#pro ane



I was excited to buy a new swimsuit.

I chose a very cute one, peach colored, bare back, one piece. I haven’t used one in two years.

But when I tried it on, body dysmorphia knocked on the door: knock knock, you look deformed!

I notice every lump, every shape, every imperfection and they horrify me.

At that moment I saw a tear come out of my eyes. I took it off immediately. I told the saleswoman that it didn’t fit and almost ran out of the store.

When will I be able to try on clothes without feeling bad?


Chewing gum leads to something called “aerophagia” which is basically swallowing air. That air causes bloating and will make you feel uncomfortable, swollen, and can sometimes cause pain.

It also stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid from the stomach, which can erode the esophagus.

Whenever I chew gum, my abdomen looks swollen and that makes me think that I’ve gained weight :(


is anyone else satisfied by looking at food? ill be starving then go look at some pictures of mexican street tacos and be like, yup thats good im full.

Tips for eating less? What do you eat that doesn’t make you gain weight or how can I cheat my brain?

Esta sensación de vacio continuo me mata ,nose porque soy así ,algunas veces desearia quitarme los ojos y coser mis oidos para no escuchar ,ni ver como me gritan…sabes ,si me lastimó que me dijeras que el dinero se acaba por mi culpa y por mis gastos, yo de verdad quiero salir de esto, pero tengo tanto miedo de subir de peso y volver a ver sus caras de asco hacia mi ,su odio y desprecio ,si yo vuelvo a vivir eso ,creo que no aguantaré….tengo miedo y algunas torpes veces desearia que me protegieras y me abrazaras ,que me dijeras que me quieres y estarás conmigo ,¿pero por qué no haces eso? ,¿por qué me lastimas de esta manera?…que no ves que de verdad me duele tus palabras mamá

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El crujito de mi estomago es la calma que necesito diariamente

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