#womens health

The federal government has issued new rules aimed at eliminating systemic gender bias in medical res

The federal government has issued new rules aimed at eliminating systemic gender bias in medical research. It’s no longer enough for scientists testing drugs and doing other kinds of research to include women in clinical studies at the end of the process, the National Institutes of Health says. From now on, scientists must begin using female subjects in their very first laboratory experiments — including female animals and female-derived cells.


Researchers [have often] avoided using female animals for fear that their reproductive cycles and hormone fluctuations would confound the results of delicately calibrated experiments.

That laboratory tradition has had enormous consequences for women. Name a new drug or treatment, and odds are researchers know far more about its effect on men than on women.

It’s been 25 years or so since gender bias in medical studies emerged as a major women’s health issue. Women now make up more than half the participants in government-funded clinical research, but they are still often underrepresented in clinical trials carried out by private companies.

Partly as a result, women experience more severe side effects from new treatments, studies have shown.

Yet clinical studies are just the last stage of the lengthy process of developing drugs and medical devices. And even in NIH-funded studies, female subjects continue to be hugely underrepresented in earlier stages of lab research, Roni Caryn Rabin reports.

Bias in mammalian test subjects was evident in eight of 10 scientific disciplines in an analysis of published research conducted by Irving Zucker, a professor of psychology and integrative biology at the University of California, Berkeley. The most lopsided was neuroscience, where single-sex studies of male animals outnumbered those of females by 5.5 to 1.

Even when researchers study diseases that are more prevalent in women — including anxiety, depression, thyroid disease and multiple sclerosis — they often rely on male animals, Zucker has found.

(photo via Wikipedia)

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Today’s heroin users are more likely to be female than in the 1960s, vox’s German Lopez

Today’s heroin users are more likely to be female than in the 1960s,vox’s German Lopez reports.They’re also older and much whiter than in the past, and much more likely to have gotten hooked first on prescription drugs.

Data from a new retrospective analysis by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and Nova Southeastern University in Miami, published in JAMA Psychiatry.

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The law of unintended consequences (unless part of the point is making women suffer).


More and more laws have been restricting and banning abortions across the U.S., here’s what’s happening and what you can do about it.

What happened in Alabama?

  • Tuesday, Alabama’s state senate passed a ban on abortion, making it a crime for doctors to perform the procedure, at any stage of pregnancy. 
  • Doctors could face up to 99 years in prison for helping their patients terminate unwanted or unviable pregnancies.
  • This law was decided on by 25 white men, and passed by a vote of 25 vs 6. The 3 women on the state senate all voted against it. However, the law was written, and signed, by two women.
  • These senators refused to add exceptions for cases of rape or incest, by voting against democratic amendments. The text only allows an exception when the pregnant woman’s health is at serious risk. This gives women lesser rights than those of rapists or abusers, and makes the abortion ban the strictest in the US. 
  • Wednesday, Alabama’s Republican governor, Kay Ivey, signed it into law. 
  • This does not immediately outlaw the procedure (which is currently still legal). The measure would take effect in six months, if it passes.
  • These anti-abortion politicians want to overturn Roe v Wade, the landmark ruling that legalized abortion nationwide in 1973, by taking this ban to the supreme court. In other words, they’re working to make abortions illegal across the country. So, if you think this bill doesn’t concern you, IT DOES. 
  • Alabama is one of 16 (Republican controlled) states to introduce or pass anti-abortion laws. This represents a growing push against women’s reproductive rights in the U.S., fuelled by right-wing, republican Christians, and made worse under Trump’s presidency.

What are we doing to stop this?

  • State senator Vivian Davis Figures fought hard against this bill. She told the male lawmakers: “You don’t have to raise that child. You don’t have to carry that child. You don’t have to do anything for that child, but you want to make the decision for that woman.” She proposed amendments to expand Medicaid, force legislators who voted for the measure to pay the state’s legal bills, or make it a crime for men to get vasectomies. All were rejected.
  • Pro-choice activists have promised to challenge the measure in court. The ACLU said it will file a lawsuit (with Planned Parenthood) “to stop this unconstitutional ban and protect every woman’s right to make her own choice about her healthcare, her body and her future.” The legal battle could stop the restrictions entirely, or at least delay them. 
  • They also acted against the spread of fear and misinformation. Staci Fox, CEO of Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates, stressed that abortion is currently still legal in all 50 states. And the ACLU of Alabamatweeted “PLEASE REMEMBER: This bill will not take effect anytime in the near future, and abortion will remain a safe, legal medical procedure at all clinics in Alabama.” Don’t forget to also share this message for people who might need to read it.
  • Democratic leaders reacted with outrage, and pledged to fight for abortion rights. This includes Joe BidenAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez,Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren.

What can you do?

If you want, and are able to help, please donate to:

Here are some more things you can do right now: 

  • You can participate in the online donation campaign Democrat senator Cory Booker created to help some of the organizations listed above to protect access to abortions.
  • You can check and share this Twitter thread to know which organizations help provide safe abortions near you.
  • You can write to Alabama’s Governor Kay Ivey via Planned Parenthood, here.
  • Also, if you’re from Alabama, support and vote for Vivian Davis Figures, who fought this bill in her state senate, pledged to “continue to stand for the rights of ALL women to use our God given free will”, and is running for re-election in early June.

