#ana blog


Its really sweet of her.. I just hate having to make up a new lie every time she asks and it gives me anxiety that she’s going to find out. 

what i WILL have by halloween

  • be 100 pounds
  • be vegetarian
  • be able to grab around thighs with no squeegeeing them
  • abs/toned stomach

i wanna go vegan/vegetarian, so can u guys comment some links or just recipes that r low cal thank u

i’m on vacation with my family, they eat so much and make me basically match what they eat. i fucking hate it i hate it. i fucking can’t deal with this shit. they make me eat breakfast even though i don’t like breakfast, they make me eat food i don’t like, they make me feel bad for eating and for not eating. i just wanna go home.

0 cal broth

(ok it’s probably like .5-1 calories but…)

ok so i get a bowl of hot water maybe ½-¾ a cup of water.

then get you some tajin (7 cals per tsp)- you don’t need too much, maybe like 1/8 tsp

then *i know most people don’t have this but they sell it for pretty cheap on walmart or online* jalapeño salt(0 cals) and really sprinkle that shit in there

it’s not too flavorful or anything but if you are fasting/ feeling like bingeing it is really good :)

you can also add garlic powder, hot sauce(make sure it’s zero cal) or other spices too.


ana tips

disclaimer: i am pro recovery. this is mainly for how to do this in a slightly healthier way.

also this info isn’t a set in stone fact it’s just what ive learned from my own experience. feel free to let me know if you have a different opinion or other ideas and i can revise it.

-walking burns almost as many calories as running. walking is the way to go

-iceberg lettuce is a great snack, high in fiber and very low in calories

-fidgeting during school or work can burn lots of calories too

-not everyone has the right bone structure for a thigh gap, even if you’re super skinny some people can never get it so don’t be too hard on yourself

-fat shaming is never ok. it’s super common on edtwt but don’t project your eating disorder into other people.

-melatonin boosts metabolism and helps you sleep (don’t use it abnormally, only to sleep, it can throw off your sleep schedule if used wrong)

-laxatives don’t help, they just destroy your stomach and losing water weight is a very temporary fix

-boosting metabolism is a good way to lose weight

-don’t fast more than 12 hours multiple times a week, it slows your metabolism

-WATER! it helps with energy, distraction, feeling full, and hydration

-keep your metabolism on its feet. if u eat 500 calories daily your body will get used to it and you don’t lose any weight

-48 hour fasts every few weeks help a lot.

-make sure you’re getting protein, it makes you lose weight. if anything avoid carbs

-chewing gum actually makes cravings stronger, if anything you want water

-diet sodas added sweetener slows your metabolism. drink not too often, once again WATER

-ice is a great thing to ‘binge’ on. it burns calories to eat, and keeps you from binging on other stuff

-remember that ana is a behavioral disorder, not a weight one. you’re not invalid just bc you’re not underweight

-don’t talk about it to anyone you know irl. find people going through the same thing online, people irl will force recovery. (comment for my number ill be your friend lol. it’s important to talk to people just not irl) edit: i specifically mean this for people who aren’t ready to recover. when i told my friends i was forced into recovery and i had to pretend i got better and didn’t get any support from them. ofc it could be different for you

-some other things not to say is how fat you are or how you want to lose weight or 'eat healthier’ it can be a red flag that you’re struggling

-when you do eat make sure it’s in front of people so they don’t suspect

-if purging, drink lots of fluids. that’ll make it come up easier and you aren’t as likely to rupture your esophagus

-throwing up after you eat is really bad for you. it doesn’t even get rid of the calories at most you’ll lose half of what you ate. it’s not worth it.

-you can have whatever you want. limiting yourself will lead to binging. have anything you want but in very small portions

-high restricting works best

-chlorophyll serums can help with hair loss

-stretching can make you look skinnier

-when you lose weight you lose muscle mass. it’s important to work out to gain it back. it won’t make you look bigger

-TAKE IRON SUPPLEMENTS and other vitamins (very important)

-binging is a symptom, it’s not you 'failing anorexia’. you’d have to eat 3500 additional calories (from your macros [~1800 per the average person] to gain any weight)

-weight fluctuation is normal and can be as much as a 5 pound difference through the day especially if you menstruate

-if you eat less than 500 calories for 3 days in a row your body will go into starvation mode and anything you eat after that will be stored directly as fat (for a limited time until your metabolism picks up again)

-green tea helps with metabolism

-eat things high in fiber (it’ll help you poop)

-alcohol is very high in calories but clear alcohols are significantly less

-track your daily calories in and calories burnt but also track you’re calorie deficit for the day (idk this helps me feel less like a failure lol)

-black coffee is gross lol, most creamers have less than 15 calories per thing, so that can make it more enjoyable plus it only takes like 100 steps to work it off

-you burn 1800+ calories a day by existing, plus any additional exercise you do

-ana and mia are not the only valid ed. bed and ednos, orthorexia, are also valid and a problem

-eating 1500+ calories in a day once a week boosts your metabolism and helps you get out of a plateau

-know your limits and work around them, don’t push them

-don’t keep lowering your ugw

-learn the difference between hungry and bored (you’re probably just bored)

-stand up slow so you don’t black out

-chewing longer takes more time so in 15 minutes when your body realizes it has food you’ll feel full without eating as much

