#ed blog


Charakterystyka napadowego objadania się

Napadowe objadanie się - cechy, które pomogą Ci je odróżnić od zwykłego przejedzenia się, ponieważ te dwie rzeczy często są ze sobą mylone. Dodatkowo według kryteriów diagnostycznych napadowe objadanie się musi występować co najmniej raz w tygodniu przez 3 miesiące.

BED - Napady objadania się mimo, że ich epizody są indywidualne to mają dwie wspólne cechy:

  • spożywanie nadmiernej ilości pokarmów (większość ludzi w podobnych okolicznościach zjadłaby o wiele mniej)
  • towarzyszy temu utrata kontroli nad jedzeniem

a) towarzyszące uczucia

  • Na samym początku objadanie się może być nawet przyjemne - smak jedzenia może sprawić radość, jednak jest to chwilowe. Potem pojawia się obrzydzenie, kiedy ilość spożywanego jedzenia jest jeszcze większa a niektóre osoby czują do siebie obrzydzenie, ale nie przerywają jedzenia.

b) tempo jedzenia

  • Spożywanie pokarmów jest zwykle szybkie. Większość osób napycha sobie usta tym, co wpadnie im w ręce - czasem nawet w ogóle tego nie przeżuwając.

c) inna świadomość

  • W trakcie epizodu napadowego objadania się osoby czują się jak w transie - to zachowanie wydaje się automatyczne. Towarzyszy też uczucie jakby ta osoba za to nie odpowiadała oraz nie mogła tego sama tatwo powstrzymać.

d) ukrywanie napadów

  • Charakterystyczną cechą jest utrzymywanie napadów w tajemnicy przed innymi osobami. Wstyd związany ze swoim zachowaniem jest ogromny. Spożywanie w towarzystwie innych osób normalnych/mniejszych ilości jedzenia a potem spożywanie dużych ilości jedzenia w miejscu, gdzie nikt ich nie nakryje.

e) utrata kontroli

  • Ta cecha odróżnia napadowe objadanie się od zwykłego przejedzenia. Osoba, która zaczyna się objadać nie potrafi przestać. Spożywa pokarm aż do nieprzyjemnego uczucia pełności oraz mimo nieodczuwania fizycznego głodu.

Trzymaj swoje ręce z dala od wszystkich pieprzonych kalorii i gówna. To nie jest takie cholernie trudne. Kiedy siedzisz wesoło i żresz kanapki, hamburgery, frytki, bułki lub pizzę, czy jakiekolwiek inne paskudne gówno, potem wypłakujesz swoje oczy i nienawidzisz siebie z powodu wszystkich gównianych śmieci, które zjadłaś. Poważnie… nie rób czegoś, czego żałujesz później. Oprzyj się lub żałuj.

19 weeks til summer

i want to change, i need to change. i can’t keep fucking around. i have been 50kgs before and i will be 50kgs again, i just need to put in more effort.

Ana Accountability (01.21.22)


12 fl oz can Mountain Dew Major Melon, 160cal

Tyson Any'tizers Buffalo Style Hot Wings (unmeasured), ~190cal

Subtotal: ~350cal



1 banana (unmeasured), ~110cal

12 fl oz Arizona Diet Half & Half Tea Lemonade, 10cal

Wrigley’s Extra Polar Ice Gum, 5cal

Monster Pops Lemon Lime popsicle, 60cal

Subtotal: ~185cal



Wendy’s medium fries, 350cal

Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwich, 500cal

Wendy’s medium (~20 fl oz) Coke Zero, 0cal

Beef lo mein, ???cal

Egg fried rice, ???cal

Subtotal: 850cal+


Total Caloric Intake: ????cal (1,380cal+)


Not me failing at high restriction. I was aiming to limit myself to 1,500cal at most, but of course one of my parents has to suddenly decided to bring Chinese takeout home for everybody on the day I start trying to do daily accountability posts again. I guess I should have expected to fuck up the first day back when it’s been quite a while since I actually starved myself anyways. Oh well, I won’t let this stop me from trying to restrict tomorrow or the day after. I’m sure it won’t be long until I start getting restless and begin naturally restricting more and more as time goes on also.

Also, I apologize to anyone that finds the formatting of this post kind of ugly; I’ve never really known how to make my daily accountability posts look particularly nice and neat.

Okay, I think I need to start doing accountability posts on here, because otherwise I’ll never lose weight on my own. I feel like if there’s other eyes on the numbers, I might feel pressure to keep the numbers down even if no one is forcing me.

I don’t really know what format to go with though. Either I do my old ana log format from before or I update every time I consume something. Or maybe both? I’m reallyyy unsure because it’s been a while since I posted anything having to do with me actually restricting at all.