Please share any additional information or ressources, and spread this shit like wildfire.


Sources: New York Times,CNN,The Guardian,NPRThe Huffington PostThe WeekWell and Good

#abortion    #feminism    #sexism    #feminist    #alabama    #pro choice    #abortions    #reproductive rights    #womens rights    #joe biden    #womens health    #handmaids tale    #the handmaids tale    
 *I would change “women” to “people” as we all know not only women need birth control* x

*I would change “women” to “people” as we all know not only women need birth control* xBx

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womens health
Comprehensive Care for Gestational Diabetes Women with diabetes need comprehensive care before and d

Comprehensive Care for Gestational Diabetes

Women with diabetes need comprehensive care before and during pregnancy. The Diabetes and Pregnancy Program (DAPP) at UC San Diego Health, the only one of its kind in the San Diego Region, cares for the diverse population of women with diabetes in San Diego County.

DAPP is designed to provide specialized care to patients with diabetes through a multidisciplinary approach, following the California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program guidelines.

“Patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, or those who have recently been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, require a team of specialists to assist with a healthy pregnancy and optimize the outcome for both the patient and baby,” said Sandy Ramos, MD, director of DAPP and perinatologist at UC San Diego Health.

“For example, working with a specialist to manage blood sugar before and during pregnancy can decrease the risk of complications and make it more likely that the patient can carry the baby to term.”

Ramos and Kristen Kulasa, MD, endocrinologist at UC San Diego Health, elaborate:

Question: How common is gestational diabetes and what are the complications?

Answer: Approximately one in five women delivering babies in San Diego County begin their pregnancies with diabetes, and others develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy. These women are at risk for complications during pregnancy and after delivery, including high blood pressure, eye disease, kidney disease, too much weight gain, severe hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).

Their babies are also at increased risk for complications, including macrosomia (high birth weight), higher rates of miscarriage and stillbirth, birth defects, delivery complications and jaundice.

Q: What type of services does DAPP provide?

A: DAPP includes six certified diabetes care and education specialists (DECS), nutritionists and social workers under the direction of two maternal fetal medicine experts. The program provides care to approximately 500 patients with gestational diabetes, 120 patients with type 2 diabetes and 40 patients with type 1 diabetes per year.

As a clinical program in the region’s only academic medical center, DAPP provides leading edge diabetes care from preconception to postpartum, utilizing the latest technology available, including the use of sophisticated insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring.  

For example, the DAPP team has found success using “closed loop systems” to improve glucose control in patients with type 1 diabetes in pregnancy. This technology allows integration of information from the continuous glucose monitor to augment or “talk” to insulin pumps. This allows the insulin pump to increase insulin delivery if the glucose values are high or to decrease or even suspend insulin delivery if the glucose value is low.

With the aim of improving the maternal and neonatal outcomes of women with diabetes, patients are also given the opportunity to participate in clinical trials, such as the Medical Optimization of Management of Pregnancy with Overt Diabetes (MOMPOD) trial, a randomized clinical trial of Metformin as an adjunct to insulin for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

DAPP provides primary obstetrical care for complicated patients with diabetes and is able to provide consultative services to co-manage patients with gestational diabetes.  

Q: How are you addressing gestational diabetes with patients in terms of lifestyle interventions and medications available?

A: To treat gestational diabetes, we encourage nutrition changes to limit simple carbohydrates and recommend exercise. Most patients with gestational diabetes can manage their glucose values with these changes alone. If elevations persist, they can be treated with medicines like insulin and metformin. However, these lifestyle changes are important tools to continue to lower the risk of development of type 2 diabetes. Women who develop gestational diabetes have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

Q: What research needs to be done to improve how diabetes is managed in pregnancy?

A:  There are many new medications used for management of type 2 diabetes that haven’t been studied in pregnancy. The issue of safety of these medications needs further exploration in pregnancy. Additionally, technology, including blue tooth-enabled meters and continuous glucose monitors, commonly used in type 1 diabetes, need to be studied in other types of diabetes in pregnancy to see if they may be useful tools to improve the care of women with diabetes.

— Michelle Brubaker

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A type of breast implant used by millions of women around the world is under scrutiny after French surgeons were advised to stop using it because of a potential link with a rare kind of cancer.

Textured breast implants have been linked with anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), which forms in the scar capsule around the implant and normally begins with pain and swelling in the breast.

Women who have the implants and capsules removed can make a full recovery, but if left untreated the disease can spread throughout the body and become life-threatening.

There is growing concern about the effects of the implants, with figures collected by plastic surgeons suggesting there have been at least 615 cases of the disease associated with breast implants, and 16 deaths.



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Hi Rep. Mike Rogers! We fixed your press release!P.S. Thanks for the advance warning re: your upcomi

Hi Rep. Mike Rogers! We fixed your press release!

P.S. Thanks for the advance warning re: your upcoming plans to ban abortion coverage by making the Hyde Amendment permanent!

