

I take photos of us holding hands each time we see each other

Here’s my little collection so far.








not dating someone because they are bisexual isn’t a ‘preference’ it’s literally biphobia and it makes you a bigot

Actually you can choose *not* to date someone for any reason. You aren’t obligated to date anyone and should NEVER be pressured to date, EVER.

yes you can choose not to date someone for any reason, but if your only reason is that they are bisexual and that you would never date someone who identifies as bisexual gues what… you’re biphobic! 

I see where you’re coming from but sometimes people have underlying reasons why they won’t date someone that is bi. It may not be that they don’t like bi people it may be that bisexual people are more prone to be sexually active and they are not as sexually advanced so they don’t think they could please that person. Just a thought.

……. you are literally saying all bisexuals are prone to being more sexually active which is completely false and very biphobic, you literally just proved my point??????

I think kairon-sahpec meant that some people have deep insecurities about themselves and don’t think they are good enough for bisexual people. They’re friends with bi identifiers, but don’t have the confidence to date them.

My bf/fiance for example was always jealous and self conscious about dating me for the first 3 or 4 months cause I identify as pansexual. He felt that i could leave him for some one who was more like me in terms of sexuality and also that he wasn’t good enough for me.

but that’s you specifically. not all bisexuals have a high libido. I don’t have a high libido. you cannot generalize about bisexuals why is this so hard for everyone to comprehend

If you won’t date someone bisexual and you have no reason excepting their bisexuality then you are misunderstanding an identity and a person and making assumptions that are deeply hurtful.

If you won’t date someone bi because you don’t like them as a person that’s cool.

Hate the person not their orientation, otherwise you are a bigot.


Random socializing tip: Tell people when they’ve had a positive impact on your life!

e.g.: “Hey, remember when I asked you for advice on X? That was really helpful, I tried it and now (insert what has improved)”

“You kept gushing about (insert series/book/movie/recipe) and made it sound really appealing, so I checked it out and I really liked it!”

“Thank you for letting me vent recently, telling you what bothered me really helped me to work through it / helped me see it from another perspective / gave me the courage to address it with the person I was talking about.”

It helps people see their own strong points, it deepens your relationships, it makes the people in your life feel appreciated and special and it can give you warm fuzzy feelings!

Win/win all around!

Where does your OC fit on this affection alignment chart?

Where does your OC fit on this affection alignment chart?

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I discovered Tumblr about a year ago. It turned from a guilty pleasure to an addiction to a conduit for my own brainwashing. I don’t know if it was the hypnosis files or just the constant bombardment of images as I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled. Either way, I cannot deny now that my whole way of thinking, my entire sense of self, has been rewritten.

The difficult part: I am married with kids. And he is not interested in any of this. Even subtle suggestions have been rebuffed. He’s a nice man, but he is interested only in the woman I used to be and pretend to still be.

I’m not sure where to go from here. I’ve tried giving this up and going back to who I used to be. And it works sometimes, for a while, at least. I’ll be away for a few days, maybe even a few weeks. But then I come back. I cannot help myself. And each time it just gets stronger…

If you know my blog, you know that I love bimbos. I don’t think that every girl should be a bimbo but I do think the world would be a much better and happier place if it had more bimbos in it and if it was friendlier and more welcoming for bimbos.

Having said that this next part might sound strange, but I have some hard truths for you. Your first priority MUST be your kids! Most of the time I believe that a Husband’s and wife’s first priorities must be to each other, children being a close second, but if you leave your Husband even though He might be devastated, He is an adult and would be able to take care of Himself. He might even find a new wife some day. But you are the only mom your kids will ever have. They depend on you. I do believe that it is possible to be a good mom and to be a bimbo. It’s a tricky balance to find but it is doable. It is a lot easier of course if you have a supportive partner, but even as a single bimbo I think that you could make it work. You might not be able to be as bimboey as you would like all the time but you could do it. But your first and last priority HAS to be your kids. Whatever decision you make, you need to make it in such a way that the kids are cared for and feel safe and loved.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s not dump your Husband just yet. It sounds like you have only given Him hints of what you want and how you want to be. Is that right? Have you told Him explicitly what you want and the type of life that you want to live? I have noticed that most people never tell their partner exactly what they want, they drop a few hints, without explaining how important it is to them, the partner responds less than enthusiastically and then they get depressed and give up.

