#green witch

Silphium integrifolium (Rosinweed)Bloom Time: Jul , Aug , Sep DESCRIPTION: A coarse perennial, 3-6 f

Silphium integrifolium(Rosinweed)

Bloom Time: Jul , Aug , Sep 

DESCRIPTION:A coarse perennial, 3-6 ft. tall with numerous large, yellow composite flowers. Each flower head has 20-30 yellow rays and darker yellow disks. Stout leaves are joined at stem to form a small cup that holds water and attracts birds.(Wildflower Center) This species has square stems and leaves that are mostly opposite, egg-shaped, toothed, with cuplike bases that hold water (Kindscher 1987). The flower heads are rich, golden yellow, 2.5 centimeters in diameter, and closely grouped at the tips of the stems (Hunter 1984). The small, tubular disk flowers are in the middle of the flower and is sterile and does not produce fruits (Ladd, 1995).

PORTION OF THE PLANT USED: Leaves and roots.

TRADITIONAL USES: Chippewa Native Americans used the simple or compound decoction of root for “stoppage of periods,” for back and chest pain and for lung hemorrhage. A poultice of moistened, dried root was applied to wounds to stop bleeding.

Iroquois used the decoction of roots as an emetic and as face wash for paralysis. Burned root soot was placed on child’s cheek to prevent them from seeing ghosts. Meskwaki used the root to “alleviate the vomiting of pregnancy.” Infusion of root taken by women to prevent premature birth. Root used to reduce profuse menstruation and as an anti-emetic during pregnancy.

Ojibwa infusion of root taken for lumbago and other rheumatic back pains, stomach trouble and hemorrhage.

Cup plant’s young leaves were cooked in the spring as a green (Kindscher 1987). It was also used as a chewing gum to help prevent vomiting (Runkel & Roosa 1989). The Winnebagos tribe believed that this species has supernatural powers. They would drink a concoction derived from the rhizome to purify them before going on a buffalo hunt. It is used in the treatment of liver and spleen disorders and has also been used to treat morning sickness (Moerman 1998).

POLLINATOR:Rosin Weed attracts a variety of pollinators but it is especially relished by some of our smaller solitary bees. The plant gets its common name from the sticky rosin it produces, which was used as a chewing gum by the Native Americans. Rosin weed is quick to mature once germinated, reaching flowering size surprisingly fast.

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To all of my baby witches on tumblr, you make my heart so happy. Thank you for all of your sweet mes

To all of my baby witches on tumblr, you make my heart so happy. Thank you for all of your sweet messages on tumblr and asking when I’ll be active in the witchy community again… I am so sad I’ve been away… I’ve been lowkey dealing with grief this year and trying to make death look cute. ⁣⁣

I have so much Magick and Witch tips to share with you all soon ⁣⁣

Witchy reminder : there’s a thin line between grief and joy, to find the Magick in both realms, pretend you are the scales of balance.

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Witches’ Worts

Wort is one of those words that just sounds kind of witchy. It actually comes from the Old English wyrt which just mean “plant”. There is a forest’s worth of plants that still have the word “wort” in them- well worth it for any witch to know. (I posted this before, but it was a long list so I abridged it.)

Masterwort: A name of several umbelliferous plants.

Sulphurwort: Peucedanum officinale. Hog fennel.

Hoodwort: Scutellaria lateriflora. Also called skullcap and madweed.

Lazarwort: Laserwort.

Ebony spleenwort: common North American fern with polished black stripes,

Scorpionwort: either Ornithopus scorpioides or scorpion grass, the forget-me-not.

Water figwort: Water betony.

Stinkwort: Various plants including Helleborus foetidus, the stinking hellebore; Dittrichia graveolens and Inula graveolens; and Datura stramonium, jimson weed.;

Honeywort: A bee plant of the genus Cerinthe.

Fumewort: Genus Corydalis.

Greater Spearwort: Ranunculus lingua.

Garlicwort: Alliaria officinalis. The hedge garlic.

Miterwort or mitrewort (British): Bishop’s cap. Any plant of the genus Mitella.

Brotherwort: Wild thyme.

Crosswort: Eupatorium perfoliatum. Lysimachia quadrifolia. Boneset. Also, maywort, a species of Galium, and species of Phuopsis.

Catwort: A plant of the genus Nepeta. Catnip.

Yellow-wort: Chlora perfoliata, Gentianaceae

Haskwort: A broad-leafed bell-flower, Campanula latifolia, found throughout northern and central Europe.

Navelwort: Any of various Eurasian plants of the genus Omphalodes, having cymes of usually blue flowers and nutlets with a navellike depression on one side.,

Dragonwort: The bistort, Polygonum Bistorta, and with the old herbalists the green dragon, Dracunculus vulgaris.,

Flukewort: Hydrocotyle vulgaris.

Lichwort: The wall pellitory, Parietaria officinalis.

Talewort: Borago officinalis. Formerly considered a valuable remedy.

Mugwort: Artemisia vulgaris.

White Swallowwort: Vincetoxicum officinale.

