


So I gained all my weight back 《43 kg》 but I’ve lost 3 kg !!! 《40 kg》 I might sleep now it’s 12:01 and I usually wake up at 9 or 10 and that’s a good amount of sleep and if I sleep more than 8 hours I usually feel good and burn more calories so look thinner yay. Also I’ve been trying my new diet 《2 weeks in it》 and oh my I’ve failed so bad so far. Anyway gonna watch asmr goodnight :D


My mum found out about my bulimia a few months ago and I put on 4 kg but lost 1 so I’m 41 kg again and I wanna fucking DIEEIEIESJEHHE but I won’t purge anymore instead I exersize or starve so HEE HEE

So I made this out of Bordom and just bordom but Imma do this next month. I was gonna do this month because I thought it was December oops lmao but I realised I was 4 days late so I’m prepared for next month. Imma also start posting the myfitnesspal calorie intake I have everyday now. So be ready for that.

mommy issues hurt, im not eating tonight.

* Im seeing my boyfriend in eight days and I want not to look like a cow

* Everything is fucking stressful right now.

* I am in a treatment center for drug use so it should be easy to restrict when Im busy doing program all day

* Ive been eating like absolute shit

hello ppl who are reading this (most likely followers) but… i just needed to put something out there. i notice a lot of thinspo blogs still liking/reblogging old thinspo posts of mine, and following me after. i want to make it abundantly clear that this is a RECOVERY-BASED/non-eating disordered blog. old posts of mine don’t reflect how i am or how i feel today, as i’ve come a very long way from how i used to be.

please do not, i repeat *do not* interact with my blog if you are not a recovery blog or a non-eating disordered blog. i’m working hard to scrub my tumblr since i don’t want to have to make a new one, but it’s triggering as fuck still getting likes/reblogs/follows from skInNyBiTcHsTaRvEYOuRSElfx69 at this point in my life.

if you followed this blog believing it to be a thinspo blog, i’d recommend unfollowing before you’re sorely disappointed.
