#sex repulsed



Lemme kick the fucking bear again.

“Ace people can want and have sex!” directly throws people who actually don’t want sex under the bus.

And when I talk about asexuals feeling like they have to sleep with someone, or feeling like they should have sex they aren’t interested in, I don’t even fuckin believe in asexuality. So I’m not talking about your twitter mutual who is “asexual” but fucks like a rabbit. I’m talking about people who have a low, almost nonexistent, libido for whatever reason who are having sex for others rather than themselves. And I fuckin specified that.

Those people are out there, and all the people who wanna be fuckin special are actively harming them by pushing the idea that it’s totally okay to sleep with people you aren’t attracted to.

There are people out there who need to be told it’s okay to not have sex. Need to be told it’s okay to be celibate. Need to be told it’s okay to seek out a romantic relationship with someone who is gonna be okay or even happy with never having sex again.

“You can have sex” is not fucking revolutionary. It’s not helping anyone. Especially a group that is mostly female; it’s not helpful to tell them they can have sex out of obligation to their partner (typically a boyfriend).

Why is it always the people who may actually face hardship who get tossed tf out by these oh so woke queers?


People often say, ‘you should find someone. Get yourself a partner, it’s fun to be with someone’ and I agree with them. It’s fun to have someone close. The problem is, we have different definitions of 'fun with a partner’.

When others hint is 'sex is fun, have little happiness in life’

I think of relationships as: having someone to hang out with, go to cinema and on a trip to exotic countries.

I’m not sure if I should search for a boyfriend or girlfriend, because I’m fully aware what relationship means. What this really requires. And if I’m not Interested in sex and don’t feel any attraction, being in relationships is scary thought.

What if they want sleep with me and if I refuse, they will start cheating on me? What if they say I’m broken human being? What if I agree to make love be spite not wanting to, and it Will hurt me mentally?

All I want and need is a soul mate, best friend and significant other, but not act of sex.

Them: “Let loose. Have some fun for once!”

Me: *Plans dates to wildlife gardens, buys jigsaw puzzles in anticipation, prints out awesome recipes so you can cook together*

Them: “umm not like that”

meanwhile they… don’t buy condoms to safely “have fun” and expect sex at the drop of a hat with ‘no strings attached’*

(a pregnant girl on your heels ARE strings attached you numbskull!)


people who are sex-repulsed due to trauma are valid and deserve to be loved and respected.


Aces who are generally sex positive but personally sex repulsed, the new motto is “you do you, just don’t do me”

The thing about lack of sexual attraction is that you’ll have friends who say things like, “Omg did you see that person’s *assets*?”

and you’ll stand there like, “….was I supposed to?”

in a sex obsessed society having vulvodynia, vaginismus or any other sort of pelvic floor dysfunction is like a curse bc at the end of the day everything in one way or another seems to come back to sex and im just like well i can’t do that so what now

This is the most asexual thing I’ve seen all day.

All at once Hulda threw herself into his arms, wrapping her own around his shoulders. Her mouth met his, sweet and a little salty. 

He held her tightly going mwa mwa mwa with his lips because i never know how to write kissing.

This is what happens when you write romance with a sex-repulsed ace… lol

Being horny while asexual (in my experience) is like wanting to eat tide pods: you know you don’t want to do it, you know you will find it unpleasant if you do it, but there’s still that little voice telling you to do it.


kinda a hot take:

being sex repulsed is not an excuse to be sex negative

[Calling out sex negativity is not an excuse to be aphobic either. Aphobes will be bitten]


Sex and romance repulsion don’t always follow logical rules. It’s normal if your repulsion is strong sometimes and weak or gone other times. It’s normal if it only shows up in very specific circumstances. It’s normal if it’s not predictable when it shows up.


You can be sex repulsed and sex positive. Sex repulsion is an involuntary reaction to sexual situations personally involving you, it’s not a judgment on others sex lives.

Sex positivity is acknowledging that sex can be positive and healthy for the people doing it, and not judging people for their sexual choices so long as they’re not causing any harm. This means allowing people who choose not to have sex to have their autonomy respected as well.

Romance and sex repulsed aroace culture is really enjoying aro lovecore because it feels like reclaiming something that usually is really negative for you

huge shout-out to sex-repulsed furries. I’m so sorry about the stereotypes about the furry community that it’s somehow an inherently sexual thing, and i hope you know that you absolutely can be a furry while sex repulsed.



You are in a kitchen, opening a pantry door. It contains every brand of cereal in existence.