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Brayden Olson for Loloestrin Fe! Check out these cute videos on social media!

Brayden Olson’s work for Loloestrin Fe birth control. Keep an eye out for these fun gifs on social media!

Arthritis is one of the most painful experience that many men and women are suffering from, it is an inflammation of the joints. Moreover it can affect one joint or multiple joints. Basically there are two types of Arthritis namely osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Worldwide research states that the symptoms of arthritis usually develop over-time but it may also appear suddenly and in adults above 65 years, it is quite common. It can also develop in younger adults too. Apparently Arthritis is more common in women than men and in people who are overweight.

Prime Causes of Arthritis:

Cartilage is a firm but strong connective tissue in your joints. Cartilage protects the joints by absorbing shock and pressure created by you when you move and put pressure on them. Some forms of arthritis comes into existence after slow reduction of cartilage.

OA ; that is one of the most common form of arthritis is caused by normal wear and tear of cartilage tissue and the risk may be higher if you have a family issue.

Also Read: Know the 8 Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease & Its Treatment

RA ; is one of the most common form of arthritis caused due to autoimmune disorder. It generally occurs when the immune system of your body itself attacks the tissues of the body. The autoimmune system attacks Synovium , a soft tissue in your joints. Synovium produces a liquid that nourishes the cartilage and lubricates the joints.

Symptoms of Arthritis:

Joint Pain


Range of motion may decrease

Redness of skin around the joints

Worse symptoms in the morning in most of the cases

Many experience a loss of appetite

Decrease on Red Blood Cell count

Joint deformity

Inflammation in the activity of immune system

Risk Factors for Arthritis:

In some cases where the genes are inherited from ancestors, there is a great risk of injury from specific activities. Some may break their bones while playing etc.

Also Read: Eczema: Causes, symptoms, and treatments in Homeopathy

Signs of Arthritis that You must notice:

In case when large joints are involved, such as knee, there can be loss of cartilage with limitation of motion from the joint damage.

And when Arthritis affects small joints in fingers, there can be bone growth, loss of hand grip and grip strength of the hand. Moreover Rheumatic can also cause symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints.

Diagnosis of Arthritis and Why it is important:

The first step in the diagnosis starts when the patient meets the doctor face to face so that the doctor will review the history of the ongoing symptoms. If you are currently staying in India and want to book an appointment for your treatment of your arthritis problem you can also directly call @ +91 - 8948209775 to meet Dr. Kumar Gaurav . The doctor will ask questions about or examine other parts for inflammation and deformity and signs of diseases that can affect other parts of your body.

Certain tests of  blood, urine, joint fluid, and/or X-ray tests might be ordered.

As far as treatment is concerned earlier and accurate diagnosis can help to prevent irreversible damage and disability and you have the best option to go for Homoeopathy as you will get rid of the side effects and can get complete curable treatment from Dr. Kumar Gaurav if you book an appointment and visit him at his clinic at the early stage of Arthritis.

Also visit: Dr. Kumar Gaurav,Nath Homeopathic Clinic,Best Homeopathic Doctors in Lucknow,Best Homeopathic Doctors in India,Sexual Disorder Treatment,Homeopathic Treatment,Homeopathic Doctor,Best Homeopathic Doctors in India,Best Homeopathic Doctors in Lucknow,Best Homeopathic Doctors Contact Information,Best Homeopathic Doctors Contact Information Lucknow,Best Homeopathic Doctors appointment in Lucknow,Lucknow Homeopathy Best Doctors,Best Doctors in Lucknow appointment Contact Numbers

#health    #mens health    #womens health    #health tips    #womens health    

Arthritis is one of the most painful experience that many men and women are suffering from, it is an inflammation of the joints. Moreover it can affect one joint or multiple joints. Basically there are two types of Arthritis namely osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Worldwide research states that the symptoms of arthritis usually develop over-time but it may also appear suddenly and in adults above 65 years, it is quite common. It can also develop in younger adults too. Apparently Arthritis is more common in women than men and in people who are overweight.

Prime Causes of Arthritis:

Cartilage is a firm but strong connective tissue in your joints. Cartilage protects the joints by absorbing shock and pressure created by you when you move and put pressure on them. Some forms of arthritis comes into existence after slow reduction of cartilage.

OA ; that is one of the most common form of arthritis is caused by normal wear and tear of cartilage tissue and the risk may be higher if you have a family issue.

Also Read: Know the 8 Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease & Its Treatment

RA ; is one of the most common form of arthritis caused due to autoimmune disorder. It generally occurs when the immune system of your body itself attacks the tissues of the body. The autoimmune system attacks Synovium , a soft tissue in your joints. Synovium produces a liquid that nourishes the cartilage and lubricates the joints.

Symptoms of Arthritis:

Joint Pain


Range of motion may decrease

Redness of skin around the joints

Worse symptoms in the morning in most of the cases

Many experience a loss of appetite

Decrease on Red Blood Cell count

Joint deformity

Inflammation in the activity of immune system

Risk Factors for Arthritis:

In some cases where the genes are inherited from ancestors, there is a great risk of injury from specific activities. Some may break their bones while playing etc.

