numb like that, when your body can’t take the pain of being ripped apart.

So I regrouped. I didn’t just accept the pain of it, I didn’t surrender to it, but I owned it. I acknowledged it as a part of myself because the more I ripped it out, the more of myself I destroyed.

I try every day to love every part of myself, not out of surrender, but because it’s the only way to take back control. The thing about depression is it wants you to hack away at it. It wants to you reach a point of desperation so all consuming that you hack at everything within reach.

The past few months I’ve been back in therapy for the first time in years. It’s not just starting anew, but it’s a refresher course of the therapy I was able to get when I was younger. And it makes all the difference.

There will be people who don’t understand. They’ll tell you it’s ugly and unwanted. They’ll tell you to snap out of it, get rid of it, as if there’s any part of you that doesn’t deserve love. They’ll lose patience, tell you they can’t wait. They’ll try to convince you it’s all your own doing. They’ll leave.

But there will also be people who understand you. They’ll let you talk it out, or not say anything at all. They’ll stick around. They’ll love every part of you. They’ll show you you’re worth waiting for.

You can understand you. You can stick around. You can love every bit of you, even when some might have it the other way. You are worth waiting for.

scrappadoir:JASON HONG This art piece symbolizes anxiety at night for me.(By Jason Hong)



This art piece symbolizes anxiety at night for me.

(ByJason Hong)

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We feel like shit 24/7 but we hide it so you don’t feel sad.

We struggle to keep ourselves safe 24/7 but we hide it so you don’t have to deal with us.

We dream of being dead 24/7 but we hide it so that you think we’re okay.

We hide everything so not to hurt you, when maybe, just maybe, if you treated us better we wouldn’t feel like this.

We all know the greek myth of pandora’s box… Where she was always forbidden to open it? One day the curiosity got the better of her and she opened the box. All anger, hatred, anguish, jealousy, pain and every type of evil was released. The only good thing inside was hope. Well what happens if you open the box but there’s no hope inside?
