

Trzymaj swoje ręce z dala od wszystkich pieprzonych kalorii i gówna. To nie jest takie cholernie trudne. Kiedy siedzisz wesoło i żresz kanapki, hamburgery, frytki, bułki lub pizzę, czy jakiekolwiek inne paskudne gówno, potem wypłakujesz swoje oczy i nienawidzisz siebie z powodu wszystkich gównianych śmieci, które zjadłaś. Poważnie… nie rób czegoś, czego żałujesz później. Oprzyj się lub żałuj.

Some of you proanas: “oh my parent(s) were a big part of my disorder! Oh my parent(s) were obviously anorexic and they kinda passed it on to me”

Some of the same proanas: “so I have a kid but that won’t stop me from getting to my UGW”

I’m not saying don’t have kids. And if you do have a kid and you’re still struggling with your ED then more power to you, I’m wishing you the beat cause that sounds hard.

BUT kids are not stupid, they notice things and they learn a lot from you. You know this, and I’m sure you’ve experienced this. If you are still actively engaging in your ED behaviors around your kid(s), they are more likely to develop an ED too. So please get off the proana train so you don’t pass this disease on to your children. Because if you are still actively engaging in your ED behaviors around your kid(s), they are more likely to develop an ED too.

Stay strong my lovelies, I know you’re doing the best you can. Just wanted to put this out there

Can I feel myself sexy and don’t be 50kg?

I failed my recovery. if you want to see how I will torment myself all online stading subscribe

here’s a picture of my legs. the only thing i’m okay with related to my body. i need to lose some fat on my upper thighs though

I’m obsessed with this dress but I know I’ll never be able to wear it like that, but my cousin, she’s like my real life thinspo. Literally, and she doesn’t even try. She eats 24/7 and is so dainty and cute. I love my cousin with my heart, I really do, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to look like her, just for one day.


My top three pale blonde hair thinspos

~~If I ever get thin like them I’ve considered presenting female (I’m non-binary masc presenting) just bc why the fuck not they look gorgeous why can’t I?