Also Read: Eczema: Causes, symptoms, and treatments in Homeopathy

Signs of Arthritis that You must notice:

In case when large joints are involved, such as knee, there can be loss of cartilage with limitation of motion from the joint damage.

And when Arthritis affects small joints in fingers, there can be bone growth, loss of hand grip and grip strength of the hand. Moreover Rheumatic can also cause symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints.

Diagnosis of Arthritis and Why it is important:

The first step in the diagnosis starts when the patient meets the doctor face to face so that the doctor will review the history of the ongoing symptoms. If you are currently staying in India and want to book an appointment for your treatment of your arthritis problem you can also directly call @ +91 - 8948209775 to meet Dr. Kumar Gaurav . The doctor will ask questions about or examine other parts for inflammation and deformity and signs of diseases that can affect other parts of your body.

Certain tests of  blood, urine, joint fluid, and/or X-ray tests might be ordered.

As far as treatment is concerned earlier and accurate diagnosis can help to prevent irreversible damage and disability and you have the best option to go for Homoeopathy as you will get rid of the side effects and can get complete curable treatment from Dr. Kumar Gaurav if you book an appointment and visit him at his clinic at the early stage of Arthritis.

Also visit: Dr. Kumar Gaurav,Nath Homeopathic Clinic,Best Homeopathic Doctors in Lucknow,Best Homeopathic Doctors in India,Sexual Disorder Treatment,Homeopathic Treatment,Homeopathic Doctor,Best Homeopathic Doctors in India,Best Homeopathic Doctors in Lucknow,Best Homeopathic Doctors Contact Information,Best Homeopathic Doctors Contact Information Lucknow,Best Homeopathic Doctors appointment in Lucknow,Lucknow Homeopathy Best Doctors,Best Doctors in Lucknow appointment Contact Numbers

#health    #mens health    #womens health    #health tips    #womens health    

Ashwaghanda also known as Withania somnifera and also known as Indian ginseng and winter cherry, is a plant valued for centuries in India. Ashwagandha churna refers to the powdered form of ashwagandha.

Ayurvedic practitioners have long used its leaves, roots and berries to treat anemia, chronic inflammatory diseases, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, arthritis, and diabetes among other conditions. Ashwagandha is sometimes used as a poultice to relieve pain as well.

Ashwagandha possesses anti-inflammatory characteristics which may slow the progression of cartilage damage in osteoarthritis. Moreover, animal studies demonstrate that the plant may improve insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes.

Rare side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, skin irritation and abdominal pain. Ashwagandha seems to increase the sedative qualities of barbiturates. Speak with a physician before using ashwagandha, as it may interact with prescription or over-the-counter medicines.

Here are some of the benefits of eating Ashwagandha Churna that you must know:

Ashwagandha acts as a general body tonic; it makes you stronger and healthier. It is one of the most important ingredients of Chyawanprash (Ayurvedic preparation for immunity, health, and vitality). In addition to boosting your overall immunity, Ashwagandha also acts as an anti-cancer agent as it slows the growth of cancerous tumors.

Ashwagandha is used as an aphrodisiac as well since it supports sexual health. Ashwagandha had aphrodisiac properties and people use it as a medication to improve vitality and fertility. It also helps in increasing sperm count and also the quality of sperms.

Ashwagandha translates to “smell of a horse”, in Sanskrit. It is believed that a person who consumes Ashwagandha will gain horse-like strength and vitality. In Ayurveda, Ashwagandha is referred to as Balya, which means giving strength in conditions like general debility. It is known to improve energy, increase stamina and endurance and fight fatigue. It nourishes all the body tissues, including the joints, bones, and nerves. It is also good for people who do physical labor or exercise a lot, to help the body adapt to physical stress.

Ashwagandha is perfect for those who suffer from stress and anxiety as it inhibits high levels of cortisol, ‘the stress hormone’. It helps in relieving physical and mental stress and overcome depression. Ashwagandha helps promote relaxation as it is a natural adaptogen. It nourishes the nerves and improves nerve function to help you maintain calm during stressful situations. It helps in providing nourishment to the brain for its better function and greater ability to work and is known as a mood-boosting herb.

It helps in mental and physical stress. We may say it is anti inflammatory and anti free radical. Useful in joint pains, emancipation as well as obesity. It is used in combination with other drugs as per the texts of Ayurveda ( yoga Vidhi). As for churns, I do not know which text it is following. It is being used for treating cancer in AVS Kottakkal, has been tested and found beneficial by AIIMS Delhi as well, not that treatment at AVS need any other certification.

Also Check out: Latest Bollywood News,Latest Hollywood News,Latest Entertainment News,Latest Health Tips and Tricks

#health    #mens health    #womens health    #health tips    
Alopecia Symptoms, Hair Baldness and Its Treatment in HomoeopathyAlopecia aka Alopecia areata is a c

Alopecia Symptoms, Hair Baldness and Its Treatment in Homoeopathy

Alopecia aka Alopecia areata is a condition in which hair is lost on some parts of the human body and as a result of which bald spots can be seen on those specific areas. Some physicians believe that Psychological stress may be the reason behind the symptom.