If that sounds like a difficult conversation to have then get some help. I suggest finding a kink friendly marriage counselor.

Psychology Today: Find a Sex-positive, Kink Allied Therapist

(Disclaimer: Not all kink friendly therapists are created equal. some may be comfortable counseling you on kinky scenes in the bedroom but may not have experience with 24/7 power exchanges, or you may find one that has dozens of Master/slave clients but is totally weirded out by this whole bimbo thing. So you may need to shop around to find someone who is the right fit.)

Have a few sessions solo with your therapist and discuss developing a plan for talking to your Husband.

Side note: A lot of times in situations like this I see people offer advice along the lines of trying to secretly get their partner hooked on the same stuff that they are into. I’m not a big fan of that approach. Having more sex is almost always good. And it will be helpful when you have your talk with your Husband if He has a per-existing frame of reference to what you are talking about, and even better if He has a positive association with them. BUT you really can’t change the way that people feel about things at their core. Even with hypnosis it always works best with their enthusiastic consent and participation. Don’t try to sneak your kinks on your partner.

Also don’t kid yourself, as alluring as the bimbo life might seem it’s not a sucking on Cocks and lollypops. the bimbo kink, really any kink, can be very isolating if you don’t have someone to share it with, and finding that someone can be very hard.

For example, let’s say that there are 10,000 eligible bachelors in your city, and maybe 1,000 of those that you would actually want to date, when you add a kink on top of that the number might drop to 50-20, and if it is a niche kink like bimboisim and hypnosis then you might be lucky to find two or three in your entire city who shared that kink.

And while some bimbos love the single girl bimbo life, a lot find it super challenging to be a bimbo without a Man to depend on, to please, to focus their sexual energy on, and who can do the big thinking for them. I suspect it is why you see so many bimbo blogs fade out. Without an active and supportive partner it is really hard to keep it going.

I don’t want to completely scare you off from what you enjoy. My whole mission here in Tumblr is to help and support bimbos. If this is truly the only way that you can be happy you should go into it with your eyes open.

Which brings up one last point, is this really the only way that you could be happy? If despite your best efforts you just can’t get your Husband on board, if you decide that you don’t want to leave Him, can you see any other kind of life where you are happy? If that’s the case then I would be happy to offer you some advice and suggestions on how you might pursue that too.

Those are my thoughts, but if any of my followers have thoughts or advice for @trophytoy I know that she would appreciate the help, or even just words of support.

(This post has been compiled from a DM conversation with @trophytoy with her full knowledge and consent to re-post.)



strangers being kind to u is one of the best things ever because u know that they gain nothing from it and they probably will never see u again but they just choose to be kind


How do people in your world generally feel about cohabitation and how common is it?

Ashyrans as a whole are an asocial species and do not relish the idea of having to live in close proximity to members of their own kind. The idea of living or even being in large groups is frankly alien to them at best and anxiety inducing at worst.

SHAMANIC INTUITIVE NATURE WALK Getting outside and being in nature can be a healing experience in an

