#why am i like this


*drinks another shot*

My brain to me: what are you doing?

My liver to me: what are you doing?

My stomach to me: what are you doing?

Me to my ex: what are you doing?

I hate mood shifts are great.

me: *washes spoon*

spoon: *washes me back*

I had five years of French in school and all I remember is that I had five years of French in school.

Hey guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, I got a question: Is it wrong of me to be upset over friends forgetting my birthday or not telling me until I ask if they want to come to a bonfire that their graduation is the same day.

Like I’m super proud of them and happy that they’re graduating and like I understand because it’s a super important milestone and I even told them that I understood and not to even worry about it because they were graduating with their bachelors finally but like in all the times that we’ve hung out over the past semester no one said anything to me about when it was going to happen or even that they were graduating this semester because I could have sworn they still had another left. And like apparently a lot of my other friends I invited (who I had previously talked to about the bonfire) knew that was the day for graduation and didn’t think to tell me before I sent the date out to everyone else.

(There’s also the fact that some of my other friends have a birthday close to mine and the same friend group has talked about having a party for them and I was volunteered to make the food and not once did they mention that my birthday was literally a week away from theirs when the group is generally really really good at remembering everyone else’s birthday without outside prompting)

Am I over reacting and being petty for not wanting to cancel it? Like I probably shouldn’t even be this hurt but I am and I feel like I can’t talk to them about it without coming off as super self centered. I’m just tired of being forgotten

Human male: *speaks to me*

Me: wow!!! Rude. The nerve.

Me: I want my readers to feel appreciated and loved. They deserve that.

Also me: Hothead is probably going to fuck Spitfire against a tree. Also deserved.

Sorry, lovelies.

ich weiß, dass das hier wahrscheinlich kaum einer lesen wird. aber ich möchte meine Gefühle mal kurz loswerden.

ich fühle mich, als würde ich ertrinken, aber ich selbst weiß nicht mal, warum. und niemand versteht es. niemand versteht, dass ich einfach nicht mehr kann. die hölle, die sich leben nennt, die ist einfach nichts für mich.

wieso stelle ich alles infrage?

wieso mache ich mir um alles so verdammt viele Gedanken?

wieso hasse ich mich selber so?

es scheint, als sei alles um mich rum so perfekt und ich bin das einzige, was so wertlos ist. wieso ist das so?

warum habe ich solche angst um alles, aber auf der anderen seite ist mir alles so egal?

ich weiß nicht, was los ist mit mir. ich will es herausfinden, aber es geht irgendwie nicht. mein kopf ist einfach so voll, da passt nichts mehr rein.

wieso bin ich so?

brauche ich hilfe?

 a few days ago..me: hmm i should really work on those uni assignments, manmy brain: how about we dr

a few days ago..
me: hmm i should really work on those uni assignments, man
my brain: how about we draw a handsome dude instead?

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When will the hole in my chest stop feeling so empty?

When will my heart stop being so heavy?

When will my mind know what happiness is again?

When will my soul heal from all this despair?

That thing I was putting off for weeks, took only 7 minutes to do.

A memoir, by yours truly.
