#ed advice


Trzymaj swoje ręce z dala od wszystkich pieprzonych kalorii i gówna. To nie jest takie cholernie trudne. Kiedy siedzisz wesoło i żresz kanapki, hamburgery, frytki, bułki lub pizzę, czy jakiekolwiek inne paskudne gówno, potem wypłakujesz swoje oczy i nienawidzisz siebie z powodu wszystkich gównianych śmieci, które zjadłaś. Poważnie… nie rób czegoś, czego żałujesz później. Oprzyj się lub żałuj.


TW ED and food mentioned

Tips to stay healthy for people struggling with eating disorders and or body dysmorphia (side note: I know that this won’t be very easy, just remember to take your time and try not to be too hard on yourself)

1. Stay hydrated, remember to drink plenty of fluids/water

2. If you have a hard time eating daily meals, when you do eat try to eat foods that are higher in protein and or are nutritious (for example protein bars, kale, dark greens, avocados, apples, blueberries, bananas, etc) to stay healthy, and to avoid malnourishment

3. Try to not yourself compare yourself to others

4. Try saying three positive affirmations every day (for example “I am enough” “I am vaild” “I am strong” and “I am beautiful”

4. Remember that you are not alone, and if you ever need help or someone to talk to don’t hesitate to reach out to someone you can trust. (Therapy is highly recommended)

5. If you begin to feel light headed, hunger pains, etc please try to eat something (preferably something higher in protein and nutritious) even if it’s small

6. If your workouts are in the red zone try to not work out longer than recommended below to avoid possible injury

7. Remember that when it comes to losing weight it’s a lot more complicated then simply having a high metabolism, eating healthy, and working out. Everyone is different, everyone has different genes, and some people are genetically predisposed to have certain things

8. Write down a list containing at least 4 things you like about yourself when ever you feel upset or insecure

9. You don’t have to have a flat stomach to be beautiful. Having a uterus can make your stomach appear to not be as flat as it really is.

10. Make sure to get plenty of sleep

11. Do something positive that makes you happy at least once a day

12. When you get positive compliments write them down and read them when you are feeling upset or insecure

13. Everyday try to have at least one reasonable and realistic thing you want to do or achieve by the end of the day even if it’s small (For example, today I want to clean my room some)

14. Remember that eds and body dysmorphia isn’t a girl thing, anyone can experience and struggle with it. And experiencing it doesn’t make you any less valid in your gender identity

15. As tempting as it may be, try to limit your time on the scale as much as you can

16. If you make any changes to your appearance do it because that’s what YOU want, remember the only one that needs to approve of the way you look and the only one whose opinion matters is your own

17. Wear warm clothes to keep you from getting too cold

18. Try to avoid eating after 7:00pm

19. Try to avoid eating food from the container