Getting outside and being in nature can be a healing experience in and of itself.
Most of us have experienced the awesome effects of a walk on the beach or a hike through a forest and remember the residual relaxation that comes from being closer to the earth. Our daily lives are often set up in a way that deprives us from the essential connection we intrinsically desire to have with the natural world. I’ll take you on a Nature Walk in awe-inspiring locations in the San Francisco Bay Area and/or Sacramento area.
Walks can always be modified to suit your fitness level. As with any physical activity, please consult your physician before undergoing any new exercise regimen. Most walks will take between 3 hours to 5 hours long depending on your individual needs. It is best not to rush the process so that you can receive the exact guidance and healing needed. If it rains on the day you are supposed to go for your walk you can simply reschedule for another day.
What happens on the walk?
I will start a casual conversation to get you more acquainted with me while we walk to an area that overlooks a beautiful view of the ocean or a river. While we are in this peaceful location we will have a deeper more empathic-intuitive based conversation. The Shamanic Energy Healing work that may include the following:
Clairvoyant Reading
Guided Shamanic Journey
Personal Energy Field Cleansing, Energy
Cord Detachment/Cutting and Retrieval, Extractions of Spiritual/Energetic Intrusions, Soul Retrieval, Chakra Alignment and Cleansing, Re-balancing and Illumination, Power Animal Retrieval and Tobacco Cleansing.
For more information about each Shamanic Energy Healing treatment being offered you can simply click the link in my profile.
#creatingyounow #gregcarroll #naturewalk #empath #intuitive #shamanism #shamanichealing #sanfrancisco #sacramento #depression #anxiety #relationships #addiction #lifegoals #spirituality #spiritualawakening (at Lands End)

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What is an empath?

An empath is a gifted individual who is blessed with a heightened sense of emotions! They are a great ally to have because they’re very caring and helpful!

The abilities that come with being an empath can be very taxing if not controlled or weilded properly. However being empathic should be seen a blessing, not a curse! Let’s dive into some of the traits and how to harness them:

  • Empaths can sense energy from other people, whether an individual or a large crowd

Empaths that don’t have a handle on their ability tend to stay away from large crowds because of the magnitude of energy coming from each person! However, this can be solved by grounding oneself as a form of emotional protection. Venturing into a crowded room can be good for honing your abilities, such as playing “search and find” for different emotions, but it is important to first protect yourself!

  • Empaths easily take on the emotions of others

I can be having the best day of my life, but the moment I encounter an angry or anxious person, my mood can change on a dime! The way I remedy this is to find my emotions through the cloud of negativity. If I’m helping a grieving friend, I search myself to find and transmute the love and positivity I naturally have so I am not affected by another’s emotions. This is also great for healing that same negative person!

  • You get overstimulated easily

When an empath feels an emotion, they feel it stronger than most people! Depression is tolling on us, just as a simple thoughtful gift will send us into a state of euphoria. The important thing to remember is to know when to stop or remove the stimulus. The stimulus can come from anywhere, whether it’s:

*An annoying sound

*Being intimate with a partner

*Walking into an aisle of perfume

And more. If you cannot remove yourself or the stimulus, use your favorite grounding technique

  • You don’t feel like you fit in

Empaths experience the world differently from people without this ability. As such, they perceive much more than the average person. This makes it very difficult for us to connect with others, especially because other people choose to distance themselves from people like us or they cannot relate to the way we exist. However, this makes it easier to make connections with other empaths! It is good to familiarise yourself with people that can relate to you, so don’t hesitate to branch out!

This is all I’ll post on the subject but feel free to ask me any questions you may have!

Be well, be love, be positive!

That’s not what my parents look like, but everything else is pretty accurate

That’s not what my parents look like, but everything else is pretty accurate

Post link

Fresh broccoli and cut onion
Boiled water and a good husband
I could sit here for days
And watch you age
Cat on the pillow
Dog on the floor
All just waiting for our meals

Now I know I don’t wow you
In the way that I want to
But I’m tipsy and hungry
In sweats
And a pony
And you love me more each day

I’m writing a poem every day this December. I hope you enjoy some of them. And if you’d like to subscribe to the newsletter, click here.

We keep an eye
On each other
On the horizon
For smoke
The bags are ready
The animals with me
We’ve got nothing of value
Just books we can’t remember
And people we don’t need to be

Maybe if we burned the place down
We could have a little fun
Maybe if we abandoned it all
We’d find something in the undone

But we keep it contained
The flue managing the burn
And we search for seasons
To give us context
To give us meaning

I can’t see what we look like
When we’re old and worn
I just watch you stoke the fire
And it keeps me warm

I’m writing a poem every day this December. I hope you enjoy some of them. I wrote this one listening to “Millionaire” by Chris Stapleton and “Fireworks” by First Aid Kit.

