#self reflection


If you ask yourself “how can I make myself a little bit more happy today?” the quality of your life should improve.

Maybe it’s 5min for yourself, maybe it’s time to read 1 page from a book, perhaps it’s a cup of tea. Whatever it is, as long as that thing makes you happy, it’s a win.

Updates on my romanticize your life posts

My friend came over for a couple of days and i moved a lot. I also tried a lot of dishes recently and i realized i wouldn’t have gone to these places to eat if i were on my own but i think i should make a habit of visiting old places i once knew because they apparently changed their recipes.

While she was here, we took a bus and i saw this guy who had this “prince from a fantasy book” vibe, after i complimented him on his vibe, i started to brainstorm a bit a new story because I can see him as a character and i cannot wait to write a draft or something for that. I hope i stumble upon him again in the future, once i finished the story.

I try to slowly get back into the habit of eating breakfast so i thought to get some salmon for breakfast. I rarely crave it but it was nice.

I made some matcha cranberry tea that my friend got me and i don’t know why, i feel like slowly i get back into my healthy habits of having fruits and veggies for every meal which is nice.

Took some funny pics with my friend. My favorite is the guacamole one.

I spent more time practicing with Duolingo recently and i really got into this state of constant love for languages. It’s not because Duolingo is great, it’s because I enjoy using them more than in basic uses.

I tried to learn more about my coworkers yesterday and i feel pretty motivated to achieve my goals after the talk with them. I also pushed one of them to go back and study for a failed exam to get her degree diploma finally. I hope she goes for that, regret haunts you quite a long way.

Something that i didn’t think would happen is me complimenting more guys recently. I usually compliment women because I know they will not take it the wrong way but after the bus guy, i complimented a guy on his rings at work and i got to the conclusion that people receive compliments way too close to never. Unlike the girls, the guys need a few seconds to process what i said and they have a *loading* expression and around they get a blush on their face, they smile awkwardly and i think that’s am adorable reaction.

Oh, and finally, after several weeks of failed attempts of trying to tell my father “i love you”, (it’s not sth you do in my family, unless they’re dead) i finally said it in an almost not so anxious way but still. Could hear his smile on the other side of the phone.

A conversation i had with my friend on her last day here:

Me: i have magic, great power

Friend *very confused*: what magic?

Me: i can make people smile! I’ll be an unstoppable force once i make more people smile

Friend *amused*: you keep doing that, go spread that magic

Overall, life is great if you keep being persistent and creative.

Apink - dumhdurum

Romanticize your life - more ideas

  • You think someone is cute? That their dress is lovely? That they have a lovely piercing? Tell them that and then run into the night! If someone stole a few seconds of your time, let them know that they’re charming in a way. It costs nothing.
  • Carry a tiny bag of oats with you. Feed some birds every once in a while. Chip chip chip
  • Rearrange your room/house. Keep yourself on your toes with the rearrangements~
  • Have a jar with a sticky note (with a goal or sth that requires money) and put coins and change in there. Feel like it’s the 2000'a again and you’re in a Disney movie or sth.
  • Carry a pocket dictionary with you everywhere. Learn 1-2 words whenever you have time.
  • Want to keep people away? Be very specific. “I drink very wet water”, “i need to walk there with my own legs”, “i need some potatoes that grew under the earth for this soup” etc. Watch them keep their distance.

I’m out of ideas for today so I stop here.

In case anyone wants to become chaos, here’s a quick guide:

  1. Do what society can’t make sense of. Aka be yourself
  2. Done, you’re chaos

“normal” is basically what you’re used to, what everyone understands. However, going outside the cage, that is chaos.

Be so full of knowledge that it makes people uneasy, be so kind that you’re out of this world, be so entitled to show the world how you are that everyone is intimidated.

October 19th

you get what you expect -Alvin Alley

We often say we want many things, while deep down inside we doubt it will come to us. The universe does not give us what we say we want; it gives us what we expect to get. You cannot fool mother nature. She gives birth to your deepest thoughts, and the principle is this: first on the inside, then on the outside. We must literally create the energy of what we want within ourselves before we can have it in the physical world. How does it feel to be wealthy? In love? Perfect health? Totally free to do anything we choose? We must let the feeling well up inside and live as though the very thing we want is the thing we have. We must feel ourselves being and enjoying the very best life has to offer. We must think about it, talk about it, and expect it every moment. We must impregnate our total being with the expectations of what we want. As the feeling grows, the day will come when we give birth to exactly what we want.

Affirmation: I expect all the best things right here and now.

Reflection: How do you choose to feel today, considering all that life has to offer.

spiritual journey, self meditation.

Feb. 23 2021

Affirmation: I am clear about what I want.

The reason we can’t get clear is because we have so many things cluttering our minds and lives. We have so much mental clutter, we can’t hear ourselves think. We have so much emotional baggage, we can’t feel what’s good, what’s bad, what’s right or what’s wrong. We want so much, so fast, that we can’t get clear about what to do first. The first thing is to get clear about the one thing we want. We must describe it, identify it, see it in our possession. Don’t stop to worry about how; that will create more clutter. Just want it and see it the way you want it. Once you do that, eliminate everything that is not getting you to what you want. Eliminate it from thought, word, and deed. Eliminate people if necessary.Stop doing things that will not get you what you want. When you are comfortable with the energy you have put into your first want, move on to the next one. The trick is to want one thing at a time.Focus on it. Concentrate on it and then let it go. 

Reflection: Clear your mind and picture the one thing you want most. Focus on that one vision until all other thoughts fade away. 

The person in the mirror is your only competition.

Stop comparing yourself to people who are on a different path than you. Even if you have the similar goals, your path is your own. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is you!

Look at where you are compared to where you used to be, are you happy with that progress? Did you think you would be further than you are? Are you where you planned to be? These are things you should be asking yourself rather than why am I not where so and so is.

Happy Monday!

Don’t limit yourself when you have so much to offer. The world is vast, just as your mind is. Take a look within and unleash all you’ve yet discovered.


The world can be scary, and throw unbearable obstacles at you like a hurricane. The pain it brings is inevitable, so work through it not around it. Learn, redirect, and let your spirit grow. I have faith in you, and now is the time to have the same faith in yourself ♡



1.  Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

2.  Your work is discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.

3.  Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.

4.  Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.

5.  The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.

6.  The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.

7.  Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday.

8.  I arise full of eagerness and energy, knowing well what achievement lies ahead of me.

9.  All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.

10.  Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality.

Keep reading

3 Things to Do When You Feel Stuck in a Rut | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah W…

Hi everyone! It has been a while since I’ve last posted. I had been dealing with crippling anxiety. I had to take a step back from social media and the world for a bit to take care of myself. Keep in mind that YOU always come first before others. It is not to be selfish. You have to take care of yourself first before you can lend a helping hand to anyone else. I hope all of you have been doing well, and remember to give yourself some time to heal and relax. Love you all! 