Source: Alopecia Symptoms, Hair Baldness and Its Treatment in Homoeopathy

Dr. Kumar Gaurav

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#homeopathy    #health    #mens health    #womens health    #hair fall    
Parkinson’s Disease and Its Treatment in HomoeopathyParkinson’s disease that comes under

Parkinson’s Disease and Its Treatment in Homoeopathy

Parkinson’s disease that comes under the specialty  of Neurology and the cause of this syndrome is still unknown and it is believed that it involves both genetic and environmental factors. In other words Parkinson’s disease is a long-term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects motor system(cerebral cortex, neurons in the corticospinal tract). In this article you will get to know more about Parkinson’s disease and how it is treated in Homoeopathy. Read more Parkinson’s Disease and Its Treatment in Homoeopathy

Source: Dr. Kumar Gaurav - Best and World-Class Homoeopathic Treatment

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#homeopathy    #medicine    #medical    #health    #mens health    #womens health    


Why I’m so upset.  I don’t really. 


     I mean, obviously, I would prefer not to have Cancer, that’s kind of a duh statement.  But the hysterectomy… it’s exactly what I wanted- like, a year ago.  Longer even than that really.


But the more I think about it, the more upset I get.  I’m 30 years old.  30. 




I’m 30 years old and I have Cancer and they’re going to rip out my womb, and my ovaries, and everything tied along with it and leave me with what?


A shell?


     I wanted a hysterectomy because I knew it would definitively fix my pain, and my discomfort, and my constant, never-ending fuckwad of menstrual issues.  But what will be left when they take out my womb?  What happens to that space in my body? 


Is it just… empty forever?  What does it feel like when it’s gone?


     I’ve never… not noticed my uterus.  Or my ovaries.  It’s just always been such an issue… I can’t fathom those pieces of me just… not existing inside me anymore.  And I know it’s for the best, I knew that a year ago… but now that it’s happening I can’t seem to stop wondering–


what happens to the place where my babies were supposed to grow?  what happens to the space it leaves behind?


What kind of hole is that going to leave in me… truly?  I’m not talking about the physical ramifications.  I just mean…


I don’t know what I mean.


Who am I without that part of me?


Who am I without that… potential? 


     And yes, I decided a long time ago I wasn’t the “mom” type.  That parenthood wasn’t the road I’m on.  I decided a long time ago that by the time I was ready for a relationship it would be too late for kids anyway.


    But all of a sudden, now, for some reason… I’m devastated that the door is closing.  That that choice will no longer be there for me to make in 5 years, in 10.  And I can be as forward-thinking, and feminist as I want about it and spout all the things I’ve said about my uterus not making me a woman, about parenthood not defining a woman, about how those “biological imperatives” aren’t what define me as a woman.


But at 12:30 at night on the day it was decided that my reproductive system needs to be scrubbed clean from my body… I look at my soft white breasts and think– no child will ever feed here.  I touch a hand to my swollen, pain-racked belly and think– no child will ever kick inside of me.  As cramps ripple my abdomen I think… this is the closest I will ever come to labor. 


And for the first time in my life, in all of the times I’ve railed against it, in all of the speeches I’ve given about not wanting it, not needing it, not having any desire for it–

I am desperately, achingly sad that I will never be able to change my mind.  Because Cancer stole my choice.


     So to the babies I’ll never have, I’m sorry.  Maybe there would never have been any, maybe not even one child.  But maybe… I’m sorry.  Because maybe someday I would have loved you spectacularly.  Because despite all this pain, and anger, and frustration– I am soft, and warm, and loving.  And maybe you would never have existed by me anyway… but maybe.  I’m sorry.  Because maybe someday I would have believed you were the best thing I ever made.


     I am 30 years old.  And I have Cancer.  And a single surgery will cure me.  And for the first time in 10 years… I wonder if maybe I did want to give birth after all.  And maybe I’m not sure how to process that loss.  Maybe I’m not sure how to deal with losing that option.  Because maybe secretly I thought someday I’d change my mind.  And now I’ll never be able to.


I don’t know how to process all of this.  I don’t know how to handle it.  And I feel very, very alone.

You’re not alone. It can be confusing and you may have doubts about things, but your health is most important.

A lot of pressure is put on women to be a mother, and to have the experience of giving birth.  It will be something you won’t get to do and that sucks.

You may have ultimately decided to never have children, which somehow feels like a bigger decision than having children is. This way, you get an early opt out from periods. deciding against kids a valid decision and one I actually recommend more women do.

You can still be a mother without giving birth, millions of women are adopted mothers and stepmothers. You could still be a mother and it could be incredibly rewarding. We emphasize the nine months of pregnancy, but you can raise a child and have a profound bond of love.

The choice to enter motherhood is still an option. So many women become mothers without ever deciding to get pregnant. Actually this way, it won’t be accidental for you, so it will be a true decision instead of a situation to deal with after the fact.

Also, **HUG**

You have sisters out here.


Below you will find a variety of resources about gynecologic cancers (aka women’s cancers) that can provide more information for you or that special woman in your life. Pass it along!