And if you’d like to subscribe to the newsletter, click here.

Mealworms don’t die, you know?
When a lizard swallows them whole.
They’re swaddled and kept
They call it the blanket effect
Maybe they’re warm,
Though I’d bet they’re scared
but that’s how i feel too
When i press my cheek into you
Your sternum against my face
Your slender arms around my waist
Let me stay safe this way
And plan on forever
At least for today

I’m writing a poem every day this December. I hope you enjoy some of them. I wrote this one listening to “Zero” by Hans Zimmer.

Anonymous asked: soo i love shipping and my rp partner and i ship a lot with our muses. but theres one thing that bothers me. i feel like once two muses end up in a ship they sort of lose their personality (or their drive) and begin to revolve around their romance only. how can i keep the spark that my muses had before and still let them have a healthy romance with another muse?

So, the shortest answer is: Work on roleplaying the character as an active, living, intelligent person with a life and interests, and not just a tool to get romantic with. When you limit your character to their slowly growing adoration for another person, or incomplete without them, or needing them for everything, and don’t go outside that box ending up just thinking of ways to be romantic? Not only do you drive your RP into a rut, but you stop playing a “character” and start playing a “goal”. This can undermine not only plot, but believablity and characterization.

Let’s rant under the cut like I usually do shall we?

So this peeves me sometimes because I’ve seen it before. A perfectly good player will see a character they want to ship with, and all characterization goes out the window. They’ll hang on to brief remnants, personality is personality after all, but what they want to happen goes before everything else. They’ll disregard their character’s typical lack of interest to make them ‘suddenly really notice them as if for the first time’. Even over long term, where it’s a casual build, you’ll see characterization go to the wayside. Some of it is forgivable, we’re all idiots when in love, and so the characters too will change and may not see everything that is happening to them. Some of it, such as going fully against the grain for that oh so hoped for romance, is bad. That’s not the character having a crush, that’s you.

Remind yourself occasionally what the character’s goals are, their real goals, not the ones that come from romance or while seeking romance. Is your character even the type to focus on romance at all? Many characters are more interested in saving the world, dealing with their issues, and generally being way more out there. Even shoujo ai cutesy romances give the character something they genuinely want outside of The One. Look at, lord help me for returning to my past, Ouran Host Club. Haru might be the definitive harem owner with boys boys boys galore, but their goals are to get money to pay off debts, and have some fun while doing schoolwork. Mostly schoolwork. Also to keep the boys out of trouble. Sure there’s romance, and lots of of it, but it’s not the primary focus. It happens as an aside to whatever plot is going on. Because plot is important even in a romantic harem comedy. Same for Love Hina, gotta get into college and save the onsen! Same for Tenshi Muyo, gotta do something about those aliens and their problems!

You appear to be aware of this issue though, you’re not slipping away willingly. That’s good, that means you want more than hand holding and blushing for 20 paragraphs a night. You’re able to see them losing their selves in this romance, and you want to stop it. So, encourage your characters to be themselves. Make them set goals, and follow through. Push crisis into your lives. It doesn’t have to be oh god I’m pregnant and have 3 jobs and a monster is eating me from the inside of my brain. Just minor-crisis. Wanting to do something the partner doesn’t, like move or go to school again. Working out schedules. Facing the monster they’ve been avoiding. Whatever you need. Don’t start arguments for the sake of arguments, that’s kind of more of a drama queen thing, but do see if this is what your character would have wanted. What are they ignoring to live this pleasant little domesticity? 