The fact that I’m not suicidal makes me want to kill myself. Does that make any sense?

the severely mentally ill urge to date someone equally mentally ill or with the same illnesses so i get worse just from being with them

Any grown mentally ill bitches from EDblr wanna be in an unhealthy friendship where we never shut up?

I’m a 23-year-old (gender-questioning) AFAB bi/queer, I’m dx with ADHD and BPD, and I’m (objectively) fat with a dead ED blog, lol.


I’m back to this blog! I doubt my stay will be any more permanent than the last few times, but I guess I just wanted to provide a little update on myself.

In terms of my weight, things aren’t going very well. :( I’ve been sort of fluctuating and even going higher that what I would normally consider my base weight. I’m not sure exactly what is causing this; my best guess is that it could be stress. I haven’t even been weighing myself the past several weeks because it’s just too depressing for me to have to see the numbers going up.

In terms of my mental health, well… It depends on the day, or maybe even the hour. I’ve been stressing over work along with my regular anxieties. Though recently I haven’t been working due to illness (I’m pretty sure it’s not Covid but I still kind of want to get tested just in case). I’ve also recently gone on SSRI medication for anxiety, specifically generic Zoloft. I was honestly hoping to be put on a stimulant like Adderall or Vyvanse for my ADHD so that I could lose weight from it, but oh well, I guess. I can only do so much to control what my psychiatrist chooses to prescribe me. As much as I tried to put emphasis on my ADHD, I guess it was a bit more apparent(?) how much my anxiety was weighing on me.


Gum Fast :)

I have this habit where sometimes I will place a stick of gum in my mouth while I’m getting ready for work, then I chew it throughout my entire shift without switching it after it runs out of flavor and without taking it out to eat anything, and then, finally, I throw the gum away after I’ve gotten home and changed out of my uniform.

I find myself very proud of the restraint I display in not consuming any additional calories outside of the 5cal from the initial stick of gum during the 4 to sometimes even 10+ hours I spend at work. Not to mention the fact that I strangely find myself enjoying the taste of water more when I do this, even when there is no flavor left in my gum.

I’ve decided that I am going to attempt using this stategy to fast for longer periods of time. In my first ever attempt at this, I will see if I can fast for at least 48hrs (2 days) with one stick of gum in my mouth. My stretch goal will be 100hrs (a little over 4 days), though that may be difficult to achieve since I’m going to be working on day 3 and so I might need to eat that day in order to have strength for work. Like I said though, 100hrs is a stretch goal; I’ll be satisfied with just the initial 48hrs hours if that’s all I can do since it’s been quite a while since I’ve completed any sort of fast successfully. :)

Update: Unfortunately I only managed to do roughly 39hrs on my gum fast, because, when I got up from my mid-day sleeping session, I had temporarily forgotten about the fact that I was supposed to be fasting and unthinkingly ate a snack I found when I entered my kitchen. ‍♀️ 39hrs is better than nothing, but I’m still kind of disappointed in myself. Hopefully my next attempt at a fast goes better than this one, whenever it is.

Gum Fast :)

I have this habit where sometimes I will place a stick of gum in my mouth while I’m getting ready for work, then I chew it throughout my entire shift without switching it after it runs out of flavor and without taking it out to eat anything, and then, finally, I throw the gum away after I’ve gotten home and changed out of my uniform.

I find myself very proud of the restraint I display in not consuming any additional calories outside of the 5cal from the initial stick of gum during the 4 to sometimes even 10+ hours I spend at work. Not to mention the fact that I strangely find myself enjoying the taste of water more when I do this, even when there is no flavor left in my gum.

I’ve decided that I am going to attempt using this stategy to fast for longer periods of time. In my first ever attempt at this, I will see if I can fast for at least 48hrs (2 days) with one stick of gum in my mouth. My stretch goal will be 100hrs (a little over 4 days), though that may be difficult to achieve since I’m going to be working on day 3 and so I might need to eat that day in order to have strength for work. Like I said though, 100hrs is a stretch goal; I’ll be satisfied with just the initial 48hrs hours if that’s all I can do since it’s been quite a while since I’ve completed any sort of fast successfully. :)

It’s very early in the morning and I’m tired, but I can’t sleep or stop crying, and nothing can make me feel better it seems.

I literally have no idea how to describe this specific type of pain. I don’t feel like I’m a part of anything or that I have any sort of real identity. I feel so alienated from every community I’m supposedly a part of, and I don’t know how to fix it. It feels like there’s not even a point in trying. I’ve spent over two decades of my life feeling like an outsider, how could I possibly change that at all? And the people in my life who MAYBE could help me… I can’t being myself to speak to any of them because of all the shame and humiliation I feel.