American Cancer Society (ACS)

ACS provides families, friends, survivors, health information seekers, and health providers with easy to find and access information on cancer. ACS offers good general information on coping with cancer, getting support and other broad issue.

Telephone:1-800-ACS-2345 (1-800-227-2345)

Cancer information specialists are available 24 hours a day to answer your


ACS website: http://www.cancer.org  

Cancer Hope Network

Cancer Hope Network is a not-for-profit organization that provides free and confidential one-on-one support to cancer patients and their families. They provide support by matching cancer patients and/or family members with trained volunteers who have themselves undergone and recovered from a similar cancer experience. Through this matching process, they strive to provide support and hope, to help patients and family members look beyond their diagnosis, cope with treatment, and start living life to its fullest once again.

Telephone:1-877-HOPENET (1-877-467-3638)

Cancer Hope Network website: http://www.cancerhopenetwork.org 


Conversations! The International Ovarian Cancer Connection is an organization for the support of those fighting ovarian cancer and other related illnesses. It functions on the national and international level to increase public and professional awareness and understanding of ovarian cancer and related illnesses, to advocate for increased research and funding for more effective diagnostics and treatment, and to provide tips for coping with the side effects of ovarian cancer and its treatment. This is the only national or international ovarian cancer organization which can provide multiple matches for women seeking to contact other ovarian cancer fighters with similar circumstances, such as geographic region, unusual cell type or treatment, age or stage at diagnosis, side effects, family situations, etc.

Conversations! website: http://www.ovarian-news.org 

Gilda’s Club® Worldwide

Gilda’s Club® Worldwide works with communities to start and maintain local Gilda’s Clubs, which provide social and emotional support to cancer patients, their families, and friends. Gilda’s Club offers lectures, workshops, support and networking groups, special events, and children’s programs. Services are available in English and Spanish.

Telephone:1-888-GILDA-4-U (1-888-445-3248)

Gilda’s Club Worldwide website: http://www.gildasclub.org 

National Cancer Institute (NCI)

This is a cancer information service that provides answers to your questions about cancer, informational materials, and other resources. Other topics include: cancer statistics, clinical trials, research programs and funding.

Cancer Information Service (toll-free)

            Telephone: 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237)

U.S. Residents may call CIS toll-free. CIS information specialists answer calls in English or Spanish from 9:00 am to 4:30pm local time.

TTY (for deaf and hard of hearing callers): 1-800-332-8615

NCI’s website: http://www.cancer.gov 

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC)

The NOCC raises awareness about ovarian cancer and promotes education about this disease. They have a toll-free telephone number for information, referral, support, and education about ovarian cancer. They also offer support groups and educational materials.

Telephone:1-888-OVARIAN (1-888-682-7426)

NOCC website: http://www.ovarian.org 

The Wellness Community 

The Wellness Community is an international non-profit organization dedicated to providing free support, education and hope to people with cancer and their loved ones. Through participation in professionally led support groups, educational workshops, nutrition and exercise programs, and mind/body classes, people affected by cancer learn vital skills that enable them to regain control, reduce isolation, and restore hope regardless of the stage of their disease.

The Wellness Community website provides a wealth of information on gynecologic cancer, but in particular a wonderful educational site and web pamphlet titled “The Patient Active Guide to Living with Ovarian Cancer”.

Telephone:1-888-793-WELL (1-888-793-9355)

Wellness Community website: http://thewellnesscommunity.org 

Women’s Cancer Network (WCN)

The WCN is an interactive website dedicated to informing women around the world about gynecologic cancer. Their goal is to assist women who have developed cancer, as well as their families, to understand more about the disease, learn about treatment options, and gain access to new or experimental therapies.

WCN website: http://www.wcn.org 

Recommended Websites 

American Cancer Society:                            http://cancer.org 

Cancer Hope Network:                         http://www.cancerhopenetwork.org 

chemocare.com:                                             http://www.chemocare.com

Conversations!:                                       http://www.ovarian-news.org 

Gilda’s Club Worldwide:                            http://www.gildasclub.org

oncolink.com:                                               http://www.oncolink.org

Medline Plus:                                                http://www.medlineplus.gov

National Cancer Institute:                             http://www.cancer.gov

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition:    http://www.ovarian.org

The Wellness Community:                        http://www.thewellnesscommunity.org

Women’s Cancer Network:                        http://www.wcn.org 

Recommended Print Resources

Cervical Cancer

  •   “Cervical Cancer: What you can do to Protect Yourself” [National Cancer Institute]
  •   “What you Need to Know About Cervical Cancer” [National Cancer Institute]

Diet and Nutrition

  •  “Eating Hints: Before, During, and After Cancer Treatment” [National Cancer Institute]
  •  “Nutrition for the Person with Cancer during Treatment: A Guide for patients and families” [American Cancer Society]

Endometrial Cancer

  •   “Understanding Endometrial Cancer: A Woman’s Guide” [Gynecologic Cancer Foundation]


  •   “After Diagnosis: A Guide for Patients and Families” [American Cancer Society]
  •   “Implanted Ports: Patient information” [Bard Access Systems]
  •   “Understanding CA 125 Levels: A Guide for Ovarian Cancer Patients” [Gynecological Cancer Foundation]

