

All I wanna do these days is work out, walk for hours and sleep. I would be losing weight soo fast but I have to study soo freaking much and it‘s stressing me out which is holding me back from losing weight so much.

I‘ll try to study super effective now so I have more time to work out and feel less stressed about my exams cause I‘m prepared. Like that I‘ll be able to stay focused and reach my dreams. Let‘s do this

i got really high and binged just fantastic


Me while sick: wow can’t wait to weigh myself after this

Me while shitting: wow can’t wait to weigh myself after this

Me while existing: wow can’t wait to weigh myself after this

Me while binge eating:what is a scale? I dont know her


how i prevent a binge:

step one: distinguish why i want to eat.

-do i just like to walk in the kitchen for no good reason? -> walk around your room

-do i need to do something with my hands? -> play with your phone or look for sometting else to do with your hands.

-do i want to chew on something? -> chew gum (not your fingers/nails)

-do i crave something specific? -> (im working on that but..) scroll through tumblr and remind yourself why you do this.

step two: dont binge

is anyone else satisfied by looking at food? ill be starving then go look at some pictures of mexican street tacos and be like, yup thats good im full.

i told my gf i would eat if she didnt make me go to class. she said no like i knew she would so now she cant be mad at me for not eating:)

i can eat when im skinny

i can eat when im skinny

i can eat when im skinny

tomorrow will be my one week weigh in and im so nervous


~ 35 oz water

figured if i post my log now i cant eat for the rest of the night…

see this is why i need followers. anytime i think about eating i think “oh but my followers would be so disappointed” and then i dont eat

so hang around, it helps:)


When you only have 5 calories left for dinner before hitting your daily intake.