Characters with strong opinions, or goals, don’t need fake drama to start shit. They just come with them as they go. A 3D character has all sorts of things you can use for plot. Families, history, dealing with personal growth, garden variety emotional/mental issues like fears and upset, the more advanced stuff– but honestly characters generally need the basics of living too. Food, water, shelter, relationships both romantic and platonic, hobbies, a job to pay for all this, something intellectually stimulating to relieve boredom. These things help build your character. Did their friend’s cat have kittens, and they had to stay up all night helping? Does that make them irritated, or maybe they need food now? It can still be romantic for their SO to like, get them a homecooked meal, or take them out to eat, but there’s more than that. You can be social and talk about your lives, your pasts, and everything as you grow and develop.

You aren’t RPing with the one person constantly either. Sometimes your character and their character aren’t interacting during your real life sojourns. Use the time away effectively. When you start a new ‘episode’ to your roleplay, give them time spent apart. Then fill that time with stuff they’re excited about. Let the character get excited and share their adventures. When you’re RPing with another person, as a friendship or an enemy, talk about that too. Let them grow outside of RP as much as inside it. Spread your RP social networking so you’re not relying on exactly one person. Hell, bring in NPCs if you have to. Write soliloquies. That means, write whole stories about that character behind the scenes so to speak. Solo adventures that you can post without them being part of any given thread. (In a chatroom, you can just wander around doing shit you wanna do and make new friends when they get interested.) It’s big in both roleplaying AND fanfics to have some alone/other people time or you’ll burn out on them. Same thing with real relationships. You cannot put your life and attention on a single person for extended periods of time, not even a couple people. You need to have a big, complex, varied network to help support you mentally or you’ll become codependant and every little relationship shift will scare the shit out of you. It’s extremely unhealthy not to have casual acquaintances and friendships that you can chat with outside of a relationship. Or just in general. Shit man, fixating is bad jumbles all around, it all goes to shit really really fast and your brain starts saying that even people you would never normally date are THE ONE and every sigh is THE END. So don’t do this to an RP character/partner either, it ain’t bueno.

Think about real relationships. When I think of dating someone, I do not think of snuggly cuddly kiss kissies 24/7. I think about them leaving the bathroom door open and screamsinging that they’re taking a poop to annoy me because they know I have a term paper due and I’m stressing out about it and laughing will help. I think about staying up way past my bedtime writing, with their head in my lap snoozing badly and complaining about the light and the typing noises. I think about someone eating my last slice of pizza, but making up for it with a whole new pie. I think about sitting in the same room, 10 feet apart, half watching the same TV show while online and sending each other memes and waiting for them to open it so you can see them light up and shriek. I think of cold feet in the middle of the night. I think about them leaving to go to work, or hang out with friends while I kick back at home working on a project, only for them to come home and tell me what a great time they had and being happy for them while they relate new stories to me. Or them going to live with their mom for a week and stretching out on the couch like, hells yeah, I own the TV!

Romance is cute, but a relationship should be built on a strong friendship. A strong friendship has healthy boundaries, and allows both people in the relationship to remain their selves without major (and likely dysfunctional) changes to their behavior and personality. It’s a comfortable equilibrium where two people share their own lives to make a giant life together, rather than just make one life that they’ve got to start over from scratch together. There’s gonna be pet peeves, and minor disagreements, and discussions over upcoming changes. There’s going to be bad days, where nothing seems to go right and you want to scream. There’s going to be sick days, and thunder storms to scare someone, and decisions about what pets to get. There’s time apart, and time doing the things YOU love, whether or not THEY love it.

And, right, of course, we’re also all playing anime characters, superheroes, androids/robots, sentient monsters, supernatural things, and humanized fucking playing cards or something so probably all the weird shit inclusive to their respective regions too. Like supervillain duties, and werewolves shedding on the couch, and undoing the spell that caused the crystal heart that wards off the darkness to turn to coal before the giant angry dog-spiders invade and carry off someone’s best friend to hell to raise her as their queen. You know. Normal stuff. 