Ovarian Cancer

  •   “Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome: A Patient’s Guide to risk assessment” [Myriad Genetic Laboratories]
  •   “Myths and Facts about Ovarian Cancer: What you need to know” [CMPMedica]
  •   “Ovarian Cancer Resource Guide for newly-diagnosed Women” [National Ovarian Cancer Coalition]
  •   “Ovarian Cancer Resource Guide for women with recurrent disease” [National Ovarian Cancer Coalition]
  •  “Ovarian Cancer: Treatment Guidelines for Patients” [American Cancer Society]
  •   “Understanding Tumor Markers in Ovarian Cancer” [Ortho Biotech]
  •   “What Everyone Should Know about Ovarian Cancer” [National Ovarian Cancer Coalition]
  •   “What You Need to Know about Ovarian Cancer” [National Cancer Institute]

Sexual Health

  •   “Facing Hysterectomy?” [da Vinci Surgery]
  •   “Sexuality for the Woman with Cancer” [American Cancer Society]


  •   “Chemo Companion Pocket Guide: Tips and Wisdom to Prepare for your Chemo Journey” [Jean Sprengel, Purposeful Press LLC, 2009]
  •   “Chemotherapy and You—Support for People with Cancer” [National Cancer Institute]
  •   “Radiation Therapy and You— Support for People with Cancer” [National Cancer Institute]
  •  “Understanding Chemotherapy: A Guide for Patients and Families” [American Cancer Society]

Adapted from: “You and Chemotherapy” by Gynecology/Oncology Department at RHLCCC, 2004; “Comprehensive Resource Catalogue” by Hannah Badal, 2010.


Trust that your health care provider knows everything there is to know about cancer, but in case they don’t, there’s an app for that. In June 2011, doctors at the Oncofertility Consortium of Northwestern University launched an iPhone app called iSaveFertility, which provides oncologists with a quick reference guide for preserving the fertility of those diagnosed with cancer. The app was created to help physicians become more aware of the risks of cancer treatment and options available to preserve a patient’s fertility as they undergo treatment. Unfortunately, many physicians do not include fertility in their discussion with newly diagnosed cancer patients, yet information on how and why cancer treatment impacts fertility is increasingly important as we learn more  about managing chronic disease. 

I download iSaveFertility (it’s free!) and have nothing but good things to say about the app. It is incredibly easy to use, with customizable information depending on the needs of the individual.

Keep reading

Unlocked is a video produced by Joss Whedon (of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) in support of Planned Parenthood. 

Why do Canada’s medical schools avoid the subject of abortion?Because there is no standardized curri

Why do Canada’s medical schools avoid the subject of abortion?

Because there is no standardized curriculum for any medical discipline, by the mid-2000s, only half of Canada’s 17 medical schools offered some discussion about first-trimester surgical-abortion techniques. A recent study published in the journal Contraception found that in a third of schools, abortion isn’t raised in mandatory lectures at all.

This is appalling.  Canadians seeking abortion deserve so much better. This is a procedure that a third of women under 45 have accessed.

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#KnowYourLemons because the patriarchy doesn’t allow breasts in public.

#KnowYourLemons because the patriarchy doesn’t allow breasts in public.

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The Routine:

I’m giving away this basic diet plan that many dietitians give out and many athletes, such as Michael Phelps, use. I really don’t care if you do it or not - I can’t make you work hard, and once you adjust it isn’t hard work.

Talk to your Doctor:

If you’re reading this then chances are that you already have concerns regarding your diet. Be sensible. Especially if you have a known injury or condition that might impair your ability to exercise or eat properly. 

The First Thing To Do:

Make sure that you are actually overweight. Females in particular tend to deem themselves overweight when they aren’t. Check your BMI. If you can’t read your BMI properly from a lack of know how, don’t Google it! This is something for you to ask your GP/Doctor/Nurse to check out. Keep in mind that nurses can only give advice and opinions. To my knowledge they aren’t qualified to give educated and fully informed advice to someone.

Step #1 - Moderation:

I can’t say anything more than moderation is the key to this diet. You need to limit how much you eat and how often you eat it. Not the things you eat. 

Ideally you should be eating 3 small meals a day and 3 snacks throughout the day. But I can’t tell you how much you  should eat. If you are around 95 kg then I would recommend about 15-20 grams of whatever you want for breakfast, to 30-40 grams of whatever you want for lunch and dinner.

You should be eating once every 2-3 hours. So if you wake up at 10AM you eat 15 grams of cereal and by 11AM, perhaps eat a snack (such as a banana) and by 1PM you should be eating 30 grams of lunch.

But it is all dependent on how much is actually best for you. You should figure out how much you eat and adjust it accordingly. 

Youcan have things like McDonalds every now and again. Once a week isn’t even horrible. You have to stick to eating 30-40 grams of whatever you want and instead of ordering fizzy drinks you order the light/zero equivalent of them. If you order juice instead; that is better. But people tend to go full-pelt into their diets too fast and then just crash.

Step #2 - Exercise:

Exercise is the Yang to moderation’s Yin. You need balance in life. 