Thoroughwort: Eupatorium perfoliatum. Boneset.

Tetterwort: The larger celandine, Chelidonium majus, so named from its use in cutaneous diseases; also, in America, sometimes the bloodroot, Sanguinaria Canadensis.

Wallwort: The dwarf elder, or danewort, Sambucus Ebulus; sometimes, also, the wall pellitory, Parietaria officinalis; the stonecrop, Sedum acre; and the navelwort, Cotyledon Umbilicus.

American lungwort: Mertensia virginica.

False miterwort: plant with tiny white flowers hanging in loose clusters on leafy stems; moist woods from Alaska to central California and east to Montana,

Neezewort: Same as sneezewort.,

Lungwort: A plant of the genus Mertensia, the lungworts. Also, a boraginaceous plant of the genus Pulmonaria.

Spurwort: Sherardia arvensis. Field madder.

Clown’s Ringwort: plant featured in the 1605 panel of the New World Tapestry.

Adderwort: (Bot.) The common bistort or snakeweed (Polygonum bistorta).,

Peterwort: Saint Peter’s wort.

St. John’s Wort: Can refer to any species of Hypericum.

Dungwort: Helleborus foetidus. Stinking hellebore.

Strapwort: Corrigiola litoralis.

Moneywort: A European creeping plant (Lysimachia nummularia) naturalized in eastern North America, having rounded, opposite leaves and single, axillary yellow flowers.

Sneezewort: A Eurasian herb (Achillea ptarmica) of the composite family, having aromatic, linear, finely serrate leaves and clusters of white flower heads grouped in corymbs.

Asterwort: Any composite plant of the family Asteraceae.

Hartwort: Any of certain plants of the genera Seseli, Tordylium, and Bupleurum.

Pepperwort: Lepidium latifolium; Lepidium campestre; Spanish cress, Lepidium cardamines. Peppergrass; cockweed; dittander; Marsilea minuta

Pearlwort: Any plant of the genus Sagina, which consists of small matted or tufted herbs of both hemispheres, with threadlike or awl-shaped leaves, and minute flowers. These plants were once regarded as a remedy for the eye-disease called pearl. Also pearlweed.

Blue throatwort: Trachelium caeruleum.

Bullock’s or Cow’s Lungwort: Verbascum thapsus, the common Mullein.

Springwort: Euphorbia lathyris. Caper spurge.

When the universe gives me exactly what I asked for:

Forgot to upload this here, a full moon calendar for 2020 for the northern hemisphere, I’m making th

Forgot to upload this here, a full moon calendar for 2020 for the northern hemisphere, I’m making the one for the southern hemisphere too <3

Full moons are perfect for charging your crystals or utensyls, to make moon water and to focus on your special intentions.

The Wolf Moon already lurks in the sky, do you have anything planned for it?

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Aries New Moon ♈️

April 11, 2021 … 6:28 am EST

[image credit: foreverconscious.com]


Aries is the firstsignof the zodiac marking a new beginning of the lunar cycle. Embrace this new chapter.


Under this New Moon our manifestation abilities will be heightened. Be mindful of your thoughts, words, and choices at this time.

Allow your thoughts to be an expression of opportunity and hope. Shift your perspective from limitationtoabundance.

You may have to take some action… you may need to follow your instincts at this time…, and make those hard choices that stem from your intuition. Know there is cosmic support on your side.

The fire sign energyof this New Moon May heighten our emotions in general. We may feel extra sensitive, needing additional love & support from those around us or our higher selves.


[image credit: RebeccaGordonAstrology.com]


Blessed Be!

WelcomePisces Season♓️

Neptune, God of the Sea, is the ruler of Pisces.

In astrology, Neptune is considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, psychic receptivity, illusion, and confusion. It rules spirituality, and all things subtle … Neptune is associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment… it is also a planet of mercy and compassion.

The more negative manifestations of Neptune include deception, trickery, deceit, guilt, and addiction…” (cafeastrology.com).

How to Thrive During Pisces Season

This is a time to hone your healing gifts, the zodiac’s deep-diving fish directs attention to what lies beneath the surface …

Remember that Water is life, carry a reusable water bottle with you to stay hydrated wherever you go. 71% of the Earth is made up of water. Roughly 60% of the human body is comprised of water as well…

Let your emotions flow like water. Pisces season brings us a heightened intuition, and we will be receiving a lot of ‘messages’ during this time especially. Pick up a journal and spend time letting your thoughts flow onto the paper ✍

Release old grudges. Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac. The Pisces sun illuminates places where we have fallen into a negative mentality, which can inspire forgiveness & change. This is the time to ask yourself, “what did I learn from this?”.


[image/artcredit: @spititdaughter on Instagram]

[image/artcredit: @butterfly.medicine on Instagram]

Valentines Day Magick

Take time today to sit with your Rose Quartz. Admire its beauty, & admire your own beauty! Inside & out.

If you have Rose Petals, sprinkle some on your altar. To bring more loving energy into your space

Your relationship status doesn’t define you, your worth, or appearance


[credits:@occult.ish on Instagram]