-chewing also burns calories

-drinking water in between bites makes you full faster

-never eat alone, your more likely to binge or overeat

-pretending to eat food can trick your brain-like eating ice and pretending it’s a sandwich or pretending to eat a pancake that’s just air will make you full (temporarily)

-know your triggers for binging and avoid them

-judge yourself based in personal progress, not against others progress

-don’t complain about being hungry it’s a give away

-pretend you’re allergic to corn syrup. it’s in most unhealthy foods so it’ll make it so people won’t be concerned when u don’t eat and it’ll motivate you not to eat it around people or else they’ll know you lied

-get a toothpaste that tastes good and brush your teeth when you crave something sweet. it’ll make everything taste bad and you won’t want it

-try to get sleep, it increases metabolism and kills time during fasts

-to tell if your hungry or bored, pick a food you REALLY hate, and make sure u have it. then tell yourself that if you’re really hungry you’d eat it. then if u can that means you’re actually hungry

-create a plan, and STICK TO IT. it’ll happen sooner than you think if you set a reasonable plan and STICK TO IT

so happy that i got my apple watch, it’s been my best investment this year…

19 weeks til summer

i want to change, i need to change. i can’t keep fucking around. i have been 50kgs before and i will be 50kgs again, i just need to put in more effort.

UGH i’ve been restricting a lot but hit a plateau so i’m taking today and eating about 500-600 cal to give my metabolism a boost

so i ate a whole bowl or strawberries and some goldfish

i’ll probably eat more later but i already feel fatter :/

Tw: mention of Ed behaviours and restriction

Breakfast: 0 cals

Lunch: subway veggie delight 230

Supper: pita pit regular garden 439

Snack: I tried not to have a snack but I caved and I’m really upset with myself but toast 207 cals

I’m not doing super great rn so these probably won’t be everyday anymore sorry

I’m just a tad curious because I don’t see many people talking about it, but how do you feel about chew spit? (Chewing up the food but spitting it out instead of swallowing. Idk what its called thats just what I refer to it as)

Am I the only one who doesn’t burn off all their calories by exercising? I always see posts of people working out all the time and I know thats a symptom of anorexia nervosa, but where do you people find the energy? Im just so tired all the time, I have to force myself to go to the gym twice a week (well not right now cause of quarantine obviously) I dont have the energy to do anything anymore

Ya know for someone who despises food so much, it happens to be on my brain an awfully lot

Hee hee this quarantine makes me wanna eat everything in the friccin cabinetttt, lovE thAT-

I think a lot of us take for granted the fact that water doesn’t have any calories

Im sorry.

I’m sorry I’m always tired.

I’m sorry I never smile.

I’m sorry I never leave my room.

I’m sorry I don’t take care of myself.

I’m sorry I never tell you what’s wrong.

I’m sorry I’m not strong enough to ask for help.

I’m sorry I’m so insecure.

I’m sorry I’m in love with you.

I’m sorry I never told you.

I’m sorry that even though you’re happy with her, I still want you.

I’m sorry I’m selfish… but I love you and I know I could treat you so much better than her.

I’m sorry I think she doesnt treat you like the queen you are, when she yells at you and hurts your heart, I would never hurt you like that.

Im so sorry…. that you don’t love me back.

Howdy lovelies! I found this challenge online to achieve the splits in 30 days! Aside from just wanting to stretch more and become flexible i thought it would be a fun thing to try.

If anyone would like to join me, here’s how the challenge works:

-for the firsr five days you will perform the first 5 stretches on the chart, each pose lasting about 30 seconds-1 minute. Make sure to repeat stretchs for BOTH legs

-after the first 5 days you will continue with the same stretches except everyday you will add a new stretch to your routine! This means on day 6 you will perform the first five stretches and add the #6 stretch to the routine! And on day seven you will perform the first 6 stretches and add #7 stretch, and so on.

-you continue adding a stretch every day until 30 days has passed! By then you should be able to do the splits.

-make sure you stretch EVERY day. You cannot miss a day. You should aim to stretch for about 10 minutes, i find the best time to do this is right before bed but you may do it any time you like.

I will keep you updated with ny progress! Probably not every single day, but every once and a while I’ll give a progress report. By the end of the 30 days I will give a review of the challenge and show my progress photos!

Disclaimer: I honestly have no clue if it works because I haven’t tried it before but even if you dont achieve the splits it will definitely improve your flexibility.

Anyways have an amazing day my flowers

Hello! My name is Rosie. I’ve been meaning to make this blog for quite some time but have been hesitant to reach out into this community. (soCiAl AnxIeTy SuCkS aSs) 

I hope to just be a safe garden for all you flowers, talk about feelings/emotions or maybe just post some recipes I’ve come up with. Honestly it will be a multitude of different things cause I can never make up my mind. 

I would like to say I am not pro in anyway and I do encourage recovery. I’d just like to be able to keep you company and be here to support you until you can make the decision to find help <3

Ugh when your taken to Golden Corral and spit and chew everything you eat. I was with my family and w my binge urges I felt disgusting but I had 450 calories and didn’t eat breakfast so ima try to eat 150 calories. It’s hard being on vacation when eating is part of the agenda. I wish I had more control at Golden Corral so that’s my fault. But I will not let this vacation make me fat.
