

A man often overestimates what he doesn’t have… And often underestimates what he has…

Take time today to appreciate beauty

natural beauty, art, people.

Slow down, breathe deeply, smile.

It’s a beautiful world.

The limitation of liberty is justified only when it is necessary for liberty itself, to prevent an invasion of freedom that would be still worse.

- John Rawls, A Theory of Justice

sappy quotes about love as faith

“to fall in love is to create a religion that has a falliable god.”

  • if i didn’t believe in you, i wouldn’t have loved you at all.
  • ‘do you regret?’ 'i’d do it again. i’d like to believe that i’d do it again and again and again… and what more can i say?’
  • to love another person is to see the face of god.
  • his mind could do without faith, but his heart could not do without friendship: a profound contradiction, for affection in itself is faith.
  • love, the future is thine.
  • i have something to believe in now that i know you believed in me.
  • today, all day, i had the feeling a miracle would happen. i know now i was right. for here you are, and what was just a world is a star!
  • i’ll see my love tonight. and for us, stars will stop where they are.
  • we’re untouchable; we are in the air; we have magic!
  • 'i believe you! you do have magic.’ 'well, of course i do, i have you.’
  • for saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.
  • sin from thy lips? o trespass sweetly urged! give me my sin again.
  • for the first time in my long history of being locked inside things, i knew someone would come.
  • there is no answer, but eleanor is the answer.

//the last five years//falsettos//les miserables//newsies//west side story//romeo and juliet//community//the good place//

does anyone know where these quotes are from bc theyve absolutely ruined my life

-i want to tell you that i think you have the only hands that i’d like to hold in the cold because you’re the only person who knows that i can’t say words like ‘i love you’

-daydreams are many things but most substantially they are flares of faith and for me they are wishes that happen through feelings rather than saying I wish so and so would be here and love me


“Life is what happens to you while you´re busy making other plans.”

Allen Saunders

“Do you know how it feels, to finally have your prayers heard for a love you craved, only to be left feeling empty?”


The essence of your soul still envelopes me and breathes “ANGEL” into my core. Are you afraid of seeing me with someone else?”


You told me you loved me that night on the phone because it was safe. Because I didn’t tell you it was me, but you knew. You knew from my laugh. Is that why you steal songs from my playlists? What are you so afraid of?”


“Somewhere amongst these timelines, I am in two places at once. But in this timeline, I am reborn. I have learned. I am coming, far. Even if that is further away from you .”

“I am a mender of friendships. But I have no friends. I stare into souls and breathe hope into them, but I am hopeless. I am a conduit of adoration, appreciation and basic humility. But I have received none. I am the giver of givers. And I am tired.”

@inafuturewithyou Yasemin. C ©

“I want his love. To be worthy of his love. His infinite touch gliding over my body sinking through my skin to touch my soul and melt me into a thousand stars that shine just for him…”

Written by @inafuturewithyou yasemin.c copyright ©