And so once again I scream into the void and I babble the vaguest of cries and complaints for the internet to possibly read. Pathetic.


Another year, Another fast!

Going on a water fast and I can already feel it going well! All I have to do is find things to hyperfocus on for the next few days so I remain distracted from the idea of eating food. Maybe neurodivergence does have some advantages.

Today is day one and I haven’t weighed myself yet, but it’s not really a problem since I know how much weight I tend to lose during fasts, so I can take my weight later and then just add to it to get my beginning weight.

Me coming back to this post after ruining my fast and gaining weight:


So it turns out that even though my plan seemed full-proof, my forgetful and impulsive ND brain chose to ignore it. RIP.

And then I also found out that one of the batteries in my smart scale actually leaked battery acid and corroded the metal bits in the battery compartment of the scale, so I ended up having to use a regular scale to weight myself last week. Luckily, I’ve learned how to clean up the corrosion and could weight myself today, but I’m not sure if I want to do a stats update on here since I don’t have the body fat percentage of last week + I gained slightly.

Another year, Another fast!

Going on a water fast and I can already feel it going well! All I have to do is find things to hyperfocus on for the next few days so I remain distracted from the idea of eating food. Maybe neurodivergence does have some advantages.

Today is day one and I haven’t weighed myself yet, but it’s not really a problem since I know how much weight I tend to lose during fasts, so I can take my weight later and then just add to it to get my beginning weight.

The best thing about weight los for a enbie is the fact that my boobs will go away without even needing to bind

anorexics will literally use anything as inspiration. It could be a recovered saying, “yeah anorexia was the worst thing that ever happened to me, I literally shat my pants because of laxitives and got osteoporosis. If your struggling seek help immediately, don’t keep starving yourself.” And y’all will be like, “lmao using this motivational speech to help get me through my 5 month fast ”

67 calories per muffin
Makes 24 mini muffins


-1 ¼ cups of all purpose flour (560 cal)
 -½ teaspoon baking soda (0 cal)
 -½ teaspoon cinnamon (3 cal) -¼ cup pure maple syrup (200 cal)
 -¼ cup lightly packed brown sugar (115 cal)
 -½ cup non-fat plain greek yogurt (120 cal)
 -2 tablespoons softened butter (206 cal) 
 -1 egg white (17 cal)
 -1 teaspoon vanilla extract (12 cal)
 -½ cup mini chocolate chips (414 cal)

 -in a small bowl, mix together flour, baking soda, and cinnamon then set aside.

 -In a larger bowl whisk together maple syrup, brown sugar, greek yogurt, butter, egg white, and vanilla extract until there are no more lumps and it seems evenly combined.

 -Pour the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients mixture and fold using a spatula just until combined. Be careful not to over mix here.

 -add in the chocolate chips and fold into batter.

 -preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and spray a mini cupcake tin with non-stick spray (mine is also 0 calories) (you could also use a regular muffin try but then you would need to recalculate how many calories would be in each muffin: add the number of calories for each ingredient and then divide by the number of muffins you made)

 -Using a spoon, dollop a bit of batter into each muffin tin, filling it just below the top. -bake for 12-14 minutes (if you’re making regular sized muffins, bake for 18 minutes) 


-If you don’t have syrup, you can substitute it for the same amount of honey.
-if you don’t have mini chocolate chips, you can always use regular chocolate chips but chop them up a little
-I haven’t tried this myself but theoretically speaking you could also substitute the chocolate chips for blueberries, or strawberries as well. 

 These were super easy to make and the cleanup was fairly quick too. They tasted pretty much exactly like regular muffins, they were supperrr good and you can have one without feeling too guilty about it. 

(sorry for the low quality photos, my camera is garbage lol)

I’m just a tad curious because I don’t see many people talking about it, but how do you feel about chew spit? (Chewing up the food but spitting it out instead of swallowing. Idk what its called thats just what I refer to it as)

Am I the only one who doesn’t burn off all their calories by exercising? I always see posts of people working out all the time and I know thats a symptom of anorexia nervosa, but where do you people find the energy? Im just so tired all the time, I have to force myself to go to the gym twice a week (well not right now cause of quarantine obviously) I dont have the energy to do anything anymore

Ya know for someone who despises food so much, it happens to be on my brain an awfully lot

Hee hee this quarantine makes me wanna eat everything in the friccin cabinetttt, lovE thAT-

I think a lot of us take for granted the fact that water doesn’t have any calories
