#ana blog


Hee hee this quarantine makes me wanna eat everything in the friccin cabinetttt, lovE thAT-

I think a lot of us take for granted the fact that water doesn’t have any calories

Im sorry.

I’m sorry I’m always tired.

I’m sorry I never smile.

I’m sorry I never leave my room.

I’m sorry I don’t take care of myself.

I’m sorry I never tell you what’s wrong.

I’m sorry I’m not strong enough to ask for help.

I’m sorry I’m so insecure.

I’m sorry I’m in love with you.

I’m sorry I never told you.

I’m sorry that even though you’re happy with her, I still want you.

I’m sorry I’m selfish… but I love you and I know I could treat you so much better than her.

I’m sorry I think she doesnt treat you like the queen you are, when she yells at you and hurts your heart, I would never hurt you like that.

Im so sorry…. that you don’t love me back.

Howdy lovelies! I found this challenge online to achieve the splits in 30 days! Aside from just wanting to stretch more and become flexible i thought it would be a fun thing to try.

If anyone would like to join me, here’s how the challenge works:

-for the firsr five days you will perform the first 5 stretches on the chart, each pose lasting about 30 seconds-1 minute. Make sure to repeat stretchs for BOTH legs

-after the first 5 days you will continue with the same stretches except everyday you will add a new stretch to your routine! This means on day 6 you will perform the first five stretches and add the #6 stretch to the routine! And on day seven you will perform the first 6 stretches and add #7 stretch, and so on.

-you continue adding a stretch every day until 30 days has passed! By then you should be able to do the splits.

-make sure you stretch EVERY day. You cannot miss a day. You should aim to stretch for about 10 minutes, i find the best time to do this is right before bed but you may do it any time you like.

I will keep you updated with ny progress! Probably not every single day, but every once and a while I’ll give a progress report. By the end of the 30 days I will give a review of the challenge and show my progress photos!

Disclaimer: I honestly have no clue if it works because I haven’t tried it before but even if you dont achieve the splits it will definitely improve your flexibility.

Anyways have an amazing day my flowers

Hello! My name is Rosie. I’ve been meaning to make this blog for quite some time but have been hesitant to reach out into this community. (soCiAl AnxIeTy SuCkS aSs) 

I hope to just be a safe garden for all you flowers, talk about feelings/emotions or maybe just post some recipes I’ve come up with. Honestly it will be a multitude of different things cause I can never make up my mind. 

I would like to say I am not pro in anyway and I do encourage recovery. I’d just like to be able to keep you company and be here to support you until you can make the decision to find help <3

Ugh when your taken to Golden Corral and spit and chew everything you eat. I was with my family and w my binge urges I felt disgusting but I had 450 calories and didn’t eat breakfast so ima try to eat 150 calories. It’s hard being on vacation when eating is part of the agenda. I wish I had more control at Golden Corral so that’s my fault. But I will not let this vacation make me fat.