The minimum anyone should really be exercising, in my opinion, is 4 times a week.

If your goal is weight loss you shouldn’t be hitting the weight bench. Lifting adds muscle, so just lifting weights is not ideal. Even if you mix in weight lifting with cardiovascular exercises such as running, it isn’t great because when you gain muscle it makes it difficult to determine how much weight you have actually lost.

I’d recommend you do four 30 minutes + (dependent on how fit you are) sessions of cardio a week. Running and swimming are both examples of cardio exercises. 

I, personally, prefer swimming. When you have good swimming technique swimming is generally much better for your body, can burn higher rates of calories when you swim for the same amount of time you run (although this is dependent on how good of a runner or swimmer you are) and it is generally better for your metabolic system.

Step #3 - Hobbies:

A hobby can be really beneficial to getting in shape. It makes exercise fun for those who don’t think it is. Hobbies don’t have to be serious, here is a list of hobbies that are fun and are labelled on how intense of a sport it is. (Keep in mind this is my opinion on the sport’s intensity - it might vary in your experience):

  • Longboarding/Skateboarding. (Light)
  • Archery (Light)

  • Tennis (Mild)
  • Badminton (Mild)
  • Surfing (Mild)
  • Kickboxing/Thai Boxing (Intense)
  • Judo (Intense)
  • American Football/Rugby (Intense)
  • Swimming (Light/Mild/Intense - Controllable)


Feel free to use this, or not to use it. I hope it helps!

© Ronda Rousey  Women and body perception - Keeping A Realistic Perception: Ronda Rousey sets a good

© Ronda Rousey 

Women and body perception


Keeping A Realistic Perception:

Ronda Rousey sets a good example body-wise. Keep in mind, if you are female (or male), that you cannot have her body. You are not her.

Everyone has their own frame and their own build. You should be staying within your own BMI (Body Mass Index) and not judging your fitness just by your weight. Being underweight or overweight is dependent on your BMI, and quite frankly; acting catty because someone is overweight (And much more recently, surprisingly, and aggressively abuse has occurred to the latter) or being underweight is wrong. Half the time they’re not even underweight or overweight, you just say they are because they don’t have Scarlette Johnasson’s body or whatever.

Keep this in mind (for the majority): you are never going to be a catwalk model. Those people do exist, regardless of what you get told. It’s not all smoke, mirrors, and Photoshop. There are tall and beautiful women and that is why they get chosen to model clothes on a catwalk. Some of them do eat too little and smoke so that they can do it. It’s not the best route, but again: it’s their body and they shouldn’t be subject to torment because of how they choose to live. It’s the same kind of persecution that has bred hatred between people because of their skin colour or sexual orientation. Others, however, just have the build and look for it naturally. They can’t help the way they look. No one has a means to modify their genetics before they’re born. They embraced it, just get over it.

To be honest; you shouldn’t care either. Are you so desperate that you need to be the apex female in terms of aesthetic? There are so many women out there, some look different and some look similar. No man (or woman) is attracted to just one type of female. There are people that aren’t attracted to women like Megan Fox, who has been rated the sexiest female alive multiple times.


Hurling abuse at someone isn’t the way to help them better their bodies. In fact; it is none of your business to tell them what to do with their body. It is theirs, to treat as they wish. 

“Real women have curves” - potential bullshit right there. So you’re saying women who don’t have the build or access to curves aren’t women? Not only that but all too often being overweight is now being defined as having curves. Being overweight supplies some very serious health risks. As does being underweight. If you’re overweight you’re not “cuddly”, yes some people find it attractive; but you’re still not cuddly. Additional, dangerous layers of fat aren’t “cuddly”. Bottom line, end of.

Common Health Risks In Obesity: 

  • Type 2 diabetes 
  • Heart disease
  • Breast and Colon Cancer (And other forms)
  • Strokes

Common Health Risks In Being Underweight:

  • Osteoporosis (Fragile Bone Disease)
  • Anemia (Lack of red blood cells, causing tiredness)
  • Low immune system which opens you up to illness.
  • (Women) - Interrupted periods, potentially causing a lack of fertility and difficulty in becoming pregnant.


Don’t like it? Don’t do it:

I’m not saying you have to keep your body healthy. It is just obviously the most wise and sensible option and path to take. Treating your body like a temple is more beneficial than treating it like a waste disposal unit. At the end of the day, it is your choice. But just don’t get bitchy about other people, men or women, because you think they look better than you. Maybe it’s in your head, but maybe it’s not.

There are people that will dislike you because of how you look and there will be those who are attracted to you because of how you look. Honestly though? I think you should be keeping your body healthy because it makes you more confident as a person, more outgoing and energetic, and makes you feel better – it’s sort of like taking in an extra dosage of Vitamin D when you are able to maintain a healthy body. 

For those overweight:

Pretty soon I’m going to release a free diet post on this Tumblr, and I will link it in this post too. 

Keep in mind that pretty much anyone can subscribe to this diet, but you’ll want to consult a doctor if you are unsure about anything that stands out to you before doing it first. And if he doesn’t think my idea of a good diet is sensible then maybe you’re best off following his advice. 

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