What Is Revenge & How It Can Affect Our Relationships With Others & Ourselves

We have all been hurt by someone once or twice, or even more at some point in our lives. Some of these things can be very little or have a huge negative impact in someone’s life such as ignoring a text or murder of a family member in extreme cases. So what does it mean to get revenge? Revenge is a complicated and complex emotion and it often stems from anger, rage and feelings of betrayal which are our primal instincts that makes us survive in the physical world. When someone breaks several of our boundaries, we instantly feel shock, devastation, trauma and grief which can be very distressing, so much so that some people gravitate towards anger to get justice. This is where revenge comes into play - and it can get very nasty, very quickly.

Our amygdala, which is the gland that rules our emotions and sense of survival in our brain - lights up when danger is ahead or has happened. This gland controls our fight/flight/freeze mechanism which causes us to either get angry (fight), feel anxious and fearful (flight) or be in complete despair and terror (freeze). However, in revenge we switch to fight mode by getting angry over the hurt and injustice of what someone has done to us emotionally, mentally or physically. This why vengeance isn’t a beneficial emotion when it comes to understanding human psychology and behaviour. The act of revenge, no matter how small or large it is serves no purpose in the long-term as it creates more difficult and negative emotions.

Getting revenge can also become addictive in nature as it activates the pleasure and reward centres in the brain. Seeing someone who has hurt you - in pain can give you a rush of feel good hormones and neurotransmitters such as dopamine and endorphins, hence why we feel satisfied afterwards. However, this feeling is only temporary and it can have detrimental effects on our own emotional health and how we interact with others. After several months of getting revenge, we can begin to regret our actions and start to self-loathe; leading to severe depression. We also begin to become suspicious of others, which causes us to build walls around ourselves to help us stay protected from danger.

This leads to a fear of intimacy in relationships, which can cause conflict between two people. Due to the betrayal that has happened to us in the past, we find it hard to trust others because we fear that we are going to get hurt again at some point down the road. This is why emotional compatibility and good commication is so important when it comes to romantic relationships, because it allows both partners to express their feelings freely without fear or doubt. I believe that poor communication and emotional incompatibility is possibly one of the biggest reasons why many couples separate. Without good emotional compatibility, it is very difficult to maintain a healthy long term relationship.

Trust issues often stem from poor emotional intimacy between partners and this usually the case when we rush into serious relationships far too soon. This is why it is always a good idea to like someone as a person on a friendship level first, as doing so will build emotional intimacy slowly over time. I find a lot of people, particularly in the younger generation mistake lust for love; and this is why many young people go through quite a few break-ups before they meet the right person that is suitable for them.

Due to their developing emotional intelligence, younger people are also more likely to act out revenge, as they are more impulsive with their decision making. This makes them less likely to be aware of the consquences, so it increases the chances of getting revenge even more. As we get older, our emotional intelligence improves and we think about the consquences of our actions. However, this isn’t always the case; as there are people within the human population who have psychopathic and narcissistic tendancies in their personality and behavioural profile.

Due to significant damage (either by faulty genetics/mutations or a traumatic brain injury in early childhood) to the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex; this can cause changes to personality and the ability to feel emotions within ourselves and others. This is why psychopaths are so dangerous in our society. When there is damage to the prefrontal cortex, it can cause someone to become more aggressive and violent - and when you combine this with a lack of empathy due to an under-developed amydala; you have created a very hostile and unpredictable character.

When it comes to getting revenge, I think it is a lack of empathy that drives people to it; as anger and rage are emotions which are connected to our ego state of mind. Revenge is an act of an emotion which resides at a low vibration of consciousness, which is the ego and the wounded inner child. In actual fact, it is our wounded inner child that drives us to revenge as this the root centre of our pain. When someone does something to us that triggers this centre of our inner self; we begin to feel vulnerable, angry and raw - like someone has stabbed us in the back. So as a part of our survival, we fight back to help release the pain.

The message behind this post is that by creating suffering only leads to more suffering. The best revenge is to let go and create space for yourself, so you can grow to become the best version of yourself. Every experience we go through in life is there for a reason no matter how ‘good’ or 'bad’ it maybe. As humans, our brains love to label things and experiences according to our own perception. So let go of judgement, and live life more freely. Live in alignment of your higher self, whoever that may be to you.

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