Libido- How hungry you are

Sexual Attraction- How appealing each cereal is to you

Sex-Repulsed- The mere act of eating cereal disturbs you. You flee the kitchen to watch Netflix instead.

Sex-Indifferent- Someone brings you a bowl of cereal. Even though you don’t crave cereal, you decide to eat some anyway. Maybe because you want the person to feel happy you’re eating something they provided you. Maybe you’re just that hungry. Regardless, you’re fine with eating it since it’s already there. If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t care either.

Sex-favorable-Though you don’t particularly crave cereal, the act of eating cereal is enjoyable. So enjoyable, you go through the trouble of picking a brand to eat.

Asexual with low/no libido- You are rarely hungry, and none of the cereal appeals to you.

Asexual with average/high libido- You are often hungry, but none of the cereal appeals to you.

Aegosexual-  Eating cereal sounds fun in theory but not in practice. You certainly have no interest in eating cereal yourself. You’d rather fantasize about other people eating cereal, thankyouverymuch. 

Gray Asexual- You only like Lucky Charms and Apple Jacks. And maybe Fruity Pebbles but you’re not quite sure.

Demisexual- You see a box of Trix. You are familiar with the rabbit on the box, due to the commercials you’ve seen. You always sympathized with the rabbit for never getting any Trix. There are things in life you’ve wanted but have never gotten. You feel a bond with the rabbit. Suddenly that box of Trix looks tasty.

Fraysexual- You see a box of Cocoa Puffs. You have never heard of Cocoa Puffs in your life. But something about it is oh-so-appealing. You pour yourself a bowl. As you start to eat, you catch a commercial for Cocoa Puffs on TV. You now know what the mascot on the box is like. You lose interest in Cocoa Puffs for reasons you cannot explain.

Lithosexual- You notice a box of Fruit Loops. You feel an urge to eat it. Toucan Sam comes to life and asks you to eat them. This makes you uncomfortable, so you leave to watch Netflix with the sex-repulsed ace.

Reciprosexual- You have no interest in any of the cereal. Not even that box of Frosted Flakes. But Tony the Tiger shows up wanting you to eat the Frosted Flakes. Now that he wants you to eat Frosted Flakes, you want to eat Frosted Flakes. 

Cupiosexual- You want to eat cereal, but none of the cereal looks appealing. Maybe if you grab that box of Corn Flakes, it’ll become appealing to you later? It’s happened to other people. You consider grabbing that box of Corn Flakes, just in case.

Orchidsexual- Some of the cereal looks appealing, but you have no interest in eating cereal.

Aceflux- None of the cereal looks good, so you close the pantry. A few days later, you decide to open the pantry again. Now, some of those brands look appetizing. You check the pantry again the next day. None of the cereal looks good anymore.

Quoisexual- You have no idea if you like a cereal because you want to eat it, or if you just think the box art is pretty. Does liking the box art count as wanting to eat it? Do you just like the mascot? Does liking the mascot count as wanting to eat the cereal? After reading everything I’ve written, you are still confused. You bang your head against the pantry in frustration.

I never expected this post to get so popular, so here’s some other identities I considered adding at the time, but didn’t bother.

Sex-Ambivalent- Sometimes the thought of eating cereal repulses you. Sometimes you don’t care. Sometimes you might even want cereal, even if none of the cereal looks good.

Inactsexual- The thought of eating cereal is upsetting and downright repulsive. But oddly enough, you want to eat cereal. Some of the cereal may even look appealing. And yet, eating cereal is icky. How is that possible? Not even you understand.

Bellussexual- You find the act of eating cereal interesting. You can certainly get behind the aesthetic. However, there are no brands you wish to eat. Come to think of it, you actually don’t even want to eat cereal. What the hell?

Cogitarisexual- When you think about it, Cheerios sound pretty good. You grab the box, take one look at it, and suddenly lose interest.

Iamvanosexual- You don’t want to eat cereal unless someone comes along and offers it to you on a spoon. Not because you are lazy or inconsiderate. You simply have no interest in giving anyone else cereal for unexplainable reasons.

Placiosexual- You don’t want anyone feeding you cereal. However, you can easily get behind feeding someone else cereal. That sounds like a fun time.

Requisexual- You have no interest in eating cereal. You find no cereal appealing. You are emotionally exhausted and out of spoons.

Myrsexual- You relate to a lot of these. You feel like you are aegosexual, and yet demisexual seems to apply too. Maybe you’re even lithosexual on top of that. Who knows. Certainly not you!
